Design Philosophy: Department of Main Roads Road Planning and Design Manual Design Philosophy

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Department of Main Roads Chapter 2

Road Planning and Design Manual Design Philosophy

Chapter 2
Design Philosophy

December 2005
Department of Main Roads Chapter 2
Road Planning and Design Manual Design Philosophy

Manual Contents
Chapter 1
Chapter 12
Frame of the Road Planning and
Vertical Alignment
Design Manual

Chapter 2 Chapter 13

2 Design Philosophy

Chapter 3
Intersections at Grade

Chapter 14
Road Planning and Design
Chapter 4
Chapter 15
Application of Design Principles and
Auxiliary Lanes
Chapter 5
Chapter 16
Traffic Parameters and Human

Chapter 6 Chapter 17
Speed Parameters Lighting

Chapter 7 Chapter 18
Cross Section Traffic signals

Chapter 8
Chapter 19
Safety Barriers and Roadside
Intelligent Transport Systems

Chapter 9 Chapter 20
Sight Distance Roadside Amenities

Chapter 21
Chapter 10
Railway and Cane Railway Level
Alignment Design

Chapter 11 Chapter 22
Horizontal Alignment Bridges, Retaining Walls and Tunnels

December 2005
Department of Main Roads Chapter 2
Road Planning and Design Manual Design Philosophy

Table of Contents
Glossary 2-1
2.1 Introduction 2-2
2.2 Vision and strategies 2-3
2.3 Context sensitive design 2-4
2.4 Guidelines and design criteria 2-7
2.4.1 Development of design criteria 2-7 2
2.4.2 Application of design criteria and the resulting standard of the road 2-9
2.5 Design Domain 2-10
2.6 The Normal Design Domain 2-14
2.7 The Extended Design Domain 2-20
2.7.1 Further information 2-22
2.8 Below the Design Domain – a design exception 2-22
2.9 Requirement for geometric assessment and choice of Domain 2-23
2.10 Design consistency 2-26
2.10.1 Background 2-26
2.10.2 Cross section consistency 2-27
2.10.3 Operating speed consistency 2-28
2.10.4 Driver workload consistency 2-28
References 2-32
Relationship to other Chapters 2-35

December 2005
Department of Main Roads Chapter 2
Road Planning and Design Manual Design Philosophy

List of Tables
There are no tables in this Chapter.

List of Figures
2 Figure 2.1 The Design Domain Concept (TAC, 1999)
Figure 2.2 Design Domain example - shoulder width (TAC, 1999)
Figure 2.3 Diagram showing the Normal Design Domain and the Extended Design
Domain (for a parameter where an increase in its value produces a higher benefit) 2-16
Figure 2.4 Relationship between values traditionally used in road design guides and
manuals and the bounds of the normal design domain (for a parameter where an
increase in its value produces a higher benefit) 2-17
Figure 2.5 Example of normal design domain for total lane width for a two lane, two
way rural road 2-18
Figure 2.6 Relationship between values traditionally used in road design guides and
manuals and the bounds of the normal design domain (for a parameter where an
increase in its value produces a lower benefit) 2-19
Figure 2.7 Example of design domain for the side friction factor for 50km/h 2-20
Figure 2.8 Example of extended and normal design domains for crest curve radius for
a 110km/h design speed. 2-24
Figure 2.9 Conceptual diagram showing the Design Domain, the Extended Design
Domain and the how risk of liability increases (for a parameter where an increase in its
value produces a higher benefit) 2-25
Figure 2.10 Mean collision rate versus mean speed difference between successive
geometric elements (TAC, 1999) 2-29

December 2005
Department of Main Roads Chapter 2
Road Planning and Design Manual Design Philosophy

Chapter 2 Amendments – December

Revision Register
Issue/ Reference Description of Revision Authorised Date
Rev Section by
1 - First Issue Steering Nov
Committee 2000
2 2.1 Figure 2.1 - “DR” (District Roads) added
2.2.3 Extra dot point - future trends in mode
2.2.6 Reference to new Guidelines added
2.4 Figure 2.5 - “DR” added
2.4.1 Paragraph about early decision making
2.4.2 Modified. Figure 2.7 - “DR” added
2.4.3 Modified. Figure 2.8 - “DR” added
Steering July
2.4.4 Modified. New section on “Post Construction
Committee 2001
2.5.2 Modified.
2.5.4 Modified.
2.5.5 Modified.
2.5.9 New section added
New Relationship to Other Chapters
Appendix Modified and new section added.
New Appendix 2B added
3 - New Chapter Steering August
Committee 2004
4 Glossary Glossary added.
Various Term “standard” changed to design criteria,
sections design parameter or design value where
appropriate. Steering Dec
Terms “Normal Design Domain” and Committee 2005
“Extended Design Domain” introduced where
Some minor amendments to various sections.
Section 2.1 Dot point added.

December 2005
Department of Main Roads Chapter 2
Road Planning and Design Manual Design Philosophy

Issue/ Reference Description of Revision Authorised Date

Rev Section by
4 Section 2.3 New section “Context Sensitive Design”
replaces former section. Relevant content
from former version merged with this new
Section 2.4 Section deleted and relevant content from
(old) former version merged with new Section 2.3.
2 Sections
2.5, 2.5.1
Former sections renumbered and re-titled.
Text amended substantially.
and 2.5.2
2.4.1 and
2.4.2 (new)
Section Former section deleted and relevant content
2.5.3 (old) from former version merged with new Sections Steering Dec
2.3 or 2.4.2 Committee 2005
Section 2.6 Former section renumbered from 2.6 to 2.5.
(old)/2.5 Text amended and added.
Section 2.6 New section “Normal Design Domain” added.
Section 2.7 New section “Extended Design Domain”
Section 2.8 New section “Below the Design Domain – the
design exception” added.
Section 2.9 New section “Requirement for geometric
assessment and choice of Domain” added.
Section Former Section 2.7 renumbered to Section
2.7/2.10 2.10.
References References added.

