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iain EOUD=o funchon of Re then od Examples? & Final ei tt Yee nr =O gohus ° FO = 9 3C= Seng 2g-KOKY Age 35-38 = DLt Yeoswy 29O- neasky chapter 32: Vectors FIGURE 12.9 The four arrows inthe plane (directed line segments) shown here ‘have the same length and direction. They therefore represent the same vector, and we write AB = CD = OP = EF. FIGURE 12.10 A vector PQ in standard position has it intial point atthe origin. ‘The directed line segments PQ and v are Parallel and have the same length, and the Geometry of Space DEFINITIONS Vector, Intl and Terminal Point, Lang ‘A vector in the plane is a directed line segment, The directed has initial point terminal point 3; its length is een ‘vectors are equ. ‘°chey have the same length and direction, ae F% ‘The arrows we use when we draw vectors are understood if they have the same length, are parallel and plat in the wane deat thu, gardiess of the inital point. Ti Intextbooks, vectors are uraly writen in lowercase, bof ean, ‘and w. Sometimes we use uppercase bolface leterssuch as, adorn 4 In handuriten form, it is customary to draw small arrows above the lene tay 5, ®, and F, ‘We need a way to represent vectors algebraically 60 that we can ; the direction of a vector. ae be more pce Lety = PQ. There is one directed line segment equal to PQ whose in origin (Figure 12,10). It is the representative of v in standard alee Sve normally use oreprescaly. We ea Speci by rida ales tite point (v1, v2, v5) when v-is in standard position. If vis a vector in the plum ita point (v4, v2) has two coordinates. DEFINITION “Component Form : Ifv is a two-dimensional vector in the plane equal to the vector with intl poa | atthe origin and terminal point (v), »), then the component form of vis v= (viy¥). Ifv isa three-dimensional vector equal to the vector with initial point athe «i in and terminal point (vj, v2, »5), then the component form of vis Y= (vi. ¥2.¥)- So a two-dimensional vector is an ordered pair v = (vm) of ral nantes three-dimensional vector is an ordered tiple v oe of real uber. bers vi, v2, and vy are called the components of v, Ys ™ 21 ~ 21 are the components of, 1 summary, given the points AG the let ‘vector yw (vias) equals BB go ad Olea, 72082) f Vals =n oye tet (a= a = yk na Xt two-dimensional with foo wd eh Tn Woe compe pa a component een tP the algebra of three-dimenslonal vector ao when the vectors mocdaneeioen ents ec é 122 Vectors 855. wo vectors are equal if and only i he (esas) an 9 ae eau ge an postion etn renal Ths Tae aenitude or length of i vector BS lates iat oan one rected line segment representations In panieahe pee standard position vector for PG, then the distees of v, denoted by the symbol |v] orlfy |]. ‘The magnitude or length of the vector v = PQ is the nonnegati ber ne nonnegative number WWh= Vor +a 0 = Vgoae Go nF + asap (See Figure 12.10.) The only vector with length O is the zero vector 0 = (0,0) or 0 = . ‘vector is also the only vector with no specific direction, BR OAC Ea EXAMPLE 1 Component Form and Length of a Vector’ Find the (a) component form and (b) length of the vector with initial polnt P(-3, 4, 1) and ‘terminal point Q(—5, 2,2). { Solution i (a) The standard position vector v representing PQ has components weno eS (“38-2 weprye2-4= 2, and yeniys2-1el. ‘The component form of PQ is ‘ v= (-2,-2)1). r (6) The length or magnitude of v = POis jv = Veaet Ca OF = V9 =3. . EXAMPLE 2 Force Moving a Cart ‘ {A small cats being pulled along a smooth hora} 45° angle tothe floor (Figure 12.11). What 6 oor with a 20-Ib force F making a rive force moving the cart forward? tal component of F = (2,6), given by Sotution The effective force is the horiza a= |Flcos4s? = «2( = 14.141, Notice that Fis a two-dimensional veetor SE B56 — Chapter 12: Vectors and the Geometry of Space Vector Algebra