Interview Questions

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1. Tell me about your previous job experience.

2. Tell me what do you think about customer service.

3. How would you handle an irate customer?

4. What have you learned in Language Academy?

5. Why do you want to work here?

6. What is your favorite place in Guatemala?

7. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

8. Tell me about your friends.

9. Tell me about your family.

10. What do you do in your free time?

11. What is your favorite movie?

12. What weird foods have you eaten?

13. Do you like to read books?

14. How would you describe yourself?

15. Tell me about your strengths and weaknesses.

16. Where did you learn English?

17. What is your favorite color?

18. What would you change about Guatemala?

19. Tell me about your studies.

20. What do you do on your day off?

21. Tell me about a life changing experience you have had.

22. Who has been a big influence in your life?

23. Who do you consider a role model?

24. Do you use the internet? What do you use it for?

25. What website do you visit most?

26. Tell me about a good customer service experience you have had?

27. Tell me about a bad customer service experience you have had?

28. Tell me something about yourself.

29. What do you like to do in your free time?

30. What is your favorite movie? Why?

31. What is your favorite book? Why?

32. How did you find out about Transactel?

33. What do you know about call centers?

34. What is customer service?

35. What does customer service mean to you?

36. How would you handle an irate customer?

37. Tell me about your previous job experience.

38. What characteristics should a CSR have?

39. Why do you think teamwork is important in a company?

40. Tell me about a short-term goal that you have.

41. Tell me about a long-term goal that you have.

42. Tell me about a difficult situation you have faced.

43. Tell me about your computer skills.

44. Do you get upset easily?

45. What do you need to provide outstanding customer service

46. What does integrity mean to you?

47. What does commitment mean to you?

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