December 2005
Department of Main Roads Chapter 2
Road Planning and Design Manual Design Philosophy

Chapter 2
Design Philosophy

Extended Design Domain: A range of
Context Sensitive Design: Context
Sensitive Design is a design approach that
design values below the normal design
domain (for a parameter where an increase
aims to achieve an appropriate balance in its value produces a higher benefit) but
between safety, mobility, community and the values can still be justified in terms of
environmental needs when developing the capability provided. The Extended
solutions. Refer to Section 2.3 for a Design Domain is a subset of the Design
detailed discussion. A Context Sensitive Domain. Refer to Section 2.7 for a detailed
Design is also known as a Context Sensitive discussion.
Fit For Purpose: Refer to Context
Context Sensitive Solutions: Refer to Sensitive Design.
Context Sensitive Design.
Guideline: A directing principle. To act as
Design Domain: A range of design values a guide to, lead [action]; be principle or
that can be justified using empirical models, motive of [action].
theoretical models or both (e.g. models
Normal Design Domain: A range of
based on test data, sound reasoning,
design values that define the normal limits
physics, etc). Therefore the Design Domain
for the values of parameters selected for
is a range of design values that are likely to
new roads. The Normal Design Domain is
have a reasonable level of defence
a subset of the Design Domain. Refer to
whenever it is necessary to defend their use
Section 2.6 for a detailed discussion.
(e.g. in court). Since the design domain
constitutes a range of values, it follows that Restoration Project: A restoration project
one bound of the range represents lower is a project where the cross section,
order or quality while the other bound structural capacity of the pavement and/or
represents higher order or quality. Refer to riding quality of an existing road is
Section 2.5 for a detailed discussion. improved while seeking to retain as much
of the existing alignment as is practicable.
Design Exception: A case where a
The nature of the work typically has the
constraint makes it very impractical, if not
potential to change drivers’ perception (of
impossible, to upgrade the geometry so that
the standard) of the road. In many cases
is it within the design domain. A design
road users will not distinguish between a
exception can only be retained where the
restored road and a new road.
Main Roads District Director has approved
its retention.

December 2005
Department of Main Roads Chapter 2
Road Planning and Design Manual Design Philosophy

Standard: Within this Chapter, the term “Design is an activity in which judgement
standard simply serves as a comparison of and experience play significant roles.
the capability of different road Designers choose the features of the road
segments/aspects/alignments. For example, and dimensions of the primary design
a high (geometric) standard road has elements. They may use judgement,
geometry that permits high operating technical references and calculations to
speeds in free flowing conditions with a assist in selecting the appropriate design
high level of service. Conversely a low elements, but selection of design elements
(geometric) standard road has geometry that in isolation from each other is not design.
2 results in low operating speeds and
probably a lower level of safety. The term
Designers must also know the effect of
combining design elements under different
is not intended to determine some level of circumstances. Because of the nature of the
conformance to a prescribed standard. process, the design that emerges cannot
generally be called ‘correct’ or ‘incorrect’,
2.1 Introduction but rather more or less efficient (in terms of
moving traffic), safe (in terms of collision
Design is the process of selecting the rate), or costly (in terms of construction
elements that, combined, will make up the costs, lifecycle costs and environmental
end product. Geometric design of roads impacts)” (TAC,1999).
requires the selection of the visible features
and dimensions of the road (e.g. lane and What is clear is that design is a complex
shoulder widths, Transportation task. Design can never be merely the
Association of Canada [TAC], 1999). application of numbers from a set of tables
developed from the various theoretical
All road design is a compromise between constructs used for that purpose. There is a
the ideal and what is a reasonable outcome need to apply judgement and experience in
(e.g. in terms of cost, safety, driver arriving at the appropriate design. In the
expectation, economic drivers, past, the complexity of design gave rise to
environmental impacts and social issues the development and use of standard values
refer to Section 2.3). Judgements have to for the various elements to be used in
be made on the value of improving the various sets of defined circumstances in
standard of a road and the impact this might order to simplify the process. This
have on the ability to make improvements approach is not always appropriate,
elsewhere on the road system. These although it allows people of limited
judgements are usually made on the basis of experience to achieve an acceptable design
the level of safety of the road in question in many circumstances. Where more
and the Benefit/Cost Ratio (BCR) resulting complex combinations of circumstances
from the proposed improvements. occur, however, designers require
Environmental and social impacts are also considerable skills and experience to enable
major considerations, as may be other them to choose the optimum solution.
factors (refer to Section 2.3).
This Manual recognises the importance of
The Geometric Design Guide for Canadian judgement and experience and provides
Roads (TAC, 1999) makes the following designers with the background to the
observation: methods adopted and the reasons for the

