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Week 7 Group Assignment: ProClean Final Business Plan

Patrick Crowley, Samir Bonetti and Will Velasco

CPCE at Wentworth

MGMT-3565-C61: Technology Entrepreneurship

Oct. 24, 2020

Week 7 Group Assignment: ProClean Final Business Plan
Abstract / Executive Summary

ProClean is a facility management app that specializes in cleaning and sanitation. It will be

available for iOS and Android, as well as a web based interface when used on a traditional

computer. Subscription services will also be offered in tiers, based on the clients needs. The

onset of the COVID-19 pandemic has severely hurt businesses and their normal operations.

Every industry from restaurants, education, and especially healthcare all now require the highest

standards in health and safety protocols in order to continue operating. These new standards and

guidelines pose significant challenges in continuing to maintain a clean and safe space to conduct

business as usual. Certainly, many industries and organizations will inevitably reevaluate the

need for physical space, however the many industries that need to operate in a physical space

must absolutely keep customers and employees safe.

ProClean can be the solution for any size business or organization. At the product's most basic

level, it gives personnel a live dashboard of their space in the office, building, or campus. The

dashboard gives an up to date sanitation status. It integrates with “smart home” products such as

cameras, security systems, automated cleaning machines and so on. Management can instantly

check the status of their facilities. The users will have a different view, like a customer side.

They will still get the same important information as management, however with limited access

to only data that is pertinent to them. This ensures instant peace of mind to an entire organization

through transparency in a single product.

Week 7 Group Assignment: ProClean Final Business Plan
Mission Statement

Our mission at ProClean is one of simplicity: our goal is to ensure the public health and

safety of our partnering organizations. The services offered aim to contribute to safe and healthy

reopening and operation of businesses in our post pandemic environment. We strive to provide

peace of mind through custom-tailored programs that create guidelines for maintaining a clean

and safe environment in order to conduct normal operations. Our systems, once in use, provide

scheduling and maintenance parameters for Facilities and cleaning staff that act as goals and

standards to ensure safe operation. The ability to continually meet the goals of our processes

reflects on the high standards of cleanliness and execution our company instills in the cleaning

staff in organizations we work with. The COVID-19 pandemic throughout 2020 has created new

needs for businesses of all sizes, at ProClean we offer solutions unique to your company that will

provide a framework for the continued success of the business as well as the safety of customers

and employees alike.

Company Goals and Objectives

A main objective for ProClean is to run a profitable business while also delivering an

industry leading product. To achieve this, a sales goal is to increase profits by ten percent in our

first year. We can achieve this by signing on three new contracts per month.

Customer service will have its own goals and objectives as well. Our objective will be to

respond to any requests or complaints within 24 hours, and set escalation guidelines to identify

priority levels and the appropriate urgencies to follow. A goal will be to hire enough people so all

support teams are at least 70% capacity. Hiring will then target to fill remaining open positions

by the end of the fiscal year.

Week 7 Group Assignment: ProClean Final Business Plan
Employee retention will be a key metric and company value. Sufficient training will be

required for all employees as well as a first 90 days on the job plan. Weekly or bi-weekly check

ins will also be required between all managers and their direct reports. Human resources will

conduct surveys for all recent hires (which can remain anonymous) to identify trends that are

issues, and address them before it becomes more severe.

Operating at high efficiency levels will also be a goal. A high attention to addressing

customer feedback quickly as well as ensuring new product features going live will allow this.

The Quality Assurance team will closely monitor crash reports and user feedback, and have

required resolution times based on criteria. New features (which will likely align with user

requests) will have routine deadlines. This will ensure our products are always evolving and

improving. If something is in development too long, even though the intentions are good with

only wanting to deliver the best outcome, waiting too long will have a negative lasting impact.

Instead, the Development team can closely monitor new features and continue to improve.

Business Philosophy/Values

Our values at ProClean have been the same from the beginning. Whether your business is

in the healthcare, education, retail, or restaurant industry the safety of your customers and

employees remains one of the, if not absolute, highest concerns central to your operations. After

the year 2020, where the world witnessed the most significant global pandemic in recent times,

the importance of ensuring a safe and clean environment has never been higher. Our organization

couples the requirements of business operation with the desires of the customers to be affirmed

in their hopes to remain safe and healthy. From here, customers now remain able and free to

utilize the services and products of your business without the fear of contracting a disease, such

as COVID, which permits your business to continue on the path to success.

