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SULIT 1 1119/2

Section A
[15 marks]
[Time suggested : 25 minutes]
Question 1 to 8 are based on the given stimuli. Study the information carefully and choose
the best answer.

Do more to boost reading culture

The internet has stimulated the habit of reading. It has also made possible
the existence of electronic books (e-books) which provide an alternative to
printed materials. Some publications are available virtually for free and are easily
accessible. Although printed materials remain relevant, they still cost too much.
Hence to inculcate the reading habit, I suggest the banks provide financial
assistance to the public. Members of the public should then be encouraged to
purchase computers with internet access. This will encourage e-reading as
reading should not be limited to books.


Tasek Gelugor

1 Which of the following statements is true?

A E-books have replaced printed materials.
B Printed reading materials are expensive.
C Banks provide books for the public.
D Electronic publications are free.

Kraftangan Malaysia is holding the 11th “Warna Warni Aidilfitri”

from now until July 3rd from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. at the Kuala
Lumpur Craft Complex, Jalan Conlay. Among the activities are
craft exhibitions, kuih making demonstration, cooking and
sewing competition. For details, visit
Star Metro, 23 June 2019

2 Which of the statements below is the main content of the announcement?

A It’s open from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.
B The date will be from 23 June – 3 July
C Kraftangan Malaysia is organizing an event.
D Kuih making is the main attraction of the event.

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SULIT 2 1119/2

Do you laugh often? You may wonder what laughter has to do with
health but when it was said that laughter is the best medicine, the experts
of long ago knew what they were talking about!
Those who laugh often might not be healthier really, but they
certainly have a better attitude to problems and therefore have a better
time than those who worry and are grumpy.

3 The main point of the above extract is

A experts of long ago knew what they were talking about.
B a light attitude to life helps people to enjoy a better life.
C all those who laugh definitely have a better health.
D people who worry have a better time.

Good evening and Happy Malaysia Day to all beloved citizens of Malaysia.
With God’s grace, we are able to celebrate the 63rd anniversary of the
formation of Malaysia as citizens of independent, democratic, peaceful
and harmonious nation.
The tale of Malaysia’s journey is indeed colourful. From a low income
agricultural nation, we have now successfully emerged as a moderately
high income, modern industrial nation. Although the success attained is
monumental and very significant, it is not a reason for us to cease our
effort to become comfortable.

Prime Minister of Malaysia

4 The Prime Minister is asking Malaysia to

A remember the nation’s history.
B preserve the country’s independence.
C be satisfied with the nation’s success.
D take responsibility for the country’s future.

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Faces and Life of Bajau Laut

Amidst the crystal-clear water of Semporna, live a seafaring community known as Bajau
Laut or sometimes called Sea Gypsies.

This unique community is perhaps the last of the true marine nomads that live off the
sea of Semporna in Sabah. They were also found in neighbouring coastal areas of the
Philippines and Indonesia.

What’s interesting about the Bajau Laut community is the very basic lifestyle that they
have, living almost entirely on things and food they could find around them. They live on
tiny houses built on stilts, while some live on long wooden boats called LepaLepa. With
a diet that almost entirely comes from the seas, they are known to be skilful fishermen,
and great swimmers and divers, even children could swim well.

Adapted from News Sunday Times, 31 May


5 What is exceptional about the Bajau Laut community?

A They do not consume rice as their main staple food.
B They are the most skilful people in ASEAN countries
C They have unique houses on stilts in the sea
D They are the last remaining of sea nomads in Sabah

There are two ways our body gets cholesterol.

Firstly, our body produces cholesterol from our
liver. Our liver manufactures enough cholesterol
for our bodies’ needs. The cholesterol you get
from your food is in addition to what your body
makes. However, many of us eat more cholesterol
than what is needed by our body.

