This Review of The Article Has A Bearing On The Changes in Online Teaching As The COVID

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Article Review

Submitted By
Alishah Zafar

Submitted To
Dr. Fiaz Hussain

Fatima Jinnah
Women University (2021)
Article Review:

This review of the article has a bearing on the changes in online teaching as the COVID-19
epidemic has dramatically changed education by replacing school teaching and online teaching
in Italy and Switzerland. This review of the article explains the comparative analysis of the
quality of the textbooks for grade teaching and shows that greater understanding of the teachers
left behind increases their need to use skills, experience, and public interest in tackling the
problem. This document also provides an overview of the availability of resources and policies
that can play an important role in revitalizing the professionalism of teachers.

In this article they give comparative analysis of Italy and Switzerland. In Italy, the central
government is responsible for the school system and for adopting general provisions on
education, although regional entities also play a role and educational institutions possess some
autonomy and leeway in making decisions within a framework that follows a specific
combination of central micro-regulations and the substantial individual autonomy of teachers
in their daily work. In Switzerland, the school system is in the hands of the cantonal authorities.
By means of their inter-cantonal conference, cantonal governments mandate specialized
agencies tasked with improving education.

In article they define the opposition elements, which means policy responses that lead to a
higher approach for teachers in terms of content and specific teaching methods under changing
circumstances, which also create job opportunities for teachers, will be tested in comparative
case studies focused on Italy and Switzerland. For the remainder of this article, they present
theoretical and research framework, as well as the policy analysis of two interesting programs.
They provide a comparative discussion of national cases, which confirms the expectations of
views and show the connection between teacher understanding and professionalism.

In this article the analysis period was the period when grade teaching methods were used in
Italy and Switzerland due to the COVID-19 outbreak. Data collection is heavily focused on
official policy changes. 67 documents relating to online policy and content related to distance
education at both national and underground levels are available on the relevant institutional
websites. Four key informants were asked about the study, but due to time constraints, we
conducted two interviews in each country. The authors asked chat partners to send snowball
emails, which led to the return of five Swiss contacts and five in Italy.

Italian Ministry of Education has established that the development or improvement of primary
and secondary school education systems should be done through virtual classrooms and other
digital tools. IME recommends peer education among schools in order to share best practices
and provide building materials and forums for educational institutions. This issue highlighted
the importance of technical skills and methodology and called for a review of the national
digital training program. It also renewed the teacher's professional and ethical obligations
because they were motivated to maintain relationships and continue to provide their services
to users for the benefit of the entire school community. It eventually allowed for the
uninterrupted exercise of the constitutional right to education.

Swiss Specialist Agency for ICT and Education, accredited by the State Secretariat for
Education, Research and Innovation (SERI) and the Swiss Conference of Cantonal Ministers
of Education, also played a role in transforming the provision of educational services into new
laws. Digital inclusion poses major challenges in the education sector, including how develops
the skills of teachers. The epidemic forced the teachers quickly discover or enhance their digital
capabilities through, among other things, the use of video conference tools. Therefore,
completed cantonal efforts by to provide additional resources, such as a portal that provides
cantonal school administrators and municipalities to review all resources, services, integration
offices, and networks is found in digital teaching and learning in the Swiss educational space.
Foundation education, another specialized company sent by EDK and SERI, in between others,
provided a list of resources already provided to Swiss and non-Swiss organizations. The
introduction of pre-school teaching measures in Swiss schools was suddenly undermined
teachers with unprecedented challenges. Teachers were left with the task of explaining how
using platforms, thus determining how they can use their power and avoid the risks involved
in the application of this technology. However, has given teachers instructions for
adopting other measures to protect students and their privacy when using it collaborative
learning platforms. It should be noted, however, that school has invested mostly on digital
tools before the problem. Even if I could be grateful personal support in IT tools, I did not miss
any service in particular. The breadth of understanding was more than usual because no one
really knew what to do. COVID-19 has greatly accelerated the provision of effective
implementation tools distance teaching. Teachers also support each other and the good thing
was communication between teachers in the school districts.

As previously mentioned, Italy and Switzerland have two different education systems. In the
former, the central government provides substantial input, while in the latter, cantons
play a major role. In both cases, the original compulsory policy input aimed at health
protection during the pandemic came from the central level.

Both of these central government actions meant ban make teaching in the classroom and an
obligation to do a teaching degree instead, in balancing that purpose with the right to education.
In addition, nationally and internationally Organizations in Italy and underground
organizations and agencies transferred to Switzerland that provide teacher resources to perform
their duties in the best possible way. Differences in the provision of such resources, without
distinction at the level of resource distribution. In fact, they represent a lot of guidelines and
resources for teachers to deal with students remotely, or especially, is a change set in an online
mode of teacher training or personal teaching which should have happened anyway. Without
hindrance committed to using a technology tool to do grade learning, teachers are especially
given suggestions on how to deal with changing situations of the problem of COVID-19. In
both cases, the situation is marked by change unsure of what to do and how to do it, choosing
a policy was to leave teachers with a certain amount of understanding. In Italy, teachers were
left to fend for themselves

Decided on the number of working hours to donate to online classes, and they volunteered the
remaining time to support students in disagreement, often over the phone communication
outside the traditional phase hours. In Switzerland, teachers felt that understanding has
increased due to a sudden change in the delivery of instruction and visuals the first lack of a
school system to respond to this novel situation. In both countries the understanding that first
caused the epidemic led to teachers' responses as they were thrown at the end. Government
officials provided additional resources rather than imposing a detailed obligation rules, thus
recognizing the importance of teacher technology.

This article concludes that teachers' expertise, which is understood as their unique knowledge
and responsibilities, can gain momentum when their understanding is at an all-time high. In the
absence of mandatory guidelines, such technologies become so valuable that institutional
differences between countries are less effective where resources can lead to greater
professionalism because professional peers become a major accountability of teachers and
technical skills to represent their core index. Teacher skills have undoubtedly increased in
value, and have been more inclined to use their time and resources for the benefit of their users.
In this article comparative analysis shows that without a particular institutional framework,
work technology in difficult times may increase due to their automatic adaptation to a changing

Literature Review:
Anna Malandrino & Fritz Sager (2021) Can Teachers’ Discretion Enhance the Role of Professionalism
in Times of Crisis? A Comparative Policy Analysis of Distance Teaching in Italy and Switzerland
during the COVID-19 Pandemic, Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis: Research and Practice, 23:1,
74-84, DOI: 10.1080/13876988.2020.1844544

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