December 2005
Department of Main Roads Chapter 2
Road Planning and Design Manual Design Philosophy

approach to selecting design elements. A • Where possible, quantitative evaluation

wide range of dimensions for various of safety performance is provided for
parameters (i.e. the “Design Domain”, refer various points in the design domain
to Section 2.5) is provided with comment using crash rate as the safety measure
on the circumstances for their use. The (e.g. Chapters 13 and 14).
decision on the combination of values to
Some worked examples are provided to
adopt is one to be made in the context of the
give further guidance (e.g. Chapters 8 and
complex range of issues that apply in
individual circumstances. The competing
alternatives must be properly considered
within the framework of the particular case
2.2 Vision and strategies 2
to ensure that the solution is a context Essential to the appropriate application of
sensitive design (refer to Section 2.3). The the requirements of this Manual is the long-
final design is the sum of all of the term vision for the road network, which
decisions taken, and judgements made, includes an objective assessment of the
during the design process. affordable standard appropriate for the
This Manual provides the following to various links of the network. The standards
assist designers apply the concept of design to be adopted are based on a large range of
domain: issues including the purpose of the road,
community expectations, natural and
• Numerical guidance in the form of constructed environment, anticipated
tables and graphs showing upper and funding levels and anticipated benefits.
lower bounds of the design domain Projects are selected to implement this
(where practicable). long-term vision.
• Commentary on the design criteria with Projects should be designed in accordance
the underlying basis or technical with the overall link strategies developed
foundation for the development of the for the road in question to provide a
criteria, the various factors affecting consistent driving experience over the
them and if possible, the sensitivity of length of the link. Drivers expect a
road safety to changes in the criteria. consistent standard for significant lengths
Some discussion of the effects of of road in similar terrain. They do not
various design decisions is given to expect significant changes in the standard
provide qualitative guidance to for no apparent reason (refer to Section
designers for various circumstances. 2.10).
• Where necessary, some of the issues to Link strategies define the proposed road
be considered (i.e. design standard in accordance with the chosen
considerations) when applying or investment strategy for the road. These will
selecting design criteria given. take account of requirements for specific
• Where possible, quantitative evaluation traffic needs such as over-dimensional and
of performance is provided for various special vehicles (e.g. B-Double, Road
points in the design domain (e.g. Train, etc), level of access, flooding
Chapter 13). immunity and travel speeds, etc (refer to
Section 2.3). The road function also

December 2005
Department of Main Roads Chapter 2
Road Planning and Design Manual Design Philosophy

provides an indication of the standard of be sensitive to the context in which the road
road that should be available (refer to will operate.
Chapter 4).
Context sensitive design is an approach that
A network approach to safety, and provides the flexibility to encourage
consequently appropriate design criteria independent designs tailored to particular
(e.g. for geometry), should be taken into situations. Context sensitive design seeks
account when developing the strategies for to produce a design that harmoniously
the various links and can not be an ad hoc combines good engineering practice with

2 generalisation made at the point of design

to justify adopting some low standard
feature to “save money”. The basic premise
the natural and built environments, and
meets the required constraints and
parameters for the project. Within the
is that spending too much in one location discipline of road planning and design the
prevents improvements in other locations term “fit for purpose” has also been widely
with a consequent reduction in the overall used as a synonym for context sensitive
level of safety of the road network. It is the design. Similarly, the notion that not all
case that there are limited funds and that roads have to be designed to the same
these should be spent to achieve the greatest standard (as encompassed by Main Roads’
good. However, it is also the case that motto from an earlier era of “adequate
spreading the funds too thinly will result in roads at minimum cost”) is an example of
too low a level of safety overall with context sensitive design.
continual rework to repair situations created
“Context sensitive design asks questions
by inappropriate design. Any overall
about the need and purpose of the
strategy of this nature must be based on an
transportation project, and then equally
objective analysis of the situation, not some
addresses safety, mobility and the
assumption about it.
preservation of scenic, aesthetic, historic,
A context sensitive design will provide an environmental, and other community
acceptable balance between level of service values. Context sensitive design involves a
(or efficiency), cost, environmental impact, collaborative, interdisciplinary approach in
level of safety, etc (refer to Section 2.3). which citizens are part of the design team”
This balance will reflect local values and (Federal Highway Administration of the
expectations as well as the overall United States of America).
objectives of Main Roads encompassed in
Planners and designers should always aim
the investment strategies and policies
to produce context sensitive designs. The
prevailing from time to time.
challenge is to develop a design solution
that takes account of the competing
2.3 Context sensitive
expectations, interests and alternatives and
the trade-offs that might be needed. It is
A road is but one element of a transport important that this, and consideration of the
system, which operates in the natural and below issues, occurs from the Concept
built environments to meet a range of Stage onward. Factors to be considered in
expectations of stakeholders (e.g. the users making trade-offs include:
and the broader community). The design • level of service;
cannot be carried out in isolation, but must

December 2005
Department of Main Roads Chapter 2
Road Planning and Design Manual Design Philosophy