6 Why do you think we should not eat food that is high in cholesterol?
A The liver produces sufficient cholesterol.
B So that we can maintain consistency
C To show and prove our commitment
D To endeavour through a strict diet
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Twenty-six-year old Yun had a dream – to work with whales. So, she took
part in a competition at Polarland in Harbin, north-east China, to land a job
working with the theme park’s famous beluga whale, Mila.
As one of the seven finalists, Yun was required to dive as deep as possible
into a freezing tank with Mila – all without breathing equipment. She made it
close to the bottom, but at 4.5 metres she felt her legs cramp up due to the Arctic-
temperature water. She could no longer move and she was stuck. She thought she
was going to die.
That was when Mila, who had swum with many visitors over the years,
came to her aid. Mila swam towards Yun and nudged her towards the surface. She
was indeed the ‘hero’ of the day!

7 Why did the whale, Mila, come to Yun’s rescue?

A She was aware of Yun’s situation.
B She realised Yun had dived too deep.
C She sensed a drop in the water temperature.
D She had experience of such emergency.

Baby Survives Colombia Landslide

Colombians are celebrating the rescue of an 11-month-old baby who survived a
huge landslide that killed at least 78 people, including the child’s mother and 11
other relatives. Joseph Diaz was found buried face down in the mud on Monday,
more than 2 km from where he had been sleeping when a flash flood swept away
dozens of homes in Salgar. The baby suffered multiple abrasions and light bruises
as well as a broken rib but otherwise recovering well.

8 From the extract, which statement is correct?

A The baby suffered from multiple broken ribs
B Most of the baby’s relatives survived
C The baby was found lying face down
D The landslide occurred in Salgar

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SULIT 5 1119/2

Questions 9 to 15 are based on the following passage. Choose the best answer to fill in each
Life is not easy when you are terrified of electricity, as one woman called Donna
knows all too well. If she gets ___9___ a light switch or a thunderstorm, the 43-year-old
writer becomes so terrified that she can think of nothing but fleeing.
The ___10___ for Donna’s extreme condition is electro-phobia, or the morbid fear of
electricity. The list of phobias is growing every day is now ___11___ online at, where more 500 human fears are listed alphabetically. Some may be
harmless but other fears,___12___ acrophobia (the fear heights), can be extremely dangerous.
Most people deal with phobias as the situation occurs. I have heard one student who
stapled together two pages of textbook to ___13___ flipping it open at a page with a photo of
snake. There was also a teacher who was so terrified of cats that she would ask her daughter
to look carefully around an unfamiliar store for any cats and give the all-clear ___14___ she
agreed to enter.
Such tactics are usually temporary at best. ___15___ to science, treatment for most
phobias is now available. What matters is that you have a plan to deal with your phobia.

9 A towards 13 A manage
B past B avoid
C near C check
D with D stop

10 A idea 14 A after
B term B when
C mark C while
D concept D before

11 A find 15 A Thank
B finds B Thanks
C found C Thanked
D finding D Thankful

12 A except
B from
C like
D as

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Section B
[10 marks]
[Time suggested : 25 minutes]
Questions 16 to 25
Read the following pamphlet and answer the questions below.
Symptoms Accompanied by Probably Doctor?
 Dry  Runny nose Common Visit your doctor if
cough  Itchy throat cold symptoms persist for
 Rattling  Body aches more than ten days.
mucus  Sluggishness
 Some fever
 Dry  Wheezing Asthma Seek emergency care
coughs at  Difficulty in if having trouble
night breathing, breathing.
worsening with
 No fever
 Wet  Shortness of Pneumonia See a doctor
cough breath immediately.
 Green or  Chest pain
yellow  Headache
mucus  Fever lasts more
than 3 days
 Wet  Lethargy Bronchitis See a doctor
cough  Chest discomfort immediately.
 Clear,  Cough up blood
white or  Trouble
yellowis breathing
h phlegm  Fever
 Dry and  Chills Influenza Wait it out unless
hoarse  Headaches child has asthma, heart
cough  Fatigue condition or
 Nasal congestion suppressed immune
 Fever system.

