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Go have leave take visit walk watch

They ________________ Oxford at 8 am and at 10:30 am they ______________________ to

London Zoo. They ______________________ a packed lunch to eat in Regent´s Park. After
lunch,Lola and Mum _____________________ shopping in Oxford Street and Max
_________________the Science Museum with Dad. They ________________________ dinner
at a Chinese restaurant in Chinatown, and then at 7pm they _____________________ The Lion
King before the 11 pm bus back to Oxford.

2. Write questions about Max and Lola´s day using the present continuos for future. Then
answer them.

1 Max and Lola/ travel to London / by car ?

2 Max and Lola / have lunch / in a restaurant ?


3 Lola / go to / Science Museum / after lunch?


4 Max and Lola / have dinner / at a Chinese restaurant?

3. Complete the sentences so that they are true for you.

1 Tomorrow after school , I´m ____________________________________________________

2 On Saturday morning, _________________________________________________________

3 Tonight, I´m not _____________________________________________________________,

I´m _______________________________________________________________
4. Complete the blog post with the correct form of be going to and the verbs in brackets.

I can´t believe it! This summer I ___________________________ (not spend) a week at our
family cottage in Wales. I____________________________(go) to New York with my family! I
´m so excited! We _____________________ (stay) in Manhattan for a week. We
_____________(do) a house swap and stay in an apartment. We ___________________(visit )
all the museums and I ___________________( have ) a ride in a horse and carriage around
Central Park! It sounds so cool! I know my dad__________________ ( not come) up to the top
of the Empire State Building with us because he hates heights!

But I know______________________(feel) a bit sad too because my pet dog can´t come with
us. What _____________ you ______________(do) this summer?__________________you
______________(go) anywhere exciting? Tell me abour it!

5 Read the answers and write the questions.

Q: _______________________________________________________________

A: I´m going to go to Scotland on holiday next day

Q: ______________________________________________________________

A: I´m going to go with my mum and dad

Q: ______________________________________________________________

A: We´re going to drive there. It´s a long way!


A: We´re going to stay in a youth hostel and on a campsite.


A: We´re going to go walking, swimming and sightseeing.

6 Write true answers to the questions.

1 What are you going to do next Saturday evening?


2 How are you going to celebrate your 16th birthday?


3 Are you going to have cereal for breakfast tomorrow?


4 When are you going to revise for your exams?


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