• flexibility to provide for a range of staged construction, vehicle operating

possible futures or scenarios, for costs); and
• aesthetics.
o staging (how, when and its effects);
Good designers display the ability to
• flexibility for future upgrading/ optimise and foresee the repercussions of
rehabilitation at reasonable cost (e.g. their decisions on the costs, benefits and
foreseeable changes in road function or impacts of the design. Issues such as the
requirements due to changes in land relative importance of these elements and
use, operating speeds, design vehicles,
designated routes);
the costs to be applied to the more
subjective areas are policy decisions that
should be guided by the investment strategy
• appropriate design criteria and the
and/or directed by the Main Roads District
resulting standard of the road/s;
Director. Within the context of these policy
• mobility and reliability; decisions, the designer has the ability to
• environmental impacts, including noise influence these factors.
and vibration; It is important that the trade-offs are
• safety; considered at the strategic stage of the pre-
construction process since the standard of
• consistency of design (an issue that can
major elements of the road will be
affect safety) along the entire link (not
established in these early planning
just the road section under
activities. Achieving consistency of design,
consideration – refer to Section 2.10);
minimal environmental impact, appropriate
• maximisation of the use of existing level of safety, appropriate aesthetics,
assets; future flexibility and optimal costs will
depend on the decisions made in developing
• reduction in the life of the
and analysing the options and preparing the
business case. A limited scope for change
• stakeholder expectations and needs in these fundamental aspects might be able
(e.g. community, government, users); to be achieved at the preliminary design
• flood immunity; stage but at the detailed design, designers
will not be able to make major trade-offs
• cultural heritage impacts;
without major cost implications. On new
• social impacts; roads, if desired features are incorporated in
the earliest phases, the cost implications
• capital costs;
(e.g. to provide a higher standard) will often
• the requirements and objectives of the be minimal. Trying to modify the detailed
government and Main Roads (e.g. design to improve some features is often
legislation, whole of government expensive.
requirements, Main Roads’ policies,
In making judgements about trade-offs, the
Roads Connecting Queenslanders
life of the project and the life of individual
[Main Roads, 2002]);
components of the project must be
• whole of life costs (e.g. maintenance considered and an appropriate balance
costs, rehabilitation costs, costs of between capital and maintenance (i.e.

December 2005
Department of Main Roads Chapter 2
Road Planning and Design Manual Design Philosophy

whole of life) costs derived. Adopting a processes. The risks have to be identified
multi-staged approach to some elements for all stakeholders (e.g. the users, the
(e.g. pavement thickness) can reduce capital public and Main Roads) and assessed in
costs, with a consequent commitment to accordance with the potential effect on
additional costs earlier than would be the them.
case for the single stage approach.
It is a question of balancing cost against
However, the basic geometry cannot easily
risk rather than simply attempting to decide
be staged and has to be suitable for the life
which solution is “correct” versus
of the facility - the basic geometry will
2 endure long after a project reaches the end
of its “design life”.
“incorrect”. Since it is not possible to
create a completely safe road (i.e. a road
that has no crashes on it), each design will
The experience and insight needed when be “more safe” or “less safe” than some
making trade-offs is dependant upon the other alternative. What the appropriate
designer’s understanding of the technical balance is depends on the circumstances
foundation of the relevant design and the combination of design elements.
parameters, how they relate and what the Finding the appropriate balance relies on
outcome of the resulting combination will experience and judgement assisted by
be or is likely to be (e.g. what capability objective measurement and research.
will be provided). It is only with this in-
This inevitably introduces a significant
depth knowledge that it is possible for a
element of variation in the possible
designer to determine if the design is in fact
solutions derived for a particular problem.
a context sensitive design.
One person’s choice will not necessarily be
The design challenge is to develop a the same as another’s because of difference
solution to the problem at hand taking in experience and perception, and in the
account of the competing alternatives and opinion they have on the trade-offs to be
the trade-offs that might be needed to made. Some will apply much heavier
accommodate the budget available and the weighting to the safety element while others
circumstances of the project. To this end will do the same for the cost element. Main
the end product must be internally Roads can reduce the scope for this
consistent, be consistent with the variation by applying appropriate policies
expectations for the type of road, and be to define the extent of trade-offs it requires,
compatible with road design principles but it can not reduce the variation to zero.
presented in this Manual and other relevant
In considering all of the above it should be
documents. The reasons for adopting any
noted that:
particular design criteria and/or parameters
must be robust, defensible and fully “The choice between improved safety and
documented. increased cost, or reduced safety and lower
cost, is not only technical but also requires
Risks associated with the above issues must
policy decisions, particularly at the macro
also be considered. Design requires a large
level” (TAC, 1999).
element of risk management. The risks
involved in the various decisions that have Such decisions influence the investment
to be made must be assessed and considered strategies.
according to accepted risk management

December 2005
Department of Main Roads Chapter 2
Road Planning and Design Manual Design Philosophy

Main Roads’ investment strategies and the Normal Design Domain is often labelled
policies must be considered when making the “absolute minimum” and the preferred
trade-offs. The requirements of the State lowest value the “desirable minimum”
are reflected in legislation and Main Roads (refer to Section 2.6). At the same time the
documents such as Roads Connecting Geometric Design Guide for Canadian
Queenslanders, the Strategic Framework for Roads (TAC, 1999) provides guidance on a
Road System Asset Management, the “best practice” solution. The designer then
Preconstruction Processes Manual, has to establish the “affordability” of the
investment strategies, link strategies and solution recommended and show an
this Manual. acceptable balance between safety and cost. 2
2.4 Guidelines and design Design criteria based on objective
criteria safety evidence
Design criteria where research has
Most design guidelines and design criteria
established a relationship between the
in this Manual are based on theoretical
various parameters and crash rates are
safety models (i.e. most are not derived
objective in nature. When using these
from relationships based on objective safety
design criteria a minimum or maximum
evidence). Relating road design parameters
value can be set to limit the crash rates to a
to crash rates by research is a very difficult
particular limit. Often this is prior to a
and time consuming process and many
point where the crash rate will increase
studies are not particularly successful in
identifying relationships. Nevertheless,
much useful guidance on the effect of Alternatively, when using these design
changes in standard on crash rate has been criteria, a designer can choose an
achieved through research (e.g. shoulder appropriate balance between safety and cost
widths, horizontal curve radius). by comparing the estimated/predicted
benefits (the reduction in crash costs for the
2.4.1 Development of design community) with the additional cost of
criteria construction (community provided funds)
to determine the BCR. Examples where
In developing design guidelines and design this approach can be used in this Manual
criteria, a range of circumstances must be are the warrants for safety barriers using the
considered and the result is a balance Road Impact Severity Calculator (RISC)
between competing demands to produce a program (refer to Chapter 8) and the design
context sensitive design (refer to Section of roundabout geometry using the ARNDT
2.3). Many road design criteria have been program (refer to Chapter 14). One
developed from the laws of physics, problem with using only a BCR to
empirical data and/or objective safety determine whether to provide a certain
evidence and provided to designers for standard is that there are no limits for
application to their specific problems. In design parameters on low volume roads.
defining the acceptable limits for the This can lead to the provision of road
dimensions for various criteria (the “Design geometry with a high propensity for
Domain” in the Canadian Manual, refer to crashes.
Section 2.5), the lowest acceptable value for

