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A s a service to our readers, Plastic and Recon-

structive Surgery® reviews books, DVDs, prac-
tice management software, and electronic media
Although we enjoyed and highly recommend
this atlas on a global scale, we have some concerns.
There are no references and no index, which may
items of educational interest to reconstructive and not always be a requirement for this type of format
aesthetic surgeons. All items are copyrighted and but would have helped confirm the anatomical
available commercially. The Journal actively solicits findings and locate for the reader additional re-
information in digital format (e.g., CD-ROM and sources. Conversely, the inclusions of muscle in-
Internet offerings) for review. nervations and the location of motor end plates
Reviewers are selected on the basis of relevant are too detailed and, although anatomically inter-
interest. Reviews are solely the opinion of the re- esting, clinically somewhat irrelevant. To their
viewer; they are usually published as submitted, credit, the authors do include both commercially
Downloaded from by BhDMf5ePHKav1zEoum1tQfN4a+kJLhEZgbsIHo4XMi0hCywCX1AWnYQp/IlQrHD3fgGGXf0fUkBtHr3x4UVtsMwNPHFvAce19obnehb8TAEPDIsV9YsI6A== on 08/11/2018

with only copy editing. Plastic and Reconstructive available neurotoxins and the corresponding
Surgery® does not endorse or recommend any re- units that they prefer. However, they omitted their
view so published. Send books, DVDs, and any other reconstitution, their recommended conversion ra-
material for consideration to: Ronald P. Gruber, tio between Botox and Dysport (which appears to
M.D., Review Editor, Plastic and Reconstructive be 1:2.5), and their technique of injecting small
Surgery, UT Southwestern Medical Center, 5323 and precise amounts. Furthermore, there is little
Harry Hines Boulevard, HD1.544, Dallas, Texas rationalization in their dosing guidelines and if
75390-8820. they believe, as is implied in the book, that dif-
Ronald P. Gruber, M.D. ferent toxins have the same injection sites, that
Review Editor should be stated. Also, they frequently recom-
mend inserting the needle to the bone and with-
drawing “1-2 mm” back into the belly of the muscle.
Anatomy and Botulinum Toxin Although that maneuver may assist proper place-
Injections ment for a novice injector, it tends to be more pain-
By Fabio M. Ingallina, M.D., and Patrick Trévidic, M.D. Pp. ful to the patient and moreover is worrisome when
130. E2e Medical Publishing, Paris, France, 2010. Price: treating small muscles or those that overlie adjacent
$286. muscles.
On a regional level, the authors state “never
A natomy and Botulinum
Toxin Injections is a
handy, detailed, soft-cover
inject the inferior portion of the frontalis muscle.”
Few dogmas in medicine are absolute, and in the-
atlas/text that is divided into ory this may have some validity, but in reality, the
10 chapters based on the inferior fibers of this muscle interdigitate with the
muscles of the face and neck lateral fibers of the corrugator supercilii, and it
that might benefit from bot- would be futile to truly isolate them. They also
ulinum injections. It is ac- initially state that these inferior injections should
companied by a DVD. As the be “1 to 2 cm above the orbital superior border to
authors state in the Preface, reduce the risk of ptosis”; five pages later, that
each chapter represents a margin of safety is changed to “2 to 3 cm.” It should
muscle, and each muscle is be acknowledged that some patients accept a low-
reviewed from a similar perspective, beginning ered brow if all rhytides are ameliorated (this is
with a description of the muscle and ending with one of the most important discussions we have
injection technique and dosage. Sections 3 with any patient considering frontalis muscle
through 5 of each chapter contain beautiful ca- treatment). In this discussion, they mention the
daver dissections that are valuable for any physi- levator palpebrae muscle, a muscle that many as-
cian operating on or treating facial structures. In- sociate with eyelid ptosis, but it cannot be found
deed, the artwork and accompanying cadaver on any of their very nice dissections or illustra-
dissections are the most valuable aspects of this tions. The authors devote three separate chapters
book and are unlike any other botulinum injec- to the anatomy of the glabellar complex with a
tion reprints that we know of. The book fills a total of 10 injection sites (approximately double
void in appreciating facial anatomy as it relates to the number that is generally suggested) to treat
botulinum toxins. this aesthetic unit. A considerable amount of
space is devoted to these individual muscles, in-
clusive of a chapter on the somewhat obscure de-
Copyright ©2011 by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons pressor supercilii, a muscle that is often consid- 1149
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery • November 2011