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Questions 16 to 20
Using the information from the pamphlet given, identify what illness the following people are
suffering from.
Description Illness
16 Ai Ling has fever, feels tired and coughs up blood.

17 Benjamin often coughs at night and wheezes

when he strains himself.
18 Puan Salmi suffers from slight fever, has
runny nose and an itchy throat.
19 Mr. Narendran has been suffering from
headaches, nasal congestion and fatigue.
20 Melissa has been having fever for three days
and experiences chest pains and shortness of breath.

Questions 21 to 25
Using the information from the pamphlet, complete the email below.
Use no more than three words for each blank.
Subject Go see a doctor!
Hi there,
How are you? Mum is worried that you have not been feeling well for over a week! She
said you have refused to see a doctor.
What’s going on actually? Are you having 21 _______________________, especially
at night? This might be a symptom for asthma. It is often accompanied by wheezing and
22 _______________________. You need to seek emergency care immediately if you are
unable to breathe properly. However, if you have fever, chills, headaches, fatigue and nasal
congestion, it might be 23 _____________________. Dry cough and rattling mucus could
also be 24 ______________________ for common cold. You could be having runny nose
and feeling sluggish.
I think it is better that you 25 ________________________ immediately. He’ll be able
to diagnose the cause to your failing health. Please do take care of yourself.

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SULIT 8 1119/2

Section C
[25 marks]
[Time suggested : 50 minutes]

Questions 26 to 31 are based on the following passage.

1 November and December are always wet in the east coast of peninsular Malaysia. But
this time the clouds outdid themselves, soaking the town of Kota Bahru with twice the usual
rainfall. So when the sun at last shone in early January, Bakhtiar and Kamariah’s three older
children ran outside to play with their friends. Inside, Kamariah, 30, nursed their youngest,
four-month-old baby, while her mom and great aunt sat on the couch. Suddenly Kamariah 5
heard a sound: like the roar of a jet. She rushed outside in time to see a tsunami of churning
mud, sand and debris thundering down the hill towards them. She gathered everyone into
the bedroom farthest from the falling hillside, where they huddled and waited, praying for
the best.

2 Bakhtiar, a 37-year-old farmer, and his father-in-law were working on their orchard when 10
they got a hysterical call from Kamariah. The mountain had fallen, she cried. Houses had
been swept away. He got the gist, landslide. The men got into their pick-up and sped back

3 But traffic on the road home had come to a halt. Both sides of the road were covered with
a thick stew of mud, snapped trees, and chunks of what used to be homes. A roof sat in the 15
middle of what had been the road. Bakhtiar jumped out of the truck and ran along the road.
A police officer shouted for him to stop. “If you want to stop me, you’ll have to shoot me,”
Bakhtiar hollered as he kept going. Almost immediately, the mud came up to his knees.

4 While he was stepping over logs and pieces of wood, he heard a woman scream for help.
He followed the sound through the mud that was now waist-high. Soon he had to belly crawl 20
over the shattered remnants of houses to reach the source of the cries. God had given
Bakhtiar an opportunity to put to practice all the essential survival skills he had learned that
can get him through any emergency. At first, all he could see was an arm reaching up
through the debris. He pulled away some smaller branches and a sofa cushion, and there she
was, a dark-haired young woman buried under pieces of walls, furniture and trees. Her head 25
was bloody and gashed. And she was holding a baby boy. The baby was not looking good,
and the mother said she could not feel her own legs. Bakhtiar kept her talking while he
pulled away the wood, metal, and furniture springs trapping the mother and her child.

