2018 Oligemia, Penumbra, Infarction. Understanding Hypoperfusion With Neuroimaging

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Oligemia, Penumbra,

I n f a rc t i o n
Understanding Hypoperfusion with
Lei Wu, MDa, Wei Wu, MDa,b, E. Turgut Tali, MDc,
William T. Yuh, MD, MSEEa,*

 Acute ischemic stroke  Oligemia  Penumbra  Infarction  Hypoperfusion  Thrombolysis

 Despite recent demonstration of improved clinical outcomes in acute ischemic stroke with mechan-
ical thrombectomy, considerable inconsistency remains regarding optimal patient selection and
ideal treatment algorithms, for a large part because of current insufficiencies with neuroimaging
of stroke.
 From a basic physiologic perspective, oligemia, ischemia, infarct core, and penumbra are quanti-
tatively defined by their respective regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) values, which role is to reflect
the severity of the ischemic injury, and therefore to directly and appropriately influence treatment
decisions among various possibilities, that is, clear indication, absence of indication, or clear
contraindication to reperfusion therapy.
 Imaging-based determination of hypoperfusion using DWI-MR imaging, perfusion CT, or perfu-
sion MR imaging has not yet received consistent validation with rCBF values, and therefore may
not allow to reliably differentiate between oligemia, infarct core, and penumbra. As a result, ab-
solute determination of the best therapy may not be possible with imaging alone in the face of
 One-size-fits-all treatment algorithms based on a time window or on imaging alone may not fully
account for the severity of ischemic injury in the individual patient. Rather, a physiology-based
treatment decision tree can best take into account individual variations and guide optimal choice
of treatment.
 The “time is brain” paradigm incompletely reflects decision making in stroke treatment. The abil-
ity to quickly and reliably identify infarct core and penumbra volumes are key in reducing rates of
treatment failure and hemorrhagic transformation, and improving clinical outcomes, even in pa-
tients who present late after stroke onset but maintain a favorable infarct to penumbra ratio.
 Inconsistencies in the design and methods of imaging protocols used across various institutions
and clinical trials have so far contributed to limiting the reliability of neuroimaging.

Disclosure Statement: None.

Department of Radiology, University of Washington, 1959 Northeast Pacific Street, Room NW011, Seattle,
WA 98195, USA; b Department of Radiology, Tongji Hospital, Tongji Medical College Affiliated to Huazhong
University of Science and Technology, 1095 Jiefang Avenue, Wuhan, Hubei 430074, China; c Department of
Radiology, Gazi University School of Medicine, Mevlana Blv. No: 89, Yenimahalle, Ankara 06560, Turkey
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: wyuh@uw.edu

Neuroimag Clin N Am 28 (2018) 599–609

1052-5149/18/Ó 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
600 Wu et al

BACKGROUND window, and even within 3 hours from symptom

onset (Fig. 1).13–15 Therefore, it remains a major
Acute ischemic stroke (AIS) remains one of the clinical predicament to assess each individual
leading causes of death and significant morbidity patient’s therapeutic window, optimal reperfusion
in the United States despite a slow decline in its options, and predict outcome before treatment.
incidence in past decades.1,2 Each year, approxi- Currently, there is no well-established means to
mately 692,000 patients are diagnosed with new predict which individual patients with AIS present-
or recurrent AIS.3 Until 2015, intravenous tissue ing within the therapeutic window will benefit from
plasminogen activator (tPA) was the mainstay of prompt reperfusion, and which individuals will be
treatment.4–6 Recently, the treatment of AIS has harmed (hemorrhagic complication) after prompt
been further advanced with positive results from successful reperfusion within the conventional
multiple large clinical trials that showed endovas- and extended therapeutic window. Therefore, the
cular thrombectomy improved treatment outcome one-size-fits-all time-based (“time is brain”)
and extended the therapeutic window beyond the approach remains the common practice for sys-
traditional 3 to 8 hours.7–12 Despite the therapeutic temic tPA and endovascular recanalization for
window for endovascular thrombectomy now be- patients with AIS.7–12,16,17
ing extended up to 12 to 24 hours for some pa- Until recently, the concept that the therapeutic
tients, there is still realistic concern for the risk of window varies among different individuals has
hemorrhage after reperfusion in addition to the dif- finally gained general acceptance by the stroke
ficulty of identifying which patients will ultimately community.12,18,19 To effectively incorporate the
benefit from reperfusion intervention.9,12,13 Hem- concept of individualized therapeutic window for
orrhagic complications have been reported in pa- each patient, we should examine the possible fac-
tients treated during the extended therapeutic tors in the current treatment paradigm, which
windows (8–24 hours) and during the traditional

