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Likely to include: Stand out moments of honesty, emotional
intensity and insight into the character of the person, services the
emotional memory, depth of character and the arc of the narrative
within the monologue.

Might include: Moments which may help to serve narrative

and/or the character, however aren’t as poignant or are too long to
be condensed and used.

Will not include: Moments that are irrelevant and don’t add any
dynamic to the overall message, plot and that are excessively long
and uninteresting to the audience.
 Authentic moment from interviewee (establishing
setting and brings in subtext)
 Speaking of Lockdown (discusses mental stuggle and
financial struggle.)
 Speaks of his past, mental health struggle, struggles with
his career, feeling lost and hopeless. (establishes
emotional memory, real and meaningful.)
 Extreme detail into music and driving job (too long to be
included, some short, specific details could be included
using “Massaged Theatre.”)
 Speaks of their hopes and desires when he was younger,
slight sadness in reminiscing (motivations and emotional
memory.) (could include and cut some aspects.)
 Speaks of what he was like when he was young.( could
include some parts to help with characterisation.)
 Then speaks in detail about building. (most will be cut
however some short, specific points could be used.)
 Very detailed explanation of motorbikes
 Talks of surfing and motor biking, in great length and
 Speaks of his opinion that today people are “spoilt” in
society. (controversial, shows some of his personality.)
 Speaks about depression (intriguing doesn’t go into
much detail, underplays the severity of his mental
health condition however this is shown through voice
and body language, there is a large sense of subtext and
 Speaks of feeling betrayed and his mistrust of people,
shocking statement, filled with sadness, juxtaposed by
almost forced laughter. Huge amount of subtext and
 Speaks of capitalism and the unfairness in society, the
poor and rich divide. (resonates with the themes of
“Road” shows how he feels about the modern world.
 Speaks of feeling emotionally tired, heavy sadness
juxtaposed with laughter
 Speaks in detail about capitalism and socialism.
 Speaks of social unrest and change.
 Speaks about depression relating to social media and
the younger generation (reminisces on his technology
free past.)
 Says a very specific line referring to Caroline Flack’s
suicide (shockingly expresses his concern.)
 Talks of online dating, some subtext behind failure of
marriage and moving on (sadness and refers to
 Gives advice to do something you enjoy and don’t

become obsessed with possessions and feeling as

though you “have to have something.”

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