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Post Graduate Programme in Management


Course Title Organizational Behaviour-1 (OB1)

Course Code 102
Instructors Prof. Jatin Pandey and Prof. Priya Nair Rajeev
Duration 30 minutes (including time to fill OMR sheet)
Maximum Marks 25 marks
Term & Year Term I: July - Sep 2018
Sections A, B, C, D, E and F

General Instructions
This is a closed book quiz. Use of any electronic equipment is prohibited during the exam.
In case of any queries (with respect to the questions and not the answers) wait for the
instructor to clarify your doubts.
Since this exam contains MCQs please do not communicate (verbally or non-verbally) with
fellow students in class during the exam.
There is no negative marking.
Instructions regarding OMR answer sheet
This is an OMR based quiz so please think before you mark your answer.
Your roll number should be in the format of five-digit 22XXX.
The course code is 102.
Don’t forget to mark your section and set of the quiz in the OMR sheet.


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1.You are part of a group making a decision about whether it is appropriate to discontinue
research on a new drug. This new drug would save lives, but it is uncertain whether you can
develop it within a reasonable time frame and at a reasonable cost. Your firm has already spent a
small fortune on this drug. You have gathered so much information in preparation to making the
decision that you are unable to sort the good information from the superfluous data. The group
decides to continue the project so that all the resources already spent on it will not have been
wasted. In this case the group has done which of the following?
A) Used the availability bias
B) Used the anchoring bias
C) Made an escalation of commitment
D) Satisficed
E) Made the ultimate attribution error

2.Dissatisfied employees who don't like their jobs will attempt to "get even". This may manifest
itself in which of the following behaviors?
A) Quitting
B) Surfing the Internet on company time
C) Stealing from the company
D) Spending more time socializing on the job
E) all of the above

3.Which of the following is a strong indicator that interviewers often base their judgments on
perception, rather than simply on the facts they are presented with?
A) Different interviewers often arrive at different conclusions about the same applicant.
B) Applicants who do not have any negative traits are viewed more highly than those with a mix
of negative and positive traits.
C) Ethnic profiling is often needed to sort out large numbers of applicants.
D) Interviewers do not have recourse to objective measures in many cases.
E) Experience shows that in many cases the best person is not hired for the job.

4.TCS has installed a new email system, but many staff do not know of its features. Upper
management decides to allocate a small portion of the company's budget to solving this
problem. A team that uses rational decision making to arrive at a solution should be aware that
this case deviates from the assumptions of the rational decision-making model in what way?
A) There are constraints on the options available to them.
B) There are cost constraints.
C) The options available to the team are not known.
D) The problem is not clearly defined.
E) There is a lack of strong leadership.

5.The belief that "violence is wrong" is a descriptive statement. Such an opinion constitutes the
________ component of an attitude.
A) Cognitive
B) Affective
C) Reflective
D) Behavioral

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E) Reactive

6. Papita has already presented two excellent reports. The report she has just presented is clearly
not as good as the first two reports, yet she is given the same high grade as before. What shortcut
has the teacher used in this case?
A) The contrast effect
B) The halo effect
C) Stereotyping
D) Projection
E) Assertion

7. What are the three classes of factors that influence perception?

A) Factors in the setting, factors in the environment and factors in the motives
B) Factors in the perceiver, factors in the target and factors in the situation
C) Factors in the character, factors in knowledge and factors in experience
D) Factors in the personality, factors in the character and factors in the values
E) Factors in the senses, factors in the surroundings and factors in the lighting
8. Two people see the same thing at the same time yet interpret it differently. Where do the
factors that operate to shape their dissimilar perceptions reside?
A) The perceivers
B) The target
C) The timing
D) The context
E) The situation
9. Babita is a courier, delivering parcels throughout the metropolitan area. Although she
considers herself law abiding, she often breaks the speed limit while making her deliveries.
Which of the following statements does not reflect a likely response to the conflict between her
attitude and her behavior?
A) "It's not a problem that I speed a little bit, it's not much over the limit, and everyone else
speeds some."
B) "The speed limits are just too low around here; anyone driving at a reasonable speed will
break them."
C) "This speeding is irresponsible. From now on I am observing the speed limits."
D) "I've got to drive fast sometimes, otherwise I will not make all my deliveries and I'll lose
E) "It's wrong to break even minor laws, but I'll probably keep speeding anyway."

10. Rahim Srivastav has been spending a great deal of work time talking to his co-workers
about how dissatisfied he is with the job. He has spent quite a bit of time discussing unionization.
He has arrived at work intoxicated twice in the last week and has repeatedly taken office supplies
home with him. His behavior might be classified as
A) Job enlargement.
B) Deviant behavior.
C) Separation anticipation.

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D) Theft.
E) Cognitive dissonance.