Fig. 1. Hemorrhagic complication from a successfully reperfused patient 1 hour after onset of AIS. A 61-year-
old inpatient who developed left hemiparesis while being treated for atrial fibrillation. Code stroke was acti-
vated within 1 hour of symptom onset. Prethrombectomy CT perfusion using Rapid (iSchema, Redwood City,
CA) demonstrated a small infarction core (31 mL) defined by CBF <30% compared with the contralateral
side (A), and a large penumbra (177 mL) defined by Tmax >6.0 seconds at our institution (B). Pretreatment
angiogram (C) demonstrated right M1 occlusion with normal noncontrast CT (D). Post-thrombectomy DWI
(E) and ADC map (F) demonstrated a large right MCA territory ischemic changes complicated by hemorrhagic
conversion (H) despite successful recanalization within 1 hour of symptom onset. (G) This case demonstrates
the challenge in treatment selection using time-based therapeutic window without consideration of severity
of ischemic injury (rCBF) or physiology-based window. ADC, apparent diffusion coefficient; CT, computed
tomography; DWI, diffusion-weighted imaging; MCA, middle cerebral artery; rCBF, regional cerebral blood
Understanding Hypoperfusion with Neuroimaging 601

limits the ability to triage those who will benefit if not more important than the urgent identifica-
from treatment and to avoid treating those who tion of vascular occlusive lesions (Fig. 2). Further-
will be harmed from reperfusion. One such possi- more, the severity of vascular occlusion may not
bility is the limitation of stroke imaging to differen- always reflect the true underlying severity of
tiate among oligemia, penumbra, and infarction ischemic injury particularly in patients with
core (their definitions are discussed later) within chronic occlusive vascular disease because
the hypoperfused tissue. There is a need to better these patients tend to have more opportunity to
understand how these parameters are defined for develop additional collateral circulation (CC)
parenchymal hypoperfusion and the respective (Fig. 3). Therefore, it is essential to understand
implications of these definitions in guiding optimal the fundamental definitions of parenchymal hypo-
treatment selection. To truly optimize stroke treat- perfusion and underlying pathophysiology of
ment decision and outcome while minimizing risks, ischemic injury during AIS, and their implications
the one-size-fits-all time-based approach likely for optimal treatment selections for individual
has its limitations. Specifically, the time-based patients.
approach may exclude patients who may benefit
from treatment beyond an arbitrary fixed time win-
dow if there is still ischemic tissue with lesser se- STROKE PATHOPHYSIOLOGY: CONTINUUM
vere ischemic injury (penumbra). Rather than a OF ISCHEMIC INJURY AND DEFINITIONS
physiology-based approach, the current fixed Based on clinical data and imaging findings, there
time-based approach does not always reflect the are variable definitions of oligemia, penumbra, and
severity of the ischemic injury nor the underlying infarction core of the hypoperfused brain paren-
reduction of regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF). chyma, which critically influence the optimal
Such generalized approach for all patients with treatment selection. Fundamentally, these termi-
AIS is less than ideal because individual patients nologies are quantitatively defined by their respec-
with the same time of symptom onset may have tive quantitative rCBF values (Fig. 4) from the
different degree of ischemic injury and therefore primate study, importantly not by imaging.20
different timelines for conversion from salvageable These terminologies are designed for the purpose
ischemia (penumbra) to infarction. Similarly, the of reflecting the severity of ischemic injury and
one-size-fits-all approach may include those pa- therefore facilitate the optimal treatment selection
tients with hemorrhage risk even for those present- of the hypoperfused tissue.
ing within the generally accepted therapeutic Hypoperfusion, oligemia, ischemia, penumbra,
window if there is severe reduction of rCBF, which and infarction core are quantitatively defined by
quickly converts ischemic tissue into infarction rCBF as the following:
core (see Fig. 1).
Although imaging has been increasingly used in 1. Normal rCBF ranges from approximately 60 to
the management of AIS, the current clinical para- 100 mL/100 g/min.20,21 Hypoperfusion is
digm and inconsistent imaging protocols and defined as parenchyma with rCBF lower than
interpretation of imaging-based hypoperfusion 60 mL/100 g/min, which includes oligemia,
among different institutions have also limited its ischemia, penumbra, and infarction core.
potential to optimize patient selection, selection Ischemic tissue includes penumbra and infarc-
of reperfusion options, and ultimately treatment tion core.
outcome. Most stroke imaging gold standards, 2. Oligemia is defined as hypoperfusion that is
rationales, and approaches are inconsistent and asymptomatic and recovers without the
frequently influenced by a few major institutions need for reperfusion treatment (not indi-
without reaching consensus and even disproving cated). It correlates with rCBF values less
their own prior conclusions at times. The true po- than 60 mL/100 g/min but greater than
tential of advance stroke imaging lies in its ability the ischemic threshold, usually 22 mL/
to detect, delineate, and most importantly to 100 g/min.
differentiate oligemia, penumbra, and infarction 3. Ischemia is symptomatic hypoperfusion that
within the hypoperfused brain so that an optimal occurs at rCBF values less than 22 mL/
treatment option is selected before treatment, 100 g/min (ischemic threshold). Ischemic tis-
which includes no reperfusion (“do-no-harm”) sues include the penumbra and infarction
for those presenting within the traditional or core, which are quantitatively defined by their
recently extended therapeutic window. To respective low rCBF values. Reperfusion treat-
correctly differentiate the various degrees of ment of ischemic tissue is either indicated or
parenchymal hypoperfusion or ischemic injury is contraindicated depending on the degree of
therefore critical, and perhaps just as important ischemic injury.
602 Wu et al