Week 7 Group Assignment: ProClean Final Business Plan
Ensuring the safety of employees and customers of a business has long been one of the

primary goals of Facilities departments and cleaning staff. Looking primarily at the healthcare

and other scientific industries, safety is always one of the highest priorities at these types of

organizations. Hospitals that do not maintain a safe environment will not be in operation for very

long as the health and wellbeing of patients cannot be guaranteed. A hospital that cannot

guarantee safety of patients cannot guarantee safety for employees either; with no employees to

work and no patients to care for, the hospital has now disappeared along with the services it

provided and jobs that it created. Similarly, restaurant safety is incredibly important to the

success of the establishment. When was the last time you and a friend wanted to visit a dirty

restaurant? Probably never. Proper sanitation and cleaning protocols remain immensely

significant to achieving continued success in the foodservice industry as well, and at ProClean

we provide the tools that make achieving these goals easy.

Let’s take a glance at the education sector, particularly higher education. Colleges and

Universities are at an industrial crossroads because of the COVID-19 pandemic and the

challenges created along with it. With alternative options already in operation in many parts of

the country, these institutions are facing the potential end of their traditional models of

operations. Universities have been at the center of many disputes that have resulted throughout

the pandemic. At the source of several of these disputes is the matter of maintaining a safe

environment for the university. While this is no small task and will most likely remain a major

challenge for these institutions going forward; ProClean provides well communicated solutions

that address these issues. In order for these Universities to continue to operate in their traditional

models of having students live-and-study on campus; the safety of the university will need to be

a major priority. ProClean’s mobile app and services were initially inspired by the challenges
Week 7 Group Assignment: ProClean Final Business Plan
facing higher education post pandemic, and it will remain one of the highest target areas for our

organization’s continued growth and success. Working together, we will overcome these

challenges and continue on our path to success.

The values that ProClean holds of highest virtue are efficiency and execution, teamwork

and empowerment, and of course transparency. The primary goals of ProClean are to provide the

highest level of execution for your business operations and custodial/facilities staff. Our

framework offers tools to create simple plans for regular cleaning and maintenance scheduling

allowing for efficient processes for your business; saving your company money! The trademark

feature of our services and mobile app is the connection of the cleaning/maintenance schedules

to a displayable live-dashboard to ensure the highest level of sanitation and safety measures are

afforded to your customers as well as employees. Through the mutually beneficial act of working

as a team with ProClean and your business, the health and wellbeing of your customers and

employees is always on display to provide that maintaining a safe atmosphere is of the highest

priority for your organization; and ProClean will have your back along the way!


The industry for sanitation applications like this one is a very new market. Given the little

time the industry has had to develop products, ProClean is a novel product. There is no service or

product out there that mirrors the features that we offer directly. This makes this product a first to

the market, which gives it a first mover advantage. This will help our product immensely with

acquiring customers, marketing, and sales. This also means we have to stay up to date with the

technology so when newcomers arrive we are still thriving and have the upper hand with

technology. We also have to make sure the quality of our product is perfect since there is nothing

to compare it to.
Week 7 Group Assignment: ProClean Final Business Plan
The fact that our product is a first mover does not mean that there is no industry or

competition. One can make the argument that this product falls under two industry types,

COVID-19 apps and sanitation apps. In the six to eight months that we have been dealing with

coronavirus many tracking and tracing apps have been rolled out to the market. According to

WebMD some of the more well known apps include, COVID Symptom Tracker, Crush COVID

RI, Care19 Diary, GuideSafe, COVIDWISE. These apps are used by states like Rhode Island,

Virginia, Alabama and more for contact tracing and symptom tracking. You could say our app is

similar to these ones since it could be used as a sanitation tracker for people to make sure areas

are properly cleansed.

As well as COVID-19 apps there are sanitation apps that relate to ProClean. According to

Sci Dev, a science and development news platform, the most reputable sanitation apps out there

are mSchool, SunClean and Taarifa. All three of these apps work in a manner of observing and

reporting sanitation conditions.

As for competition for our product there is one software that poses the most threat. The

software is called RSM Power Apps. It was developed by a company named RSM in a

partnership with microsoft. After hours of research this is the only app I found that like ProClean

overlaps the COVID and sanitation industry. According to the RSM website the purpose of this

product is to ensure that the customer is comfortable with the sanitation of your stores. At the

end of their shopping experience they fill out a survey to let the business know how they feel

about the sanitation. It is similar to our product but very different at the same time. Our product

is designed to be used at workspaces, schools, stores and much more. We also trace the status of

sanitation in different areas to make sure they are clean and safe.

Current Demand and Target

Week 7 Group Assignment: ProClean Final Business Plan
The target market for ProClean has a large range. It is a reason it makes the products and

services versatile. In terms of target organizations, any size company can be a prospective client.

A small architecture firm with under 20 employees that have a rented office space could use our

product. Or a large building serving as a dedicated headquarters that holds up to 700 employees

could also use.

Businesses themselves are also not solely the target. Building management services, like

property management could also be used. Back to the architecture firm, even if a small business

only has two bathrooms, a few meeting and office rooms, that alone is still an area that needs to

be cleaned. Just because a location has only a few rooms, does not mean there is no need for a

cleaning schedule. If anything it is just as important with a lower traffic area because personnel

may not be communicating or have constant eyes on the facilities. And relying on people staying

up to date on their own is paramount.

