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“Dietary Intake, Body Composition and Nutrition Knowledge of Australian Football and Soccer Players: Implications for

Sports Nutrition Professionals in Practice” by Devlin BL, Leveritt MD, Kingsley M, Belski R
International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism
© 2016 Human Kinetics, Inc.

Note: This article will be published in a forthcoming issue of

the International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise
Metabolism. This article appears here in its accepted, peer-
reviewed form; it has not been copyedited, proofed, or
formatted by the publisher.

Section: Original Research

Article Title: Dietary Intake, Body Composition and Nutrition Knowledge of Australian
Football and Soccer Players: Implications for Sports Nutrition Professionals in Practice


Affiliations: Brooke L Devlin1, Michael D Leveritt2, Michael Kingsley3, and Regina Belski1

Running Head: 1Department of Rehabilitation, Nutrition and Sport, La Trobe University,

Bundoora, Melbourne, VIC, Australia. 2School of Human Movement and Nutrition Sciences,
The University of Queensland, St Lucia, QLD, Australia. 3La Trobe Rural Health School, La
Trobe University, Bendigo, VIC.

Journal: International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise

Acceptance Date: September 15, 2016

©2016 Human Kinetics, Inc.

“Dietary Intake, Body Composition and Nutrition Knowledge of Australian Football and Soccer Players: Implications for
Sports Nutrition Professionals in Practice” by Devlin BL, Leveritt MD, Kingsley M, Belski R
International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism
© 2016 Human Kinetics, Inc.

Section: Original Research

Title: Dietary intake, body composition and nutrition knowledge of Australian football and soccer

players: implications for sports nutrition professionals in practice

Authors: Brooke L Devlin 1

Michael D Leveritt 2
Downloaded by La Trobe University Lib on 10/27/16, Volume 0, Article Number 0

Michael Kingsley3

Regina Belski 1

Institution: Department of Rehabilitation, Nutrition and Sport, La Trobe University, Bundoora,

Melbourne, VIC, Australia. 2 School of Human Movement and Nutrition Sciences, The University of
Queensland, St Lucia, QLD, Australia. La Trobe Rural Health School, La Trobe University,

Bendigo, VIC.

Corresponding Author: Brooke L Devlin. La Trobe University, Kingsbury Drive, Bundoora,

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, 3086. Email: Phone: +61 3 9479 5601

Running Head: Athletes’ dietary intake, body composition and nutrition knowledge

Word Count: 3231

Figures: 0

Tables: 4
“Dietary Intake, Body Composition and Nutrition Knowledge of Australian Football and Soccer Players: Implications for
Sports Nutrition Professionals in Practice” by Devlin BL, Leveritt MD, Kingsley M, Belski R
International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism
© 2016 Human Kinetics, Inc.


Sports nutrition professionals aim to influence nutrition knowledge, dietary intake and body

composition to improve athletic performance. Understanding the interrelationships between these

factors and how they vary across sports has the potential to facilitate better-informed and targeted

sports nutrition practice. This observational study assessed body composition (DXA), dietary intake

(multiple-pass 24-hour recall) and nutrition knowledge (two previously validated tools) of elite and

sub-elite male players involved in two team-based sports; Australian football (AF) and soccer.

Differences in, and relationships between, nutrition knowledge, dietary intake and body composition
Downloaded by La Trobe University Lib on 10/27/16, Volume 0, Article Number 0

between elite AF, sub-elite AF and elite soccer players were assessed. A total of 66 (23 ± 4 years,

82.0 ± 9.2 kg, 184.7 ± 7.7 cm) players participated. Areas of weaknesses in nutrition knowledge are

evident (57% mean score obtained) yet nutrition knowledge was not different between elite and sub-

elite AF and soccer players (58%, 57% and 56%, respectively, p > 0.05). Dietary intake was not

consistent with recommendations in some areas; carbohydrate intake was lower (4.6 ± 1.5 g/kg/day,

4.5 ± 1.2 g/kg/day and 2.9 ± 1.1 g/kg/day for elite and sub-elite AF and elite soccer players,

respectively) and protein intake was higher (3.4 ± 1.1 g/kg/day, 2.1 ± 0.7 g/kg/day and 1.9 ± 0.5

g/kg/day for elite and sub-elite AF and elite soccer players, respectively) than recommendations.

Nutrition knowledge was positively correlated with fat-free soft tissue mass (n = 66; r2 = 0.051, p =

0.039). This insight into known modifiable factors may assist sports nutrition professionals to be more

specific and targeted in their approach to supporting players to achieve enhanced performance.

