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Prove It!

Primary Source Analysis

The Gettysburg Address

Directions: Using the words above, prove the following statements to be true. Complete the
chart below by indicating the line where you found the proof, then write the actual words from
the text.

Statement Line(s) # Actual Text

1,2,3 Four score and seven years ago our fathers
87 years ago, the Founding brought forth on this continent, a new nation,
Fathers created a brand new conceived in liberty and dedicated to the
country here based on the proposition that all men are created equal
idea that everyone is equal.

4,5 Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing

Now, we are at war with whether that nation or any nation so conceived
ourselves, and this war is and dedicated can long endure we are met on a
testing whether that kind of great battle-field of tht war
country can survive.
6,7 We have to dedicated a portion of that field as a
We are here today to dedicate final resting place for those whohere gave their
a part of this battlefield as a lives so that nation might live
cemetery for the soldiers that
died here for their country.

11,12 ,13 But it can never forget what they did. It is for us
It’s up to the rest of us that the living rather to be dedicated here to the
are still alive to dedicate unfinished work which they who fought have
ourselves to finishing what thus far so nobly advanced it is rather for us to
these soldiers started. be here dedicated to the great the great task
remaining for us

16, 17 Shall we have a new birth of freedom and that

We have to promise that a government of the people, by the people, for the
country that is made up of the people, shall not perish from the earth
people, was created by the
people, and made to serve the
people can exist.

Short Answer Response

1. Why does Lincoln refer to the founding fathers? To relate because they also fought in
war and they were the founders of this country

2. What does the speech say the soldiers are fighting for?
They are fighting for the freedom of there family and loved ones.

3. What does Lincoln mean by a “new birth of freedom”? Whose freedom is he talking
About? Slave

4. Are all people created equal?



Yes but they are not treated equal.

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