The demand could not be higher due to the current pandemic and all the challenges and

overhauls in sanitation that must be implemented throughout the world. All businesses now are

prioritizing thorough cleaning. All of this coverage and work means businesses needing to spend

more to do so. The last thing any business owner or decision maker wants to do is needlessly

spend. Without an easy way to schedule cleaning shifts or manage equipment, schedule mistakes

can be made. Shifts might overlap too much, or the opposite of gaps in coverage. With ProClean,

the dashboard will show an at a glance schedule, so you can easily avoid these pitfalls. It will

also bring to attention with simple yet effective graphics and animations where these issues are.

In the last paragraph, equipment was mentioned. ProClean’s app also easily displays

smart devices and their status. Vacuum robots or air purification systems can be switched on or

off easily, and can sync with schedules. And to continue on needless spending, these tools can
Week 7 Group Assignment: ProClean Final Business Plan
shut off devices that should not be on. This will save electricity and the consumable materials

they use.

We will definitely target businesses that pride themselves in their sustainable practices.

Companies that do not want to waste any cleaning supplies or have cleaning machines running

too often will be very receptive to a product that helps them achieve their mission.

Customer Profile

As we have discussed with our target market, practically any size and type business can

benefit from our product. We definitely will have customer profiles though. One can be named

Tom. Tom is an experienced manager in building services and property management. He would

not call himself a power user with computers, but can figure out most things with his phone. He

is always busy at work, overseeing his cleaning crews. He wishes he didn’t have to switch

between multiple apps on his phone or have to go to his computer for certain features when it

came to managing his team’s schedule or check on equipment.

While he wishes he had a better planner app, the equipment he uses is really good and

there is not anything necessarily wrong with the various apps to manage them. It’s not having a

unified area that is a pain point. He can make do with scheduling, he uses his email calendar to

get a visual on shifts.

With ProClean, now everything syncs to one app, and the interface is the same, regardless

if using mobile or a desktop. Yes certain areas of the app layout will adjust, but only enough to

make it easy to use on whichever method.

Once Tom started using ProClean, he immediately got more value back in his day. He

easily could see there was a gap in coverage a week in advance, and could begin adjusting before

it was too late. He didn’t have to double check other apps if lights were left on in a conference
Week 7 Group Assignment: ProClean Final Business Plan
room or storage area. ProClean has an icon for a room with lights on, and a simple tap will turn

them off. And smart bulbs or light switches can also integrate, so rooms with no motion or off

peak hours can automatically turn off. These benefits save electricity, which saves money.

Segment of Overall Market and Growth Potential

Being a new business in any area presents challenges of great abundance. Concerning the

facilities industry, the amount of companies in the market remains vast to put it lightly. As a

unique startup endeavor, much of the success of our business will be provided by our customers

because to build momentum our organization must be able to achieve results. In the crowded

market we are attempting to break-into, the belief that our software and programs truly set us

apart from the pack is astronomically high. In other words, the confidence our organization

maintains in the products and services we provide is of relatively-little concern to the goals and

missions of our team. The true challenge continues to be in building momentum by providing

great assistance to our partnering customer organizations while growing the customer base and

scaling the business model for widespread use. As a technology-based firm, the tools we have

created to do this support both the goals of partnering companies as well as ours.

The target customer organizations of our mission are businesses of all types and sizes.

Initially, focusing primarily on smaller organizations will help address the highest need for our

services. The reason behind this is that we feel the need met by our business model is far greater

with several types of small businesses as larger organizations tend to address facilities

operational concerns either in their own facilities department or through third-party contracting

services. As a business born out of American challenges; the small businesses that create the

backbone of our great country have expressed the need for assistance more so than any other
Week 7 Group Assignment: ProClean Final Business Plan
sector of private industries; and for this reason, we believe this should remain the focus of our

endeavor for the initial stages.

Certainly, focusing on small business assistance as an emphasis for the goals of our

organization is not to say that larger organizations will be ignored. The real difference between

the approach for large and small businesses remains that the needs of the two will surely be of a

widely different scope. Small businesses will have higher needs in assuring that the highest

concern for facilities operations remains a top priority for their organization. This concept holds

true for larger organizations also; however, the problems and issues that a large organization will

need to address focus more on the systems in place to address the concerns. In terms of the

transparency of the live-dashboard aspect of our services; our hope is to reflect the efficiencies

and excellence of the systems instilled through our programs at larger companies. The section of

our services that provides this transparency is not all that much different between small and large

sized businesses, but the difference in large organizations will be to build the system itself. In

circumstances that provide a great system is already in place at this company for facilities

operations; our company can help increase performance as well as learn from these organizations

what works well and what does not. The model of mutual-success, we believe, will allow for the

best opportunity for continued growth of both the partner organization and ours.

