Unit 3 - Land-Based Empires China Japan Russia 1450-1750

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Unit 3 - Land-Based Empires 1450-1750

(use presentations and all unit 3 chapters in the AMSCO)

Qing Dynasty China Russian Empire Tokugawa Japan
Location: China Location: Russia Location: Japan

Political / Military To consolidate the empire, Lenin promised the people of In order to legitimize their
● HOW did rulers legitimize and
consolidate power? the Kangxi Emperor Russia 'Peace, Land and rule and to maintain stability,
● Include any special military personally led China on a Bread'. Almost immediately the shoguns espoused a
units and use of bureaucratic
elites. series of military campaigns after coming power, Lenin Neo-Confucian ideology that
against Tibet, the Dzungars, signed the 'Decree on Land' reinforced the social
and later Russia. He which abolished private hierarchy placing warrior,
arranged the marriage of his property and distributed the peasant, artisan, and
daughter to the Mongol land among the peasants. merchant in descending
Khan Gordhan to avoid a order.
military conflict.

Expansion Through the use of Principal methods of state In addition to an emphasis

● What methods did this empire
utilize to expand their empire? advanced warfare tactics expansion included military on agricultural production
and advancements in conquest, frontier settlement, (including the staple crop of
weaponry the Qin dynasty and expansion into territories rice as well as sesame oil,
was able to successfully not under effective jurisdiction indigo, sugar cane, mulberry,
expand its control and unify by other states, and alliances tobacco and cotton), Japan's
its empire. They and diplomatic deals with commerce and
implemented advanced local ruling elites, who manufacturing industries
military techniques and became clients or subjects of also expanded, leading to the
strategies, using it's direct Russia. rise of an increasingly
control over the workforce wealthy merchant class
and clear chain of

Resistance & Rivalries The main internal causes of They have fought three major Japan and many Japanese
● Did they encounter internal
rebellions? External conflicts? the fall of the Qing Dynasty wars, two of them being World under the Tokugawa
were political corruption, Wars. The Russian Empire shogunate suffered from
peasant unrest, and fought wars against France economic impoverishment,
governmental four times (the 1805-1807 War, political corruption and rigid
incompetence. Some the War of 1812, and the class structures.
external causes included Crimean War). Russia and the
pressure from Western Soviet Union also fought four
powers and the wars against Japan, and three
developments in ships and times participated in military
guns. conflicts with China.

Religion / Culture Prince Vladimir I, who was The dominant religion in

(pgs. 167-173)
● HOW was religion used to maintain Confucianism was the major converted by missionaries Tokugawa Japan was

and legitimize political authority?
How was the use of this
philosophy at the time. It from Byzantium, adopted Buddhism.
religion/belief a continuity from was not really used to Christianity as the official
previous periods?
legitimize the authority but religion for Russia, and for
to reinforce the old nearly 1,000 years thereafter
traditions. It was a the Russian Orthodox church
continuity because it kept was the country's dominant
old traditions. religious institution.

Economics Farming Economy with The empire had a The early economy was
(pgs. 155-163)
Be sure to include methods of tax Proliferation of Markets China's predominantly agricultural based on agriculture, with
collection, if applicable economy during the Qing dynasty economy, with low rice as the measured unit of
was still largely a farming productivity on large estates wealth.
economy. Eighty percent of the worked by Russian peasants,
population lived in the countryside known as serfs, who were tied
at the end of the Qing dynasty. to the land in a feudal

Social Structure & The role of women during The public sphere belonged to Women were in all ways
Gender Roles the Qing Dynasty was men, and the private one subordinate to men. Women
limited to inside the home. belonged to women. As a began to be classified under
Often women were result, women were supposed men during the Tokugawa
responsible for educating to be wives, mothers, or period. Even though a
their children in math and hostesses. woman may be married to a
literature. They were also to man of higher social order,
obey their husbands and be her position and ruling did
seen as property. A woman not change based on her
could expect to be one of new status, but by her
several wives or gender as a female in
concubines. Japanese society.

Decline of Empire After more than a century of During the Russian Revolution The final collapse of the
How and why did this empire
collapse? Be SPECIFIC.
Western humiliation and of 1917, Bolshevik Shogunate was brought
harassment, the Qing revolutionaries toppled the about by the alliance of
dynasty collapsed in the monarchy, ending the Satsuma and Choshu.In
early 1900s. Internal Romanov dynasty. Czar January 1868, they attempted
changes played a major role Nicholas II and his entire a coup d'etat to overthrow
in the downfall of the Qing family—including his young the newly throned Shogun
dynasty, including: children—were later executed Tokugawa Keiki. After a
corruption, peasant unrest, by Bolshevik troops. short period of fighting,
ruler incompetence, and Emperor Meiji took supreme
population growth which led control of the country.
to food shortages and
regular famine.

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