Fig. 2. Different outcomes in three patients with imaging evidence of CC and treatment within therapeutic win-
dows: regardless of the respective success/failure of reperfusion intervention, their different outcomes suggested
that vascular lesions and duration of ischemia may not be the only critical factors that influence reperfusion
outcome. To increase the impact of imaging on AIS outcome, imaging-based patient selection requires more ac-
curate reflection of rCBF to further improve the differentiation among oligemia, penumbra, and infarction.
Case #1: patient with left M1 MCA occlusion who was successfully reperfused within 2 hours of symptom onset
had good outcome with a small final infarction. Case #2: patient with proximal right cervical ICA occlusion who
was not successfully reperfused but had good outcome with a small final infarction. Case #3: patient with prox-
imal right ICA occlusion who was successfully reperfused with 4.5 hours of symptom onset but had a large infarc-
tion volume. CTA, computed tomography angiography; ICA, internal carotid artery; MIP, maximum intensity

4. Infarction core is the irreversible process of rapid reperfusion intervention can be undertaken
near instantaneous conversion from hypoper- to salvage the penumbra while minimizing the
fused brain with rCBF values less than the risk of hemorrhage by avoidance of reperfusion
infarction threshold (10 mL/100 g/min) to unsal- of the infarction core. Until recently, the main
vageable infarcted tissue. It is the most severe therapy strategy has been a time-based
form of ischemic injury and associated with approach for patients presenting within the
high risk of hemorrhage if reperfused; thus, re- respective standard fixed time windows to
perfusion is contraindicated. promptly search for occlusive vascular lesions
5. Penumbra is defined as tissues with less severe so that intravenous tPA and/or endovascular
ischemic injury than the infarction core, and it is thrombectomy can be initiated as soon as
reversible. Prompt reperfusion is indicated. It possible (time is brain) after hemorrhage and
generally correlates with rCBF values of 10 to alternative diagnosis have been excluded. The
22 mL/100 g/min.16,20,22,23 As time progresses, inconsistency in stroke terminologies (oligemia,
the penumbra converts into infarction core at a ischemia, penumbra, infarction core, or tissue-
variable rate depending on many anatomic and at-risk, which are often used interchangeably in
physiologic factors, particularly the rCBF, and it clinical practice and even in scientific presenta-
is the target of reperfusion strategies to salvage tions/literature) limits optimal treatment selection
tissues with reversible ischemia. for which these terminologies have been defined
and intended. For instance, imaging-based
CHALLENGES hypoperfusion is not always indicative of
ischemia or tissue at risk, and ischemic tissue
The key to improve clinical outcome in AIS is to is not equal to penumbra. Ischemic tissue is
correctly identify reversible ischemia so that symptomatic hypoperfused tissues that include
Understanding Hypoperfusion with Neuroimaging 603

