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Name: Low Jia Chian ID No: 18ABD03191


SEMESTER 2, 2018/2019



Personal identity Value in lessons Morality of topic Academic

learnt professionalism

Name: Low Jia Chian ID No: 18ABD03191

Name : Low Jia Chian

Position : Sponsorship Group Committee

Activities : 2018 Charity Carnival

Date : 27 December 2018

Time : 9.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. (2018 Charity Carnival)

6.30 p.m. to 8.30 p.m. (Dance for Charity)


Name: Low Jia Chian ID No: 18ABD03191

I am Low Jia Chian from DBU 1 Year 1 Semester 2. In this semester, I have a
course that called MPU – 2312 Civic Consciousness and Volunteerism. In this course,
we need to organise a charity event to donate money for Medical Relief Society
Malaysia (MERCY Malaysia). MERCY is a non-profit organisation that help the
victim of natural disaster such as floods, earthquakes, tsunamis and so on. Therefore,
the profit earned from the event will donate fully to MERCY Malaysia. In the charity
project, Ling Jian Sen is our group Leader of this charity project. Besides, we also
have secretary and treasurer in the project. Our class (DBU) who has 25 persons are
decided to divide into 5 group. The 5 group are sponsorship, planning and decoration,
publicity, dance and photographer. I am the committee of sponsorship group. During
week 2 to week 11 of this semester, Sponsorship’s duty and responsibility is find
sponsorship for this event. The theme of the charity project is “TOGETHER WE
MAKE A DIFFERENCE”. The date of charity event held at Thursday of week 11 (27
December 2018). In this charity project, we had organised 2 activities during 27
December. There are 2018 Charity Carnival and Dance for Charity.
In 27 December 2018, the 2018 Charity Carnival was started from 9:30 a.m.
to 12:30 p.m. while the Dance for Charity started from 6:30p.m. to 8:30p.m. The
venue of 2018 Charity Carnival is corridor Block H in TARUC Perak Branch Campus
while the Dance for Charity held at DSA Hall. The price sold of artificial flower and
the ticket of Dance for Charity are RM10 while the price of t-shirt is RM20. Besides,
the price of station games once is RM3. In the 2018 Charity Carnival, our class
decided to sell artificial flowers. Our artificial flower was pre-order and sell on the
day of event. Moreover, we also provide delivery service for customers. On the other
hand, our class had performances in the Dance for Charity. In this project, the duty of
our group was find sponsor for the event such as prize of station games, materials and
cash or cheque which donate to MERCY during week 2 until week 11. First, we had
planned to find the sponsor target. Then, we had tried to communicate with the
sponsor of our target. In addition, we also had found sponsor from our family,
relatives and friends to sponsor out event. Furthermore, we had designed the t-shirt
and the ticket of Dance for Charity.
Besides find sponsor, we also help another group such as publicity group and
planning and decoration group. We help publicity group to design the flyers and
poster for this event. In this project, besides find sponsors, I also had help publicity
committee to make the flyers and promote the artificial flower and station games class
by class before the event day. It can help to attract people come to support our event.
In addition, treasure, 5 committees from planning and decoration group and publicity
group and I were made the artificial flower before the event. We had pruned,
decorated and packaged the artificial flowers. Furthermore, I also had helped the
planning and decoration group to make the softboard used when the day of the event.

Name: Low Jia Chian ID No: 18ABD03191

Reflections on the charit project :

