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COMSATS University Islamabad, Lahore Campus

Sessional-I Examination – SP 2021

Course Title: Introduction to Psychology Course Code: HUM 220 Credit Hours: 3(3,0)
Course Instructor/s: Syeda Ailia Batool Kazmi Program Name: BSE,
Semester: Batch: Section: C Date:
Time Allowed: 60 Minutes Maximum Marks: 10
Student’s Name: AHMAD HASSAN Reg. No. FA17-BSE-099
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Question 1

What right steps can help you in getting self actualized? Discuss in detail. (Marks: 10)

Self Actualization:

It is the process of becoming everything you are capable of becoming. In other words its states to
becoming the best version of yourself. One cannot attain Self Actualization without any experience for
Self Actualization we need to attain and fullfill

All the needs that are below the self actualization hierarchy.

For attaining the Self Actualization Maslow Defined a hierarchy of needs which accurately defines all
the needs that you need to fulfill before you can reach to self actualization phase.

Following are

 The lowest Stage consists of the Basic needs of human beings such as food,water and Shelter.
 The second stage represents Safety needs.
 The third stage defines Relationship needs.
 The fourth stage defines the respect and Self esteem needs.
 Then the last stage on the tip of the pyaramid is the Self Actualization. Which one can attain
after following and fulfilling all the other needs levels.


Psychological Needs.

these are natural prerequisites for human survival , for example air, food, drink, cover, dress, warmth,
sex, rest.

On the off chance that these necessities are not fulfilled the human body can't work ideally. Maslow
considered physiological necessities the most significant as the wide range of various requirements
become optional until these necessities are met.

Security Needs

When a person's physiological requirements are fulfilled, the requirements for security and wellbeing
becomes salient. Individuals wants to experience request, consistency and control in their lives. These
requirements can be satisfied by the family and society (for example police, schools, business and
clinical consideration).

For instance,

enthusiastic security, financial security (for example work, social government assistance), peace and
lawfulness, social dependability,freedom of fear, property, wellbeing and prosperity (for example
security against mishaps and injury).

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