Time To Talk Elementary A1 SB

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1a Write words from the box under the correct picture.
Some words can be used more than once.

blouse dark hair jeans shirt suit trainers

cardigan heels long hair short hair tie T-shirt

Marcy Daniel Luke Cathy


b Write five more kinds of clothes below.

1 2 3 4 5

2 Look at the accessories.

Write the vowels to complete the words below the pictures.

a b c d e

r i ng rr ngs n ckl c w tch gl ss s

3 What clothes and accessories do you wear at work/school?

What clothes and accessories do you wear at the weekend?
example ,ZHDUD«

8 LLesson
on 2
Language Focus
1. We can describe someone with be and 2. We can say what is true about someone now
have got. with the present continuous.

be + adjective be + -ing form of the verb + noun

I’m medium-height. I’m wearing a suit and a white blouse.

He’s slim. I’m standing on the platform.
She’s talking to Jim.
have got + noun
I’ve* got blonde hair.
He’s** got blue eyes. What are you wearing?
What’s he / she wearing?
* I’ve got = I have got
What’s he / she doing?
** He’s got = He has got

Have got and have both mean the same.
What do you look like? example
What does he / she look like? I have got brown eyes.
I have brown eyes.
Have got is more common in spoken
British English.

6a Use the verbs from the box in the correct form to complete the description below. Who is it?
Some verbs can be used more than once.

be have wear use

She ‘s attractive. She g

got blonde hair. She a suit and she a computer.

George Dave

b Work with a partner. Choose a person from activity 6a and write a short description below.

c Share your description with the class. Can the other students guess who it is?

10 LLesson
on 2

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