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18 Like Comment Share Reading ‘A. Think about social media that you use. Which ofthese adjectives would you use to describe them? Why? B Read the articles below. What relationship do the two people have with modern technology? Twitter Criticism Literary criticism used to be the work of qualified and learned literary critics and confined to serious newspapers and magazines. In today’s world, however, thanks to social media such as Twitter, we can all air our views on books, films and concerts that we've loved or hated. So, what did Joe Simpson, writer of Touching the Void do when his treacherous mountains. was left with no choice but to sever the rope that joined them, Joe was forced to crawl ba broken leg to safety While Simpson's After is climbing partner down the mountain with a ~ Word Focus —, Use a dictionary to find definitions and / or synonyms forthe words below from the text 1 leaned 4 sever. 2 grueling 5 scroll 3 treacherous ck book came in for heavy criticism by followers on Twitter? He tweeted right back, of course! ‘When the mountaineer set out to write the book about his near-death ‘experience in the Peruvian Andes in South America, he could never have imagined what reaction his writing ‘would provoke among young readers. Touching the Void is a gruelling tale of how the acclaimed ‘mountaineer broke his leg on the descent of Siula Grande in the mountaineering and survival skills are second to none, his written account of hs ordeal failed to impress many readers. The book, which has been used in GSCE and English language ‘exams, is not at all popular with young examinees it seems. Many adolescents took to Twitter as a ‘means of protest. One angry tweet to Simpson screeched, ‘YOUR BOOK IS THE REASON MY ENTIRE YEAR WILL FAIL OUR ENGLISH EXAM! while a bitter learner of English as foreign language claimed, failed because of you.’ Simpson, refusing to take the comment personally simply tweeted back to the young follower saying that he failed because his English wasn't up to scratch, While some celebrities would be taken aback by the tone of some of the comments, Simpson sees the funny side of itall. He said that it was quite comical to have cheated death in the ‘Andes and then to receive such tweets from a bunch of spotty teenagers who ‘can't even pass their exams. Anber Case - Cyborg Anthropologist Every day, millons of people all over the globe spend hours on end staring a a screen, clicking, scrolling and reading. Amber Case wonders how much they, and the world, are changing in the process. She isa cyborg anthropologist, exploring how humans and technology interact. In an age when virtually everyone uses mobile phones and computers to communicate, work, learn and play, the entire world is her feld sta ‘What will the next lfe-shaping do parents respond to children who spend hours online? Which new products will fail or succeed? Is technology changing our values. and cultures? ‘These are the kinds of questions my work tries to help answer,’ says Case. ‘As an anthropologist, Case studies the relationship between people and technology. She claims that mobile phones have become like miniature children. 'f they ery, we pick them up; we plug them into the wall and feed them; when they're lost, we panic. Some people even say their state of mind is linked to how fast their Internet connection is—ifit’s slow, they feel groggy’ Some people fear that technology will make us operate like machines and distance us from other human, beings. Case has another opinion. She believes, that instead of pushing people apart, good technology helps people to connect with each other. Thanks to the Intemet, we can now keep in contact with each 4) otherand share our videos, photos 9 and stories ina way we couldn't in cy the past. : Oe a C._ Read the Exam Close-up. Then complete the Exam Task. Remember to choose the correct answer according to what the text says and NOT your own opinion. Choosing the correct option + Read the text quickly fst to get a general idea of the topic. ‘Try and identify people's relationship to the topic Read the question and options carefully and underline parts of the text which may fit the options. Be careful net to make quick decisions fr choose options that reflect your ‘own ideas on the topic. Exam Task think fits best according to the text. 1. According to the article, Joe Simpson is unrivalled as a awrter. b aliterary critic. © amountaineer. dacelebrity. What effect have the tweets had on Simpson? They have deeply traumatised him. They have slightly amused him, They have made him extremely angry. They have impressed him. b 4 4 ance b 4 D Complete the sentences with these words. For questions 1 ~ 4, choose the answer a, b, cor d which you » 3 * = & FS Q p CS $ O ‘3 Why has the writer of the second text lsted several questions together at the beginning of paragraph 2? to point out that nobody really knows the effects of technology to express his or her fear about how widespread technology has become to help us understand what cyborg anthropologists are interested in finding out about ‘to make us consider how we use technology in our everyday lives What does Amber Case say about users of mobile phones? ‘They treat them as if they were human, ‘They become very slow when they use them, ‘They pay more attention to them than to their children, ‘They keep losing them. 11 Many people air their their facebook wall. ‘The Twitter comment provoked a strong ‘among the celebrity’ 2 My computer skills aren't up to '30 I'm signing up for a oO Q fat We didn’t expect the new application to come in for id eee eee If you don't pay your mobile phone bill, we'll have no ee eee betel lot, Emails a great way to keep in with family and friends abroad. How much time do you spend on social media everyday? ‘Would you like to spend more or less time on it? Why? Do you think social media has invaded people's lives too ‘much? Why? / Why not? Should famous people always use social media to help with their career? Why? / Why not? 0 2 Like Comment Share For questions 1 ~ 9, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of some of the lines to form ‘a word that fits in the gap in the same line. Going phishing Phishing is similar to fishing in a boat, but instead of ‘tying to catch fish, phishers attempt to steal a information from unsuspecting Internet 2) This is how phishing works: these (3)__ send out emails that appear to come from legitimate websites such as eBay or PayPal. The emails state that you need to update or (4) your information, andl ask that you enter your 6) and password, after clicking a link © in the email. Once you do that, the phisher may be able to gain a to more information by just logging in ‘to your account. Once a phisher has information such as your full name, address, phone number and tax fle number, they can use it to steal your (8) and apply for loans and credit cards in your name. If they get your credit card numbers, they can max out your cards ‘So how can you protect yourself? Check the URL in the address field. It can tell you ifthe page you have been (9) ___ to is valid or not. For example, if YyoU are visiting a web page on Amazon, the last part ‘of the domain name should end with ‘ Therefore, ‘’ isa valid web address, but ‘http://www amazon validate-info.comis a false address, which may be used by phishers. = Vocabulary is Gil he neo. . Ss 2 cise defend Blast slam ‘Bonee2a 3 awd inte’ rete——commaicte Ste 4 mors vals ideals —_—burdons yueoes| 5 ofend bother est provoke “eae Read the Exam Close-up and complete the Exam Task below. Exam Task = — Exam up Choosing the right part of speech * Read through the text quickly to get a general idea of the meaning, a PERSON * Look carefully at the gap and decide USE what part of speech could fit scam * Read the whole sentence carefully and check the context. + Remember, sometimes the word may VAUD need a negative prefix or suffix, USER INCLUDE ACCESSIBLE IDENTIFY DIRECTLY

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