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Paul University Surigao

St. Paul University System
8400 Surigao City, Philippines

APARICI, Joenetha Ann P. April 8, 2021

BSCE-III Religious Education
Biblical text: John 13:1-15
Guide Questions for Journaling:

1. What word, phrase, line or verse is most meaningful to you? (LECTIO) repeated,
reverent reading of the suggested biblical text.
2. What is the Lord telling you in that most meaningful word, phrase, line or verse?
(MEDITATIO) entering into the truth of the text.
3. How have I concretely experienced this most meaningful word, phrase, line or
verse in my life? (focus on one experience only) Talk to Jesus, the Living Word.
4. What feelings were evoked during your time of prayer?
5. (ACTIO) is making fruitful what the Word has taught us. What does the text want
me to do?


"'Do you know what I have done to you? You call me Teacher and Lord-and you are
right, for that is what I am. So if I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also
ought to wash one another's feet. For I have set you an example, you should also do as I
have done to you'". This phrase suggests much to me (LECTIO). That act of Jesus made
some of his disciples think that they are unworthy to be served so humbly by Jesus, their
master, and Lord, yet Jesus insists that if they do not let him wash his feet, he will not be
able to have a share with him.
Jesus loved his disciples, right to the end. He remarkably showed this, honoring
them by washing their feet (MEDITATIO). There are points in my life where I can't fully
comprehend what Jesus is asking on how I should live or what I should do. But now, I have
realized that all that he wanted to show is that I should listen first to notice everything that
he has done to my brothers and sisters and me (ORATIO and CONTEMPLACIO). And by
that, I can do and follow what he has done and know my purpose. By that, I will humbly give
thanks for the chances to be of help to others. I will pray that even my little acts of service
may be for the welfare of the world and the glory of God (ACTIO).

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