Keywords: sports dietitian, team-based sport, nutrition

“Dietary Intake, Body Composition and Nutrition Knowledge of Australian Football and Soccer Players: Implications for
Sports Nutrition Professionals in Practice” by Devlin BL, Leveritt MD, Kingsley M, Belski R
International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism
© 2016 Human Kinetics, Inc.


Australian football (AF) and soccer are two popular team-based sports in Australia. Although

the physiological game demands and movement patterns vary, they are both considered high intensity

and intermittent in nature, with players involved in intensive periods of play, interspersed with periods

of recovery or less intense activity (Di Salvo et al., 2009; Gray & Jenkins, 2010). Nutrition is a small,

yet important, component contributing to the athletic performance of players in AF and soccer. The

contributions of sport nutrition professionals are becoming increasingly recognised in team-based

sport settings. However, due to budget and time constraints as well as competing pressures, not all
Downloaded by La Trobe University Lib on 10/27/16, Volume 0, Article Number 0

sporting organisations have the capacity to employ qualified nutrition professionals.

Nutrition practices of athletes are influenced by many factors such as culture, beliefs, self-

efficacy and nutrition knowledge (Birkenhead & Slater, 2015). Sports nutrition professionals aim to

support athletes by influencing their level of nutrition knowledge in order to make positive changes in

dietary intake, which ultimately result in enhanced performance. Additionally, with appropriate

nutrition and training, body composition of athletes can effectively be manipulated to achieve ideal

body composition for the chosen sport (Holway & Spriet, 2011). Sports nutrition professionals have a

comprehensive understanding of current sport nutrition recommendations and the ability to

personalise advice. Furthermore, they possess the skills to implement the science of nutrition into

practice. As a result, the role of a sports nutrition professional in contributing to peak performance is

highly valuable.

However, the assessment of the factors that a sports nutrition professional can influence

(nutrition knowledge, dietary intake and body composition) is largely unexplored in team-based sport

players, particularly within one study. To increase the effectiveness and recognise the areas a sports

nutrition professional can improve, a better understanding of known modifiable factors is required.

Therefore, this study aims to explore three modifiable factors a sports nutrition professional can

influence in a team-based sport setting by investigating two popular team-based sports and assessing

the relationships between these modifiable factors.

“Dietary Intake, Body Composition and Nutrition Knowledge of Australian Football and Soccer Players: Implications for
Sports Nutrition Professionals in Practice” by Devlin BL, Leveritt MD, Kingsley M, Belski R
International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism
© 2016 Human Kinetics, Inc.



This cross-sectional, observational study assessed nutrition knowledge (questionnaire),

dietary intake (multiple pass 24-hour recall) and body composition of elite and sub-elite male players

involved in two popular team-based sports in Australia; AF and soccer. Participants attended the

laboratory at the end of the preseason period (just prior to the start of the competitive season). Due to

different competitive seasons, this time point allowed comparisons between three different team-

based sport groups. Furthermore, all players had completed an extensive preseason training period and
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consequently this was a time when assessment of dietary intake, body composition and nutrition

knowledge could be considered optimal in preparation for a competitive season. All measures were

taken on one occasion.


Elite AF players were recruited from one professional AF club competing in the Australian

Football League. Sub-elite AF players were recruited from a combination of three clubs competing in

the state-based competition known as the Victorian Football League. Soccer players were recruited

from one A-league soccer club competing in the Australian competition, run by the Football

Federation Australia. All participants were provided with verbal and written communication of the

scope and risks of the study prior to signing an approved consent form. La Trobe University Human

Research Ethics Committee approved the study.

Nutrition Knowledge

Nutrition knowledge was measured using a combination of the General Nutrition Knowledge

Questionnaire (GNKQ) and a sport specific tool, which have been previously validated (Parmenter &

Wardle, 1999; Hendrie et al., 2008; Shifflett et al., 2002). The tool has been described in detail

previously (Devlin & Belski, 2015). It contained 123 items relating to five areas of nutrition; dietary

recommendations, sources of nutrients, choosing everyday foods, alcohol and sports nutrition. Each
“Dietary Intake, Body Composition and Nutrition Knowledge of Australian Football and Soccer Players: Implications for
Sports Nutrition Professionals in Practice” by Devlin BL, Leveritt MD, Kingsley M, Belski R
International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism
© 2016 Human Kinetics, Inc.

item carried one point for a correct answer. Participants completed the questionnaire in approximately

30 minutes under the supervision of researchers.