December 2005
Department of Main Roads Chapter 2
Road Planning and Design Manual Design Philosophy

Often, the funding available will not be Many of the design criteria with a
enough to enable projects with a BCR of theoretical base in this Manual have been
one to be constructed and a higher BCR adopted from current Austroads guides.
will be required to justify the project (based These criteria have existed over a
on the lowest BCR at the limit of funding). considerable period of time and many are
Prioritising projects using this process based on material from international road
ensures that Main Roads’ funds are design practice. They have also been
distributed efficiently to those areas most influenced by many years of Australian
likely to give the greatest return. research and many design criteria have been
2 Design criteria based on theoretical
modified accordingly. Recent reports
(McLean 2000a and 2000b) have shown the
models range of practice for cross section elements
Theoretical safety models are often based around the world can be wide and
on physics, the performance characteristics Australian practice is within the range but
of drivers and vehicles and the experience not at the top. At the same time, Australia
and judgement of practitioners. This has the largest vehicles in the world
judgement and experience is usually operating regularly on many of its roads.
derived from objective measurements of Whilst theoretical safety models have a
performance and as much correlation with strong logical base, their actual effect on
crash history as possible. Further, for safety is often not well known although
design criteria based on theoretical models, general effects have been well
BCR techniques cannot be used to compare demonstrated. Most general studies that
the benefit of providing a higher or lower have attempted to relate geometric design
standard of geometry (e.g. with current criteria to accident rates have not been
information it is not possible to measure if successful in showing strong correlation
there is any benefit to be gained by between a specific geometric element and
providing a larger crest curve rather than a the expected accident rate although trends
smaller one). have emerged. Research by the Australian
An example of design criteria based on a Road Research Board has been successful
theoretical model is the minimum radius in showing the effect of curvature (McLean,
crest curve. Driver eye heights and reaction 1977) and shoulder width (Armour, 1984;
times, vehicle braking performance, and Armour, 1983; Armour and McLean, 1983)
object height are some of the parameters on crash rates. This has allowed the
that are used to calculate the required development of sensible Australian practice
radius. The values of each of these in these areas.
parameters are based on a combination of Notwithstanding the difficulty of obtaining
measured values and subjective judgement. direct confirmation of the effect of all
The theoretical model in this example was geometric elements on accident rates, the
first developed when vehicle performance methodology is logical, based on sound
was limited and traffic volumes were low. principles of physics and has produced
The model was intended to ensure that acceptable results. It is the best method
roads would safely cater for future vehicle available to develop design criteria in lieu
performance and traffic.

December 2005
Department of Main Roads Chapter 2
Road Planning and Design Manual Design Philosophy

of criteria derived from objective safety satisfactory solution. This is not

evidence. necessarily the case.
Because judgement is used inherently in the In the following quotation about geometric
models, there can be conflicting opinions as road design, the term standard refers to the
to the appropriateness of the chosen values, design criteria and their design domain.
largely because of differences on the trade-
“Design dimensions that do not meet
offs to be made.
standards do not necessarily result in
unacceptable design - dimensions that meet
2.4.2 Application of design
criteria and the resulting
standard of the road
standards do not necessarily guarantee an
acceptable design. In assessing the quality
of a design, it is not appropriate simply to
Guidelines provide information and consider a checklist of standards. The
background material to assist the designer design has to be reviewed with judgement;
in choosing the appropriate dimensions for standards merely assist the reviewer in
the elements of the design. However, the making those judgements” (Louis, 2002).
range of combinations of elements is large It is also the case that adopting lower order
and these can apply to a large range of values for all elements in combination at a
circumstances (e.g. local rural road to major particular location will not generally give a
urban motorway). This Manual must satisfactory result. The resulting design
therefore be general - it cannot take account might be hazardous and/or have operational
of specific site circumstances but it does difficulties. Where the lower order value is
provide guidance to the designer to assist in adopted for one element, it is usually
deciding on an appropriate standard for required that a better than lower order value
each set of circumstances/project. be used for others to compensate (e.g. wider
The suggested values or design domains are pavement where a crest vertical curve of
based on prevailing and predicted vehicle low standard must be adopted). As a
and human performance as well as current further example, if a vehicle has to stop on
technologies. Usually, they are the result of a minimum radius horizontal curve with
theoretical constructs modified by research restricted sight distance, the kinetic friction
into accident performance and/or human associated with locked wheel braking on
behaviour. Technological developments wet roads (part of the stopping distance
can affect these so the specific elements of model) is accompanied by a reduction in
the design criteria can vary from time to available side friction. This means that
time. many drivers are unable to control the
direction of their vehicle unless they brake
There has always been a gap between road
in a manner that requires a longer stopping
needs and the budgets to fulfil those needs.
distance (Fambro et al, 1997 and Olsen et
Designers sometimes seek to reduce costs
al, 1984).
on a project by adopting values for design
criteria at the lower bound of the relevant Experience and judgement must be used in
design domain, usually on the basis that the these cases.
application of such values will provide a Experience is, however, more than a “gut
feel” on the designer’s behalf. It must be