11.When F. Scott Fitzgerald said, "The very rich are different from you and me" and
Hemingway replied, "Yes, they have more money," Hemingway refused to engage in what
shortcut to judge others?
A) Projection
B) Contrast effect
C) Halo effect
D) Stereotyping
E) Prototyping

12.The primary organizational implication of cognitive dissonance theory is that it helps to

predict ________.
A) Overall job satisfaction for employees
B) The likelihood of a given employee engaging in impression management
C) The overall level to which the workforce will accept gender, racial or other types of bias
D) The willingness of the workforce to accept company rules and work practices
E) The inclination towards attitude and behavioral change of the workforce
13.If Ravi Khan knows that stealing from the company is wrong, but he continues to take paper
for his computer home for his son's homework, Festinger would argue that Ravi is experiencing
A) Deviant work behaviors.
B) Cognitive dissonance.
C) A poor conscience.
D) Job dissatisfaction
E) Disengagement

14.You are on a team with two individuals who are "difficult." The work has been divided
among the three of you and each time your team meets, Seema and Robert Singh disagree about
the progress of the team project. Seema is convinced that Robert’s lack of progress is because he
is inherently lazy and not because of some overwhelming problem with the project itself. The
truth seems to be that Seema is not doing her part of the work. What error or bias does Seema
seem to be making?
A) Selective perception
B) An external bias
C) The fundamental attribution error
D) Self-serving bias
E) The ultimate attribution error

15.Which of the following statements is not an example of stereotyping?

A) There is no need to offer child-care to him; men aren't interested in child care.
B) Don't hire an older worker; they can't learn new skills.
C) She was good at her last job, so she will be good at this one.
D) She won't relocate for a promotion, since women don't relocate.
E) The new hire will be emotionally insensitive, since he is a man.

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16.A manager wishes to know how members of her team will react to layoffs in other
departments. Which of the following is least useful in predicting her team's behavior?
A) Knowing the organizational goals of her team
B) Knowing what is important to each member of the team
C) Knowing how the team perceives the layoffs
D) Knowing how the team has reacted in similar situations
E) Knowing how other workers have reacted in similar situations

17.A committee is made up of 12 managers; three each from the sales, production, accounting
and human resources departments. They read a comprehensive study of the company they work
for, and are asked which of its recommendations are most important. In discussion they find that
the managers perceive that the most important recommendations are those concerning their own
department. This finding is most likely the result of what type of bias?
A) Selective perception
B) Halo effect
C) Pygmalion effect
D) Self-serving bias
E) Projection
18.Investors bragged about their investing expertise during the stock market rally between 1996
and early 2000, then blamed analysts, brokers, and the Federal Reserve when the market
imploded in 2000 What sort of bias were these investors most probably guilty of?
A) The fundamental attribution error
B) The self-serving bias
C) The halo effect
D) Distinctiveness
E) Selective perception

19.You are bringing together faculty from different behavioral disciplines to author a new
textbook in organizational behavior. Represented are professors from psychology, sociology,
social psychology, anthropology, political science, and industrial engineering. You should expect
that the faculty member from ________ will probably contribute information about leadership
effectiveness and job satisfaction.
A) Sociology
B) Social psychology
C) Psychology
D) Anthropology
E) Industrial engineering

20.What term is used for the extent to which an individual displays different behaviors in
different situations?
A) Continuity
B) Integrity
C) Stability
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D) Flexibility
E) Distinctiveness

21.What are the three primary determinants of behavior that organizational behavior focuses
A) Profit structure, organizational complexity, job satisfaction
B) Individuals, profit structure, and job satisfaction
C) Individuals, groups, and job satisfaction
D) Groups, structure, and profit structure
E) Individuals, groups, and structure

22.When Ali responds to his dissatisfaction with his job by discussing his problems with his
manager, he is using which response?
A) Exit response.
B) Voice response.
C) Loyalty response.
D) Neglect response.
E) Performance response.

23.When seeking to understand how the corporate culture of IBM differs from that of Apple, OB
researchers are drawing on contributions made from
A) Anthropology
B) Psychology
C) Sociology
D) Social psychology

24.What term is used for the tendency to underestimate the influence of external factors and
overestimate the influence of internal factors when making judgments about the behavior of
A) Fundamental attribution error
B) Self-serving bias
C) Selective perception
D) Consistency
E) Actor bias
25.Simran Reddy, a sales manager at Synergy Corporation Bank, often keeps low expectations
of her team. She feels that they are under qualified for their job and do not have substantial
experience to sell a large number of accounts. Simran’s team does not feel motivated enough
and invariably underperforms and misses targets on a regular basis. Which of the following
concepts best explains Simran's team's poor performance?

A) Hindsight bias
B) Golem effect
C) Confirmation bias
D) Contrast effect E) Bandwagon effect

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