Dietary intake assessment

Reported dietary intake was obtained via multiple-pass 24-hour recalls. Details of this method

have been described previously (Johnson et al., 1996; Jonnalagadda et al., 2000). All players provided

dietary intake for a ‘training day’ during the end of preseason period of all football codes. Dietary

intake data was subsequently entered into Foodworks© Software (Xyris, Brisbane, QLD) to estimate

nutrient intake composition. All food and beverages were analysed, including protein powders and
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sports drinks. Vitamin and mineral supplements were excluded as macronutrient intake was the focus

of the current study. Average energy and macronutrient intakes (carbohydrate, protein, fat) were

obtained. Throughout the multiple pass 24-hour recall probing process, qualitative information

regarding food choice preferences, food availability and food preparation were obtained and


Body composition

Body composition was measured from a whole-body DXA scan (Hologic, Discovery W) and

analysed using QDR for Windows to quantify fat mass (FM; total adipose tissue), bone mineral

content (BMC; bone tissue) and lean mass (LM; fat-free soft tissue mass). Consistent with previous

research in athletic cohorts, the term ‘lean mass’ is exchanged with ‘fat-free soft tissue mass’

(FFSTM; Bilsborough et al., 2014; Nana et al., 2015). Procedures were standardised according to

Australia and New Zealand Bone Mineral Society and best practice protocol (Nana et al., 2015).

Calibration took place as per manufacturer guidelines. Participants presented to the laboratory after an

overnight fast and rested (no exercise on morning of scan), prior to 10:30 am. Participants were

instructed to wear minimal clothing. Prior to each scan, participants were asked to void their bladder.

Scans were analysed automatically by the software, with regions confirmed by the same technician.

Based on repeat measures on 30 active young participants, the technical errors of measurement,
“Dietary Intake, Body Composition and Nutrition Knowledge of Australian Football and Soccer Players: Implications for
Sports Nutrition Professionals in Practice” by Devlin BL, Leveritt MD, Kingsley M, Belski R
International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism
© 2016 Human Kinetics, Inc.

expressed as coefficients of variation for the DXA machine employed are as follows: TM (g) = 0.3%,

BMC (g) = 0.7%, FFSTM (g) = 0.5% and FM (g) = 0.7%.

Body mass was measured to the nearest 0.1 kg using digital scales (WM203, Wedderburn,

Willawong, QLD, Australia). Stretch stature was measured to the nearest 0.1 cm and according to

ISAK protocols (Marfell-Jones et al., 2006) using a wall-mounted stadiometer (SE206, SECA, Seven

Hills, NSW, Australia).

Statistical analysis

All statistical analysis was conducted on IBM SPSS Statistics for Windows, Version 22.0 (IBM Corp,
Downloaded by La Trobe University Lib on 10/27/16, Volume 0, Article Number 0

Armonk, New York, USA, 2013) with significance set at p ≤ 0.05. All variables were tested for

normality via Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic and visual assessment of histogram and appropriate

statistical tests were subsequently conducted. Data with a Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic p value of

less than 0.05 suggests violation of the assumption of normality and thus median and range are

presented (Pallant, 2013). Otherwise, data is presented as percentages, means and standard deviations.

Difference in mean nutrition knowledge scores overall and for each section of the

questionnaire, body composition (TM, FM, FFSTM, BMC) and dietary intake (energy and

macronutrients) between elite AF, sub-elite AF and elite soccer players were determined via one-way

between-groups analysis of variance (ANOVA), with Tukey post-hoc comparisons.

The relationship between nutrition knowledge (total score and subsections) with reported

dietary intake (energy and macronutrients), nutrition knowledge with body composition (TM, FM,

FFSTM, %BF, BMC) and dietary intake with body composition were investigated via Pearson

correlation. The strength of these relationships were reported using the coefficient of determination



Participant characteristics

A total of 66 (23 ± 4 years, 82.0 ± 9.2 kg, 184.7 ± 7.7 cm) team-based sport players took part

in the study. Participant characteristics are presented in Table 1.

“Dietary Intake, Body Composition and Nutrition Knowledge of Australian Football and Soccer Players: Implications for
Sports Nutrition Professionals in Practice” by Devlin BL, Leveritt MD, Kingsley M, Belski R
International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism
© 2016 Human Kinetics, Inc.

Nutrition knowledge score

Mean nutrition knowledge score for all participants (n = 66) was 69.9 ± 11.9 out of a possible

maximum score of 123 (57%). The GNKQ and sports nutrition knowledge subsections scores for all

participants were 51.3 ± 9.1 (56%) and 17.3 ± 4.2 (60%) respectively. Scores (mean ± SD; %) for

each subsection of the GNKQ, the sport nutrition knowledge section and an overall total score for

each player group are presented in Table 2. No differences were detected in total nutrition knowledge

between the three groups (F(2, 63) = 2.256, p < 0.110).