Fig. 3. Potential limitation of perfusion imaging in differentiating oligemia, penumbra, and infarction core. MR
imaging perfusion demonstrated hypoperfused right cerebral hemisphere by MTT (A), TTP (B), CBF (C), and CBV
(D) in an 84-year-old outpatient presented with possible seizure. MRA (E) showed complete occlusion of the right
ICA without associated ischemia on DWI (F). The ICA occlusion was likely chronic in nature as evidenced by exten-
sive CC on the postcontrast MR image (G). This patient did not have stroke symptoms and did not receive reper-
fusion treatment. Follow-up FLAIR (H) did not show large territorial infarction of right MCA. Therefore, the MR
imaging perfusion abnormalities (A–D) likely represent oligemia, which is asymptomatic and has no indication for
prompt reperfusion. CBV, cerebral blood volume; MRA, magnetic resonance angiography; MTT, mean transit
time; TTP, time to peak.

both penumbra and infarction core depending on positioning, have also been shown to improve
severity of ischemic injury (rCBF), which is outcome, likely by preventing or prolonging
indicated and contraindicated for reperfusion penumbral tissue from converting into infarction
therapy, respectively. Similarly, neurologic as- core (preventing rCBF from dropping lower
sessments, such as National Institutes of Health than the infarction threshold, and therefore in-
Stroke Score measure symptomatic ischemia or crease the size of penumbra and therapeutic
severity of clinical presentation but may not window).26–30 This was also previously demon-
readily differentiate the cause of the clinical strated by Ueda and colleagues12 that patients
symptoms by either penumbra or infarction core. had different relative rCBF at given time points
The current patient selection methods are pri- from symptom onset, and their outcome (ranging
marily based on the “time is brain” model. This from full recovery to hemorrhage) correlated
model assumes that all patients with AIS with significantly with the relative rCBF values but
the same ischemic duration have similar not the duration of ischemia. Most notably, pa-
ischemic pathophysiology (same degree of low tients had neurologic recovery even when suc-
rCBF or severity of ischemic injury) and assumes cessful reperfusion was achieved after almost
that all hypoperfusions consist of only penumbra 12 hours from symptom onset (Fig. 5). Their re-
without the concern of coexisting infarction core. sults are concordant with our own experience
Furthermore, the amount of penumbra may vary at our institution that treatment outcome may
for different patients because patients with AIS vary in patients treated within the traditional
may have different abilities to maintain rCBF therapeutic window independent of imaging evi-
of ischemic tissue higher than the infarction dence of collateral circulation and success/fail-
threshold through mechanisms, such as pre- ure of the reperfusion therapy (see Fig. 2). This
existing CC and compensatory hypertension by suggests that a vascular lesion is not the only
autoregulation.24,25 In addition, maintenance of key factor that influences rCBF and reperfusion
rCBF by clinical means, such as pharmaceuti- treatment outcome. Patient selection is further
cally induced hypertension and head limited by the current treatment inclusion
604 Wu et al

Fig. 4. Parenchymal hypoperfusion, oligemia, ischemia, penumbra, and infarction fundamentally defined by
parenchymal rCBF. Continuum of hypoperfusion based on parenchymal rCBF values with three thresholds (normal
threshold 5 60 mL/100 g/min, ischemic threshold 5 22 mL/100 g/min, and infarction threshold 5 10 mL/100 g/min).
Quantitatively, there are four physiologic states defined by rCBF values: normal (60–100 mL/100 g/min) and
hypoperfused parenchyma (<60 mL/100 g/min), which includes oligemia (22–60 mL/100 g/min), penumbra
(10–22 mL/100 g/min), and infarction core (<10 mL/100 g/min). Ischemic tissue includes penumbra and infarction
core. Reperfusion intervention is indicated for penumbra but contraindicated for infarction core. It is also not indi-
cated for oligemia. (From Yuh WT, Alexander MD, Ueda T, et al. Revisiting current golden rules in managing acute
ischemic stroke: evaluation of new strategies to further improve treatment selection and outcome. AJR Am J Roent-
genol 2017;208(1):37; with permission.)

