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Post Graduate Programme in Management


Course Title Organizational Behaviour-1 (OB1)

Course Code 102
Instructors Prof. Jatin Pandey and Prof. Priya Nair Rajeev
Duration 30 minutes (including time to fill OMR sheet)
Maximum Marks 25 marks
Term & Year Term I: July - Sep 2018
Sections A, B, C, D, E and F

General Instructions
This is a closed book quiz. Use of any electronic equipment is prohibited during the exam.
In case of any queries (with respect to the questions and not the answers) wait for the
instructor to clarify your doubts.
Since this exam contains MCQs please do not communicate (verbally or non-verbally) with
fellow students in class during the exam.
There is no negative marking.
Instructions regarding OMR answer sheet
This is an OMR based quiz so please think before you mark your answer.
Your roll number should be in the format of five-digit 22XXX.
The course code is 102.
Don’t forget to mark your section and set of the quiz in the OMR sheet.


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1. Which of the following is a strong indicator that interviewers often base their judgments
on perception, rather than simply on the facts they are presented with?
A) Different interviewers often arrive at different conclusions about the same
B) Applicants who do not have any negative traits are viewed more highly than
those with a mix of negative and positive traits.
C) Ethnic profiling is often needed to sort out large numbers of applicants.
D) Interviewers do not have recourse to objective measures in many cases.
E) Experience shows that in many cases the best person is not hired for the job.

2. Ram delivers Domino’s Pizza parcels throughout the metropolitan area. Although he
considers himself law abiding, he often breaks the speed limit while making his
deliveries. Which of the following statements does not reflect a likely response to the
conflict between his attitude and his behavior?
A) "It's not a problem that I speed a little bit, it's not much over the limit, and
everyone else speeds some."
B) "The speed limits are just too low around here; anyone driving at a reasonable
speed will break them."
C) "This speeding is irresponsible. From now on I am observing the speed limits."
D) "I've got to drive fast sometimes, otherwise I will not make all my deliveries
and I'll lose clients."
E) "It's wrong to break even minor laws, but I'll probably keep speeding anyway."

3. Rahim works as a guest relations executive at a five star deluxe hotel in Mallapuram.
During the course of his job, he needs to greet and smile at guests irrespective of his state
of mind. In addition, when any guest faces problems, he needs to be calm and composed
and help resolve issues. This shows that Rahim's job requires ________.
A) Emotional labor
B) Cognitive dissonance
C) Self-concordance
D) Positivity offset
E) Social loafing

4. Robert was a top graduate management student who now works as a project manager at a
retail firm. However, in spite of his strong education background and analytical skills, he
often finds it difficult to manage his team efficiently. He is not able to understand his
team's emotions when they feel frustrated with a work challenge or when they need
appreciation for a job well done. Which of the following does Robert suffer from?
A) Downing effect
B) Low emotional dissonance
C) Depressive realism
D) Low cognitive dissonance
E) Low emotional intelligence

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5. Ravinder, a climate campaigner at an environmental organization, invariably uses
rationale to make decisions for project implementation. He believes that the right
decisions can be made only through scrutinization and analysis. Each time he needs to
make a decision, he weighs all options before taking action. Which of the following is
Sinclair's personality type according to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
A) Intuitive
B) Introverted
C) Thinking
D) Feeling
E) Perceiving

6. What do we call the tendency for people to base their judgments on information that they
can easily obtain?
A) Representative bias
B) Availability bias
C) Confirmation bias
D) Anchoring bias
E) Principality

7. What term is used for the tendency to underestimate the influence of external factors and
overestimate the influence of internal factors when making judgments about the behavior
of others?
A) Fundamental attribution error
B) Self-serving bias
C) Selective perception
D) Consistency
E) Actor bias
8. Dissatisfied employees who don't like their jobs will attempt to "get even". This may
manifest itself in which of the following behaviors?
A) Quitting
B) Surfing the Internet on company time
C) Stealing from the company
D) Spending more time socializing on the job
E) all of the above

9. Dhin Pooja works as a reservation executive at a travel and tourism company. Though
her job requires her only to efficiently book flight tickets for customers, she has also
opted to undergo training to learn the process of hotel reservations. In addition, every
evening she reads travelogues to be aware of upcoming travel destinations and trends.
She loves the industry she works in and is eager to learn as much as she can. Considering
the information given in this case, which dimension of the Big Five model best describes
Dhin Pooja personality?