Dietary intake
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Table 3 presents reported energy and macronutrient intake of elite and sub-elite AF and elite

soccer players. Between group analysis of protein intake revealed a significant main effect for protein

intake according to total intake (g), and % of total energy intake (F(2, 63) = 38.752, p <

0.001; F(2, 63) = 23.429, p < 0.001; F(2, 63) = 7.393, p = 0.001, respectively). Elite AF players consumed

more protein (total and than both sub-elite AF players and elite soccer athletes (p <

0.001). Carbohydrate intake was significantly different between the groups according to total intake, and % of total energy intake (F(2, 63) = 24.455, p < 0.001; F(2, 63) = 14.678, p < 0.001; F(2, 63)

= 5.752, p = 0.00, respectively). Elite and sub-elite AF athletes consumed significantly more

carbohydrate (total and than elite soccer athletes (p < 0.001).

Of note, elite soccer and elite AF players received catering from their respective clubs. The

elite AF players were provided food via a club chef and reported satisfaction with the food and meals

provided. Elite soccer players reported foods were provided by a catering company and over half of

the elite soccer (10 of 18 participants; 56%) players noted dissatisfaction with the foods provided with

‘lack of choice’, ‘bland tasting’, ‘minimal variation’ common comments made.

Body composition

Table 4 presents the body composition (TM, FM, FFSTM, %BF, BMC) of elite and sub-elite

AF and elite soccer players.

“Dietary Intake, Body Composition and Nutrition Knowledge of Australian Football and Soccer Players: Implications for
Sports Nutrition Professionals in Practice” by Devlin BL, Leveritt MD, Kingsley M, Belski R
International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism
© 2016 Human Kinetics, Inc.

Relationship between nutrition knowledge, dietary intake and body composition

All players (n=66) level of sport nutrition knowledge was positively correlated (small,

statistically significant) with both total energy intake and total carbohydrate intake (r2 = 0.046, p =

0.014, and r2 = 0.043, p = 0.039, respectively). For elite AF players (n = 15), total nutrition knowledge

score was negatively correlated (medium to large, statistically significant) with total protein intake (r2

= 0.244, p = 0.026 and r2 = 0.382, p = 0.016, respectively).

All players (n = 66) total nutrition knowledge score was positively correlated (small to

medium, statistically significant) with FFSTM (r2 = 0.051, p = 0.039). This relationship was strongest
Downloaded by La Trobe University Lib on 10/27/16, Volume 0, Article Number 0

in elite AF players (n = 15; r2 = 0.178, p = 0.016, respectively). Additionally, total nutrition

knowledge was negatively correlated with percentage of body fat, for all players and in particular sub-

elite AF players (n = 66; r2 = 0.041, p = 0.036 and n = 33; r2 = 0.134, p = 0.017, respectively).


The main findings of the current study are 1) the level of nutrition knowledge of elite and sub-

elite team-based sport athletes can be improved, 2) dietary intake of male team-based sport athletes

was at the lower and upper limits of broad recommendations for carbohydrate and protein intake

respectively 3) significant differences were found in both carbohydrate and protein dietary intake

between elite and sub-elite AF and elite soccer athletes and 4) nutrition knowledge was positively

correlated with FFSTM. Sport nutrition professionals in team-based sport settings aim to positively

influence modifiable factors to improve athletic performance such as nutrition knowledge, dietary

intake and body composition. By exploring these factors and their relationships in elite and sub-elite

male AF and elite soccer players in Australia this study has developed a better understanding of the

potential role and impact of a sports nutrition professional.

It can be concluded that the level of nutrition knowledge of elite and sub-elite AF and elite

soccer players in Australia is very similar, yet slightly lower than other elite Australian sports people,

but, no better than the non-athletic population (Dunn et al., 2007; Hamilton et al., 1994; Shifflett et

al., 2002; Spendlove et al., 2012; Spronk et al., 2014). Within the findings of the current study, the

areas of knowledge deficiency are evident, particularly in regards to knowledge of fat, including
“Dietary Intake, Body Composition and Nutrition Knowledge of Australian Football and Soccer Players: Implications for
Sports Nutrition Professionals in Practice” by Devlin BL, Leveritt MD, Kingsley M, Belski R
International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism
© 2016 Human Kinetics, Inc.