Marketing Budget

As a new company to market we have to direct a lot of our focus towards marketing. In

order to have a successful path in business we have to create awareness about our product/brand.

There are many ways to do this but what we believe to be the most efficient ones are, social

media advertising and referrals. Today most people see most of their ads in social media since it

plays such a big role in everyday life. Furthermore, people also trust referrals especially if you
Week 7 Group Assignment: ProClean Final Business Plan
create some incentive to push a customer to refer your product or service; you also have to create

an incentive for the people receiving the referral.

The average marketing budget turnover is seven to eight percent. What this means is that

on average companies establish a seven to eight percentage of revenues towards the marketing

budget. This is a reasonable amount of money for advertising a product. Even though this is a

good amount of money for a new company like ours I believe we should invest more into

marketing. From our revenue we should take twelve to fifteen percent of our revenues and

dedicate it towards marketing. This may seem like a lot but we need to make sure that word

spreads about ProClean in order to acquire customers.

One of the costliest yet efficient marketing strategies is social media marketing. We

believe that in order to have a good impact on social media marketing we should invest sixty to

seventy percent of our marketing budget. We have to establish a presence in all possible social

media platforms. We have to pay for advertising within the platforms. And maybe have a social

media expert to work for us by the hour to consult us on what is best for our company. We have

to establish a target market and develop a social media presence to attract a specific audience.

We can do this through platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, YouTube and more.

Another way to efficiently market our product is through referrals. We want our

customers to refer our company to other potential customers. The problem is that they are not

going to do this by themselves. We have to create some sort of incentive for them to share our

product with their friends. During research and from experience it is common to offer free

premium subscriptions for a month or some credit to be used within the app. I believe that the

most cost effective way to push our customers to spread the word about our product is to offer

them a free month whenever one of their referrals subscribe to our platform. Following this up it
Week 7 Group Assignment: ProClean Final Business Plan
is our job to make sure we retain all these new customers. We have to do our best to provide the

best customer experience and customer interface possible.


The customer base for ProClean will be vast as facilities operations are part of just about

every type and size of business. With such a wide-ranging customer base it is crucial for our

startup to work on a target market; particularly in the initial stages. As described in other parts of

the report, the initial target market will consist primarily of small businesses. The facilities

requirements of these companies have become front-and-center as a result of the pandemic. Also,

these companies are going to be least-likely to have the resources available to meet the newly

established demand of ensuring customer and employee safety on a level never-before declared

as high as it currently sits. Furthermore, the benefits from using our services will hold a

significantly higher value for these customers of ours as the ability to focus on their primary

business goals will remain their top priority instead of worrying about the facilities matters

required for companies to continue operation in the post-pandemic society. The pairing of these

concepts behind the target market selection is a huge source of inspiration for our mission. In

aiding the small businesses in continuing to operate and achieve success, our company will

improve with the experience allowing for enhanced services in the future.

Planning for the growth of our organization has been incredibly important and relevant to

being a startup. The plan to scale our business goes hand-in-hand with the markets we are

planning to target and the timing of which. As the company grows, so will the size of the

businesses we partner with. Along with entering into the realm of larger-sized entities will be the

addition of new services offered through ProClean. Because the needs of a larger business are

widely different than those of small businesses, so too will the methods we use change and
Week 7 Group Assignment: ProClean Final Business Plan
develop. In the long-term, ProClean has the goal of offering other types of services based off the

successful efforts we achieve. As we grow as a company, the ability to offer our own facilities

services such as cleaning, equipment management, and other maintenance services will be some

of the main areas explored and researched. Additionally, and perhaps more importantly, facilities

consulting services will be provided. In several ways, our software does already act as a

consultant for facilities operations; however, the types of consulting services we intend to offer

down the road will be different in nature. After gaining an adequate amount of data from services

provided through ProClean, the ability for our team to assess and evaluate an area to determine

the best approach for regular maintenance will be rivaled by no other. The belief in setting our

program apart from the many others already in the game is a crucial element of the startup. With

this goal, the motivation and mission will not be lost in the mix in achieving success for our

business through your business!


As for pricing we believe it would be best to create a membership system with recurring

payments. Like many apps this has proved to be effective and marketable for apps that provide a

service. A few examples are Netflix, Hulu, Spotify, Amazon and many others. This is good for

the customers because it creates a sense of belonging and relationships. This is also good for us

as a company because it increases the lifetime value of a customer. It also helps us retain and

acquire new customers.

