Aslı İnsel 202017752: Listening1 FA20-21 Final Part 2: Features of Speech and Question

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Listening1 FA20-21 Final Part 2: Features of Speech and Question


Speech Color Vowel

FEMinism has been aROUND (red pepper)

for so MANy years (rose boat)
we still have a lot of ways to go (gray day)
and a lot of people to conVINCE (silver pin)
toDAY some MIDdle EASTern WOMen can't choose their PARTners (gray day)
or TRAVel withOUT a man (olive sock)
did you know (rose boat)
that there is a pay gap beTWEEN men (Black cat)
and WOMen (wooden hook)
WOMen are GETting paid less than men (Red pepper)
for the same aMOUNT of work (brown cow)
just beCAUSE they are WOMen (wooden hook)
toDAY we still need feminism (red pepper)
beCAUSE GENder INeQUALity is reAL (silver pin)
Listening1 FA20-21 Final Part 2: Features of Speech and Question


Speech Color Vowel

we should be THANKful (gray day)

for all the men (red pepper)
and WOMen (Wooden hook)
who left their traDİtional lives beHIND (white tie)
and fight (white tie)
for our rights (White tie)
now that's what we should do (green tea)
for FURTHER GENerations (red pepper)
it's much EASier for us (green tea)
since we have acCESS to the INternet (silver pin)
and conNECT PEOple EASier (green tea)
we should be voice of unHEARD PEOple (purple shirt)
and spread aWAREness (Gray day)
as much as we can (gray day)

1). What are some of the most important things that you have learned this semester
in Listening and Pronunciation 1?

Color wovel chart was really helpful and I really like the cornell note taking I am
definelty going to use that method in my education life.

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