ered to be the medial fibers of the orbicularis ter hypertrophy treatment is a frequent concern in
oculi. However, it is frustrating that they do so to certain populations.
the complete exclusion of all nasal musculature. Despite the aforementioned critiques, Drs. Fa-
When treating the orbicularis oculi muscle, it bio Ingallina and Patrick Trévidic have provided
is unclear why this is the sole area where there is wonderful facial muscle dissections and illustra-
a disparity in the number of injection sites for the tions accompanied by live models depicting the
two toxins. As this text is also designed to help even majority of the important facial muscles that are
the novice injector, the brow depressor activity of essential to properly injecting botulinum toxin.
the lateral superior fibers of the orbicularis oculi They are to be commended for taking this pro-
and the consequent brow elevation with their in- cedure to a new three-dimensional level and, al-
activation should have been emphasized. In addi- though the injection sites and technique may not
tion, the authors state that treating the inferior be universally adopted, the text is an excellent
fibers of the orbicularis oculi often “treats the tear asset to those injectors, novice and experienced,
trough depression.” What would have been more interested in learning about facial musculature as
informative and more accurate is if they had stated it relates to the aesthetic surgeon. Finally, it will
that a preinjection snap test is warranted to ensure serve as a handy reference when “brushing up” on
adequate skin recoil and that weakening these muscular facial anatomy or as a teaching tool for
fibers may widen the ocular aperture and reduce educating patients.
DOI: 10.1097/PRS.0b013e3182311baa
some of the dynamic fine infraocular rhytides.
Weakening the muscles in the lower two-thirds Alan Matarasso, M.D.
of the face (i.e., “extended” use of botulinum Seth Matarasso, M.D.
toxin) is usually not considered alone or what is
referred to as monotherapy and is often used in Decision Making in Plastic Surgery
combined therapy with adjunctive soft-tissue aug- Edited by Jeffrey L. Marsh and
mentation and/or lasers. This concept is also not Chad A. Perlyn. Pp. 340. Quality
mentioned. Imprecision or excessive toxin admin- Medical Publishing, Inc., St.
istration particularly in this area can result not Louis, Mo., 2010. Price: $225.
only in an aesthetic deformity but also in func-
tional impairment, and this should have been re-
inforced. The location, function, and resultant
D ecision Making in Plastic
Surgery, edited by Jeffrey
L. Marsh and Chad A. Per-
rhytides of the levator labii superioris alaeque nasi lyn, is a welcome update to
muscle seem to coincide exactly with what would the original textbook, and it
be expected of the nasalis muscle. Nevertheless, retains the algorithm format
the authors do correctly state that inactivation of in the management of plas-
this small muscle (levator labii superioris alaeque tic surgery patients. The al-
nasi) blunts the upper third of the nasolabial fold gorithms present clinical
but, importantly, they do not mention that as a scenarios in a clean and linear layout with acceptable
consequence it can also blunt the cupid’s bow. management options. The decision trees are orga-
It is also surprising that they did not mention nized by problem, interventions (surgical and non-
that treating this small muscle can help to improve surgical arranged hierarchically when appropriate),
a “gummy smile.” No mention is made of the role and endpoints. The preceding page contains text
of botulinum toxin for the plunging nasal tip or that highlights critical decision-making points that
postrhinoplasty transverse upper lip rhytide. detail key aspects of the physical examination, pre-
Moreover, not much is discussed about facial re- operative evaluation, surgical considerations, post-
shaping with botulinum toxin. operative management, and complications. The
Locating and treating the depressor anguli chapters are written by experts in their respective
oris can be difficult and, although they do cau- fields, and each chapter has a list of selected refer-
tion assiduous avoidance of the depressor labii ences for further reading. There are no figures, il-
inferioris, the three injection sites that they lustrations, or accompanying DVD.
show seem to be in the general vicinity of The book is organized into three sections:
both the platysma and the masseter muscles. Fundamentals, Reconstructive Surgery, and Aes-
The latter masseter muscle, although not routinely thetic Surgery. The Fundamentals section con-
treated, should have been included in the diagrams tains 12 chapters on wound management, from
and the corresponding injection pattern, as masse- facial lacerations and acute soft-tissue trauma to