Operations 0s involving umber. an Tartare can be positive. negative, OF 26rO, vectors are vector addition and sealer oo ea baat valled such when WE WERE 10; ‘A sealar is simply a real dis ceed differences from vectors. S¢ rrr nd Multiplication of a Vector ONS Vector Addition and Mul a ‘ bai 5. y) be vectors with A 8 scalar a Letw = ( and ¥ = (P0613 Addi uty = (uy + Mea ot oo ty ag) kw = (kan, ba, kus) We add vectors by adding the corresponding components of th VESIOTs Wel a vecior by 2 scalar by multiplying each component by the sealar. The definition pp, planar vectors excep there are only two components, (u1, #3) and (Vs Ya). L) “The definition of vector addition is illustrated geometrically for plant Vectors in Fguy 12.12, where the initial point of one vector is placed atthe terminal point ofthe ote. ‘other interpretation is shown in Figure 12.12b (called the parallelogram law of ‘where she sum, called the resultant vector, is the diagonal of the parallelogram. In physg forces add vectorial as do velocities, accelerations, and so on. So the force acting on aja ticle subject to electric and gravitational forces is obtained by adding the two force vecon, a 12.2 Vectos 857 By the difference w — y of, "WO vectors, we mean “ove ud (-y "2+, then uve (y, Wu = ( and ¥ = (4 Mitt — 13,45 = vy), Note that (uv) + v = u, so addin Figure 12.14b shows the diference ne Ce 2,810 aes igre 12.14a), A$ the sum + (-y) EXAMPLE 3 Performing Operations on Vectors Letu = (—1,3, 1) and v = (4,7, 0). Find (a) 2u+3v @)u-y ©) Solution (@) 2u + 3v = 2(-1, 3,1) + 3(4,7,0) = (-2, 6,2) + (12,21, 0) = (10, 27, 2) Oyu v= (-1,3,1) ~ (4,7,0) = (1 4,3 7,1 0) = (5-41) + © 1G O On Vector operations have many of the properties of ordinary arithmetic, These proper- ties are readily verified using the definitions of vector addition and multiplication by a scalar. Properties of Vector Operations Let u, v, w be vectors and a; b be scalars. Loutveveu 2 (ut+v)+weut (vt) ” 3 out0mw ae cnes =0 usu i aiba) = (eb)u ale+ v) = auityev . 9. (a+ b)u=au+ bu ‘An important application of vectors occurs in navigation. EXAMPLE 4 Finding Ground Speed and Direction ae i i ‘500 mph in still air, encounters a 70-mph tail~ A Relate siphon 1 OS caer doe aa atee of the wind, aequies anew ground speed and direction, What are. they? 858 Chapter 2: Vectors and the Geometry of Space sort scaue FIGURE 12.15 Vectors representing the \elocities of the airplane w and talwind v in Example 4, L Phery yc) Fe stentscn FIGURE 12.16 The vector from PoP; ik. WFP = (an = il + (9 — a Wh+ (= ht olution fw ~ the velocity of the airplane alone and v = they ihe = 500and |v] = 70 (Figure 12.15), The velocity of hen the ground is given bythe magnitude and dietion of he retin “avis represent east and the positive janis represen eer 8 + the positive x-axis rep men nent forms of wand ¥ are aN w= ($00.0) and = (70.cos 60°, 70 sin 60%) m (35 38Vj es Therefore, w+ v= (535,35V3) Ju + v| = V55 + GSVEP = 5384 and 35V3 Om tan FS 65", Figure szis The new ground sped ofthe airplane i about $38 4"mph, and It new dna 6,5° north o Unit Vectors : A vecior v of length | is called a unit vector. The standard unit vectors a $= (1,00), J = (01,0), and k= (0,0,1), Any vector ¥ = (v1, vz, v3) can be written as a linear combination of te su vectors as follows: Y= (v1, vas ¥3) = (vi,0,0) + (0, 02,0) + (0, 0,19) = vu(1, 0,0) + v2(0, 1,0) + »9(0, 0,1) sul + vj + vk. We call the scalar (or number) v, the iscomponent of the vetor 1 J-omponent, and the k-component. In component form, the vector from Fi to Pa(23, ya, 2) is : PR: = (n— a+ (n- yh + Figure 12.16). Whenever v + 0, its length || is not zero and 1 1 ml ails ‘That is.v/|v| is a unit vector inthe direction of vealed the direction of te tory. EXAMPLE 5 Finding a Vector’s Direction WN 122 Vectos 859 Solution Wee ya PP, = (3 Vr = (3 0-04 -tnema yee FP, = OF FOR