Present Simple and Continuous Workshop

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DANE: 111001077917

Name: _____________________________ Grade: 801 Date: 17-03-2020


 Realizar un repaso de las estructuras vistas en clase

 Realizar repaso de vocabulario y expresiones vistas

WEEK # 1 Present Simple

1. Write the 3rd person singular of the verbs:

1. I join - he joins 2. I like - he ………… 3. I kiss - he

4. I fly - he ……………. 5. I watch - he ………… 6. I enjoy - he
7. I talk - he ……………. 8. I go - he ………… 9. I teach - he
10. I buy - she …………… 11. I finish - she ……….. 12. I cry - she ……………

2. Use the verbs in brackets to complete the sentences, as in the example:

1. I (live) in Edinburgh. 2. He ……….

(do) his homework every evening.
3. She’s a teacher. She ……….. (work) at primary school.
4. “Are you a singer?” “No, I’m a pilot. I ………….. (fly) aeroplanes.
5. Joan …………. (wash) her hair every day.
6. The museum …………….. (close) at seven in the evening.
7. Daniel ……………. (brush) his teeth every morning.
8. She ……………... (study) Science at university.
9. Every Saturday, Paul …………… (give) his dog a bath.
10. In the mornings, Betty …………… (take) her sister to school.
11. We ……… (go) to the swimming pool at the weekend.
12. John and Mary ………… (have) a cup of tea in the afternoon.

3. Use the prompts to write sentences, as in the example:

1. he / every day / work / on the computer → He works on the computer every day.
2. Susana / at the weekend / do her laundry →
3. My friends and I / at the weekend / go fishing →
4. he / every morning / read the newspaper →
5. Sharon / exercise / in the morning →
6. dinner / they / at 7:30 / eat →

4. Write questions and negations as in the example.

a. Tom lives in England. → Does Tom live in England? Tom doesn’t live in England.
b. Mr Simpson teaches Chemistry.
c. You like playing computer games. →
d. John and Sue work in a café. →
e. We do the shopping on Saturdays. →
f. The baby cries all the time. →

5. Fill in do / don’t, -does / doesn’t.

1. Sam speaks French, but he ……….…. Speak Russian.

2. Ann ………… like jazz music but she likes pop music.
3. “…..…..she play the saxophone?” “No, she ….…”.
4. Where ….. you work?
5. He …….. go to school on Sunday.
6. What …... you have for dinner?

6. Match the questions to the answers.

1. What time does she get up? A. She goes to bed at 10:00.
2. How does she go to school? B. She walks to school.
3. Does she have breakfast every day? C. She gets up at 7:00.
4. What does she do in the afternoon? D. No, she doesn’t.
5. When does she go to bed? E. She does her homework.

Verb be Present Tense

Exercise 1: Conjugate the verb be in the present tense.

Affirmative Negative Yes/No Question Short Answer

I ............. I …………

You …….……. You ………… .............. you .....…….? No, …………..

He/She/It ……….… He/She/It ………… .............. he ……........? No, ……….….

We …………. We ………… .............. we ……........? Yes, ……………

You …………. You ………… .............. you ......…….? Yes, ……………

They …………. They ………… .............. they ........….? Yes, ……………

Exercise 2: Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb be in the affirmative in the present.

1. Peter (be) on the phone.

2. They (be) at home.

3. I (be) a student.

Exercise 3: Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb be in the negative in the present.

4. We (be, not) 50.

5. You (be, not) Spanish.

6. She (be, not) on holiday.

Exercise 4: Answer the questions with a short answer.

7. Are you from Montreal?

8. Is your best friend female?

9. Are your parents together?

4. We (be, not) 50.

5. You (be, not) Spanish.

6. She (be, not) on holiday.

Exercise 4: Answer the questions with a short answer.

7. Are you from Montreal?

8. Is your best friend female?

9. Are your parents together?


1. Write the correct word in the box below the picture.

picnic tent campsite hotel ticket airport

baggage suitcase caravan map passport tourist

2. Match the vocabulary with the correct definition and write a–l next to the numbers 1–12.

1. A person who is on holiday. a. ticket

2. You put your clothes and things in this when you go on holiday. b. tent

3. The place where you go to take a plane. c. campsite

4. A place to go with your tent or caravan. d. hotel

5. Look at this to help you find places. With this you won't get lost! e. tourist

An official document with your photo. You need it to go to a different

6. f. picnic

7. When you eat outside, normally sitting on a blanket on the floor. g. baggage

You need this paper to get on a train or enter a museum, for example.

8. h. caravan

9. A place to stay with lots of rooms. i. suitcase

10. If you go camping, you need a caravan or a to sleep in. j. map

11. A house with wheels! k. passport

12. Suitcases or bags that you carry when you're travelling. l. airport

3. Read the text and answer the questions

Sarah Miller is in New York. She is writing a letter to her best friend.

Dear Sophia,

How are you? How is London? I am having a very good time in New York.

It’s Sunday and it’s sunny and warm. Now it’s ten in the morning and

we are in Central Park. I am sitting under a tree, I am listening to

my radio… and I am writing to you, of course. My Canadian cousin

Rosemary is here with us, she is reading a comic. She’s very pretty.

She’s tall and slim and she has got long wavy brown hair. Her parents are in Toronto. My father

is reading The New York Times, an American newspaper. My mother is playing with my little

brother Jimmy on the grass and they are eating popcorn. There are many people in the park.

Some men are jogging, two girls are walking their dogs, and an old man is skating! And he can do

that quiet well. We often come to this fantastic park, in this wonderful city because we are

relaxing here. But sometimes we visit other interesting places: museums, shops, galleries, etc…

New York is great! There are many fantastic skyscrapers, great shops and there are people


Love, Sarah

1. What is Sarah’s surname? ________________________________________________

2. Where is Sarah? _______________________________________________________
3. What is she doing? ___________________________________________________
4. Who is Sarah writing to? ________________________________________________
5. What is Sarah’s father doing? _____________________________________________
6. Is Sarah’s brother eating a hamburger? ______________________________________
7. How many girls are walking their dogs in the park? ____________________________
8. What is her cousin doing? ________________________________________________
9. Does Sarah like New York? Why? __________________________________________

4. Complete the table with the correct form of be.

I am eating a sandwich.

You laughing.

He speaking to us.

She holding a piece of paper.

It raining.

We waiting for Carl.

They looking at the exhibition.

5. Now make the sentences negative. Now make questions.

eg I’m not eating a sandwich. eg Am I eating a sandwich?

6. Complete with the correct form of the verb in brackets.

Steve is talking to Anita on his mobile phone.

ANITA Hi Steve! Where are you? You’re late.

STEVE I know. I (1) (come). I (2) (walk) down Parliament Street now.

ANITA Hurry up! Rosie (3) (buy) the tickets and we (4) (go) into the Jorvik Viking

Sounds of lots of screaming.

STEVE What’s that?

ANITA Don’t worry! It’s Sara and Barbara. They (5) (scream). STEVE Why?

ANITA They are scared. We (6) (look) at an exhibition of a man with a knife. CARL
Where’s Steve?

ANITA He (7) (come). Look–there he is. He (8) (speak) to the man at the entrance.

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