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ِ ٰ ‫ب ِۡس ِم ہ‬

ِ‫اّلل َّالر ۡ ہۡح ِن َّالرح ۡ ِی‬

Islamic Studies
Hafiz Abdul Aziz Usmani
Department of Basic Sciences & Related Studies,
Mehran University of Engineering & Technology, Jamshoro
+923332743451 1
Lecture # 4
Unity of Allah,
its importance and effects.
Shirk and its types.

Tauheed or Unity Of Allah
To believe in Oneness of Allah is the main principle of
Islam. It is bedrock of all beliefs in Islam. The whole
structure of Islam is built up on the concept of
monotheism (Tauheed). The best known expression of
Divine Unity is contained in Kalima Tayyab:
ِ ‫ ُهل مح ام ََّ م َّر مس ۡو مل‬
‫ ُهل‬ ‫م‬ َّ
‫َل‬ ِ
‫ا‬ ‫ا‬
‫ل‬ ‫ہ‬ ِ
‫ا‬ ‫ا‬
There is no God besides Allah Muhammad is the
Messenger of Allah.
Similarly the all prophets
Existence of God 4
Tauheed A/C to Shah Waliullah
According to Shah Waliullah , the conception of
Tauheed depends on the following four ideas
i. The essential being is One, Who is God. The
existence of this universe depends on Him
ii. The creator of this universe is One.
iii. The management of all affairs of the universe is
made by only God
iv. Only God is worthy to be worshipped.
when above four ideas come in the mind and man
feels the greatness and superiority of God over all the
world, then man bows down before the Being who is
worthy to be worshipped. 5
‫‪What is the‬‬ ‫?‪importance of Oneness‬‬
‫‪The Message of every prophet is‬‬ ‫‪Oneness or Tuaheed.‬‬
‫ ُهل اوات َّ مق ۡو مہ ؕ ہذ ِل م ُۡک خ ۡ ٌاۡی ل َّ م ُۡک ِا ۡن کم ۡن م ۡت تا ۡعلا مَ ۡو ان [العنکبوت ‪]16-‬‬
‫‪ ‬اوِا ۡب ہرہِ ۡ ای ِا ۡذ قاا ال ِل اق ۡو ِحہِ ا ۡع مب م وا ا‬
‫ ُهل احا لا م ُۡک ِٰح ۡن ِا ہلہٍ غا ۡ مۡی ٗہ ؕ[الاعراف‪]59-‬‬ ‫‪‬ل ا اق ۡ اا ۡر اسلۡناا ن ۡمو ًحا ِا ہٰل قا ۡو ِحہٖ فا اقا ال یہ اق ۡو ِم ا ۡع مب م وا ا‬
‫‪ ‬او ِا ہٰل عاا ٍد ااخ مااہ ۡم مہ ۡودًا ؕ قاا ال یہ اق ۡو ِم ا ۡع مب م وا ُهل احا لا م ُۡک ِٰح ۡن ِا ہلہٍ غا ۡ مۡی ٗہ ؕ[الاعراف ‪]65‬‬
‫‪ ‬اوِا ہٰل ثا مَ ۡو اد ااخ مااہ ۡم ہص ِل ًحا ۘ قاا ال یہ اق ۡو ِم ا ۡع مب م وا ُهل احا لا م ُۡک ِٰح ۡن ِا ہلہٍ غا ۡ مۡی ٗہ ؕ[الاعراف ‪]73‬‬
‫‪ ‬اوِا ہٰل اح ۡ یا ان ااخ مااہ ۡم مش اع ۡی ًبا ؕ قاا ال یہ اق ۡو ِم ا ۡع مب م وا ُهل احا لا م ُۡک ِٰح ۡن ِا ہلہٍ غا ۡ مۡی ٗہ ؕ[الاعراف‪] 85-‬‬
‫ِص ٌاط ُّح ۡس ات ِق ۡ ٌی [الزخرف ‪]64‬‬ ‫‪ِ ‬ا َّن ُهل ه امو ار ِ ٰ ّۡب او اربُّ م ُۡک فاا ۡع مب م ۡو مہ ؕ ہه اذا ِ ا‬

‫‪ ‬قم ۡل ِا َّن اص اَل ِ ِۡت اون م مس ِک ۡی او اح ۡم ای اای او اح اَ ِ ۡ‬

‫اِت ِ ِّلل ار ِ ٰب الۡ ہعلا َِ ۡ ای ﴿﴾ۙ اَل ا ِ‬
‫َشۡی اک لاہ ٗ ۚ‬
‫ی ﴿﴾ [الانعام ‪]163-162‬‬ ‫او ب ہِذ ِل اک ما ِح ۡر مت او ااَنا اا َّو مل الۡ مَ ۡس ِل َِ ۡ ا‬ ‫‪6‬‬
The Core Meaning of Tauheed
Believing Allah
Obeying Allah
‫ ُهل كوحاننا اور ُهل ىك حاننا‬
IMAN-e-MUJMAL ‫ايمان مجمل‬
‫ہا احنۡ مت ِِب ِلل ا اَک مھ او ِ اِب ۡ اۡسائِہٖ او ِص افا ِتہٖ اوقا ِبلۡ مت ا َِج ۡی اع‬
ِۡ ‫اا ۡح اَک ِحہٖ ِا ۡق ار ٌارم ِِب ِلل ٰ اس ِان اوتا ۡص ِ یۡقٌ م ِِبلۡ اقل‬
I believe in Allah as HE is with His names
and attributes, and I have accepted all His
orders, agreement through tongue and
testifying by heart. 8
Names of Allah
‫ او ِ ِّلل ۡ ااَل ۡ اۡسا مء الۡ مم ۡس ہن فاا ۡد مع ۡو مہ ِبہاا‬
Translation: And (All) the most beautiful names
belong to Allah, so call on Him by them.180-‫االعراف‬
All-Hearer ‫ۡسیع‬
All-Seer ‫بصۡی‬
All-Wise‫حكی‬ 10
Attribute of Allah is illah ‫إِلَ ِه‬
‫ ُهل ۔۔۔ ا ہلہ‬
The + Book = The Book ‫ ا ہلہ = ُهل جےسی‬+ ‫ال‬
‫ جےس‬،‫ا ہلہ = لغوی حعن = وہ ہس یت جس ےس س ےس زایدہ بڑھ کر حمبت ىك جائے‬
‫س ےس زایدہ چاہا جائے۔ ایس ےک لئے س ےس زایدہ حمنت ىك جائے۔‬
‫الص اَ م ل ا ْم ی ا ِ ِْل اول ا ْم یمو ا َْل اول ا ْم یا مكن َّ مل‬
) 3( ) 2(
َّ ‫قم ْل ه امو ُهل َأ اح ٌ ُهل‬
) 1(