There are many options that we can offer as part of our payment and pricing plan. We can

offer what people call a month to month method. This is where we charge an amount for

subscription every month. People put in their credit card and an automatic payment will be made

to pay for their subscription. We should create different types of memberships for schools,
Week 7 Group Assignment: ProClean Final Business Plan
businesses and personal use. This pricing plan is directed towards personal use customers but can

be used by businesses and larger corporations. For personal use we can charge an amount of ten

to twelve dollars per month per user. If we were to provide this month to month subscription to

bigger facilities like schools or corporate offices we would charge an amount of eight dollars per

user every month and if you surpass thirty users we will just charge you a flat rate of 250 dollars

per month.

Another pricing method would be a recurring payment method but yearly. This is more

directed towards big companies but will also be marketed towards personal users. If you are a

personal user and want to pay the yearly subscription, we will give you one month out of the

twelve free. This is an incentive for you to do it since it is better for us to retain a customer for a

full year rather than monthly. If you are a big company and have more than thirty users we will

charge you a rate of 2,500 per month. Essentially, we are giving you 2 free months. But then

again it's better for us to ensure our customers are staying. If you are an organization of less than

30 people you would have to fill out a survey in order to come up with a yearly price. Hopefully

this will be a feature offered in the app.

Customer Service

When it comes time to build a new business it is all about customer service and

satisfaction. If the business is new you need to build a good reputation with customers to make

sure you get word of mouth marketing to gain new customers, and also make sure customers

return. Having a customer satisfied is the first step to being successful in any industry.

With ProClean we plan to invest time and money into our customer service. The first and

most essential thing is having a staff with experience and knowledge on how to treat customers.

This way the customer feels comfortable with the person they are communicating with. For good
Week 7 Group Assignment: ProClean Final Business Plan
customer service within an app you need several features. From past experience it is good for an

application to include a feature where you could write to a customer service representative about

your issues. This way the customer feels that their issues are being addressed instantly. In order

to have this feature you need to make sure that you have the staff to quickly respond to

customers' concerns. It is important to address them quickly so their messages are responded

within a reasonable time.

Another thing which is very important is to have a phone line. Some customers do not

like writing messages because they feel their problems are urgent. A lot of people including

myself like to call and have their problems addressed more hands on. This is why we need a call

center to treat our customers to the best of our ability.

Operational Plan

This operational plan will cover various specifics of the proposed operation of ProClean.

It will include objectives, a timeline, goals and procedures. It will also break down the people

and departments responsible for completing the actual tasks. Department’s responsibilities as

well as their locations will be described. Possibly the two biggest questions will conclude the

plan, which is when the plan is expected to be completed, and how much will it all cost. By the

end, it will have covered the clear objective for all people involved, as well as goals that relate to


To start things off, first the strategic objective will be covered. ProClean aims to be

available throughout the United States, including Alaska and Hawaii. The strategy will change

over time, such as expanding internationally, however a realistic and appropriate approach is to

focus on the same country we are based in. There is a demand in the United States after all.
Week 7 Group Assignment: ProClean Final Business Plan
To reach this objective, the departments of operations, human resources, technology,

finance, marketing, sales and customer service will all be responsible for delivering. Operations

will be overseeing the progress of each department, from data reporting and metrics to updates

and meetings from individual managers. Operations also includes the leadership team, which will

be responsible for making key decisions as well as making judgement calls on needed changes

and or guiding managers.

Human resources will be responsible for hiring the remaining people needed, as well as

monitoring the status and progress of people’s performance. Benefits and healthcare will also

need to be organized and handled accordingly, which human resources will also be responsible

for. Another critical area is culture. This is less about numbers, and more office morale, and

making sure people feel engaged and overall are happy with their jobs.

Related to human resources is the finance department, and their responsibilities. The

finance team is required for the company to actually remain operational. Basic areas will be

making sure vendors and other charges associated with building operations are the correct

amounts and are being paid on time. Looking more at the strategic objective, Finance will be

responsible for confirming requirement of all invoices, that all customers are paying.

The marketing department will be responsible for the launches of promotional campaigns

and social media interaction. Marketing will work closely with sales and technology, to both

provide insight on what the trends are on what people want, as well as understand feedback

people are getting. The sales department in ways represent the face of the company. Prospective

clients will rightfully expect them to be the experts of ProClean. The sales department will be

partly responsible for revenue. Partly because it is a joint effort where sales needs the support

from all other areas of the business in order to deliver the expectations being set.
Week 7 Group Assignment: ProClean Final Business Plan
Lastly, is the customer service department. Like sales, they also can be considered the

face of the company. Many of their calls and requests will be with unhappy people, and it’s

crucial we provide the most professional level of customer service. Not doing so can result in the

company’s reputation being tarnished. Customer service will be responsible for handling all

requests with existing customers in a timely manner and direct all other calls and channels of

contact to the appropriate departments and people.