Volume 128, Number 5 • Reviews

chronic pressure sores and scars. In this section,

there is a comprehensive and well-thought-out algo- Correction: Redefining the Vascular Anatomy
rithm for keloid management that incorporates all and Clinical Applications of the Sartorius
the facets of care, including debulking, radiation, Muscle and Myocutaneous Flap
chemotherapy, and pressure treatments. The ma-
jority of the book focuses on reconstructive surgery,
with 97 chapters devoted to skin, head and neck,
I n the Reconstructive article by Mojallal et al. entitled
“Redefining the Vascular Anatomy and Clinical Ap-
plications of the Sartorius Muscle and Myocutaneous
breast and trunk, upper extremity, and lower ex- Flap,” published in the May 2011 issue of the Journal
tremity. The chapters dedicated to congenital anom- (Plast Reconstr Surg. 2011;127:1946 –1957), the last
name of the fourth author is incorrect. The author’s
alies—specifically, cleft lip and palate—were among name should read “Christophe Ho Quoc, M.D.” (cor-
the best in the book and presented the best man- rection in italics).
agement schemes based on anatomy, age, and prior DOI: 10.1097/PRS.0b013e318238ca93
interventions. At the end of each broad topic, there
are chapters dedicated to the management of com- REFERENCE
plications. This section also contains excellent chap- Mojallal A, Wong C, Shipkov C, Hocuoq C, Recchiuto J, Brown
ters on the management of hand-related problems. S, Rohrich RJ, Saint-Cyr M. Redefining the vascular anatomy and
clinical applications of the sartorius muscle and myocutaneous
By organizing topics into separate algorithms, this flap. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2011;127:1946–1957.
book presents perhaps the easiest and most orga-
nized format that I have seen in the management of
congenital hand anomalies. Correction: Brow Lift in Facial Rejuvenation:
The aesthetic surgery section has 28 chapters A Systematic Literature Review of Open versus
organized into the following topics: skin, brow and Endoscopic Techniques
periorbital, face, nose, breast, body contouring,
and massive weight loss. This format emphasizes I n the Cosmetic Evidence-Based Medicine Special
Topic by Graham et al. entitled “Brow Lift in Facial
Rejuvenation: A Systematic Literature Review of
the importance of the examination and diagnosis
Open versus Endoscopic Techniques,” published in
in aesthetic surgery, as each algorithm branched the October 2011 issue of the Journal (Plast Reconstr
from different components of the physical exam- Surg. 2011;128:335e–341e), the last name of the third
ination. This is best demonstrated in the chapters author is incorrect. The author’s name should read
dedicated to the correction of the different com- “T. Jonathan Kurkjian, M.D.” (correction in italics).
ponents of nasal deformity. Although the recon- DOI: 10.1097/PRS.0b013e318238cb66
structive surgery section contains chapters on the
management of complications, this is missing in REFERENCE
the aesthetic surgery section and would be a real Graham DW, Heller J, Kirkjian TJ, Schaub TS, Rohrich RJ.
Brow lift in facial rejuvenation: A systematic literature review
benefit if included. Overall, the book is compre- of open versus endoscopic techniques. Plast Reconstr Surg.
hensive and provides updates to decision-making 2011;128:335e–341e.
algorithms based on current literature.
By design, the text and outline of the algorithms
Correction: Introducing the New PRS iPad
are concise and at times appear generalized. How-
App: The New World of Plastic Surgery
ever, the purpose of this book is to provide a frame- Education
work for the management of plastic surgical patients.
To fully use this book, readers should make notes on
sections as they come across them. Also, readers
I n the editorial by Rohrich et al. entitled “Introducing
the New PRS iPad App: The New World of Plastic
Surgery Education,” published in the September 2011
should keep in mind that the algorithms are rec- issue of the Journal (Plast Reconstr Surg. 2011;128:799 –
ommendations and reflect the authors’ opinions on 802), the disclosure for Karen Abramson is incorrect.
the subject. This is an ideal book for plastic surgical It should read “Disclosure: Karen Abramson is the President
residents, as it will help them develop a strategy for and CEO of Wolters Kluwer Health/Lippincott Williams &
the management of the entire breadth of plastic Wilkins, publisher of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
surgery. Moreover, I would recommend this book to and the PRS iPad app.”
DOI: 10.1097/PRS.0b013e318238cd02
anyone preparing for the boards and for established
practitioners, as it will help to organize and focus REFERENCE
their study. Rohrich RJ, Sullivan D, Tynan E, Abramson K. Introducing the
DOI: 10.1097/PRS.0b013e3182311bc2 new PRS iPad app: The new world of plastic surgery education.
Tae Chong, M.D. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2011;128:799–802.


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