December 2005
Department of Main Roads Chapter 2
Road Planning and Design Manual Design Philosophy

developed from objective application of determines the level of standard appropriate

principles and measurements of to that road. For example, a highway
performance over a period of time. It is not provides a connection between major
enough to merely have completed a project centres giving a high level of service to the
- its performance must be measured traffic on the road; it is a vital part of the
objectively over an appropriate period of economy of the area and is more important
time. The other path to depth of for its traffic carrying function than for
understanding is through objective research property access. On the other hand, a local
of the issues using appropriate techniques road is primarily for the purpose of access
2 and matching of data to actual
circumstances and performance. If
to property and connection to the higher
order elements of the road system; it can be
judgements are to be made, they must be a lower speed road with less generous
able to be justified on the basis of real data features than the highway counterpart.
and performance in circumstances similar However, having determined what the
to those prevailing at the site of the design appropriate purpose is, the design standards
in question. of the elements have to be in accordance
with the accepted design practices as
To a large extent, this Manual incorporates
defined in this Manual. That is, the
significant amounts of data from research
application of the principles of design does
and experience gained over a period of time
not change. Anything less than this means
by Queensland Main Roads and other
the solution is NOT a context sensitive
Australian authorities. However, this must
of necessity be somewhat generalised, as
circumstances will vary between sites. A To be a context sensitive design, the
sensible mix of application of the Manual elements of the design have to meet the
and the practitioner’s experience is required criteria for the design of those elements.
to gain the best result (i.e. a context Context sensitive design is not an excuse
sensitive design). for violating the principles of design and
not applying appropriate design criteria.
Roads should be “fit for a particular
purpose” in that they should do what the
2.5 Design Domain
reasonable user expects them to do as
well as performing in the way society (This section has been drawn almost
needs them to perform. A context entirely from the Geometric Design Guide
sensitive design is therefore one that for Canadian Roads [TAC, 1999] and the
matches the way it will be used (e.g. assistance of that Manual is gratefully
matches how a road will be driven). It is acknowledged.)
not a solution generated by making
unrealistic design assumptions (e.g. The Design Domain concept was
choosing a design speed that is introduced into the Geometric Design
unrealistically high or low). Guide for Canadian Roads (TAC, 1999) to
provide an approach where the designer is
For roads, the basis of producing a context required to select design criteria from
sensitive design is that the standard adopted ranges of values, considering the benefits
for a project reflects the proper purpose of and costs of the selected criteria. This
the road in question. The basic purpose approach places an emphasis on developing

December 2005
Department of Main Roads Chapter 2
Road Planning and Design Manual Design Philosophy

appropriate and cost-effective designs • Where significant additional cost is

rather than providing a design that simply required (to provide a higher value).
meets “standards”.
• Where there is no crash history at a
Figure 2.1 illustrates the concept. With the particular location.
example in Figure 2.1 the lower regions of
• Where the use of a lower order value is
the domain represent criteria that would
reasonable, defensible and the logic of
generally be considered to be less safe, less
both of these aspects is documented (as
efficient but usually less expensive than
discussed in this Chapter). (For a
those in the upper regions of the domain.
The decision on the values to adopt should
be made using objective data on the
parameter where an increase in its value
produces a higher benefit the lower
order values are those that approach the
changes in cost, safety or levels of service
lower bound [e.g. Figure 2.4]. For a
caused by changes in the design together
parameter where an increase in its value
with a benefit cost analysis. Such data is
produces a lesser benefit the lower
not always available and this Manual
order values are those that approach the
provides guidance to designers on the
upper bound [e.g. Figure 2.6].)
potential effect of changes in design of the
elements involved. • When other parameters at the same
location are above their respective
With the example in Figure 2.1 values
lower order values.
towards the upper end of the domain will
tend to be selected, for a particular • On roads with low traffic volumes.
parameter, for the following: Using this concept provides some benefits
• On roads with high traffic volumes. to the designer:

• When other parameters at the same • It is more directly related to the road
location are approaching their design process since it places a greater
respective lower order values. (For a emphasis on developing appropriate
parameter where an increase in its value and cost-effective designs rather than
produces a higher benefit the lower merely following prescriptive
order values are those that approach the “standards”;
lower bound [e.g. Figure 2.4]. For a • It reflects the continuous nature of the
parameter where an increase in its value relationship between service, cost and
produces a lesser benefit the lower safety and changes in the design
order values are those that approach the dimensions - the designer must consider
upper bound [e.g. Figure 2.6].) the impacts of trade-offs throughout the
• Where little additional cost is required domain and not just where a “standard”
(to provide the higher value). threshold is crossed.

