Task 2: Writing Production

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Task 2: Writing Production

Astrid Vanessa Mendez cod:1.117.531.797

Héctor Fernando Sánchez Cod: 1118029519

Sandra Milena Guzmán Cod:30509320

Liliana pahola Álvarez Domínguez: 1067091490

Catherine del Pilar Soler Caro cód.: 1.053.558.802

Group: 199


Luisa Fernanda Sánchez

Open and Distance National University.

Course: English B1+

Code: 900004

Stage 1- Individual work

A. Check out and study the online content of the B1 level of the Unit 1 (module 7 and

8) and Unit 2 (module 9 and 10) which are located in the Learning Environment.

Astrid Vanessa Méndez

 Give a name to each person in the picture.

Felipe, Viviana, Camilo, Erika.

 Describe each one of them (personality, appearance, clothes…).


 He is a cousin that I recently met because he had always lived in another city, we had had

communication via the web, and by WhatsApp, he is an architect, the truth seems to me an

incredible human being, he is super sociable, very happy, calm and carefree, he is a little

crazy, as you can see he is tall, with dark skin, black eyes, thin wavy hair, he always wears

shirts to take care of the sun.


She is my younger sister, although we are not physically alike as you can see she is blonde,

white, thin, is very noble, charismatic, friendly, loves animals and always wears jeans and

T-shirts for comfort.


He is my best friend, he is an unconditional person, he has accompanied me through the

good and bad moments of my life, he is always happy, there are few times when I have

seen him sad, he always tries to bring a smile to other people with each of them. its
occurrences. He is white, thin, with straight brown hair, he has light brown shorts and a

gray shirt.


She is my youngest aunt, she is very young, she is 25 years old. She is my accomplice. We

have a very beautiful relationship, we love each other a lot, and we always go out for a

walk together, she is a bit bad-tempered but she is very generous. She is tall, dark, very


Where is that place? (Place, city…)

this place in san Jose de Fragua Caquetá is a beautiful place where we go for a walk on the


What can you do there?

In san Jose de Fragua Caquetá the main attraction is its rivers its crystal clear waters are

really incredible, with beautiful beaches and trees that are next to the river, in this place we

take advantage of our friends to go for a walk, swim and share stories.

What are they doing? (present progressive)

we are making a barbecue on the banks of the river, we are drinking soda while the

barbecue is delicious and then we will go swimming and we will release a very nice

swimsuit that we bought for this occasion.

What did you do yesterday?

yesterday we were in the cinema the four of us, then we went out to dinner there we had

hamburgers at the restaurant in front of the house there we were until 10 at night talking

and making plans...

What do you plan to do tomorrow?

Tomorrow we will go shopping at the mall, then we will have a coffee, we will talk and

share a very pleasant moment.

 Hector Fernando Sanchez

Give each person in the picture a name.

Wilson, Martha, Willian, and Marcela.

Describe each one of them (personality, appearance, clothing ...).

Wilson: He is my older brother, he is 37 years old, he lives in Bolivia, his skin color is

dark, of short stature, and thin texture, he is very charismatic, he has the appearance of a

soccer player, and he is dressed in black pants, white shorts , brown jacket, a gray jumpsuit

and dark glasses.

 Martha: she is my sister, she is approximately 25 years old, her skin is white, she lives in

Bogotá, her hair is cute, and she is short, she has a look of joy, emotion, she has the

appearance of being an enterprising woman, and a university student, she sports her light

blue pants, a white with blue jumpsuit, and dark glasses rimmed with white.

Willian: He is my uncle, he is not so thin, his skin color is white, his hair is straight, and he

has a mustache, I consider that he is an outgoing person, he likes sports, and he has an
excellent personality, today he dresses with a light brown chor, white diver, blue shirts and

dark glasses.

  Marcela: Finally I present my cousin, she is a psychology student, accounting technician,

she is thin, happy, her hair is long and black, her mouth is large, and she is short, she is

dressed today in black pants , a navel blouse, and her glasses, she looks very happy and

enjoys the moment.

Where is that place? (Place, city ...)

I consider that they are located in the caqueta.

What can you do there?

They are on vacation, they went out to the countryside to enjoy the landscapes of our

earthly paradise.

What are they doing? (present progressive)

We are on vacation, and we are enjoying the trip.

What did you do yesterday?

We went for a walk to the quebrada las pails, and incidentally we visited some childhood

friends, it is very gratifying to be in this place is magical.

What do you plan to do tomorrow?

We will go for a walk to the beach of the municipality of Puerto Rico, and we will ride the

jet skis.

Sandra Milena Guzman

give a name to each person in the picture.