As for where, headquarters will be in Boston. Due to the current pandemic and

uncertainty of what the new normal office structure will evolve into, headquarters will

accommodate the key personnel needed for operations. Working remotely also known as

working from home will be permitted and encouraged for applicable employees. Regardless of

the pandemic, certain roles and employees will be remote away from Boston anyway. Certain

members of the sales department will be remote to better reach markets in specific territories.

The target launch will be March 1st, 2021 and will operate on a calendar year basis.

These objectives and goals are expected to be completed by year end.

Management and Organization

ProClean will have a robust yet practically sized management and leadership team. The

top level may be referred to as the ‘Steering Committee’ or ‘Executive Team’. The top level will

be made of the Chief Executive Officer and President. Reporting to them will be the Vice

President's of Human Resources, Sales, Operations, Technology, Finance and Marketing,

Combined, this management team has over thirty years of leadership experience.

The next part of this section will be a breakdown of each manager’s details, experience,

critical position details, as well as accolades:

Week 7 Group Assignment: ProClean Final Business Plan

Chief Executive Officer

● Name: Chris Redfield

● Percentage of ownership: 12.5%
● Extent of involvement (active or silent partner): Active
● Type of ownership: Full stock options
● Duties and responsibilities: Making major corporate decisions, overseeing all
operations and reporting to the board of directors
● Educational background: Hamilton College, MBA
● Experience or skills that are relevant to the business and the duties: Chief
Operating Officer at Hubspot
● Past employment: Hubspot, Hamilton College
● Skills will benefit the business: Political science and sales
● Awards and recognition: Significant contributor to high ratings of past employers
with Glassdoor
● Compensation: 400K annually


● Name: Albert Wesker

● Percentage of ownership: 12.5%
● Extent of involvement: Active however may change to a silent partner
● Type of ownership: Limited stock options and general partner benefits
● Duties and responsibilities: Will work closely with other VPs on both short and
long term goals. Overall company goals and strategies.
● Educational background: Gonzaga
● Experience or skills that are relevant to the business and the duties: Has led
several 500+ size sales teams at Google and Microsoft
● Past employment: Umbrella Corporation
● Skills will benefit the business: Expert in business risks
● Awards and recognition: Strong sales and morale at previous employers he was
involved in
● Compensation: 300K annually

VP of Human Resources

● Name: Jill Valentine

● Percentage of ownership: 12.5%
● Extent of involvement: active
● Type of ownership: 40% stock options
● Duties and responsibilities: Overseeing Human Resources team and all hirings
and departures, performance evaluations, any reported complaints or incidents
including follow up, raises and merit increases
● Educational background: University of the Pacific
Week 7 Group Assignment: ProClean Final Business Plan
● Experience or skills that are relevant to the business and the duties: 10+ years of
corporate human resources and culture
● Past employment: Flywire, Boston University
● Skills will benefit the business: Strong interpersonal skills, being able to remove
emotional judgement and personal bias from decisions and suggestions
● Awards and recognition: Led Flywire to top 100 places to work in Boston 3 years
in a row
● Compensation: 160K annually
● How each persons' skills and experience will complement you and each other

VP of Operations

● Name: Barry Burton

● Percentage of ownership: 12.5%
● Extent of involvement: active
● Type of ownership: none
● Duties and responsibilities: Overseeing daily operations and decision maker of
them when needed
● Educational background: Adelphi University
● Experience or skills that are relevant to the business and the duties: Has served as
a Chief Operating Officer for similar size start ups
● Past employment: Operations leadership at both Boston University and City Hall
● Skills will benefit the business: Has been a leader and responsible for crisis teams,
learning on the fly and making good judgement
● Awards and recognition: “Hero Among Us” Recognition award at TD Banknorth
● Compensation: 200K annually

VP of Technology

● Name: Rebecca Chambers

● Percentage of ownership: 12.5%
● Extent of involvement: Active
● Type of ownership: General partner and 50% stock options
● Duties and responsibilities: Engineering and IT related teams. Ensuring continued
progress and advancements in software releases, features and improvements
● Educational background: University of the Utah
● Experience or skills that are relevant to the business and the duties
● Past employment: Rapid7
● Skills will benefit the business: Security compliance knowledge with former
employer Rapid7. The high expectations, seriousness and success with managing
tech teams will translate well
● Awards and recognition: Ambassador for Women In Tech
● Compensation: 175K annually

VP of Finance
Week 7 Group Assignment: ProClean Final Business Plan
● Name: Brad Vickers
● Percentage of ownership: 12.5%
● Extent of involvement: Active
● Type of ownership: General partner
● Duties and responsibilities: Overseeing finance department, audits, ensuring
earnings, reportings are accurate and following all financial laws
● Educational background: Harvard Business School
● Experience or skills that are relevant to the business and the duties: 10+ corporate
● Past employment: Wayfair
● Skills will benefit the business: Excel, Netsuite, Oracle, Coupa
● Compensation: $150K

