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Marketing Strategy


Assignment No-1 Project Report

Programme : MBA (4th Trimester) Batch 2019-21

Academic Year: 2019 - 2021

Marketing Strategy

Topics Covered: All units

Competencies Acquired: Secondary Research, Analytical Skills, Report Writing, Use of strategical tools

H. Evaluation Scheme

Sr. Assessments Planed – Title Rollout /Conduct Evaluation Feedback
No Date date Deadline Slot
1 Marketing Strategy Project report 25 13/3/2021 10/4/2021 24/4/21 25/4/21

J. Brief Description of evaluation components


Semester 3: 2019 -20

Assignment Hand-Out Date: 25th Feb 2021 Report

Hand-In Date :24th March 2019

1. Individual Report (25%):

You are required to study a multi-national corporation (MNC) OR Indian company which has undergone
significant marketing strategy changes in the past 5 to 10 years. Your study must analyse the strategic
changes made by the management of the organisation in the last 5 to 10 years to meet the
globalisation challenges and to sustain its business in a highly competitive world.
Based on your study and analysis of the Organisation (MNC) you are required to prepare and submit a report of 3,000 words
which answers the following:
A) Evaluate the Situation Analysis of the Industry in which the Organisation operates for last 5 to 10 years.
Provide a brief history and a timeline on the major changes the organisation has made due to shift in industry
trends and practices. You may also use the SWOT and ‘Five Forces’ model to analyse the Industry.
25 Marks
B) Analyze the key marketing strategy challenges faced by the Organisation in terms of marketing
environment and how it ha tackled them in the last 5 to 10 years
25 Marks
C) Critically analyse the marketing strategy adopted by the organisation in dealing with competition.
managing the change.. 25 Marks

Marketing Strategy

. D) Evaluate the Organisation’s Core Competence, Networks and Partnerships 25 Marks

Deliverables and submission:

Students should submit soft copy submitted in ERP in due


• One hardcopy /Soft copy of his / her report

• One Feedback Sheet, ensuring his / her name and student number are listed
• All Reports must have the Harvard Referencing and Source Identification

Learning Outcomes:

This assessment assesses the following learning outcomes:

1. Evaluate and reflect on the influences driving demand within the business to consumer and business to business markets
and the factors influencing the strength of their influence.
2. Critically assess the debate that surrounds in using appropriate marketing strategy..
3. To analyse competition and customer requirements in order to identify opportunities for competitive advantage within
an industry.

Core Skills:

This assignment contributes evidence towards attainment of the

following core Marketing Strategy skills:
• Analysing the current marketing environment and identifying appropriate marketing strategies .
• Organisational Strategy and Data Analysis Skills
• Secondary Researching Skills
• Producing Report in proper format and referencing

Marketing Strategy

Marketing Strategy Project Report Assignment -1

Name: Student number:

Assessment Criteria Full Marks Feedback

Marks Scored (also see assignment)
Evaluate the Situation Analysis of the Industry in which
Organisation operates for last 5 to 10 years. Provide
a brief history and timeline on the major changes 25
the organisation has made due to shift in industry
trends and practices. You may also use the SWOT and
‘Five Forces’ model to analyse the Industry.
Analyse the keyMarketing Strategic challenges
faced by the 25
Organisation in terms of marketing and how it
had tackled them in the last 5 to 10 years.
Critically analyse the marketing strategy adopted by the
organisation in dealing with competition. 25
managing the change.
Evaluate the Organisation’s Core Competence, Networks
and Partnerships.

Sources Referencing CAP 40% CAP

OVERALL FEEDBACK (also see comments on assignment)

1st Marked by: Signed: Dated: Grade

Second Markers comments (if relevant):

Marketing Strategy

2nd Marked by: Signed: Dated: Final

External Examiner comments (if relevant):

Marketing Strategy

Required Reading:

Besanko, D., Dranove, D. and Shanley, M. (2004) The Economics of Strategy New York: John
Wiley Clegg, S. Kornberger, M and Pitsis, T (2005) Managing and Organizations London:
Ireland, R.D., and Hoskisson R.E. (2008) Strategic Management: Cengage Learning
Johnson, G. Scholes, K. and Whittington, R. (2005) Exploring Corporate Strategy: Text and Cases
London: Prentice Hall
Thomson, A.A., and Strickalnd, A.J. (2003) Strategic Management, Text and Cases India: Tata McGraw

Recommended Reading:

Palmer, I. and Hardy, C. (2000) Thinking about management London: Sage

Porter, M. (1985) Competitive Advantage: Creating and Sustaining Superior Performance New York:
Free Press
Pettigrew, Thomas and Whittington (2002) Handbook of Strategy and Management London:
Mintzberg et al (2005) Strategic Safari-A guided Tour through the Wilds of Strategic Management New
York: Free Press

Recommended Journal:

Bettis, Richard A., Gambardella, A., Helfat, Constance, Mitchell, W. Strategic Management
Journal Harvard Business Review

Marketing Strategy

K. Rubrics

Rubrics for Rubrics for project report (weightage 25 marks)

Parameter Category Scores Detail Description

Understand the critics, able to apply the concept,
Exception 81-100 % describe and able to visualize the situation
Understand the critics, concept and can describe the
Advance 66- 80% case but lacking in visualization
Understand the critics and able to apply the concept but
Analysis of
Intermediate 51- 65% lacking in description
the Industry
Understand the critics given in the case but do not
Basic 26- 50% know to apply relevant concept
Lacking in comprehension skill not completely
Poor 0 to 25% understand
Marketing Out of the box, original ideas that have a strong
Strategic Exception 81-100 % application base
challenges Out of the box, original ideas that have a moderate
faced by Advance 66- 80% application base
the Out of the box, original ideas that have a poor
Organisatio Intermediate 51- 65% application base
n in terms Basic 26- 50% Recreation of existing ideas in a novel manner
marketing Poor 0 to 25% Lacking originality
Very strong coordination among a team where every
Exception 81-100 % member plays the role of a leader
Critically Every member know their roles, but requires some
analyse the Advance 66- 80% members to assume leadership roles
Intermediate 51- 65% Everyone plays their roles with minor confusion
adopted Everyone plays their roles despite severe level of
Basic 26- 50% friction among team members
Poor 0 to 25% Participation of each member is not visible
Very strong coordination among a team where every
Exception 81-100 % member plays the role of a leader
Every member know their roles, but requires some
Advance 66- 80% members to assume leadership roles
Intermediate 51- 65% Everyone plays their roles with minor confusion
Organisatin Everyone plays their roles despite severe level of
al core Basic 26- 50% friction among team members
competenci Poor 0 to 25% Participation of each member is not visible
es Every member know their roles, but requires some
Advance 66- 80% members to assume leadership roles
Intermediate 51- 65% Everyone plays their roles with minor confusion
Everyone plays their roles despite severe level of
Basic 26- 50% friction among team members
Poor 0 to 25% Participation of each member is not visible
Marketing Strategy

L. Plagiarism

We are committed to upholding the highest standards of academic integrity and honesty.
Plagiarism in any form is unacceptable and will be treated seriously. All such cases will be
referred to the appropriate Institute body for suitable disciplinary action.

All cases will be dealt as per institute plagiarism policy.

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