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How might each HR function be affected by the reduction in force? Remember that all
employees at IFP are not members of the union?

The functions of the company would be affected by the reduction in work force that includes the
job analysis, development, training, career planning and many other sections of the company.
The staff would be affected because it would be reduced by 30%, the reduction would depend
from where the work force would be reduced.

List the elements in the company’s environment that will affect Scott’s suggested plan. How
legitimate is the interest of each of these?

The union must represent the employees but also has a right to try to sustain itself as an
institution, and for that reason they might look for their best interest and for their members also.
The community is in difficult straits and will be hurt by layoffs made by the company.

Is it true that Scott should be concerned first and foremost with protecting the interests of

Discuss. Scott should be concerned because his boss told him that’s the way she wanted it. But
this does not mean that nothing else matters. With the help of the accounting department he can
come up with a plan that is best for the shareholders, employees and that won’t be that hard on the
local environment.

Corporate culture is discussed in this chapter as a major internal environmental factor

affecting an organization. How might the downsizing of I F P affect the corporate culture of
the company.

Downsizing will affect the remaining employee’s moral. These employees will rethink their
position and worth at the company. They will wonder if more layoffs are coming. The downsize
will affect how the local community will view the company. The community will wonder if the
business will pick up and will the company re-hire the workers once they get through this bad time
or will the company shut down for good.


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