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Nathaniel T.

Miguel 12-Bukaneg Arts & Design


What I Know

Directions: Below are art forms and practices in the Philippines. Identify the place of origin (group
of islands) of each art form or practice. Write A if it is from Luzon, B if it is from the Visayas, C if it is
from Mindanao, or D if it is a nationwide art form or practice.

1. Moriones Festival
2. T’nalak
3. Binakol
4. Duayya, Dallot, Dung-aw
5. Semana Santa
6. Dayaw Festival
7. Ati-atihan
8. Sinulog Festival
9. Pis Syabit
10. Casque Making (Tabungaw)

Direction: Make a reaction on the following statements:

1. “Art imitates life,” the art connoisseurs say. And through the years, artists from every
generation have interpreted the Filipino life through art. Since the time of the datus up to the
turbulent years of the Martial Law in the ’70s, numerous oil paints, wood, iron, fibre, and many
more were brushed, etched, weaved, and sculpted to depict the current socio-political events,
Filipino lifestyle and religious practices. These media were not only interpretations of history but
witnesses of it. (Philippine Tatler)

2. As the Philippines became more westernized towards the latter part of the 19th century
because of exposure to European liberal and secular ideas, particularly in the urban centers, these
contexts were replaced by their exact opposite. Artistic creation becomes highly specialistic,
separate from everyday life, an assertion of the individual ego, and driven by commercial success.
It becomes a medium for technical virtuosity, sensory impacts, entertainment, and highly
materialistic values. Art loses its magical, mythical and spiritual qualities. (Prof. Felipe de Leon)

3. When the world stopped because of Covid-19, activities that catered to a live audience
were compromised. Most affected was the arts, be it performing or visual. But such a creative field
found ways to show their art and reach their audience confined at home. Museums and galleries
began offering virtual and audio tours and opened their exhibitions via digital meeting rooms.
Ballet and theatre companies made available archival footages of ballet performances, stage plays,
musicals, films and concerts; they also used the digital medium to conduct workshops, seminars
and talk shows. (Philippine Tatler)

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