5 At last, he was able to free the baby. By this time, other helpers had made it to the site.
Pulling off his sweatshirt, Bakhtiar turned it inside out and wrapped the baby inside. He 30
handed him to one of the rescuers and went back to digging out the mother. With others now
taking the lead on freeing the woman, Bahktiar moved on. He was still a kilometre away
from home.
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6 Wading again through a landscape turned upside down, Bakhtiar saw two houses that had
collapsed. He heard a moan coming from the ruins. Bakhtiar managed to slowly wriggle his 35
way out of the mud and continued towards the wrecked structure. He found an older man in
the rubble, buried in house debris and tree limbs. He was at least twice Bakhtiar’s weight
and was solidly wedged. Bakhtiar had to wait for more help.

7 Hearing helicopter rotors above, Bakhtiar climbed up on the roof, met a member of the
search-and-rescue team, and led him to the wedged-in man. Once the rest of the helicopter 40
crew arrived, it was time for Bakhtiar to find his family.

8 An hour later, Bakhtiar finally reached home. It was flooded, but the mud had stopped
just shy of the house. Kamariah and the others were not in the house. He checked the cars
and houses nearby for survivors, then walked back towards the village road and hitched a
ride to the search-and-rescue team’s operation centre. 45

9 Not long after he arrived, the farmer saw his truck coming down the road. Kamariah
pulled over, leaped out, and ran to him. He folded her into his arms and hugged her close.
Softly, he spoke, “Let’s go home, Kamariah. I’ve seen too much. Take me home.”

26 From paragraph 1,
(a)“the clouds outdid themselves” (line 2). In what way did the clouds outdo themselves?

………...…………………………………………………………………………[1 mark]

(b) what did Kamariah do to ensure the safety of her family?

……………………………………………………………………………………..[1 mark]

27 (a) From paragraph 2, Bakhtiar received a call from Kamariah. What does his reaction to
the call tell us about Bakhtiar?

…………………………………………………………………………………… [1

(b) From paragraph 3, why do you think the police officer shouted for Bakhtiar to stop?

………………………………………………………………………………… [1

28 (a) Which word in paragraph 4 means ‘remains’?

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…………………………………………………………………………………[1 mark]

(b) From paragraph 5, why do you think Bakhtiar turned his sweatshirt inside out before
wrapping the baby in it?

………………………………………………………………………………… [1

29 (a) From paragraph 8, give a reason why Bakhtiar would be relieved when he reached his

………………………………………………………………………………… [1

(b) From paragraph 9, give a piece of evidence that shows Kamariah was happy to see her

…………………………………………………………………………………[1 mark]

30 Imagine you are a volunteer at the disaster relief centre. Besides looking for survivors
Bakhtiar did), what other two things could you do to help those affected by the


i. …………………………………………………………………………………………

………………………………………………………………………………...[1 mark]

ii. …………………………………………………………………………………………

………………………………………………………………………………...[1 mark]

31 Bakhtiar managed to save a few victims of the landslide while he was racing back to
on his family. Write a summary on:

 what he did to save the victims, and

 the problems he faced

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Credit will be given for use of own words, but care must be taken not to change the

Your summary must:

 be in continuous writing form (not note form)
 use materials from line 19 to line 41
 not be longer than 130 words, including the 10 words given below.

Begin your summary as follows:

Bakhtiar followed the sound of the woman screaming for help….

[15 marks]
















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Section D
[20 marks]
[Time suggested : 35 minutes]

32 Read the poem below and answer the questions that follow.

A Poison Tree
I was angry with my friend:
I told my wrath, my wrath did end.
I was angry with my foe:
I told it not, my wrath did grow.

And I watered it in fears,

Night and morning with my tears;
And I sunned it with smiles,
And with soft deceitful wiles.

And it grew both day and night,

Till it bore an apple bright;
And my foe beheld it shine,
And he knew that it was mine,

And into my garden stole

When the night had veiled the pole:
In the morning glad I see
My foe outstretched beneath the tree.

William Blake

(a) Which phrase in stanza 1 has the same meaning as ‘kept his anger to himself’?

......................................................................................................................................................[1 mark]
(b) In stanza 2, what did the persona do to ensure that the tree grow healthily?

