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A person aged between thirteen and nineteen called as a teenager.

According to a
recent study, many teenagers have behaviour problems because of the surroundings and
age factors. Sulking, arguing, rebelling, disobey, disrespect, and lying are the attitude that
shows of misbehaviour in teenagers. The misbehaviour among teenagers can cause by a lack
of attention from family, weak religious belief and knowledge in self, and peer influence.
First, the reason for the misbehaviour among teenagers is a lack of attention from
family, especially from their parents. As we know, children learn as early as they were
babies. So, parents are their role models for children formation because they learn from
their parents. When their parents busy with works and do not spend time with their
children, they will feel lonely and neglected. When they teen, they will rebel because of a
lack of parent's attention.
Besides, teenager misbehaviour is caused by the weak of religious belief and
knowledge in self. Religion teaches us to have good behaviour like always be kind and help
others, be honest, and respect everyone. Religion can instil a good attitude. So, the weak of
religious belief is the main factor of someone's behaviour like teenagers.
Lastly, the reason for misbehaviour among teenagers is because of peer influence.
Friends can change the teens' attitude because at outside, they only close with their friends.
Teenagers tend to follow their peers by changing attitudes and behaviour from seeing the
action of other teens. So, it causes teenagers to bring that attitude into themselves and get
used to that attitude.
In conclusion, the misbehaviour not just come from themselves, but also caused by
their surrounding problem. Lack of attention from family, weak religious belief and
knowledge in self, and peer influence can change teenage behaviour. A teenage, being in
process of forming an identity, needs support and direction by their surrounding. Teenagers
are person that we need to keep attention because they are future leader.

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