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P. Acharon Boulevard, General Santos City

Tel. # 552-5544/



I. EVENT TITLE : “Food Plating and Photography”

THEME : “Scrutinizing skills and heightening artistry,

Embellish preeminent craftmanship “

II. PROPONENTS : Mark C. Segismundo and Jade Carolyn Bation

Event Coordinators


The BSHM 1st to 3rd year level of Goldenstate College of General Santos will hold
its annual final requirements Virtual HRM Skills Olympics of BSHM Department through
the event entitled, “Food Plating and Food Photography” on the 2 nd week of May 2021.
This event is to showcase the strong interrelation between the students in
cultivating the food plating and food photography. Food plating is the process of
arranging and decorating food to enhance its presentation. Improving the presentation
of a dish adds value to the dining experience, and provides room for a higher mark-up
on your food. Food photography is a still life photography genre used to create attractive
still life photographs of food. It is a specialization of commercial photography, the
products of which are used in advertisements, magazines, packaging, menus or
cookbook. A greater work with fervent dedication in reaching favorable outcome. This
event is a great opportunity for the students to express and exposing their knowledge
and skills in a competitive manner, in which they are tasked to prepare the food plating
and food photography in the most satisfying presentation. However, this event will
strictly Implementing Health Standard Protocol.
Event Background

Food photography, although not covered in many history books, has been a
subject since the early 1800’s. As a competition celebrating diverse food photography
globally. Throughout time, as food has much consumed, it has also been photographed.
Unit recently, food photography was considered crass and unworthy of artistic attention,
yet food across the globe is much more that nourishment in our consumerist culture.
Rather, the subject of food through time demonstrates symbolic meaning.
Methods, equipment, and style used in food photography have, however,
changed this significantly. It has now become a platform for artistic representation and
experimentation. In modern times, interest in food photography has become much more
widespread and diverse. Photographing food has become a part of our everyday dining
experiences, and the development of social media platforms has accelerated this.
Despite its complex changing nature, food photography can be seen to have
originated from still life paintings and arguably had developed through this art form. We
wanted to explore food photography from its origin, throughout key movements in
history, and how the genre has been artistically through time.



 To help the students in manifesting their work of
art in the field of Culinary and food presentation.
 To elevate the Food plating and Food
photography in sophisticated ways of preparation
that helps the students to enhance their
adroitness of competency.
 To give new experience to the students to attain
knowledge in which they will involve their
dexterity in a combative method.
TARGET DATE OF  First week of May 2021
VENUE  General Santos City
Expected Output:

Maintaining the skills and talents of the students by enriching the FOOD

Project Cost


PAPERS FOR CERT. 1 Rim of short paper. Mr. A Jumamil.


TARPAULIN. 1- 6X6 TARP. Segismundo Family. Approved

TROPHIES. 4 Trophies. Rizane Clan. Tentative

We believe that through these partnerships, we will be able to achieve a

meaningful celebration.

A. Guidelines
The said event will be participated by 15 students per teams and must follow the
Health Safety Protocols that has been Mandatory Implementation by the Government
and the Department of Health (DOH).

The following are the Guidelines of the Event:

1. The participants shall submit a parent’s consent.

2. The participants shall be resourceful upon doing their set ups.

3. The Student Chefs of every group shall wear proper uniform including face mask,
gloves, and hairnets upon preparing the food.
4. The Student Chefs shall practice proper sanitation in preparing food.
5. No loud noises in the kitchen.
6. Participants may utilize any materials to beautify their presentation.
7. The participants shall find strong internet connection to avoid intermittent internet
8. The Team leader of each group shall attend the briefing and debriefing.
9. The participants must join the zoom 15mins before the assembly time.

10. The non-participants shall wear proper Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). It
is an equipment worn to minimize exposure to hazards that cause serious
workplace injuries and illness.
11. FAILURE TO COMPLY the said agreement has a corresponding deductions.

B. Mechanics

Prior to the day of the event

1. The participants shall wear chef’s uniform.

2. Participants shall create food plating for DESSERT.
3. Participants may utilize any materials to beautify their presentation.
4. There will only be one presentation. (DESSERT only)
5. Participants shall bring their own DESSERT items.
6. Participants may bring accessories for their presentation.
7. Food should be edible and far from hazard.
8. After 30 minutes of plating, photographer shall start taking best picture.
9. If participants exceed to its given time, 2 points deduction will be applied.
10. Student shall bring their DSLR camera.

The Event will also follow the Health Safety Protocols for COVID-19 virus.
Use Healthy Practices to Protect Yourself
The best way to stay healthy is to follow these steps from the CDC: 
 Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially
after being in a public place, or after blowing your nose, coughing or sneezing. If
soap and water are not readily available, use a hand sanitizer with at least 60%
 Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands.
 Avoid close contact with people who are sick, and practice social distancing by
keeping at least 6 feet away from others if you must go out in public.
 Wear a cloth face covering to cover your mouth and nose when around others
and when you must go out in public. The cloth face cover is meant to protect
other people in case you are infected. Don’t place one on young children under
age 2, anyone who has trouble breathing, or is unconscious, incapacitated or
otherwise unable to remove the mask without assistance. 
 Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when coughing or sneezing and throw
the tissue away after use. If a tissue isn’t available, cough or sneeze into your
elbow or sleeve, not your hands.
 Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces daily. This includes tables,
doorknobs, light switches, handles, desks, computers, phones, keyboards, sinks,
toilets, faucets and countertops. 
Follow these five easy steps to help prevent the spread of COVID-19

Sneeze or cough?  Cover your nose

and mouth with a tissue or use your

Wash your hands often with soap and

water for at least 20 seconds.

Clean and disinfect surfaces around

your home and work frequently.

Keep at least 6 feet between yourself

and others if you must be in public.

Wear a cloth face covering over your

mouth and nose when around

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