criteria, which include estimate of infarction size have higher risk of hemorrhage.32,33 In contrast,
by imaging (usually noncontrast computed to- patients with chronic steno-occlusive disease
mography [CT] and MR imaging) and National In- have been shown to have greater CC, which is
stitutes of Health Stroke Scale, which may not a positive predictor of favorable outcome (see
reliably differentiate among oligemia, penumbra, Fig. 3).33
and infarction core. Finally, inconsistent imaging protocols and
Therefore, more accurate differentiation be- imperfect imaging-based definitions of different
tween penumbra and infarction core would pro- severity of hypoperfusion limit the full potential of
foundly impact each individual’s therapeutic imaging and optimal treatment selection. Although
window, reperfusion option, and ultimately pa- quantitative measurement of CBF is possible
tient outcome.16,21,31 In our experience, even using O-15 PET, it is impractical in the AIS treat-
patients presenting within 1 hour of symptom ment setting.34–36 CT- and MR imaging–based
onset (see Fig. 1) may be contraindicated for perfusion studies provide pseudoquantitative data
reperfusion therapy, particularly in patients with that approximate physiologic states, but they are
AIS with atrial fibrillation in whom there is insuf- imperfect. Specifically, imaging-based hypoperfu-
ficient time to develop CC, and the penumbra sion abnormality may become positive during oli-
quickly converts into infarction core with sudden gemia, and lead to overestimation of the size of
severe drop in rCBF. Reperfusion is contraindi- penumbra.18,37–39 Mean transit time maps are
cated in this group of patients who tend to particularly prone to this in our experience
Understanding Hypoperfusion with Neuroimaging 605

Fig. 5. Severity (y-axis), duration of ischemia (x-axis), and reperfusion outcomes (colored dots). Reperfusion
outcomes (red, hemorrhage; yellow, infarction; blue, reversible hypoperfusion) of 42 hypoperfusion lesions after
successful recanalization within 12 hours after symptom onset are summarized. It is the severity of ischemia
compared with the contralateral parenchyma (y-axis), but not the duration of ischemia (x-axis) or National Insti-
tutes of Health score, significantly correlated with outcome. By extrapolation from the x-axis, these three
different outcomes (reversible hypoperfusion, infarction, and hemorrhage) cannot be readily separated by a
given time point within 12 hours. The results showed that patients with relative rCBF between 35% and 55% re-
sulted in infarcts without hemorrhage, and patients suffered hemorrhage if the relative rCBF was less than 35%.
Patients with relative rCBF greater than 55% experienced recovery without infarct or hemorrhage after successful
recanalization up to 12 hours. These figures demonstrated two important concepts: patients with the same dura-
tion of AIS may have suffered different severity of ischemic injury or had different degree of low rCBF; and rela-
tive rCBF or physiologic-based therapeutic window is better than time-based therapeutic window for selection of
optimal treatment. (From Yuh WT, Alexander MD, Ueda T, et al. Revisiting current golden rules in managing
acute ischemic stroke: evaluation of new strategies to further improve treatment selection and outcome. AJR
Am J Roentgenol 2017;208(1):41; with permission.)

(see Fig. 3). This pitfall in perfusion imaging maybe core and penumbra” (Fig. 6). CT perfusion and
related to the fact that current techniques are sen- MR perfusion are known to overestimate ischemic
sitive to delay in antegrade flow through large ves- tissue and tend to include large areas of hypoper-
sels, but they may not adequately account for fused oligemic tissue, particularly on mean transit
retrograde flow from CC, particularly through time or Tmax maps (see Fig. 3). Although
micro-CC when contrast arrival is delayed, or the diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) abnormality is
contrast dose delivery is diminished. Increased commonly accepted as the imaging definition of
macro-CC has been demonstrated to be a positive infarction core, DWI can be positive in patients
predictor of good outcome and serve as an indirect with oligemia (Fig. 7), and can also overestimate
measurement of rCBF. However, presence of CC the size of infarction core (Fig. 8).38,39 Because
may not be as precise to predict the reperfusion DWI and perfusion-weighted imaging can be posi-
outcome (see Fig. 2). Furthermore, determination tive in oligemia, and do not always match the true
of penumbra and infarction core by imaging may ischemic injury and differentiate penumbra from
also be challenging. Relative rCBF by CT perfusion infarction core, determination of penumbra or
compared with the normal contralateral side infarction core purely based on diffusion-
can be imprecise in estimating the size of the perfusion mismatch may not always be adequate
infarction core and penumbra (see Fig. 1, iSchema (Fig. 9). Therefore, there is an unmet need to vali-
Rapid, Redwood City, CA), and may mischarac- date the quantitative parameters of imaging hypo-
terize chronic encephalomalacia as “infarction perfusion with true underlying rCBF to reflect the
606 Wu et al