......................................................................................................................................................[1 mark]
(c) ‘In the morning glad I see,
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My foe outstretched beneath the tree.’

In your opinion, how did the persona feel that morning?

......................................................................................................................................................[1 mark]

(d) Do you agree with the persona’s feeling? Give reason for your answer.

Opinion :.......................................................................................................................................[1 mark]

Reason :........................................................................................................................................[1
[5 marks]

33 The following are the novels studied in the literature component in English Language.

Dear Mr. Kilmer - Anne Schraff

Captain Nobody - Dean Pitchford
Sing To The Dawn - Minfong Ho

Choose any one of the novels above and answer the question below.

Based on the novel that you have studied, what do you like or dislike about the plot?
Support your answer with close reference to the text.
[15 marks]












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SULIT 15 1119/2


























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SULIT 16 1119/2








Blacken only one space for each question. If you wish to change your answer, erase the
blackened mark that you have made. Then blacken the space for the new answer.

1 9 A B C D

2 A B C D
10 A B C D

3 A B C D 11 A B C D

4 A B C D
12 A B C D

5 A B C D 13 A B C D

6 A B C D
14 A B C D

7 15

For examiner’s use
Section Marks

A 15
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B 10

C 25

D 20

Total 70




TINGKATAN 5 1119/2
Kertas 2



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Section A

1 B 4 D 7 A 1 B 1 B
0 3
2 C 5 D 8 D 1 C 1 D
1 4
3 B 6 A 9 C 1 C 1 B
2 5

Section B

1 Bronchitis
1 Asthma
1 Common cold
1 Influenza
2 Pneumonia
2 dry cough
2 difficulty in breathing

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2 influenza
2 symptoms
2 see a doctor / visit your doctor

Section C

2 (a) The clouds soaked the town of Kota Bahru with twice the usual rainfall.
6 (b) She gathered everyone into the bedroom farthest from the falling hillside.
2 (a) (Accept any suitable answer) Example: He was worried about his family.
7 (b) (Accept any suitable answer) Example: It was dangerous for him to go on.
2 (a) ‘remnants’
8 (b) (Accept any suitable answer) Example: It was dirty because of the mud and debris.
2 (a) The mud had stopped just shy of the house.
9 (b) Kamariah pulled over, leapt out and ran to him (Bakhtiar).
3 (Accept any suitable answer.) – as long as they are related to work done at the
0 disaster relief centre.
i. I could distribute water and food to the victims at the relief centre.
ii. I could clean and treat minor injuries that they are suffering from.
iii. I could distribute dry and clean clothes and blankets to the victims.

C1 Bakhtiar followed the sound through the waist-high mud

C2 he belly crawled over the debris to reach the woman
C3 he pulled away the debris to uncover the woman
C4 Bakhtiar kept talking to her while he pulled away debris trapping the mother and
her child
C5 Bakhtiar pulled off his sweatshirt and turned it inside out to wrap the baby inside
C6 he handed him to the rescuers and continued digging out the mother
C7 as Bakhtiar moved on, he heard a moan coming from collapsed houses
C8 he managed to wriggle his way out of the mud and headed to the houses
C9 he found an older man in the rubble in house debris and tree limbs
C10 he was at least twice Bakhtiar’s weight and was solidly wedged
C11 Bakhtiar had to wait for more help

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C12 Hearing helicopter rotors above, Bakhtiar climbed up on the roof and met a
C13 Bakhtiar led him to the wedged-in man

Marks for Style and Presentation are awarded based on the average sum total (to the
nearest rounded fraction/decimal) of Paraphrase and Use of English. Annotate as
Paraphrase = 5
Use of English = +4
9 ÷ 2 = 4.5 = 5 marks

Content = 10
Language = +5
15 marks

Section D

3 a) I told it not
2 b) watered it in fears / sunned it with smiles
c) Glad / Happy / Satistied
d) i . Yes / No
ii. (Accept any suitable answer)
3 (Accept any suitable answer)

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