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ِ ٰ ‫ب ِۡس ِم ہ‬

ِ‫اّلل َّالر ۡ ہۡح ِن َّالرح ۡ ِی‬

Islamic Studies
Hafiz Abdul Aziz Usmani
Department of Basic Sciences & Related Studies,
Mehran University of Engineering & Technology, Jamshoro
+923332743451 1
Lecture # 3
Section One
Basic Beliefs of Islam
dence/ Reliability
Belief or Faith is the basis of
all actions.
What is IMAN? According to
pure Islamic terminology.
IMAN? According to pure Islamic terminology.

‫‪IMAN? According to pure Islamic terminology.‬‬
‫‪ ‬دین ےک خالص اصطالح مںی امیان یہ ےھ کہ ہللا ےک پیغمرب اییس حقیقتوں‬
‫ےک متعلق جو ھامرے حواس اور آالت ادراک ےک حدود ےس ما ورا ھوں‬
‫جو کچھ بتالئںی اور ھامرے پاس جو عمل و ھدایت ہللا ہ‬
‫تعال یک طرف ےس‬
‫الئںی ھم ان کو سچا مان کر اس یک تصدیق کریں اور ان کو حق مان کر‬
‫قبول کریں۔‬
‫‪ ‬یؤمنون ابلغیب ۔ بھرحال رشعی امیان اک تعلق اصو اال امورغیب ےس ھوات‬
‫‪Iman is related with Heart and Islam with‬‬
‫‪body‬‬ ‫‪6‬‬
IMAN? According to pure Islamic terminology.
)‫ التصدیق جبمیع ما جاء بہ النیب صیل ہللا علیہ وسمل ( امام غزا یل‬
 Testify all those things which surely has been brought by
the Holy Prophet Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬
‫ ھو التصدیق ابلقلب والاقرار ابللسان والعمل ابالراکن‬
 (1)Testify [Allah Almighty, His Prophets and
life hereafter and many more] by heart and
(2) say it through tongue and (3) worship
with body. 7
Branches of IMAN
‫ الامیان بضع و س بعون شعبۃ‬:‫عن ایب ھریرۃ ریض ہللا عنہ قال قال رسول ہللا ﷺ‬
‫فافضلھا قول ال ا ہلہ الا ہللا وادانھا اما طۃ الا ہذی عن الطریق و احلیاء شعبۃ من الامیان‬
It is narrated on the authority of Abu Huraira (‫ )ریض ہللا عنہ‬that the
Messenger of Allah (may peace and blessings be upon him) said: Faith
has over seventy branches, the most excellent of which is the declaration
that there is no god but Allah, and the humblest of which is the removal
of what is injurious from the path and modesty is the branch of faith.
(The Book of Faith (Kitab Al-Iman) Muslim :: Book 1 : Hadith 56)

‫احلیاء ھو خلق مینع الشخص من الفعل القبیح بسبب الامیان‬

‫ جو خشص‬:‫حیاء کس یب مراد ےہ جو اعامل پر مداومت اور اس تقامت ےس حاصل ہویت ےہ۔ مثال‬
‫ھمیشہ مناز پڑھتا ہو اےس مناز چھوڑےن مںی حیاء ائے گی۔‬
Basic Beliefs of Islam
IMAN-e-MUFASSAL ‫مفصل‬ ‫ايمان‬