VP of Marketing

● Name: Richard Aiken

● Percentage of ownership: 12.5%
● Extent of involvement: active
● Type of ownership: general partner
● Duties and responsibilities: Defining company image, marketing campaigns,
public relations, identifying market trends and needed adjustments
● Educational background: Louisiana State University
● Experience or skills that are relevant to the business and the duties: Manager roles
in both sales and marketing, Public Relations for other tech companies
● Past employment: Kronos
● Skills will benefit the business: Strong interpersonal and “can do” mentality and
work ethic
● Compensation: 200K
Week 7 Group Assignment: ProClean Final Business Plan
VP of Sales

● Name: Leon Kennedy

● Percentage of ownership: 12.5%
● Extent of involvement: Active
● Type of ownership: General partner
● Duties and responsibilities: Overseeing all sales teams, ensuring they are meeting
● Educational background: Tulane University
● Experience or skills that are relevant to the business and the duties
● Past employment: Vertix
● Skills will benefit the business: Strong interpersonal and motivational speaker
● Awards and recognition: Recurring speaker at college commencements along the
North East
● Compensation: 200K + commission

Financial Analysis

Our financial plan and analysis will consist of evaluating the amount of money we can

invest without losing any type of profit. The first thing we need to do is try to raise money and

look for people willing to invest in our product. After establishing our shareholders we have to

look at our monthly EBITDA (earning before interest, tax, depreciation and amortization.) When

we have this number established then we can evaluate how much we want to reinvest in the


We expect to have little overhead and manufacturing cost after the app is established. We

also want to make the business as remote as possible to avoid any excess infrastructure cost. Our

main expenses will be towards salaries, software development and customer service. This is our

financial model for the starting point of the business.

After we have established a presence in the industry and economy we have to make a

shift and evaluate how to best invest and manage our finances. We can only do this once we have

a better understanding of how our business progresses and how it integrates into the economy.
Week 7 Group Assignment: ProClean Final Business Plan
Several things that will always maintain importance in our business is customer

satisfaction and marketing. We want a fair marketing budget in order to make our product a

known and reputable brand. We also want to maximize our customer satisfaction since that is

what brings us more money and what develops a good name.

Technology and Technology Costs

Leading up to the company launch, the website, apps and services will go live. In order

for the website to launch, a domain and name will need to be selected. Search engine algorithms

and an online marketing campaign will be covered as well. Ads will appear on Google and

Amazon search results. Social networks like Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp will also have

featured and targeted ads.

Servers and other equipment needed to power the business will be completely cloud

based and hosted through Microsoft Azure. The first year’s cloud budget is estimated to be $2.2

million. While this may seem extremely high, there are several benefits. Part of the license

agreement includes 24/7 technical support and threat detection.

Another benefit to not having servers and hardware resources on premises is the costs and

logistics of purchasing and owning the equipment, versus a cloud subscription handling all of

that. We will not need to upgrade equipment. And in the event of an emergency or natural

disaster, we will not go offline. Or less traumatic, if the building were to lose power with on

prem devices, services would be impacted.

Headquarters will have a fiber optic speed internet speed service provider (ISP). Video

conferencing will be continuous throughout the day, between internal calls and meetings and

external people. Network bandwidth is expected to be heavy between 9am and 5pm EST. Cell

provider signal “boosters” will also be fitted in the office if needed. These are expected to be a
Week 7 Group Assignment: ProClean Final Business Plan
relative low cost, around $2,000 a year. Employees will not be limited to which carrier to use,

however it is not uncommon for any reliable carrier to still have coverage issues in an office


Regarding video conferencing, ProClean will go with Zoom video conferencing. The

estimated yearly subscription will be $100K. This will give each person unlimited calling,

recording and webinar enabled. Webinars allow up to one thousand participants to join a call.

These will be practical and useful for virtual events and large company meetings. Webinars

disable the microphones and video of all attendees unless being marked as a panelist.

For the development team and the critical work to the actual product and services we will

offer, they will also be hosted in Azure. $500,000 is allocated to research and development of

certifications for the team and software needed to deliver the products.

Second Year

Planning for the initial rollout and the first few years of operation is a tricky task to say it

lightly. All of the variables in the equation obviously make it difficult to predict and have hard

data to use in analysis and planning ahead. Fortunately, our organization’s model for the initial

rollout and expansion after-the-fact allows for growth at a steady pace. In the beginning, the

emphasis on the customer base consisting of smaller businesses (for example, restaurants and

retail stores) will only help in establishing our place in the market as an amazing tool to use for

businesses of all sizes. Certainly, in our North American market, primarily the United States, the

empathy and desire to aid small businesses will hopefully be used in our marketing plans. The

American population loves small business success as well as helping the underdog rise up to be a

force; success in this avenue will certainly gain the attention of others including other small

businesses and hopefully companies that may be larger in size.