sources of unsaturated and saturated fat. This is similar to previous research reporting nutrition

knowledge in similar cohorts (Andrews Itsiopoulos, 2015, 2015; Devlin & Belski, 2015). Nutrition

education on fat may not be a focus when sports nutrition professionals have limited time to provide

nutrition education. To improve overall diet quality and assist in body composition manipulation,

knowledge of types and food sources of fat should not be neglected. Furthermore, the elite level

players did not have a greater level of nutrition knowledge than sub-elite, with no differences detected

between the groups. Providing education and advice to players of all levels may lead to improvements

in nutrition knowledge with the ultimate aim to influence dietary intake and performance.
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Reported energy intake values in the current study are consistent with previous reported

dietary intake values of similar players (Bilsborough, Greenway, Livingston et al., 2015; Burke &

Read, 1988; Holway & Spriet, 2011; Maughan, 1997; Schokman et al., 1999). When comparing elite

and sub-elite AF players, the elite AF players consumed more total energy than sub-elite AF players

despite no significant difference in total mass. This is potentially due to greater dietetic support but

also higher training demands in the AF cohort. Although specific detail of training that took place on

the day of dietary recall is not known, it was reported that elite AF athletes completed training

throughout the day (both morning and afternoon sessions) whereas the sub-elite AF athletes

completed a training session in the evening only. Furthermore, the elite AF club involved in the study

provided meals prepared by a chef before and after training, which is likely to influence dietary


Both elite and sub-elite AF players consumed significantly greater energy than elite soccer

players. This is partially explained by lower body mass of elite soccer players. Moreover, the elite

soccer club involved in this study also provided food catering to players. Yet it was revealed

throughout the 24-hour dietary recalls that over half of the soccer players reported dissatisfaction with

the food provided. This may further explain the low reported energy intakes for the elite soccer

players. Whilst food service provision demonstrates to players that nutrition is valued, it does not

guarantee players will consume food provided. Without consulting players on personal preferences

and considering the range of dietary requirements that would exist, the catering might not be
“Dietary Intake, Body Composition and Nutrition Knowledge of Australian Football and Soccer Players: Implications for
Sports Nutrition Professionals in Practice” by Devlin BL, Leveritt MD, Kingsley M, Belski R
International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism
© 2016 Human Kinetics, Inc.

advantageous. A sports nutrition professional may increase their impact and value by developing and

designing food provision services and menus that will meet the range of requirements and preferences

of players (Pelly et al., 2011). It is a worthwhile investment, if incorporated appropriately, of both

time and money to encourage and promote optimal dietary intake and encourage a positive food and

performance relationship (Pelly et al., 2011). Access to a dietitian, time and funding are potential

barriers to implementing such services. Further monitoring, reporting and documentation of food

service provision is required to ensure continuous quality improvement within the role of sport

nutrition professionals.
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Reported carbohydrate intakes of all players were at the lower range of the most recent IOC

sport nutrition guidelines (between 3 - 12 g·kg-1·day-1 which includes low-intensity/skill based

activities through to very high training loads; Burke et al., 2011). Carbohydrate intake is crucial for

optimal performance of team-based sport athletes due to the aerobic nature and the duration of both

sports (Andersen et al., 2016; Burke et al., 2011) Players, from a range of team-based sports,

consistently do not appear to meet carbohydrate recommendations (Andrews & Itsiopoulos, 2015;

Holway & Spriet, 2011). Recent reports of dietary practices of elite youth soccer players within the

English Premier League revealed carbohydrate intakes suboptimal compared to recommendations and

encourage nutrition advice to focus on not only total daily macronutrient intake but also distribution

patterns over a day and around training (Naughton et al., 2016). Despite this low intake, an important

consideration is the carbohydrate availability of the players for training. No specific detail on timing

of dietary intake in relation to training was obtained in the current study. Consequently, it is not

known if the carbohydrate intake of these players, albeit low, was temporally associated with training

times. Further research exploring the dietary intake in relation to training and competition in these

groups of players is required. It has recently been suggested that daily carbohydrate intake should

ideally be periodised according to training and match schedules in order to ensure optimal training

adaptations in training whilst maximising performance during matches (Andersen et al., 2016).

Average reported protein intakes, on the other hand, were at the upper limit or exceeded

protein recommendations (Lemon, 1993; Phillips & Van Loon, 2011). Elite AF players consumed
“Dietary Intake, Body Composition and Nutrition Knowledge of Australian Football and Soccer Players: Implications for
Sports Nutrition Professionals in Practice” by Devlin BL, Leveritt MD, Kingsley M, Belski R
International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism
© 2016 Human Kinetics, Inc.

significantly higher protein (relative to body weight) than both sub-elite AF and elite soccer players.