A) Extroversion
B) Agreeableness

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C) Conscientiousness
D) Openness to experience
E) Emotional stability

10. You are bringing together faculty from different behavioral disciplines to author a new
textbook in organizational behavior. Represented are professors from psychology,
sociology, social psychology, anthropology, political science, and industrial engineering.
You should expect that the faculty member from ________ will probably contribute
information about leadership effectiveness and job satisfaction.
A) Sociology
B) Social psychology
C) Psychology
D) Anthropology
E) Industrial engineering

11. What are the three primary determinants of behavior that organizational behavior focuses
A) Profit structure, organizational complexity, job satisfaction
B) Individuals, profit structure, and job satisfaction
C) Individuals, groups, and job satisfaction
D) Groups, structure, and profit structure
E) Individuals, groups, and structure

12. Decision makers construct simplified models that extract the essential features from
problems without capturing all their complexity. That is, they operate within the confines
of ________.
A) Optimal decision making
B) Intuitive decision making
C) Bounded rationality
D) Rationality
E) Common sense

13. Sameer woke up in the morning and felt a sense of joy and peace as he got ready for
work. At work, though challenges came his way, he tackled them without getting stressed
about them. This feeling lasted for several days that week. What is one of the reasons that
Sameer’s feeling can be categorized as a mood and not as an emotion?
A) It is more intense than emotions.
B) It is brought about by a specific event.
C) It is prolonged in nature.
D) It is a positive feeling.
E) It is indicated by a facial expression.

14. Shortcuts in judging others include all of the following except ________.
A) Stereotyping
B) Halo effect
C) Selective perception

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D) Self-serving bias
E) Contrast effects

15. You are on a team with two individuals who are "difficult." The work has been divided
among the three of you and each time your team meets, Simran Naidu and Akash
disagree about the progress of the team project. Simran is convinced that Akash’s lack of
progress is because he is inherently lazy and not because of some overwhelming problem
with the project itself. The truth seems to be that Simran is not doing her part of the work.
What might you use to try to understand Simran and Akash’s behavior?
A) Perception theory B) Attribution theory
C) Decision-making theory D) Satisficing theory
E) Surber's theory

16. Maharani is late for work each day by about ten minutes. How would attribution theory
describe this behavior?
A) It shows consensus and is attributed to internal causes.
B) It shows similarity and is attributed to external causes.
C) It shows reliability and is attributed to external causes.
D) It shows consistency and is attributed to internal causes.
E) It shows distinctiveness and is attributed to internal causes
17. Manorama, (also called Aachi by her friends) has just presented her paper and has done
an excellent job. Why should you not want to present your own paper directly after she
A) To avoid the stereotyping effect
B) To avoid the halo effect
C) To avoid the contrast effect
D) To avoid the projection effect
E) To avoid the ultimate attribution error

18. Which response is demonstrated when Unni Singh speaks up to support his company's
actions even when the local newspaper is criticizing them?
A) Exit response B) Voice response
C) Loyalty response D) Neglect response
E) Performance response
19. What are the three classes of factors that influence perception?
A) Factors in the setting, factors in the environment and factors in the motives
B) Factors in the perceiver, factors in the target and factors in the situation
C) Factors in the character, factors in knowledge and factors in experience
D) Factors in the personality, factors in the character and factors in the values
E) Factors in the senses, factors in the surroundings and factors in the lighting
20. You are on a team with two individuals who are "difficult." The work has been divided
among the three of you and each time your team meets, Seema and Akash disagree about
the progress of the team project. Seema is convinced that Akash’s lack of progress is

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because he is inherently lazy and not because of some overwhelming problem with the
project itself. The truth seems to be that Seema is not doing her part of the work. What
error or bias does Seema seem to be making?
A) Selective perception B) An external bias
C) The fundamental attribution error
D) Self-serving bias E) The ultimate attribution error

21. Which of the following statements is most likely to be true regarding cognitive

A) High dissonance is accompanied by high rewards.

B) People are less inspired to reduce dissonance when it is within their control.
C) People are less likely to reduce dissonance when the behavior is crucial.
D) People are more motivated to reduce dissonance when attitudes are important.
E) The desire to reduce dissonance is not affected by moods and emotions.

22. The primary organizational implication of cognitive dissonance theory is that it helps to
predict ________.
A) Overall job satisfaction for employees
B) The likelihood of a given employee engaging in impression management
C) The overall level to which the workforce will accept gender, racial or other
types of bias
D) The willingness of the workforce to accept company rules and work practices
E) The inclination towards attitude and behavioral change of the workforce

23. Two people see the same thing at the same time yet interpret it differently. Where do the
factors that operate to shape their dissimilar perceptions reside?
A) The perceivers B) The target
C) The timing D) The context
E) The situation
24. Chanda recently evaluated her subordinate's progress report. She now plans to inform her
about the objectives she did not achieve and how she can perform better. By doing this,
Chanda will be demonstrating the ________ component of an attitude.
A) Cognitive B) Affective
C) Reflective D) Behavioral Intention
E) Reactive

25. Your boss never gives you the benefit of the doubt. When you were late back from lunch,
he assumed that you had simply taken too much time. He never considered that the
elevators were out and you had to walk up 10 flights of stairs. Your boss is guilty of
A) Self-serving bias B) Selective perception
C) Fundamental attribution error D) Inconsistency
E) Stereotyping

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