What was achieved?
In the charity project, our class had achieved many things from week 2 until
week 11. First, the t-shirt designed by our class was selected as t-shirt of the charity
project. Besides, we had achieved that sold 20 t-shirts to non-MPU students. Although
the ticket designed by our class was not selected as ticket of Dance for Charity, we
had achieved to sold all 20 tickets of Dance for Charity. Moreover, we also had a
good result which had sold 92 boxes of artificial flower for pre-order before the day
of charity event. It was proved that the promote class by class and poster paste on the
wall of corridor form publicity group were success. Furthermore, our sponsorship
group had achieved that find many sponsors whatever is cash or materials and prizes
for the event. Our sponsorship group had found RM475 cash to donate to MERCY
Malaysia. Besides cash, we also had got fully sponsor of artificial flowers and got
sponsor the materials used for the artificial flower such as boxes and cards. Besides
artificial flower, the tools and prizes needed for our station games such as plastics
cups and 2 cartons of 100 plus had sponsor that found by sponsorship committee. On
the day of the charity event, the activities were going successfully without any
accident and failure. For example, the artificial flower can make on time and the
station games are successfully going without any complaint. We also achieved that
sold out all the artificial flower which is 115 boxes and deliver all the pre-order of
artificial flower which need delivery service on 27 December 2018. Besides, our
stations games also had achieved that earned RM30 on the day of the charity event. In
addition, our dance committee also achieved the performance successfully on the
night of 27 December 2018. Through these activities, our class had earned
RM1261.60 at this charity project. After finished the event, we also had a talk who
given by MERCY. Our class gave a bouquet of artificial flower as a souvenir to
What did not work?
Although we achieved many things at the charity event, we also had some
things that not successful. Before the day of the charity event, our class had planning
the station games. After we presented to our Civic lecturer (Miss Rohayu), we found
out that a game of our station games was crash with another class’s games. Therefore,
we need to plan again and present it again. After approved the station games, we also
face some problem about the station games. The problem is the prize of station games
(100 plus) was not attractive when compare with another classes’ prize. Therefore,
our class’s station games were normal result when compare with another classes.
Moreover, the ticket designed by our class was not selected as ticket of Dance for

Name: Low Jia Chian ID No: 18ABD03191

Realisation about the issue related to the charity project :

After organise this charity event, I realise some lessons from prepare and
plan, going, and finish the charity event. The first realisation about the issue related to
the charity project is teamwork. Through this charity event, I know that if we work
together, we can achieve the work and success solve all the problem although they are
difficult and hard. For example, our class work together to going successfully the
charity event although the charity project are difficult and hard. Although we don’t
have any experience that organise an event, but we work together. Finally, we success
organise and achieve the target of profit earned given by Civic lecturer (Miss
The second realisation about the issue related to the charity project is to be
caring. It is because someone maybe has face problem on medical each day.
Therefore, the purpose of run this charity project is the money earned from the event
will fully donate to MERCY Malaysia. From the charity project, I learn that we must
more caring to another people whatever family, relatives, friends or passangers.
Although we are safe and healthy now, but it not represent the people in whole world
are safe and healthy. Therefore, we must help the person who has face problem
although our power is small.
Moreover, the third realisation about the issue related to the charity project is
communication with other people. It is important because the conflict will occur when
the communication skill is not good or fail comminicate with other people. After the
charity project, I learn the communicate skill with other people. It is because
communication is very important for sponsorship committee. When we communicate
with our sponsor, we need to polite to them. As a result, I learn the communication
skill with other people.
Furthermore, the fourth realisation about the issue related to the charity
project is believe our potential. Through this charity project, I learn that believe
myself I can do it although it is difficult. For example, I don’t has any experience to
purn, decorate and wrap a bouquet of artificial flower. Although I think it is difficult, I
also try to believe my potential to make the artificial flower that sold at the day of
2018 Charity Carnival. Therefore, I learn I must believe myself and potential is
unlimited after this charity project.
In addition, the fifth realisation about the issue related to the charity project is
responsible. In the charity project, everyone has own responsibility while I am
committee of sponsorship group. My responsibility is find the sponsor to support us
event whatever cash or materials. Through this charity project, I learn that I must

Name: Low Jia Chian ID No: 18ABD03191

responsible to our work. If we are not responsible to our job or work, our event maybe
fail to run. Therefore, responsible is very important for us.

Name: Low Jia Chian ID No: 18ABD03191

Sponsorship committee and

planning and decoration
committee discuss with Miss

I help the publicity committee to I help publicity committees to

make the flyers. promote in the corridor of Block H
before the charity event.

Miss Rohayu discuss the poster with Sponsorship Leader (Candy) and I
our class. present about our sponsor target.

Name: Low Jia Chian ID No: 18ABD03191

We discuss details about charity

event in study room.

Name: Low Jia Chian ID No: 18ABD03191

I help planning and decoration I and some committee make the

group to make the softboard. boxes.

I am
pruning the

Sponsorship group committee

and I make a report about
progress of sponsorship to Miss

I help the publicity committee to

promote the charity event class by class.

I am

Name: Low Jia Chian ID No: 18ABD03191

Name: Low Jia Chian ID No: 18ABD03191

I help planning and decoration

committee to paste the softboard. I am checking the pre-order list and
the artificial flower.

I am discussing about the delivery

artificial flower with committee.

I deliver the artificial flower to the


Our class is
welcome to

Our class representative

We have a talk about MERCY Malaysia in gave a bouquet of artificial
CDK. flower to MERCY.

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