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Alberto, Jenner S.

Quiz # 4
BSA II Obligations and Contracts (Oblicon)

  Rescissible Viodable Unenforceable Void

It was entered into in
behalf of another person
Economic Damage or without authority or in
Incapacity of one of the
Lesion to one of the parties excess thereof, Absence of any of the
contracting parties to give
or to a third person, a noncompliance with the essential requisites of a
Cause of Defect consen, or vitiated consent
special declaration by law Statute of Frauds; contract (consent, object,
due to presence of "Vices
that the contract is subject Incapacity of both cause) (Art 1409)
of consent" (Art 1390)
to rescission (Art 1381) contracting parties to give
consent. (Art 1403, Art
They are inoperative until Generally they do not
They are considered valid They are considered valid,
ratified in. They are not produce legal effects, there
and legally enforceable binding and enforceable
As to Effect enforceablein court without are few exceptions for
until Judicially rescinded until judiciallyannuled.
proper ratification (Art example void marriages
(Art 1380) (Art 1390, last paragraph)
1405) under Art 36
Action for recovery, or
action for specific
performance or for
damages for breach of Action for declaration of
Action for rescission Action for annulment also contrac, also prescirbe. nullity or the putting of the
As to Prescription prescribes after four (4) prescribes after four (4) There being no specified defense of nullity of
years (Art 1389) years (Art 1391) period, it could be 10 years contract does not prescribe
if the basis of the action is (Art 1410)
a written contract, or 6
years if unwritten (Art
1144, Art 1145)
This is just a personal
defense when the plaintiff
Rescission or rescissory pursues a specific Declaration of nullity of the
As to Curability Annulment of contract
action performance case or contract.
complaintfor damages
based on breach of contract
Susceptible of Not susceptible of
Susceptible of ratification Susceptible of ratification
As to Ratification convalidation but not of ratification (Art 1409 last
(Art 1392) (Art 1495)
ratification proper paragraph)
Generally must be a
contracting party
Third person can not assail
He must be a contracting principally or subsidiary He must be a contracting
the contract unless his
As to Challenging Party party except creditors who obliged under the contract party, third person cannot
interests are directly
are defrauded (Art 1397) exception: A assail it (Art 1438)
third party who is
It must be a direct action. Direct action is needed
As to Direct/Collateral Indirect attack is allowed in It may be attacked directly
Collatereal attack is not either in the complaint or
Assailment the form of a defense. or indirectly.
allowed as counter claim.

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