Overall, protein was consumed in excess which is likely to be of limited benefit, rather, compromising

carbohydrate intake required for both soccer and AF (MacKenzie et al., 2015). Sports nutrition

professionals should aim to provide simple and practical strategies to reduce the total protein intake

and improve protein intake distribution and focus on an increase in carbohydrate intake closer to the

recommendations (MacKenzie et al., 2015).

The body composition of elite AF players in the current study compared to previous reports in

a similar cohort reveal elite AF players in the current study have slightly lower FFSTM and greater
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FM (Bilsborough, Greenway, Livingston, et al., 2015; Bilsborough, Greenway, Opar, et al., 2015;

Veale et al., 2010). To our knowledge, there are currently no previous published reports of body

composition obtained by DXA analysis of Australian elite soccer players. When compared to

international elite soccer players, the elite Australian soccer players in the current study appeared to

have similar FM but lower FFSTM compared to soccer players in the English Premier League

(Milson et al., 2015). American collegiate soccer players had similar FFSTM and FM to the

Australian elite soccer players (Silverstre et al., 2006). Additional research assessing and monitoring

the body composition of elite soccer players in Australia is required to develop normative values for

Australian players, particularly taking into consideration seasonal variation.

Correlational analysis between the modifiable factors revealed particular relationships which

provide insight to the factors a sport nutrition professional aims to influence. In this group of players,

higher sports nutrition knowledge was associated with higher carbohydrate intake. As carbohydrate

intakes were suboptimal compared to recommendations, this suggests the greater level of sport

nutrition knowledge the closer the carbohydrate intake to recommendations. For elite AF players in

particular, higher total nutrition knowledge was associated with lower protein intake. Whilst protein

intake in general was at the upper limit or exceeded protein recommendations, players with higher

total nutrition knowledge seem to be more aware of protein recommendations and thus consume

intakes closer to the recommendations. However, caution must be taken when making inferences from
“Dietary Intake, Body Composition and Nutrition Knowledge of Australian Football and Soccer Players: Implications for
Sports Nutrition Professionals in Practice” by Devlin BL, Leveritt MD, Kingsley M, Belski R
International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism
© 2016 Human Kinetics, Inc.

statistical associations. Additional research is required to elucidate if changing nutrition knowledge

would also change carbohydrate or protein intake.

Relationships were also evident between nutrition knowledge and body composition of the

players. For all players, nutrition knowledge was positively correlated with FFSTM, consistent with

previous research in semi-professional soccer players in Greece (Nikolaidis & Theodoropoulou,

2014). Although associations between nutrition knowledge scores and body composition parameters

were low to moderate, results suggest that focusing on improving nutrition knowledge may positively

influence body composition of players (greater muscle mass, lower fat mass) which is considered as
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beneficial in these team-based sports (Nevill et al., 2009). In addition, greater FFSTM has previously

been shown to positively correlate with athletic performance of elite AF players (Bilsborough,

Greenway, Opar et al., 2015). Consequently, sports nutrition professionals are in a strong position to

improve nutrition knowledge and influence athletic performance via adapting body composition of

players. Highlighting this relationship may be a useful way to advocate for the role of sport nutrition

professionals within sporting clubs. This relationship has a sport nutrition focus, yet within a team-

sport there are other areas, such as training and body composition goals, that must be considered when

aiming to improve nutrition knowledge and influence both body composition and performance of an

athlete. Changes to athletes’ dietary habits and improvements in nutrition knowledge can be supported

as part of the role of a sport nutrition professional working within the sports science setting to

influence overall performance.

The following limitations need to be considered when interpreting the findings of this study.

The sample within this study is based on players from one professional AF club, one professional

soccer club and a combination of sub-elite AF clubs. It could be argued that this sample, particularly

the elite AF and elite soccer players, is not representative of the larger group of elite AF and soccer

players. Nonetheless, this study is the first to report the body composition of elite soccer players in

Australia as assessed via DXA. It provides initial references values for future work and informs the

design of interventions to modify body composition of soccer players. Furthermore, the body

composition of the elite AF players agrees well with previous research, which also assessed just one
“Dietary Intake, Body Composition and Nutrition Knowledge of Australian Football and Soccer Players: Implications for
Sports Nutrition Professionals in Practice” by Devlin BL, Leveritt MD, Kingsley M, Belski R
International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism
© 2016 Human Kinetics, Inc.

other AF club (Bilsborough, Greenway, Livingston, et al., 2015; Bilsborough, Greenway, Opar, et al.,

2015). Consequently it appears that the body composition of elite AF players is consistent, and is not

largely influenced by the individual club environment.