• She has long brown hair

• She is tall
• She wears a white and green t-shirt
• she wears jeans
• She wears glasses
• She's happy
• She is on top of the car
He has brown hair
He wears a gray shirt
wear shorts
He is tall
He wears glasses
He is happy
He's on top of the car
He wears a blue jacket
She wears glasses
she wears jeans
She has short yellow hair
She wears a white and green shirt
she's happy
She is on top of the car
wear glasses
He wears a gray shirt
wear jeans
He is happy
Wear a pink jacket
He is on top of the car
What can you do there?
They are traveling in the car.
What did you do yesterday?
Yesterday they met at Andrés' house, saw a movie and plan to travel to California
What do you plan to do tomorrow?
They plan to travel to California tomorrow and visit a tourist house and eat hot dogs.
Liliana Álvarez Dominguez

Give a name to each person in the picture

Andrés, Paula, Tomas, zoe

Describe each one of them (personality, appearance, clothes…).

Andrés, Paula, Tomas, Zoé

Andrés: is dark, tall, thin, white teeth, he has a red and gray shirt, black jeans.

Paula: is blonde, fair skinned, slim, her height is tall, she has white glasses and a balaca

blouse with blue and blue jeans and gold accessories.

Tomás: has brown hair, a beard, a blue shirt, brown shorts.

Zoe: is brunette, long dark hair, a short blouse, and black jeans.

The 4 friends are fun, spontaneous, faithful, happy and risky adventurers.

Where is that place? (Place, city…)

They went for a weekend ride in the desert

What can you do there?

walk the tourist areas.

What are they doing? (present progressive).

they stayed in a hotel in the middle of the desert.

What did they do yesterday?

they walked around the tourist sites, they rode horses, they rode the ATVs, they had lunch

at the hotel, then they rested and go to the natural pool.

What are they planning to do tomorrow?

Tomorrow they will go for a boat ride on the lake that is 1.5 km away and spend the day

there and then return home.

Catherine del Pilar Soler Caro


Describe each one of them (personality, appearance, clothes…).

Carlos: he is an engineering student, charismatic and helpful, he always has a smile and the

gift of help, for him it is very important to always take care of his appearance, he is a vain

man, for this trip he decided to wear black pants, a gray shirt with a pink shirt and black


Diana: she is a professional in psychology, she enjoys going out for a walk with friends to

visit beautiful places, she is a warrior woman and very happy, Diana wears a white shirt

with green, light blue jean, short hair and glasses.

Pedro: is a successful businessman, with good interpersonal relationships, a collaborator

and a good friend, he is humble when making decisions, he wears a light brown shorts, gray

calro shirt and a jean shirt, he wears sunglasses.

Carolina: She is a law student, very outgoing and charismatic, she always seeks to make

good friends and make travel plans, she is very responsible and disciplined, she wears black

pants, a gray top, sunglasses and long hair.

 Where is that place? (Place, city…)

Exit to Leyva-Boyacá village

 What can you do there?

in this region you can visit neighboring towns, enjoy the beautiful landscapes and tourist

activities of each town

 What are they doing? (present progressive)

they are visiting the towns and from each one they take a souvenir

 What did they do yesterday?

They rode a horse, went on an ATV, shared in a bar and stayed in Villa de Leyva

 What are they planning to do tomorrow?

They will visit the sanctuary of the Virgen de la Candelaria and undertake a trip to the

Stage 2- Collaborative work

In group, choose a movie and complete the chart:

MOVIE The movie is called: the psycho girl

DIRECTOR El director de la película se llama: Adrián

PRODUCERS The producers of the film are: Carolyn

WHO IS (ARE) THE -Berth: Protagonist.

PROTAGONIST(S)? -Jhon: Beth's brother.

-Tim: adoptive father.

-Julie: Tim's wife, adoptive mother.

-Second adoptive parents in the specialized

residence for attachment disorders.

WHO IS (ARE) THE Beth the psycho girl

CHRONOLOGICAL TIME OF THE The movie is twenty-seven minutes,

MOVIE twenty-eight seconds long.

PLOT Beginning:

The protagonist Beth shouted angrily, "I

want to kill you, I want to kill you mom",

tells a story of abuse, the interviewing

psychologist asks her if people are afraid of

them, she answers yes, she says that John is

afraid of her for what she gives to know

that she does a lot of harm to her brother,

reveals that she is locked up at night,

specifying the patient's information with a

human rights approach, which has a close

relationship with the patient's mental

health, since Beth in his childhood was

abused. It also reveals that if he is capable

of hurting his brother, he would do it at

night, those questions are asked by the

psychologist specialized in treating

children traumatized by abuse.