• Where a significant crash history exists • It provides an implied link to the

at a particular location. “factor of safety” - a concept
commonly used in civil engineering
Conversely, values towards the lower end
design processes where risk and safety
of the domain will tend to be selected, for a
are important.
particular parameter, for the following:

December 2005
Department of Main Roads Chapter 2
Road Planning and Design Manual Design Philosophy

Figure 2.2 illustrates how the design threshold of cost-effective design. With
domain concept might be applied to a single some design parameters, such as the co-
design parameter, shoulder width. efficient of side friction, higher values
Selection of a value within the design represent a lower order of service.
domain will depend on a trade-off between However such parameters still have a
the various benefits and costs. In other design domain and the benefits gained from
cases, values for several design parameters having to make decisions on values still
must be selected, these parameters working apply.
together to optimise the design.
2 In practice, the concept of a design domain
with an upper and lower limit (i.e. bound)
The designer must take account of the
nature and significance of controls and
constraints. Often, the designer will not be
with a continuous range of values in able to choose design dimensions that will
between may not be practical or desirable. satisfy all of the controls and constraints
For example, the lengths of transitions are and compromise (i.e. trade-offs) will be
usually rounded to multiples of 20m for the required. These are engineering decisions
convenience of set out calculations. In that call for experience, insight and a good
some cases, there may be no upper bound appreciation of community values.
other than that imposed by practicality or
economics and the upper bound is defined
by typical values found in practice or by the

Notes to Figure 2.1:

1. The value limits for a particular criterion define the absolute range of values that it may be assigned.
2. The design domain for a particular criterion is the range of values, within these limits, that may
practically be assigned to that criterion.

Figure 2.1 The Design Domain Concept (TAC, 1999)

December 2005
Department of Main Roads Chapter 2
Road Planning and Design Manual Design Philosophy

Figure 2.2 Design Domain example - shoulder width (TAC, 1999)

Some design criteria are set by policy (e.g. service and safety with acceptable
vertical clearance to structures), while economy.
others may be little more than suggestions.
For many elements, a range of dimensions
Some are chosen on the basis of safety,
is given in this Manual and the designer has
some on service or capacity, while others
the responsibility to choose an appropriate
are based on comfort and aesthetic values.
value for a particular situation. A designer
The judicious choice of design parameters
with economy uppermost in mind may be
is very important in the design process and
tempted to apply the lower order value in
it is important that designers have a good
the range on the basis that so long as the
appreciation of the background to, and
value is within the accepted range, the
derivation of, the parameters being used.
design is satisfactory. This may, or may
By using this knowledge and
not, be the case.
understanding, and having regard for
community values, a designer will be able The designer might conclude that it is
to produce a design to the required level of appropriate to use lower order values for

December 2005
Department of Main Roads Chapter 2
Road Planning and Design Manual Design Philosophy

design parameters and this is not Both the Normal Design Domain and the
necessarily a bad decision. However, if this Extended Design Domain are discussed in
course of action is followed, the Sections 2.6 and 2.7 respectively.
consequences of the action need to be
thoroughly understood, particularly with 2.6 The Normal Design
regard to safety but also with regard to Domain
costs, benefits and level of service. It is
necessary to consider ameliorating The part of the design domain normally
measures (e.g. traffic control devices) at the used for a new road is referred to as the

2 same time as the geometric design. If a

design involves compromise, it might be
“Normal Design Domain”. The extent of
the Normal Design Domain defines the
better to compromise several elements a normal limits for the values of parameters
little rather than to compromise one element selected for new roads.
excessively. The design must be balanced. The extents of the Normal Design Domain
This highlights the need for the proper within the various manuals and guidelines
combination of elements and the effect of are usually based on the experience and
decisions on one of them by decisions on judgement of practitioners, even where the
others. For example, where it has been relationship with safety has been identified
necessary to adopt a lower order value for by research. These extents can change over
one element, it might be necessary to time with current subjective thinking (e.g.
compensate by being more generous with Austroads’ decrease in eye height from
an associated element. The design must 1.15m to 1.05m has increased Austroads’
always consider the inter-relationship minimum size crest vertical curves).
between the elements, adopting a holistic Over time all design criteria in this Manual
approach to the design (refer also to will be described in terms of their design
Sections 2.4.2 and 2.3). domain and in some cases their extended
To some extent, this approach formalises design domain. Pending this, Figure 2.4
the means by which previous manuals have shows the relationship between the
defined the range of values within which minimum and maximum values
the designer should operate. However, the traditionally used in road design guidelines
design domain approach clarifies the extent and the bounds of the Normal Design
of trade-offs and highlights the inter- Domain for a parameter where an increase
relationship between the various elements in its value produces a higher benefit. As
of design. It encourages a holistic approach shown by Figure 2.4:
to the design. • an “absolute minimum” or “minimum”
As shown in Figure 2.3, the design domain value corresponds to the lower bound
consists of the following two elements: of the Normal Design Domain;

1. the Normal Design Domain; and • a “desirable minimum”, “general

minimum” or “preferred minimum”
2. the Extended Design Domain. falls within the Normal Design
At this stage only a limited number of Domain;
design criteria have an Extended Design • a “desirable maximum”, “general
Domain. maximum” or “preferred maximum”