The current study focused on energy and macronutrient intake and used the 24-hour dietary

recall method to do so. It is important for athletes to not focus solely on macronutrient intake. In order

to maintain optimal health, prevent illness and deficiencies it is important for athletes to not only

focus on macronutrients but also consider micronutrient intake (vitamins and minerals) (Holway &

Spriet, 2011). There are further limitations associated with 24 h recall method which may have
Downloaded by La Trobe University Lib on 10/27/16, Volume 0, Article Number 0

influenced results. Whilst authors employed the multiple-pass method to improve accuracy, the 24 h

period of interest may not have been representative of the athletes’ usual dietary intake as only a 24 h

period was captured. Finally, without specific detail of training sessions completed on the day of 24 h

dietary recall, it is not known if reported energy intake met training demands.

Whilst sport nutrition professionals provide education to improve nutrition knowledge, the

nutrition attitudes of players probably influence dietary intake, and correspondingly, body

composition and performance (Birkenhead & Slater, 2015). Nutrition attitudes were not assessed in

the current study. Nutrition advice and interventions focused on improving nutrition knowledge will

have limited efficacy if the players do not recognise the importance of nutrition. Additional research

exploring attitudes, perceptions and opinions of players will further assist sport nutrition professionals

to maximise their impact in a team-based sport setting.

In conclusion, the insight into known modifiable factors as a result of this work may assist

sport nutrition professionals to be more specific and targeted in their approach to supporting players to

achieve enhanced performance.

Novelty statement

Influencing nutrition knowledge to help improve dietary intake, which in turn may influence

body composition, is integral to the role of sports nutrition professionals. This research has taken a

systematic approach to sports nutrition practice to gain an understanding of these factors, within a

cohort of elite and sub-elite team-based sport players. The findings have identified areas to improve
“Dietary Intake, Body Composition and Nutrition Knowledge of Australian Football and Soccer Players: Implications for
Sports Nutrition Professionals in Practice” by Devlin BL, Leveritt MD, Kingsley M, Belski R
International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism
© 2016 Human Kinetics, Inc.

the translation of nutrition science to practice. As the area of sport nutrition research continues to

develop, sports nutrition professionals need to be innovative in their approach to translate research

knowledge into practice and aim for continuous quality improvement.

Practical application

 Sports nutrition professionals working with athletes should aim to influence and improve

nutrition knowledge by providing specific and targeted nutrition education based on gaps in

knowledge. This may result in changes to dietary intake and body composition.

 Sports nutrition professionals should focus on maximising timing and distribution of

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macronutrient intake in addition to striving to achieve broad nutrition recommendations.

 Food service provision is a valuable way to advocate for the importance of nutrition in elite

sporting organisations yet needs to take into consideration athletes’ food preferences to be



The study was designed by BD, ML, MK and RB; data was collected and analysed by BD; data

interpretation and manuscript preparation were undertaken by BD, ML, MK and RB. All authors

approved the final version of the paper. The authors would like to thank the A-League, AFL and VFL

clubs and the players for participating in the study. The authors declare no conflicts of interest. No

external funding was received for this study.

“Dietary Intake, Body Composition and Nutrition Knowledge of Australian Football and Soccer Players: Implications for
Sports Nutrition Professionals in Practice” by Devlin BL, Leveritt MD, Kingsley M, Belski R
International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism
© 2016 Human Kinetics, Inc.


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International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism
© 2016 Human Kinetics, Inc.

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“Dietary Intake, Body Composition and Nutrition Knowledge of Australian Football and Soccer Players: Implications for
Sports Nutrition Professionals in Practice” by Devlin BL, Leveritt MD, Kingsley M, Belski R
International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism
© 2016 Human Kinetics, Inc.

Table 1. Participant characteristics of Australian football (AF) and soccer players

Elite AF Sub-elite AF Elite soccer p-value

(n = 15) (n = 33) (n = 18)
Age (years) 22 ± 2 21 ± 2 27 ± 5 < 0.001*
Stature (cm) 190.6 ± 6.6# 184.3 ± 6.8# 180.4 ± 7.3 < 0.001
Body mass (kg) 87.8 ± 9.2# 82.9 ± 9.0# 75.6 ± 5.6 < 0.001
Experience (years) 4 (1-12)# 2 (1-9)# 7 (2-19) < 0.001

Group data expressed as mean ± SD or median (range).