In this order of ideas, if we focus on the life

course, it is one of the most important

approaches since it is derived from the

patient's life trajectory, related to the

quality of life of the protagonist, it can be

seen that Beth did not enjoy much

intelligence, and had no feeling, the girl

with whom he only wants to kill his brother

because they hurt him a lot in his childhood

and he does not want to be around people,

wanting to kill even mom and dad. Tim is a

church pastor and his wife Julie has been

married for 12 years they decided to adopt,

in February 1984 he received a call from

social services to adopt Beth and her

brother Jonathan. Soon they realized that

he had emotional problems, he did not eat

well, the part of John's head was flat and

his forehead was outstanding. He was 7

months old, he could not lift his head, nor

could he turn.

As the days passed, Beth showed signs of

abuse with a nightmare…. about a man

who fell on her and hurt her, the girl tells

the nightmare that when she touched the

vagina it hurt her a lot until she bled, and

she did not feed her well, she messed with

her, her father abused her when she was a

year old, she scared her talk about the

topic…. Starting from the gender approach,

it determines the construction of roles,

evaluations in the field of psychology,

since from the case the protagonist in her

childhood, constant change of adoptive

homes, having aggressive behaviors.

Ending: The repercussions of Beth's tragic

childhood resulted in uncontrolled anger.

inability to relate to any human being, lack

of empathy. Despite the love and care she

received from her adoptive parents, she

discharged her anger in herself, her brother,

and in them. Their acts of violence became

increasingly cruel (Videos, 2015). once he

acknowledged taking the knives to try to

kill them showing indifference to the

chilling of the situation.

After evaluating the baseline of Beth's

psychological problems, Dr Magid after his

intervention determined that Beth has

reactive attachment disorder, believed that

for the good of the family, she needed to be

admitted to a clinic specializing in

behavioral disorders.
LINK OF A TRAILER https://youtu.be/ZaAe8R_JDxo
WHAT DID YOU LEARN ABOUT S1. Hector Fernando Sanchez

THE MOVIE? That Beth lost her mother when she was
only a year old. She and her brother were

placed under the guardianship of their

biological father, who sexually abused the

two minors. Luckily, the abuse was

detected by doctors and the children were

welcomed by the current adoptive parents.

Tim, the adoptive father is pastor of a

Methodist church and with his wife Julie

they have been married for 12 years, they

affirm that they do not need to have

children for their marriage to be complete,

but unable to conceive they decided to

adopt, in February 1984 they received a

call from the social services to adopt Beth

and her brother Jonathan, who they said

were completely healthy. However, they

realized that the children had emotional

problems, he did not eat well and the back

of Jon's head was flat and his forehead was

outstanding, when he was seven months

old he could not lift his head and could not


S2. Sandra Milena Guzman

It is a very painful real life story, because

of the situation these children went

through. Beth a girl of one year of life and

her brother Jonathan of 7 months. The girl

abused by her father who traumatized her,

causing her a lot of physical and emotional

damage to the point that she to endure what

her father did to her, became tough, hurting

her brother, so that he suffered, just as she

was suffering, she wanted to kill her

brother, and the people who adopted her

wanted revenge, hurting the little birds in

her adoptive parents' garden and thus

hurting the dog with a needle, she did not

allow her brother to eat. Hera just what she

said, always controlling her brother

Jonathan, does not speak for fear of Beth,

who would continue to hurt him.

Thank God the adoptive popes realized

what was happening to Beth, when they

scolded her she became crazy, damaging

and throwing everything she found, but

they worried them much more when I

presented a situation with the grandfather,

who went to the Psychologist to know what

was happening to her daughter Beth, the

girl manipulated the psychologist, but her

parents realized, they no longer knew what

to do about this situation, they came for

help in the social services where they

adopted the children, but they obtained

nothing , because to a large extent they

knew what was happening to the children,

they had already had them in other places

which they could not bear. The pastor and

his wife will make the only hope for

thesechildren to help them which gave

them love, patience, understanding, the

only thing they gave the pastor was a book

by a renowned psychologist, they came for

help for Beth, continuing with the

treatment in At home with the help of her

psychologist, the girl managed to free

herself from the pain caused by her

biological father
S3. Liliana pahola Álvarez Domínguez

The case of Beth Thomas invites us to

reflect on the terrible effects that sexual

abuse can have in childhood Everything

that happens to us in childhood marks us,

so good emotional development is so

important at this first stage of our lives.