e -Vaa Vi =Vo=3 um _U+7y~,% |APa| 2. ‘The unit vector w is the direction of Pp, . EXAMPLE 6 Expressing Velocity as Speed Times Direction, iv=3-4 is a velocity Vector, exy Product. times in the direction of motion. See ates Solution Tf epaeae Os ag = VG! + 74) = Vari = 5, ‘The unit vector v/|y| eee Tvl ipsam sl a i veunqas(2 = In summary, we can express a Nonzeo vector vn tems of iso important fae, length and direction, by writing v = |v Ifv ¥ 0, then 1. Tees ts 2. the equation v = [vig express in terms ofits length and dieton EXAMPLE 7 A Force Vector AA force of 6 newtons is applied in the direction of the vector v = 21 + 2} the force F as a product of its magnitude and direction. v and direction: "130 Solution The force vector has magnitude 6 » IY Say ak 4 eae® 6 Feat ere! 2 vector Groat of SPAT coer ze Midpoint of @ Line Segment Vectors are ofen wef in geometry Fr example, the eoordinaes of he mip line segment are found by averaging, in ‘The midpoint M of the line segment joining points Pi(x, y, P(xa,.¥3. 22) is the point ny + 2 Pesnaed To see why, observe (Figure 12.17) that ois = oF, + 1 (FP) = OP, + 4 OP: - OP) IM = OP, + =(P\P2) = OP; + 3 u a(t tn, Bt) a 1+ 2 (OP, + OP) Piss rat) nam, nay, nt+n Rema Te EXAMPLE 8 — Finding Midpoints ‘The midpoint of the segment joining P,(3, —2, 0) and P,(7, 4, 4) is FIGURE 12.17. The coondintes of the ‘midpoint are the averages of the ( coordinates of P, and Py. ° (5,1,2). . +7 -2+4 044 2z za Vectors in the Plane 13, The unit vector that makes an angle 6 = 2/3 with the posite ‘In Exercises 1-8, let w = (3, -2) and v = (2, 5). Find the (a) com- es ps Ponent form and (b) magnitude (length) of te vector. 14. The unit vector tht makes an angle Oy —32r/4 with the posite 130 2. -2v zasis Buty downy 1S. The unit vector obtained by rotating the vector (0,1) 120" cos Ase a \erclockwise about the origin Ree, aS, 16. The unit vector obtained by rotating the vector (1,0) 135° com Rsutty Beare ‘terclockwise about the origin B°t3 A ‘In Exercises 9-16, find the component form of the vector. Vectors in Space 9. The veciot PQ, where P = (1,3)and Q = (2, -1) In Exercises 17-22, express each vector in the form y= nilt 10. The vector OP where O is the origin and Ps the mipoi n+ ok: i midpoint of seg- en hes iment RS, where R = (2,1) and § = (4,3) 17. PiP2 if Py isthe poin (5, 7, ~1) and P2 is the point (2,9,-2) The vector fom the pint A = (2,3) tothe origin 18. P\Pr if P, isthe point (1, 2,0) and the point (~3, 0,5) 12. The sum of AB and &, ~ (1,3), 0 (3.9) 47 = (2,0), 19. ABit A isthe point (~?, 1) and B is the point (-10, 8,1) 20, AB if A is the point (1,0, 3) and B is the point (-1, 4,5) 122 vetos 861 jo vita = (Io},—Hand y= (2.0.3) 32. Find the vectors whose lenghs and diction re given. Try 1040 Se wife = (1,0.2)andv = (111) the alculations witout writing ometry and Calculation ie sec 23 and 24, copy vector, ¥.and w head ttl as needed es suach te indicated vector. ~ aro 33. Find vector of magnitude inthe dlon ov = 121 ~ Sk. 34. Find a vector of magnitude 3 in the direction opposite tothe éi- Bet butvtw rection of = (1/2) = (1/24 = (2). cere au-w Vectors Determined by Points; Midpoints 4 In Exercises 38-38, find 4. the direction of FP and 1 the midpoint of ine segment Pi Py. 2 35. PAQ2, 5,0) 36. Px4,-2,7) 37. Px2,3,4) 38. P,Q, -2,-2) 39. bu-vtw Qutvew _ Theory and Applications ‘41. Linear combination Let u= 21+ j,v= i+), and \'= Find sealarsa and such that u = av + bw 42. Linear combination Let =1-2,y= 2143), ands Uj, Wetew = wy + up, whee ws spaniel tov and 26. 91 - 2) + 6k allel tow. See Exercise 4.) 4 43. Force vector You are pulling on a suitcase w a. di+tk Sus tured hte) hose magne [P| = 10 1 free Ls -te wt+te te Ve Vi V3 V3 Find the vectors whose lengths and directions are given. Try to do the calculations without writ

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