Al Bakarah-285
ٖ‫ُک ہا َم َن ِاب ِلل َو َم ہل ِئ َک ِتہٖ َو کُ ُت ِبہ‬
ٌّ ُ ‫ہا َم َن َّالر ُس ۡو ُل ِب َما ُا ۡن ِز َل ِالَ ۡیہِ ِم ۡن َّ ِرب ٰہٖ َوالۡ ُم ۡؤ ِمنُ ۡو َن‬
ٖ‫ َال ُ ُ َف ٰ ِر ُُ ب َ ۡ َۡ َا َح ٍد ِٰم ۡن ُّر ُس ِلہ‬.ٖ‫َو ُر ُس ِلہ‬
The Messenger (Muhammad ‫( ﷺ‬believes in what has been sent down to him from his
lord, and (so do) the believers. Each one believes in Allah, His angels, His books and
His messengers.
Al Bakarah-177
‫ۡش ُِ َوالۡ َم ۡغ ِر ِب َو ہل ِک َّن الۡ ِ َّرب َم ۡن ہا َم َن ِاب ِلل َوالۡ َی ۡو ِم‬
ِ ۡ ‫ل َیۡ َس الۡ ِ َّرب َا ۡن ت َُول ُّ ۡوا ُو ُج ۡو َھ ُ ُۡک ِق َب َل الۡ َم‬
ۚ َِۡ ٰ ٖ ‫ۡ ہاال ِخ ِر َوالۡ َم ہل ِئ َک ِۃ َو ۡال ِک ہت ِب َوالنَّب‬
It is not Al-BIRR (piety, righteousness, and each and every act of obedience
to Allah etc.) that you turn your faces towards the east and (or) west (in
prayers); but Al Birr is (the quality of) the one who believes in Allah, the Last
Day, the Angels, the Book, the Prophets.
An Nisa-136
‫َو َم ۡن یَّ ۡک ُف ۡر ِاب ِلل َو َم ہل ِئ َک ِتہٖ َو کُ ُت ِبہٖ َو ُر ُس ِلہٖ َو الۡ َی ۡو ِم ۡ ہاال ِخ ِر فَ َقدۡ ضَ َّل ضَ ہل اال ب َ ِع ۡیدا ا‬
And whoever disbelieves in Allah, His Angels, His Books, His
messengers, and the Last Day, then indeed he has strayed far

An Nisa-78 ِ ‫ُک ِ ٰم ۡن ِع ۡن ِد‬

‫ہللا‬ ٌّ ُ ‫قُ ۡل‬
Say (o Muhammad ‫)ﷺ‬: “All things are from Allah”