The problem is, sometimes this doesn't

happen. Poor parenting, an unflattering

environment, sometimes added to a genetic

predisposition to certain psychological

disorders often leads to serious behavioral

S4. Astrid Vanessa Mendez Florez.

of this life movie about the life of Beth

leaves us many lessons the first is that we

must be aware of the safety of children

before any signs of sexual abuse, this

problem day by day is more frequent than

family members are the main abusers From

our boys and girls, I learned that the

consequences of abuse can be very serious,

as were the disorders that developed with

those wishes to harm others, even to

murder their parents and siblings. This film

leads us to reflect on the union family, if

we join as a family, we can know the

reality of each of its members and we can

look for alternatives to solve the problems

that occur in the familiar environment.

S5. Catherine del Pilar Soler Caro:

We must reflect and make the people who

live with us reflect on the importance of

caring for children and providing them with

a good quality of life to avoid destroying a

HOW DID THE FILM MAKE YOU S1. Hector Fernando Sanchez

FEEL? It made me put myself in her place,

imagining the psychological damage that

sexual abuse generates, and child abuse of

children, in it the fear that these events will

happen to a loved one, since as the days go

by, Beth, showed signs of abuse with a

nightmare…. about a man who fell on her

and hurt her, the girl tells the nightmare

that when she touched the vagina it hurt her

a lot until she bled, and she did not feed her

well, she messed with her, her father

abused her when she was a year old, she

scared her talk about it…

S2. Sandra Milena Guzman

I felt very sad to see this movie as children

are abused, physically, psychologically, in

what they become, because of the

mistreatment they receive from their

parents, my eyes watered from seeing this

S3. Liliana Álvarez Domínguez

I felt sad to see how these children were

robbed of their childhood and innocence

S4. Astrid Vanessa Mendez Flores.

This movie made me feel a little sad to see

so much pain reflected, this little girl of

only seven years old who was abused and

mistreated by her father, which caused a

number of disorders that did not let her

enjoy her childhood like any girl in her life.

age, this film leads us to reflect on the

damage that this problem can cause in our

S5. Catherine del Pilar Soler Caro It

caused me immense sadness to see

reflected in Beth the serious damage and

trauma that remain in minors who are

victims of serious abuse, deteriorating self-

esteem and trust in them and towards other

people, notably affecting their quality of

HOW DOES THE MOVIE RELATE S1. Hector Fernando Sanchez

TO THE ACADEMIC PROGRAM It is related in the most direct way, since as

YOU ARE STUDYING? a future psychologist, these types of

problems are reflected in day to day, since

mental disorders generate great problems in

daily life.

. Beth announces that she also masturbates,

until causing bleeding, kills animals and

causes harm to her brother. Producing more

with her acts of violence that becomes

more cruel and chilling as knives, her

intention was to kill her brother, mother

and Dad, I was just thinking about killing

them all.

Having carried out an analysis, the

psychologist concludes that for the sake of

the family Beth had to be separated in April

1989, she was taken to a specialized

residence for children with primary

attachment disorders, in this place there

were children who had killed in various

Sometimes, it is noteworthy that children

with attachment do not allow anyone to

direct them, in the residence they were

strict for everything they had to ask for

permission and taught values.

S2. Sandra Milena Guzman

It is related to psychology because it is a

tool that provides the necessary elements of

judgment to know, guide and solve

problems generated by abuse, there are

different models for intervention, and

different controls that can be worked on,

acted to help Beth a free and happy girl.

S3. Liliana pahola Álvarez Domínguez

it is related since with the psychological

intervention the psychological treatment

could be carried out to control its antisocial

S4. Astrid Vanessa Mendez Florez.

This film is related to my program and

academic that is psychology in many ways

since it mentions the ways to address these

cases of child sexual abuse and to reach the

diagnosis that the girl had a reactive

attachment disorder that had to be treated

in time before it was uncontrollable and did

more harm to other people like herself, in

addition to being able to hear cases that a

case like this may come at one time or

another from our profession, we can

already have some tools that can inform us

of our actions before such cases.

Catherine del Pilar Soler caro the film is

directly related to my academic program,

psychology studies behaviors in human

beings, their social, family environment.


MOVIE I would like the film to be happy, that the

COULD BE... father take care of his two children, give

them all the love and respect and teach the

unity of a family, so that they are an

example in their social environments.

Catherine Del Pilar Soler Caro: Beth was

a girl who suffered abuse, but this did not

prevent her from loving and accepting love

from a new family, unlike other cases, the

case of Beth due to her young age failed to

remember the bad times, her memory only

saves the memories with new family.

Astrid Vanessa Mendez florez

Another ending for the film could be that

the girl completely overcomes the disorder

and can enjoy her childhood like any girl

with innocence, love for others and learn to

control her impulses.

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