(Ikhlas1-4) ٌ ‫مك مف ًوا َأ اح‬

Translation: Say (Muhammad ‫“ (ﷺ‬He is Allah, )the( One. Allah is
self-sufficient master. He begets not, nor was He begotten. And there
is none co-equal or comparable to Him. 11
The Attribute of Allah: Guardian ‫رب‬
‫ پالنے واال‬
‫ بھوک میں کھالنے واال‬
‫ خوف میں امن دینے واال‬
‫) الَّ ِذي أَ ْط َع َم ُهم ِّمن‬3( ‫ت‬ِ ‫ب َه َذا ا ْلبَ ْي‬
َّ ‫فَ ْليَ ْعبُ ُدوا َر‬
(4)‫ف‬ٍ ‫وع َوآ َمنَ ُهم ِّمنْ َخ ْو‬ ٍ ُ ‫ج‬
Translation: So let them worship the Lord of this
House. Who provides them with food against
hunger, and with security against fear (of danger).
(Quresh 3-4)
The Attribute of Allah: Ruler ‫حاكم‬
‫•ا ِن الْ مم ْ م‬
(Yusuf 40) ‫ُک اَلَّ ِّلل َأ اح ار َأَلَّ تا ْع مب م و ْا اَلَّ ا َّای مه اذ ِ اِل ٰ ِاَل مین الْ اق ِ ٰ می‬
ِ ِ ِ
Translation: The command is for none but Allah. He has commanded that ِ
you worship none but Him; that is the (true) straight religion.
(Maida 44) ‫• او احن ل َّ ْم ا َْي مُک ِب اَا َأ انز ال ُهل فاأُ ْولا ِئ اك م مُه ْال اَک ِف مر اون‬
Translation: And whosoever does not judge by that which Allah has revealed,
such are disbelievers.
(Maida 45) wrong-doers ‫ون‬ َّ ‫• او احن ل َّ ْم ا َْي مُک ِب اَا أ انز ال ُهل فاأُ ْول ا ِئ اك م مُه‬
‫الَا ِل مَ ا‬
(Maida 47) Rebellious or disobedient‫• او احن ل َّ ْم ا َْي مُک ِب اَا َأ انز ال ُهل فاأُ ْولا ِئ اك م مُه الْ اف ِاس مقون‬
Tauheed Comprehensively
Allah is the provider,
Ask only Allah
‫ ُهل ھی دیتا ےھ۔‬
‫ِصف ُهل ھی ےس حانگو۔‬ 14
The unity of Allah is explained in three categories:
1) Tauheed in Self ‫توحی یف اذلات‬
2) Tauheed in Attributes ‫توحی یف الصفات‬
3) Tauheed in Work ‫توحی یف الافعال‬

1)TAUHEED IN SELF ‫توحيد فی الذات‬
 Tauheed in self means there is no plurality of person in
God, and there is no one to be worshiped excepts Allah.
 He is one and only one in his Person ‫ذات‬, there can not be
any other God. It is clearly explained in Quran :

‫اّلل لا اف اس ا ا‬
] 22 : ‫ الیة‬، ‫[سورة النبیاء‬ ‫َّ م‬ َّ
‫َل‬ ‫ا‬ ٌ
‫ة‬ ‫ه‬
‫ا‬ ِ
‫ل‬ ‫أ‬ ‫ا‬ َ
‫ا‬ ‫هي‬ ِ
ِ ‫لْ ا‬
‫ف‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ا‬
‫َك‬ ‫و‬‫ا‬
Had there been therein (in the Heavens & Earth) gods beside
Allah, then verily both would have been ruined.
2) TAUHEED IN ATTRIBUTES ‫توحيد فی الصفات‬
 Allah is alone and perfect in all of his attributes.
 There is no other being that can have attributes equals to
Allah. He is the one and only one, the only perfect.
 Every thing in this universe is mortal except Allah. Man is
dependent on Allah for his necessities of life but Allah is
independent of all.
 All-Hearer ‫ السَیع‬, All-Seer‫ البصۡی‬, All-Creator ‫اخلالق‬,
All-Provider ‫ الرازق‬, All-Knower ‫العلی‬, All-Oldest ‫الق می‬
3)ALLAH IS ONE IN WORKS: ‫توحی یف الافعال‬
Oneness in actions means that no one can
do the works which Allah has done or which
Allah will do in future.
For example Allah has created this entire
universe, all living things on earth, rivers,
oceans and mountains, but no human being
or any other else can do it.
Any Question
regarding todays

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