St. Paul University Surigao: Biblical Text: John 12:1-11

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Paul University Surigao

St. Paul University System
8400 Surigao City, Philippines

APARICI, Joenetha Ann P. April 6, 2021

BSCE-III Religious Education
Biblical text: John 12:1-11

Guide Questions for Journaling:

1. What word, phrase, line or verse is most meaningful to you? (LECTIO) repeated,
reverent reading of the suggested biblical text.
2. What is the Lord telling you in that most meaningful word, phrase, line or verse?
(MEDITATIO) entering into the truth of the text.
3. How have I concretely experienced this most meaningful word, phrase, line or
verse in my life? (focus on one experience only) Talk to Jesus, the Living Word.
4. What feelings were evoked during your time of prayer?
5. (ACTIO) is making fruitful what the Word has taught us. What does the text want
me to do?


The phrase which hits me the most is "Martha served, and Lazarus was one of those
at the table with him. Mary took a pound of costly perfume made of pure nard, anointed
Jesus' feet, and wiped them with her hair." (LECTIO). This phrase shows that Martha,
Lazarus, and Mary were delighted to have Jesus as her guest. Not just that, they did every
act of love and praise since they knew that Jesus was worthy of their honor and service
(MEDITATIO). There were times in my life that I have doubted and failed to honor and
appreciate Jesus. Still, as I recall how others' judgments did not hold back his loyal disciples
and followers, I can tell that I am very much willing to splash my tears on the feet of the one
who emptied himself on the world and for me (ORATIO and CONTEMPLATIO). By that, I
will continue and encourage others to continuously praise and communicate with God
through prayers. Prayers not with mere words but with our body and heart (ACTIO).

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