Audience - Heidi Carlyn Jen

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Audience: Active Users,

Behavior, Technology,

Carlyn, Heidi, Jen

Active Users
Pattern of increasing then decreasing

Lowest active user of 960 on September 5

Highest active users of 3,704 on August 4

Conversion Rate- New Visitors vs. Returning Visitors

Pie chart illustrates that

the majority (66.1%) of
Ecommerce conversions
come from new visitors.

-The returning visitors

are less likely to make
a conversion than a
new visitor, because
they might have made
a previous purchase
Engagement and Session Quality

The most engagement in sessions was the shortest duration of 0-10 seconds. The most pageviews
was a session duration of 181-600 seconds. The highest sessions was in 2-5 session quality with
4,688 sessions without transactions. I think the pattern that is occuring is people are online just
shopping without purchasing to look and do not spend a lot of time looking on one site. With the more
interactions in a session the more session quality.
Top Browsers- users, new users, conversion rate

Top 3- Chrome, Safari, and


-Chrome leads because it is a

browser created by Google.

-Safari is much less in all

categories- most likely
because Google is not their
initial landing page.
Top Mobile Devices- users, new users,
ecommerce conversion rate
-Android and IOS are -IOS is 2nd due
the two top mobile to the
devices. popularity of
Apple devices.
-Android leads in
all categories.
This is because
Google is a
of Android.
- Android has the highest Different Mobile Devices and
Bounce Rate
percent of users but also
the highest bounce rate.

- Apple has a lower

amount of users, but it
has also has a lower
bounce rate. This means
that apple users have a
better experience with
the site

- Users with a Google browser are more likely to visit the

Google Merchandise Store
- Android is a partner of Google and therefore brings in more
- New users are much more likely to purchase
- Google needs a new strategy in order to reach Apple
- Need a new strategy to attract previous visitors

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