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ِ ٰ ‫ب ِۡس ِم ہ‬

ِ‫اّلل َّالر ۡ ہۡح ِن َّالرح ۡ ِی‬

Islamic Studies
Hafiz Abdul Aziz Usmani
Department of Basic Sciences & Related Studies,
Mehran University of Engineering & Technology, Jamshoro
+923332743451 1
Lecture # 2
“Islam is the best religion.” Justify the statement by
discussing the peculiarities of Islam.

Islam – The Best Religion
Islam Means – Enter into Peace
Muslim Means – Peace with God and Man
Peace with God Means– Submission to God’s Will deliberately
Peace with Man Means–Refrain from Evil & do good with mankind
Literally Islam Means– Unconditional &
Deliberate Submission before the will of Allah
1. The message of IQRA ‫اق َرا‬ِ
The first and most distinct characteristic of Islam is,
that it has laid foundation of new civilization and
culture through the first revelation IQRA ‫ ِا ۡق َرا‬.
“Reading & Writing” were introduced as compulsory
duty of every Muslim.
Seeking knowledge was considered as religious duty
of man.
Before Islam there was no written book except Bible.
2. Scientific Studies and Research
Islam is a logical and scientific religion.
Quran says:
• Why don’t you look? ‫افال تبرصون‬
• Why don’t you observe? ‫افال تدبرون‬
• Why don’t you think? ‫افال تتفکرون‬
Quran compel muslims to carry on scientific study, to know the law of
nature and to see how the nature is working in the universe.
The tiniest objects like a bee, an ant, a spider which have been made titles
of surahs
It is the sprit of Islamic learning which produced great physicians,
mathematicians, chemists and philosophers. 6
3. Revolutionary message ‫مق ف َانذر‬
‫“ مق ف َانذر‬Get up and Warn”
This message infused the sprit of Jihad and
struggle, to establish Allah’s laws in the
Every Muslim is given duty to carry the
message of Allah to the last corner of the world.
Last Ummah.
4. Focus on Lawful Earning
In some religions like Buddhism and
Christianity living on alms is lawful
In other religions sitting at one place in a temple
is a worship.
Islam teaches to use ones hands and eyes for
lawful earning.
Example: our prophet’s and companions’ life
5. Reduces formalism & ceremonialism
In other religions the place of worship confined
within four walls
In Islam,Whole world considered as Masjid
No restriction of what sort of dress to be worn
while worshiping
But the dress of piety is the best.
‫َو ِل َب ُاس التَّ ۡق ہوی ۙ ہذ ِل َک َخ ۡ ری‬ 9
6. Clear concept of Monotheism
 The foundation of Islamic beliefs is laid down on Oneness
of Allah, the Supreme Being, who possesses all the
excellent attributes.
 There is no such clear concept of monotheism in other
religions as it is in Islam.
 Christianity – Trinity (God, Son of God and Holy Ghost)
 Hinduism – Trimurti (Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva)
 Zoroastrian – two equal gods (Ohrmazd- doer of bad in
the world & Ahrman- doer of good in the world) 10
7. Equality and Brotherhood.
 Islam has brought the concept of Equality and brotherhood
 There is no difference of caste, color and creed in Islam,
Quran says
‫ہا َٰییُّہَا النَّ ُاس ِا ََّّن َخلَ ۡق ہن ُ ُۡک ِٰم ۡن َذکَ ٍر َّو ُان ہٰۡث َو َج َعلۡ ہن ُ ُۡک ُش ُع ۡو اًب َّو قَ َبآئِ َل‬
)13 ‫ُک( سورۃ احلجرات‬ ِ َ‫ِل َت َع َارفُ ۡوا ِا َّن اَ ۡک َر َم ُ ُۡک ِع ۡند‬
ۡ ُ ‫ہللا َاتۡ ہق‬
Translation: O mankind! We have created you from a male and a
female, and made you into nations and tribes, that you may know
one another. Verily, the most honourable of you with Allah is that
(believer) who has At-Taqwa .
8. Raised the Status of Women
Islam raised the status of women.
Woman is respected as Mother, daughter, sister
and wife.
Surah Al-Nisa, share in Inheritance
Widows are allowed to Marry again
Holy Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said in the Last Sermon
“fear Allah in the matters of women”
9. No Renunciation in Islam
Renunciation? “the act of rejecting physical pleasures,
especially for religious reasons” oxford dictionary
‫ ال رھبانیت یف الاسالم‬No Renunciation in Islam.
Christianity and Buddhism preaches, that religion is
apart from worldly life
But Islam teaches: This world is not apart from
But how to live in this world ? “Be in the world yet
out of it”; like the Lotus Flower, like a Boat. 13
10. Actions depend on Intention.
Hazrat Moosa (‫ )علیہ السالم‬gave stress on external
conduct (Actions), where as Hazrat Essa (‫)علیہ السالم‬
on internal purification (Intention).
But Islam is Balance One. ‫امنا ا ألعامل ًبلنیات‬
The most specific peculiarity of Islam is that man’s
actions are judged by his motives.
Motives and actions are inter-connected.
But also remember ‫امنا ا ألعامل ًبخلواتی‬
Peculiarities of Islam
1. The message of IQRA ‫ ِا ۡق َرا‬.
2. Scientific Studies and Research.
3. Revolutionary message ‫مق ف َانذر‬.
4. Focus on Lawful Earning.
5. Reduces formalism & ceremonialism.
6. Clear concept of Monotheism.
7. Equality and Brotherhood.
8. Raised the Status of Women.
9. No Renunciation in Islam.
10. Actions depend on Intention. 15
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