Assignment#2 (HRM) : Name: Muhammad Burair Class: BSAF-4 ID: 180780 Submitted To: Mam Fatima Bashir

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Assignment#2 (HRM)

Name: Muhammad Burair

Class: BSAF-4
ID: 180780
Submitted to: Mam Fatima Bashir

Q1: Analyze any 10 job advertisement and highlight the flaws in terms of job analysis (job
description and job specification).

Job analysis
The main flaws in this advertisement according to job description is that they don’t mention the
responsibilities which were assigned after the appointment. They should mention their
responsibilities in the accounts department so that they can make their mind set up according
to that and perform the task properly.
The main flaws in this advertisement according to job specification is that abilities are not
mentioned. They should mention the abilities so that they can appoint the person and their
decision of hiring not goes wrong. They should examine his ability while taking interview and
check whether he is capable to do this task or not.


Job Analysis
The main flaws in this job advertisement according to job description is that tasks and
responsibilities were not mentioned. They should mention them so that people should be
aware of what they were going to do in the future when they were appointed. This step can
save the time of the organization and also those particular persons can apply for this post. They
should also encourage the females to apply for this job.
The main flaws in this job advertisement according to the job specification is that they don’t
mention what kind if skills the organization wanted. If mention this those skilled and
experience-based people apply for this job and they should also mention knowledge
requirement so that only those particular knowledge-based people can apply for this job.

Job Analysis
The main flaws in this job advertisement according to job description is that they should
mention the basic responsibility of legal advisor so that they can apply accordingly and can save
time and effort while doing his operations. They should also describe the reason why are they
appointing the legal advisor so that they should know that organization is not involve in some
illegal activities.
The main flaws in this job advertisement according to job specification is that they should
mentioned that the person should be experienced. They should mention their require skills for
legal advisor and they should check his knowledge through interview and giving him some tasks
so that they can make right decision.

Job Analysis:
The main flaws in this job advertisement according to job description is that they should
provide the information about the tasks so that candidates can apply accordingly and they
know that whether they are applicable to do this job or not. They should mention job
responsibilities so that candidates should be aware of what kind of job they were going to do.
They should hire person according to the basic requirements and ignore the rest maybe they
were just wasting their time. They should mention the salary according to the position and
The main flaws in this job advertisement according to job specification is that they should
mentions skills here so that they can assign them another task so that they can take additional
work from them when that particular person is not available.

Job Analysis:
The main flaws in this job advertisement according to job description is that they should
mention particular responsibilities so that they can get well experienced and well-trained
candidate for this job. They should also mention what duties should they performed after the
appointment and if there is any additional duty present then they should also mention this as
well. They should also mention the last date to apply so that people should know about it.
The main flaws in this job advertisement according to job specification is that they should also
mention some additional skills so that they can get advantage of that as well. They should also
mention if the person has some additional knowledge about anything they can also apply fortis

Job Analysis:
The main flaws in this job advertisement according to job description is that they should
provide the candidate information about the job so that they should be aware of the position of
that job. They should provide information about the organization so that they should know
about the environment of the organization. They should also mention the timing hours of the
jobs so that candidate can make their schedule accordingly.
The main flaws in the job advertisement according to job specification so that they should
provide their company requirement for apply at certain age. They should also mention that
candidates should bring some verified academic documents so that they can see whether their
information they provided in the application form are true or fair.

Job Analysis:
The main flaws in this job advertisement according to job description is that they should
mention working hours so that people can done their responsibilities and task within the time
limit. They should also mention additional duties so that they can done these duties as well and
they rescheduled their other personal tasks. They should also give information about their work
load so that they were mentally prepared.
The main flaws in the job advertisement according to job specification is that they should
provide information about the job e.g., person has done Master’s in Mathematics he/she can
apply for Mathematics department only. They should mention experience as well because they
should accept only experienced person’s application so that they can work properly.


Job Analysis:
The main flaws in this job advertisement according to job description is that they should
mention their skills requirement so that they can appoint them accordingly. They should also
provide information about their duties so that they easily done their duty.
The main flaws in this job advertisement according to job specification is that they should
mention here what kind of knowledge and skills they wanted. They should mention working
hours, facilities and additional time required when there is work load on the organization. They
should also provide mission and vision statement about the organization so that candidate can
easily learn about the environment of the organization.

Job Analysis:
The main flaws in this job advertisement according to job description is that they should
mention tasks so that they were mentally prepared to perform these task and responsibilities.
They should also provide organization information to candidates so that they can easily work in
the organization. They should also provide information about the environment so that new
employees can work properly. They should also encourage females to apply for this job.
The main flaws in this job advertisement according to job specification is that they should
mention skills as well so that if there is any additional task occur then they can handle that
easily. The candidates should have ability to do work according to the organization policy and
they should also mention the criteria so that they can give academic documents when the
interview is being taken.

Job Analysis:
The main flaws in this job advertisement according to job description is that they should
mention responsibility according to the following position and they should also give them some
tasks when they were appointed. They should also provide age limit as well and they should
also provide information about the organization so that they can work properly.
The main flaws in this job advertisement according to job specification is that they should
mention the position of the job and appoint them according to their skills and ability to do
work. They should also give encouragement to female employees so they can apply on that
position as well. They should also provide interview date and time so they people can reach
there accordingly.

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