Fig. 6. CT perfusion may mischaracterize chronic encephalomalacia as infarction core and penumbra. 68-year-old
patient with a history of prior right middle cerebral artery territory infarct presenting with neglect and possible
new or worsening left sided weakness and sensory loss. CT perfusion using Rapid (A) showed a “infarction core”
and “penumbra” corresponding to the region of chronic encephalomalacia seen on the same day CT head and
follow up MRI 1 day later (B, C). DWI (D) from the same follow up MRI demonstrated no diffusion restriction to
suggest acute infarction.

ischemic injury, such as in the original primate protocols may help to improve the efficacy.
stroke model or with the use of O-15 PET.34,36,37 Possible avenues include using relative intensity
Meanwhile, more advanced quantitative analysis of DWI lesions to increase specificity for infarction
of imaging parameters from the existing imaging core and using arterial spin labeling for

Fig. 7. DWI abnormality may represent oligemia rather than infarction core as demonstrated by spontaneous
recovery in a 72-year-old man without reperfusion treatment. Initial DWI (A) shows abnormality near trigone
of left lateral ventricle (arrowheads). Follow-up DWI 25 hours later (B) showed full resolution of the DWI
abnormality shown in A. This case illustrates that DWI abnormality may not indicate infarction, as generally
perceived, and may represent hypoperfused oligemic tissue, which can recover without reperfusion
treatment. (Courtesy of Moseley ME, MD, Stanford University, Stanford, CA; and From Yuh WT, Alexander
MD, Ueda T, et al. Revisiting current golden rules in managing acute ischemic stroke: evaluation of new stra-
tegies to further improve treatment selection and outcome. AJR Am J Roentgenol 2017;208(1):38; with
Understanding Hypoperfusion with Neuroimaging 607

Fig. 8. DWI abnormality and MTT-DWI match may not indicate infarction. This patient had DWI (A) and ADC
abnormality (B) in the right MCA territory with corresponding MTT abnormality (C). This is an MTT-DWI match,
which is considered as infarction core by the current standards. On his 1-month follow-up MR image (D), the final
infarction core was smaller than the original DWI abnormality (A, B). Thus, DWI overestimated the infarction core
size. The area of the hypoperfused parenchyma with DWI abnormality (B, arrow), recovered without treatment,
and likely represented oligemia (D, arrow).

characterizing CC or rCBF, which was associated areas, patient safety (eg, contrast allergy,
with better patient outcome.40,41 In addition to pacemakers), or rapid image processing time are
these challenges, other considerations, such as also areas of further improvement in stroke
access to advance imaging especially for remote imaging.

Fig. 9. DWI/perfusion-weighted imaging (PWI) mismatch or match may not represent penumbra or infarct core,
respectively. This 76-year-old woman had AIS followed by spontaneous neurologic recovery from spontaneous
resolution of right M1 thrombosis confirmed on follow-up MR angiography. Initial DWI (A) showed multiple
foci of diffusion restriction (arrows and arrowheads) within right MCA territory. Initial PWI (B) showed that
the abnormality in the right MCA territory was more extensive than the DWI abnormality in A. Therefore, all
DWI lesions (A, arrows and arrowheads) had matched PWI abnormalities (B). DWI/PWI mismatch was present
in the right frontal lobe as a mild hypoperfusion defect (yellow right frontal cortex compared with the red
left frontal cortex; asterisk, B). Follow-up MR (C) showed that not all DWI lesions appearing as DWI/PWI matching
lesions (arrows, A and C) proceeded to infarction. In addition, other DWI/PWI matching foci (arrowheads, A
and C) even recovered without becoming infarction; these foci may represent either penumbra that was reversed
with spontaneous reperfusion or oligemia that recovered without treatment. Contrary to the general belief that
DWI/PWI mismatching is suggestive of penumbra, the right frontal lobe lesion (asterisk, B) developed into a
small infarction (asterisk, C) despite spontaneous resolution of the right MCA occlusion. (From Yuh WT, Alexander
MD, Ueda T, et al. Revisiting current golden rules in managing acute ischemic stroke: evaluation of new
strategies to further improve treatment selection and outcome. AJR Am J Roentgenol 2017;208(1):40; with
608 Wu et al

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