Al Burooj-16 ‫فَ َّعا ٌل ِل ٰ َما یُ ِریۡ ُد‬

(He is the) Doer of whatsoever HE intends (or wills)
‫حدیث جربیل ‪Hadith-e-Gabriel‬‬
‫عن معربن اخلطاب ريض ہللا عنه قال ‪ :‬بیامن حنن عند رسول ہللا صیل‬
‫ہللا علیه و سمل ذات یوم اذ طلع علینا رجل شدید بیاض الثیاب شدید‬
‫سواد الشعر ال یرى علیه آثر السفر و ال یعرفه منا آحد حىت جلس ال‬
‫النيب صیل ہللا علیه و سمل فأس ند ركبتیه ال ركبتیه و وضع كفٰیه عیل‬
‫خفذیه و قال ‪ :‬اي محمٰد آخربين عن االسالم فقال رسول ہللا صیل ہللا علیه‬
‫و سمل ‪ :‬االسالم آن تشهد آن ال اهل ا ٰال ہللا و آ ٰن محمٰدا رسول ہللا‪ ،‬وتقی‬
‫الصالۃ‪ ،‬وتؤيت الزاکۃ‪ ،‬وتصوم رمضان‪ ،‬وحتج البیت ان اس تطعت الیه‬
‫سبیال‪ .‬قال صدقت ‪ .‬فعجبنا هل یسأهل ویصدقه !‬
‫حدیث جربیل ‪Hadith-e-Gabriel‬‬
‫قال ‪ :‬فأخربين عن االمیان ‪ .‬قال ‪ :‬آن تؤمن ابلل و مالئكته وكتبه‬
‫رشه‪ .‬قال ‪ :‬صدقت‪ .‬قال ‪:‬‬ ‫ورسهل والیوم الخر و تؤمن ابلقدر خريه و ٰ‬
‫فأخربين عن االحسان ‪ .‬قال ‪ :‬آن تعبد ہللا كُك تراه فان مل تكن تراه‬
‫فاُه یراك ‪ .‬قال ‪ :‬فأخربين عن الساعة ‪ .‬قال ‪ :‬ما املسؤول عهنا بأعمل‬
‫من السائل ‪ .‬قال ‪ :‬فأخربين عن آماراهتا ‪ .‬قال ‪ :‬آن تدل المة ربٰهتا و‬
‫آن ترى احلفاۃ العراۃ العاةل رعاء الشاء یتطاولون يف البنیان ‪ .‬مث اُطلق‬
‫فلبثت ملیا ‪،‬مث قال ‪ :‬اي معر آتدري من السائل ؟ قلت ہللا و رسوهل‬
‫آعمل ‪ .‬قال ‪ :‬اُه جربیل آاتمك یعلٰمُک دینُک‪ .‬رواه مسمل‬
Hadith Gabriel on Islam & Iman
On the authority of Omar bin khatab, who said : One day
while we were sitting with the messenger of Allah there
appeared before us a man whose clothes were exceedingly
white and whose hair was exceedingly black; no signs of
journeying were to be seen on him and none of us knew him.
He walked up and sat down by the prophet. Resting his knees
against his and placing the palms of his hands on his thighs, he
said:"O Muhammad, tell me about Islam".
"Islam is to testify that
The messenger of Allah said:
there is no god but Allah and Muhammad is
the messenger of Allah, to perform the
prayers, to pay the zakat, to fast in Ramazan,
and to make the pilgrimage to the House if
you are able to do so.“ 15
Hadith Gabriel on Islam & Iman
 He said:"You have spoken rightly", and we were
amazed at him asking him and saying that he had
spoken rightly. He said: "Then tell me about iman.
 He said:"It is to believe in Allah, His angels,
His books, His messengers, and the Last
Day, and to believe in divine destiny, both
the good and the evil thereof.“
 He said:"You have spoken rightly". He said: " Then
tell me about ihsan.“
 He said: "It is to worship Allah as you are seeing
Him, and while you see Him not yet truly He sees
you". 16
Hadith Gabriel on Islam & Iman
 He said: "Then tell me about the Hour".
 He said: "The one questioned about it knows no better than
the questioner.“

 He said: "Then tell me about its signs.“

 He said: "That the slave-girl will give birth to her mistress
and that you will see the barefooted, naked, destitute
herdsman competing in constructing lofty buildings.“

 Then he took himself off and I stayed for a time. Then he

said: "O Omar, do you know who the questioner was?" I
said: "Allah and His messenger know best". He said: "He
was Jibril (Gabriel), who came to you to teach you your
religion.” (Muslim)
‫فوائد حدیث جربیل برائے طلباء کرام‬
‫‪‬لباس سفید تر اور پاکزیہ صاف لباس اختیار کرے۔‬
‫‪‬حصول تعلی اور اس تقامت اک زماُہ جواین اک ےہ۔‬
‫‪‬طالب عمل کو چاھیے کہ ادب ےک ساتھ ‪ ،‬اس تاد ےک قریب بیٹےھ۔‬
‫‪‬مفید ابتوں اک سوال کرے‪ ،‬کیونکہ سوال ُصف عمل ےہ۔‬
‫‪‬ال علمی پر رشم ُہ کرے صاف بتادے کہ مجھے ُہںی اات۔‬
‫‪‬گمنامی یک زُدگی برس کرے‪ ،‬زايدہ تعلقات اک مرض ُہ ہو۔‬
‫(توضیحات رشح مش ہکوۃ جدل اول صفحہ ‪)۱۵۴‬‬
Five Fundamental Basic Beliefs
Five main articles of the Islamic faith
1. Believe in Allah ‫االمیان ابلل‬
2. Believe in angels ‫االمیان ابملالئكة‬
3. Believe in books ‫االمیان ابلكتب‬
4. Believe in prophethood ‫االمیان ابلرسل‬
5. Believe in life hereafter ‫االمیان ب ہالخرہ‬ 19
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