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COURSE TITLE: General Band


DAY / TIME / Location: M/W/F 2-2:50 pm Room 217


OFFICE: Room 217-A

PHONE: 606-548-1781


OFFICE HOURS: 9am-4:30 pm

Required Texts
Essential Elements for Band Book 1
Essential Elements for Band Book 2
Essential Elements for Band Book 3
Staff Paper

Course Description
This course is designed to introduce and build the skills that musicians use, teach
students how to play a musical instrument, and perform music for the general public. Course
topics will include reading treble clef, reading bass clef, understanding and defining key
signatures, how to play simple melodies, and how to play songs with other students.

Course Objectives
• The student will be able to play their instrument with proficiency.
• The band will be able to play grade 3 level music with proficiency and will perform it in
front of judges at solo and ensemble for a grade.
• The students will be able to play the scales listed in the middle school standards for the
• The students will be able to play with proficiency a playing test at the end of every two
weeks for assessment.
Assignments, Quizzes, Exams
Scales These are the 9 major scales that are the
standard for middle schools across the nation
(C, F, Bb, Eb, Ab, G, D, A, E). One of these
shall be assigned ever two weeks and
Playing tests These will be assigned in tandem with the
scales and the etude that will be assigned for
the two weeks will be in the key to the scale
Concert Festival The band will be taken to Concert Festival
and judged for a grade; we will play prepared
pieces for it.
Midterm The midterm will be a scales test along with
the Etude given two weeks prior. The scales
test will be to play any two scales of Mr.
Kidd’s choice.
Fall Concert (Final Exam) A concert that the band will put on for the

Attendance Policy
Attendance is mandatory for this class. Each student is allowed two (2) unexcused absences
throughout the semester without penalty. After this every 3rd absence will result in the
reduction of a letter grade (3 dropped to a B, 6 dropped to a C, 7 or more results in an
automatic failure of the course).

Exception: The only allowed exceptions from this class will be the following: (1) School
sponsored field trips for which the school will send out emails to all the teachers for, (2) Family
emergency, (3) Illness that prevents you from coming to class, with a signed physician’s note
stating the reason for your absence, (4) religious holidays that I have been informed of in at
least two weeks prior.

Academic Honesty:
All students at Morehead State University are required to abide by accepted standards of
academic honesty. Academic honesty includes doing one’s own work, giving credit for the work
of others, and using resources appropriately. Guidelines for dealing with acts of academic
dishonesty can be found in the academic catalog.

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Information:

Students with disabilities are entitled to academic accommodations and services to support
their access and safety needs. The Office for Disability Services in 202 ADUC coordinates
reasonable accommodations for students with documented disabilities. Although a request
may be made at any time, services are best applied when they are requested at or before the
start of the semester. Please contact Disability Services at 606-783-5188,, or visit their website at for
more information.
Emergency response information will be discussed in class. Students should familiarize
themselves with the nearest exit routes in the event evacuation becomes necessary. You should
notify your instructor at the beginning of the semester if you have special needs or will require
assistance during an emergency evacuation. Students should familiarize themselves with
emergency response protocols at


Performances : 40% (Final Exam is 50% of this)

Playing Tests : 20%
Scales : 20%
Attendance : 10%
Midterm : 10%

Week 1
Monday 21st- Getting to know each other and picking out instruments
Wednesday 23rd- Continuation of Monday
Friday 25th- Handing out Essential Elements 1 and playing our first notes.

Week 2
Monday 28th- Playing through the first few exercises
Wednesday 30th-Repeat of Monday
Friday 1st- Start the Bb scale along with handing them the first etude.

Week 3
Monday 4th- Go further in Essential Elements 1 and give advice with Bb scale.
Wednesday 6th- Repeat exercises in Essential Elements 1 and help with first etude.
Friday 8th- First scale and Etude Test.

Week 4
Monday 11th- Next playing scale and playing etude assigned, both in F.
Wednesday 13th- Give out first piece of music.
Friday 15th-Practice first piece of music while warming up with the F scale and etude in F.

Week 5
Monday 18th- Give out second piece, warm up with warmups from essential elements and F
scale and etude.
Wednesday 20th- Warm up with F scale and etude, then practice on first piece.
Friday 22nd- Second scale and Etude test.

Week 6
Monday 25th- Next playing scale and playing etude assigned, both in C.
Wednesday 27th- Warm up with Scale and Etude in C. Assign practice over break.
Friday 29th- Fall Break, no class.

Week 7
Monday 2nd- Warm up with Scale and Etude in C. Practice 1st piece
Wednesday 4th- Warm up with Scale and Etude in C. Practice 2nd piece.
Friday 6th- Third scale and Etude test

Week 8
Monday 9th- Columbus Day no school
Wednesday 11th- Next playing scale and playing etude assigned, both in G.
Friday 13th- Warm up with Scale and Etude in G. Rehearse both pieces for concert.

Week 9
Monday 16th- Warm up then rehearse both pieces.
Wednesday 18th- Warm up then rehearse both pieces.
Friday 20th- Fourth scale and Etude test
Saturday 21st- Fall Concert

Week 10
Monday 23rd- Next playing scale and playing etude assigned, both in D.
Wednesday 25th- Take up old pieces and given out two Christmas songs. Go over D scale, D
etude, and Christmas pieces.
Friday 27th- Warm up with D scale and go over first Christmas song.

Week 11
Monday 30th- Warm up with D scale and rehearse the 2nd Christmas piece
Wednesday 1st- Warm up with D scale and rehearse both Christmas pieces.
Friday 3rd- Fifth scale and Etude test

Week 12
Monday 6th- Next playing scale and playing etude assigned, both in A.
Wednesday 8th- Give out two more Christmas songs and explain A scale and etude.
Friday 10th-Warm up with A scale and rehearse the third Christmas piece.

Week 13
Monday 13th- Warm up with A scale and rehearse the fourth Christmas piece
Wednesday 15th- Warm up with A scale and rehearse the third and fourth Christmas pieces
Friday 17th- 6th scale and Etude test

Week 14
Monday 20th- Next playing scale and playing etude assigned, both in E. Assign measures to
practice over break.
Wednesday 22nd- No school Thanksgiving Break
Friday 24th- No school Thanksgiving Break

Week 15
Monday 27th – 7th scale and Etude test
Wednesday 29th - Next playing scale and playing etude assigned, both in Eb. Explain Both.
Friday 1st – Warm up with scale then rehearse pieces.

Week 16
Monday 4th- Warm up with scale then rehearse pieces.
Wednesday 6th- Warm up with scale then rehearse pieces.
Friday 8th- 8th scale and Etude test

Week 17
Monday 11th- Next playing scale and playing etude assigned, both in Ab.
Wednesday 13th- Warm up with scale then rehearse pieces.
Friday 15th- Run-through concert!
Saturday 16th- Christmas Concert!

Week 18
Monday 18th-Last Scales and Etude Test
Wednesday 20th- Band Party!

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