*significant differences in age between all three groups.
significantly different from elite soccer athletes.
Downloaded by La Trobe University Lib on 10/27/16, Volume 0, Article Number 0
“Dietary Intake, Body Composition and Nutrition Knowledge of Australian Football and Soccer Players: Implications for Sports Nutrition Professionals in Practice” by Devlin BL, Leveritt MD,
Kingsley M, Belski R
International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism
© 2016 Human Kinetics, Inc.

Table 2. Scores (mean ± SD, % correct) obtained overall and for each section of the nutrition knowledge questionnaire by Australian Football
(AF) and soccer players

Elite AF (n = 15) Sub-elite AF (n = 33) Elite soccer (n = 18)

Downloaded by La Trobe University Lib on 10/27/16, Volume 0, Article Number 0

Section (max score) Mean ± SD % Mean ± SD % Mean ± SD % p

1. Dietary recommendations (12) 7.0 ± 1.4 58 7.2 ± 1.4 60 7.0 ± 1.5 58 0.892

2. Sources of nutrients (69) 38.4 ± 8.6 56 39.0 ± 7.1 57 38.7 ± 7.6 56 0.204

3. Choosing everyday foods (10) 5.7 ± 1.4 57 5.2 ± 1.5 52 5.8 ± 2.0 58 0.244

4. Alcohol (3) 1.7 ± 0.6 57 1.4 ± 0.7 47 1.0 ± 0.5 30 0.060

5. Sports Nutrition Knowledge (29) 18.8 ± 2.7 65 17.2 ± 4.8 59 16.0 ± 3.8 55 0.107

Total Nutrition Knowledge (123) 71.6 ± 11.6 58 69.9 ± 12.9 57 68.4 ± 10.5 56 0.110

No statistical significant difference detected between the groups of team-based sport players for each subsection or overall total nutrition knowledge score (p > 0.05).
“Dietary Intake, Body Composition and Nutrition Knowledge of Australian Football and Soccer Players: Implications for Sports Nutrition Professionals in Practice” by Devlin BL, Leveritt MD,
Kingsley M, Belski R
International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism
© 2016 Human Kinetics, Inc.

Table 3. Total energy and macronutrient intakes (mean ± SD) of Australian football (AF) and soccer players obtained via multiple pass 24-hour
dietary recall

Energy Protein Carbohydrate Fat

Total (MJ) Total (g) g·kg-1·day-1 %TEI Total (g) g·kg-1·day-1 %TEI Total (g) g·kg-1·day-1 %TEI
Downloaded by La Trobe University Lib on 10/27/16, Volume 0, Article Number 0

Elite AF (n = 15) 17.3 ± 4.2 295 ± 97 3.4 ± 1.1 30 ± 8 406 ± 132^ 4.6 ± 1.5^ 38 ± 9 137±44 1.6 ± 0.5 29 ± 6
Sub-elite AF (n = 33) 13.2 ± 2.5*^ 171 ± 52* 2.1 ± 0.7* 22 ± 7* 368 ± 93^ 4.5 ± 1.2^ 45 ± 10^ 100 ± 37* 1.2 ± 0.5* 28 ± 8
Elite soccer (n = 18) 9.4 ± 2.3* 140 ± 35* 1.9 ± 0.5* 26 ± 6 220 ± 76 2.9 ± 1.1 38 ± 8 83 ± 31* 1.1 ± 0.4* 33 ± 9

Note: %TEI = Percentage of total energy intake.

* Significantly different to elite AF athletes (p < 0.05)
^ Significantly different to elite soccer athletes (p < 0.05)

Table 4. Body composition as assessed via DXA whole body analysis (mean ± SD) of Australian football (AF) and soccer players

TM (g) FFSTM (g) FM (g) % BF (%) BMC (g)

Elite AF (n = 15) 81611 ± 8938 65422 ± 7850 12313 ± 2085^ 15.1 ± 2.4^ 3151 ± 537
Sub-elite AF ( n = 33) 76927 ± 8834^ 61155 ± 3898* 12870 ± 2748^ 16.7 ± 2.7^ 2890 ± 384*
Elite soccer (n = 18) 69233 ± 5698* 56784 ± 5168* 8712 ± 1432 12.8 ± 1.9 2717 ± 242*

Note: DXA = Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry. TM = Total mass. FFSTM = Fat free soft tissue mass. FM = Fat mass. % BF = Percentage of body fat. BMC = Bone
mineral content. Technical error of measurement: TM (g) = 0.3% , BMC (g) = 0.7%, FFSTM (g) = 0.5% and FM (g) = 0.7%.
* Significantly different to elite AF players (p < 0.05)
^ Significantly different to elite soccer players (p < 0.05)

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