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Research Paper Pattern 4 Outline

THESIS: Birth control should be covered by all insurance providers because widely accessible contraceptives will reduce
unplanned pregnancies and abortions, improve women’s health, and give women reproductive freedom.

I. First Main Point: Unplanned pregnancies and abortions

A. Counterclaim topic sentence
1. More birth control would lead to more pregnancies and abortions.
a) Counterclaim supporting details
(1) More access to birth control = more sexual encounters
(2) More sexual encounters = more chances for birth control to fail
B. Supporting detail 1 topic sentence
1. Info and stats on unplanned pregnancies and abortions
a) Supporting details
(1) Women are more likely to participate in harmful activities
(2) Children’s health and development is at risk
C. Supporting detail 2 topic sentence
1. Why there are so many unplanned pregnancies and abortions
a) Supporting details
(1) Women in economic crises can't afford birth control
(2) Cost keeps women from choosing the most effective method
D. Supporting detail 3 topic sentence
1. How accessible birth control will reduce these issues.
a) Supporting details
(1) If pregnancy can be prevented in the 1st place, no abortion is needed
(2) Cost taxpayers less in health care costs related to unintended pregnancy
II. Second Main Point: Healthcare other than pregnancy prevention
A. Counterclaim topic sentence
1. Contraception is not essential to women’s health.
a) Counterclaim supporting details
(1) Companies only want to cover essential health costs on insurance and some
don’t view pregnancy prevention as essential
(2) Pregnancy is a natural state and not an illness so it shouldn’t need to be treated
B. Supporting detail 1 topic sentence
1. While some claim that pregnancy isn’t an illness and therefore shouldn’t require treatment,
there are illnesses that birth control does treat.
a) Supporting details
(1) Anemia
(2) Endometriosis
(3) Ovarian cysts
C. Supporting detail 2 topic sentence
1. Birth control also prevents some types of cancer.
a) Supporting details
(1) Ovarian cancer
(2) Uterine cancer
(3) Cervical cancer
D. Supporting detail 3 topic sentence
1. General healthcare
a) Supporting details
(1) Preventing acne
(2) Regulating periods
III. Third Main Point: Women’s reproductive freedom
A. Counterclaim topic sentence
1. Companies feel their freedom is being infringed upon by being forced to provide something they
disagree with.
a) Counterclaim supporting details
(1) No options for companies to opt out if they disagree
(2) Religous discrimination (1st amendment)
B. Supporting detail 1 topic sentence
1. Covering birth control gives women and families more financial freedom.
a) Supporting details
(1) Can plan a family when they are financially ready.
(2) Don’t have to choose between paying bills and buying birth control
C. Supporting detail 2 topic sentence
1. Being able to plan pregnancies has many societal benefits for women
a) Supporting details
(1) Contribute more to society (work)
(2) Get more education
(3) Consider health before getting pregnant

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