Week 7 Group Assignment: ProClean Final Business Plan
Efforts of the future years will be largely determined by the success of the startup efforts.

Ideally, the success of our business model when used by smaller businesses will translate into

more customers as well as a sterling reputation. The primary goal of our organization is to help

achieve success for our customers and their business endeavors. The success of others is

necessary to the continuation of our company model. Successful achievement in this sector will

allow for larger organizations to utilize the services we provide. Breaking into the sector with

larger companies will admittedly be a more complex challenge, but with the experience of our

founders coming from organizations of larger size; we are prepared to address these topics.

In dealing with larger organizations, the approach from our end will be slightly different

but exactly the same in essence. Instead of simply aiding in the continued operation for

customers of the partnering company, our organization will work toward being the provider of

facilities management protocols and operations for the larger company. Oftentimes with larger

organizations, the facilities operations are the responsibility of the department that is separate to

address this part of business operations. Furthermore, working with organizations that use a

third-party contractor to handle their facilities operations the goal of our organization will be to

grow into the position of being able to be the third-party contractor. The reasoning behind this

approach is due to the complicated and constant needs of facilities operations. From our

perspective, the success in working with these larger organizations will be much more

complicated – unnecessarily, we add – and our organization believes the tools provided through

our business will allow for the partner organizations to see this live in action. When the situation

arises of the third-party contractor services conflicting with our mission, we must recognize the

opportunity that this situation presents. Our organization may not always win this bid, but that

will not prevent us from putting forth our best efforts to provide these services. When the
Week 7 Group Assignment: ProClean Final Business Plan
appropriate time is upon us, our goal is to be able to offer these same services provided by the

third-party. To put it most simply, we have already created a framework for the facilities

operations to adhere to that provide tools to make maintenance of facilities of all sizes and types

to achieve the highest levels of execution; let us provide your business with a highly professional

team that will make this process simple, easy, and worry-free for your organization. Essentially,

using our professional approach this is telling the partner/customer organization, “Don’t worry,

we got this!” when speaking on facilities operations. An aspect of a company that almost all will

need, but many tend to overlook. For this reason, removing the concern and worry dedicated to

facilities operations will become the responsibility of our efforts.

Startup & Funding

During the difficult and uncertain times we are all currently experiencing, excess funds of

individuals and businesses are both a shrinking pool as the pandemic continues on. Fear of the

uncertainty will surely impact the fundraising efforts for the initial rollout of our services. Still,

crowdfunding resources such as Kickstarter and GoFundMe will be utilized as well as seeking

investment from partnering organizations. The business model setup by our organization seeks to

gain compensation through proving the true value of our services to their organizations; our

success is dependent upon their success. In working together, we demonstrate a true sense of

teamwork as well as the desire to improve simply for improvement and a higher level of

executional operations; put in the simplest terms our organization holds values of integrity at the

highest level.

As previously stated, the inclination to invest at such a difficult time may be relatively

small. The true goal of our startup fundraising is to establish that the software and services, when

in use, will provide a great benefit to many businesses struggling to adhere to pandemic
Week 7 Group Assignment: ProClean Final Business Plan
guidelines. In its essence, our tools directly address a large variety of the issues created for

businesses as a result of the pandemic. With that in mind, the goal to illustrate that our services

provide such a benefit cannot be clearer and working together we will achieve success as well as

contribute to the continued efforts and success of the businesses with which we partner.

Financially speaking, an incentivized plan for continuing to use the services provided by our

company will drive the price down for our customer organization. The financial commitment to

our business will be reflected in the costs for the customer. Creating incentive for our customers

will only help gain and retain our customer base as well as help spread the word of our great

mission and services.

Due to the nature of our organization, offering primarily services and access to the tools

created through our organization, the liabilities attributed to our company will be only so many.

In this sense, our company is in one of the greatest positions: we have a new business in several

ways shielded from liability due to the corporate form and simple structure of the business

model. Operating mostly online in the space of the internet and communications sector; mostly

prevents our company from being held liable in most cases. This is not to say that our company

will be scot-free of any liability – this is simply untrue – however, with the goals of our

organization and being a startup this will provide a clear path to successful rollout as the

opportunities for legal issues in terms of negligence and acting in bad faith will be relatively

limited, especially compared to traditional brick-and-mortar businesses.

Week 7 Group Assignment: ProClean Final Business Plan

“RSM COVID-19 Power Apps.” RSM,

Nazario, Brunilda. “Mobile Apps for Coronavirus (COVID-19): See the List.” WebMD,

WebMD, 17 Aug. 2020,

Nazario, Brunilda. “Mobile Apps for Coronavirus (COVID-19): See the List.” WebMD,

WebMD, 17 Aug. 2020,

“How Much Should You Be Spending on Marketing?” Nuphoriq, 12 Dec. 2019,

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