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Colegio de San Juan de Letran

Intramuros, Manila



SHE No.: 5 Exposure No: 5 Date: December 27, 2010

Student Name: Ma. Theresa Ayren B. Leoncito Section: PS4A
Parish: Holy Family Parish Activity: Seminar and Practice

I. NARRATIVE (Activity/Work of the day)

This day, our parish exposed to a seminar about the liturgy and worship. The
activity started at 6:30 in the morning with the celebration of the Holy Eucharist. After
the mass, I was assigned at the registration booth together with the other youths. At
around 8:30 am, the seminar started with an opening prayer, followed by the introduction
and opening remarks of our Parish Priest, Rev. Fr. Jose Francis A. Calo. The seminar is
lead by Bro. Ferdinand Bautista from the Diocese of San Pablo. He discussed the essence
of the liturgy, the different kinds of Mass, the important roles of every ministry and
Church organizations and the value of liturgy in our everyday lives. A short break for the
snacks was given and then the seminar once again continued. On the second part, the
discussion is about the Sacramentals – its proper care, handle and use. The seminar ended
at 12:30 in the afternoon.

Right after the seminar, I was asked to join in the Vicariate Christmas Party,
tomorrow, December 28, 2010. The PYM will have their Christmas Presentation, and I
was invited to participate in the presentation. Because of this we had to prepare a
presentation. The practice started at 1pm till 9 in the evening.


From the seminar, I have attended this morning, I have learned and realized
several things. I have learned that the Holy Water is the Womb of the Church; the first
cleansing of the Sacramentals, especially the linens, used every celebration of the
Sacraments should be done I an area called Sacrarium; the essential roles of each
liturgical organizations of the Church and the essence of being a Christian. I also l earned
that the Church has four sacred books namely sacramentary, lectionary with seasonal and
sanctoral, and the Gospel Book. I also learned that it is the Church’s community who is
making the Prayer’s of the Faithful.
I also realized that we should not take liturgy as merely the Word of God. We
should convey it as our guide in our everyday lives. Living in accordance with the words,
teachings, and will of God will help us become better persons and Christians. I also
realized that being a member of the Lectors and Commentators Ministry (LCM), I was
chosen by God to be an instrument in spreading His works, teachings and will to the
people. But my role doesn’t stop there. It is my responsibility to be a model to my fellow
Christians, specifically to other youths. I have to make a step to apply what I am
spreading and encourage others to do the same way, as what God wants us to do. I also
realized that I should not only read the Words of God in the lectionary, during the Mass.
But I should make it a habit to once in a while read the bible and be familiar with the
Sacred Scriptures. I should also be sensitive to the needs of the people within my
community for me to be able to incorporate their needs the prayers I am to recite.
Colegio de San Juan de Letran
Intramuros, Manila



SHE No.: 6 Exposure No: 6 Date: December 28, 2010

Student Name: Ma. Theresa Ayren B. Leoncito Section: PS4A
Parish: Holy Family Parish Activity: Vicariate Christmas Party

I. NARRATIVE (Activity/Work of the day)

Today is the Vicariate Christmas Party. As part of it, several Churches will be
gathered and united to celebrate the Christmas Season. My activity for this day is to
practice our presentation and attend the Christmas Party in the evening. Our practice
started at 4:00 in the afternoon. Our practice ended at 6 pm due to the Celebration of the
Holy Mass. Since the PYMs are the one in charge for the Choir, I had to join them. After
the Mass and while waiting for our service, we had decided to practice again.

The Vicariate Christmas Party is held at the covered court of Rosario Complex.
The following are the composition of the Vicariate of the Holy Family: San Martin de
Porres Parish from Adelina Village, Christ the King Parish from GSIS Village, Holy
Family Parish from Sampaguita Village, St. Joseph the Worker Parish from Calendola
Village, Most Holy Name of Jesus Parish from the Resettlement Area, Mother of Good
Counsel Parish from Chrysanthemum Village and Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary
from Rosario Complex. The program started at 8pm with several presentations from the
mentioned parishes, games, exchange gifts and raffle. The party ended at 11 in the


From joining the Vicariate Christmas Party, I have realized that there are really
many Christians who were so devoted and active with all the activities of the Church. It
was so touching to see children at young ages actively participating in the Church,
wanting to live closer to God. I also realized that it is very heart fulfilling to join in the
activities of the Church, as you will be exposed to several situations and events. You will
not just enjoy the activities; you would also earn lots of friends and lots of unforgettable
experiences. It is very encouraging to join and be active in Church activities and it will be
more fun and exciting if I could encourage more youths to join and be active in the
Colegio de San Juan de Letran
Intramuros, Manila



SHE No.: 7 Exposure No: 7 Date: December 29, 2010

Student Name: Ma. Theresa Ayren B. Leoncito Section: PS4A
Parish: Holy Family Parish Activity:Disbursement and Income Statement

I. NARRATIVE (Activity/Work of the day)

Since the year is about to end, our parish has to update its finances. This day, I
was exposed to the finances of our parish. I was allowed to do the documentation of
finances. I updated and documented all the disbursements and incomes of our parish for
the entire year of 2010. First, I separate the expenses of the convent from the expenses of
the church. I gathered and recorded all the receipts of expenses in the disbursement book.
The expenses are usually incurred for the maintenance of the Church and the convent,
salaries of the maintenance and other personnel and payment for utility bills such as
electricity, telephone and water supply. Then I calculated for all the incomes earned and
gathered by our parish, which usually came from donations, rent payments for the halls
used for special gatherings and the payments for the sacraments held in the church. Then,
I recorded all the incomes in the income statement. After finalizing the finances, I made a
financial statement and report regarding the flow of cash of our parish.


From this, I have reflected that the Church is in need of great fund to function
well and operationally and to be well maintained. However, the church’s budget only
depends on the donations of the people. I have realized that in order to help the church in
increasing its fund, I should lend a hand as I could donate some amount to the church or I
could also actively participate in the fund raising activities of our parish. I could also
encourage other people to help our parish gain its fund. We could also minimize some
expenses of our parish by limiting and conserving the use of electricity and water.
Colegio de San Juan de Letran
Intramuros, Manila



SHE No.: 8 Exposure No: 8 Date: December 30, 2010

Student Name: Ma. Theresa Ayren B. Leoncito Section: PS4A
Parish: Holy Family Parish Activity: Mass Intentions and Interview

I. NARRATIVE (Activity/Work of the day)

Colegio de San Juan de Letran
Intramuros, Manila



SHE No.: 9 Exposure No: 9 Date: December 31, 2010

Student Name: Ma. Theresa Ayren B. Leoncito Section: PS4A
Parish: Holy Family Parish Activity: Misalet and Baptismal Seminar

I. NARRATIVE (Activity/Work of the day)



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