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inggris 2

Nama : Revaldo Putra athariq

Nrp : 3120500039
Kelas : d3 teknik informatika b
Answer Reading Comprehesion True / False
1. T (It took 100 years and many individuals for the modern bicycle to be born).
2. F (Bicycles first appeard in Scotland in the early)
3. T (The framework was made of solid steel tubes and the wooden wheels were covered
with steel.)
4. F (They made the frameworks from hollow steel tubes)
5. F (People didn’t ride velocipedes to market or to their jobs.)
6. T (They reasoned that if the front wheel were large, the bicycle would trevel a greater
distance. So they designed a bicycle with a giant front wheel
7. F (They made the rear wheel smaal. Its primaty purpose was to help the rider balance.
Balancing was hard).
8. T (The British altered the design one last time, They made the two wheels equal in
size and created a mechanism that uses a chain to turn the rear wheel.

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