December 2005
Department of Main Roads Chapter 2
Road Planning and Design Manual Design Philosophy

falls within the Normal Design • a “desirable maximum”, “general

Domain; and maximum” or “preferred maximum”
falls within the Normal Design
• an “absolute maximum” or “maximum”
Domain; and
value corresponds to the upper bound
of the Normal Design Domain. • an “absolute maximum” or “maximum”
value corresponds to the upper bound
An example for a parameter where an
of the Normal Design Domain.
increase in its value produces a higher
benefit follows: An example for a parameter where an
• The lower bound (i.e. minimum) total
lane width for a two-lane, two-way
increase in its value produces a lower
benefit follows:
rural road is 6.0m from Chapter 7. This • The upper bound (i.e. absolute
is shown as the lower bound of the maximum) side friction factor for
Normal Design Domain in Figure 2.5. 50km/h is 0.35 from Chapter 11. This
In general, values below the lower is shown as the upper bound of the
bound should not be chosen. Normal Design Domain in Figure 2.7.
In general, values above the upper
• The upper bound (i.e. maximum) of
bound should not be chosen.
total lane width for a two-lane, two-way
rural road is 7.0m (exclusive of curve • The desirable maximum side friction
widening) from Chapter 7. This is factor for 50km/h is 0.30 from Chapter
shown as the upper bound of the 11. This value falls within the Normal
Normal Design Domain in Figure 2.5. Design Domain.
Further Figure 2.6 shows the relationship Longitudinal grade is another example of a
between the minimum and maximum parameter where an increase in its value
values traditionally used in road design produces a lower benefit.
guidelines and the bounds of the Normal
Unless specifically stated otherwise the
Design Domain for a parameter where an
terminology described in this Section
increase in its value produces a lower
applies to this Manual (i.e. the minimum
benefit. As shown by Figure 2.6:
and maximum values given define the
• an “absolute minimum” or “minimum” boundaries of the Normal Design Domain
value corresponds to the lower bound and so apply to the design of new roads).
of the Normal Design Domain; The only exception to this is when the
quoted minimum or maximum values
• a “desirable minimum”, “general
specifically state they relate to the Extended
minimum” or “preferred minimum”
Design Domain or restoration projects.
falls within the Normal Design

December 2005
Department of Main Roads Chapter 2
Road Planning and Design Manual Design Philosophy

Cost or Upper bound


Lower bound for
new roads

Lower bound for

restoration works

Extended Range of values

Domain Normal Design Domain

Design Domain

Figure 2.3 Diagram showing the Normal Design Domain and the Extended Design
Domain (for a parameter where an increase in its value produces a higher benefit)

December 2005
Department of Main Roads Chapter 2
Road Planning and Design Manual Design Philosophy

Cost or

Upper bound
Normal Design Domain
Lower bound

or “General minimum”

or “General maximum”

Range of values
“Desirable minimum”

“Absolute maximum”
“Desirable maximum”
“Absolute minimum”

or “Maximum”
or “Minimum”

Figure 2.4 Relationship between values traditionally used in road design guides and
manuals and the bounds of the normal design domain (for a parameter where an
increase in its value produces a higher benefit)

December 2005
Department of Main Roads Chapter 2
Road Planning and Design Manual Design Philosophy

Cost or Upper bound

Lower bound for a

new road

Normal Design Domain

6.0 7.0 Total lane width for

a two lane, two way
rural road (m)

Figure 2.5 Example of normal design domain for total lane width for a two lane, two way
rural road

December 2005
Department of Main Roads Chapter 2
Road Planning and Design Manual Design Philosophy

Cost or
benefit 2
Lower bound

Normal Design Domain bound

or “General minimum”

or “General maximum”
“Desirable minimum”

“Absolute maximum”

Range of values
“Desirable maximum”
“Absolute minimum”

or “Maximum”
or “Minimum”

Figure 2.6 Relationship between values traditionally used in road design guides and
manuals and the bounds of the normal design domain (for a parameter where an
increase in its value produces a lower benefit)

December 2005
Department of Main Roads Chapter 2
Road Planning and Design Manual Design Philosophy

Cost or

Upper bound

Design Domain

0.35 Side friction factor

Figure 2.7 Example of design domain for the side friction factor for 50km/h

above the maximum values traditionally

2.7 The Extended Design
used in road design guidelines. However an
Extended Design Domain has not been
As shown in Figure 2.3, the Extended developed for the side friction factor.)
Design Domain is a range of values below As the name implies, the Extended Design
the lower bound of the Normal Design Domain extends below the Normal Design
Domain (for a parameter where an increase Domain (for a parameter where an increase
in its value produces a higher benefit). in its value produces a higher benefit, i.e.
The scope to use such lower order values below the lower bound of the design
comes when the models used in the Normal domain that is used for a new road). Where
Design Domain contain considerable there is an Extended Design Domain, the
latitude. This is usually due to some term only refers to the extension (Figure
conservative assumptions. The new values 2.3).
are based on engineering grounds and use The use of Extended Design Domain may
data from modern and comprehensive be limited to particular parameters (e.g.
international research. sight distance) where research has
(Note: Conversely, for some design demonstrated that the adoption of Extended
parameters where an increase in its value Design Domain will not result in
produces a lower benefit, such as the side significantly higher crash rates. While
friction factor, the Extended Design Extended Design Domain may be the least
Domain would be a range of design values preferred design solution, it may be

December 2005
Department of Main Roads Chapter 2
Road Planning and Design Manual Design Philosophy

necessary in certain circumstances, usually determined on a case by case basis.

for existing roads in constrained situations. The designer should refer to the
discussion and Appendices in Chapter 4
Improving existing roads, particularly the
to do this. An example may be that
geometry of existing roads, is relatively
Norm-day-2s-wet-0.2m stopping is the
expensive. Furthermore, the cost
appropriate minimum capability for a
differential between upgrading a road to a
particular crest in a particular
level within the Normal Design Domain
restoration project. For a 110km/h
compared to a level within the Extended
design speed this corresponds to a
Design Domain is usually high within these
cases. In contrast, the relative cost
differential between providing a road that
lower bound crest curve radius of about
conforms to the Normal Design Domain Designers should be aware that simply
compared to the Extended Design Domain adopting lower order values for a parameter
is likely to be much less for a new road at a (including Extended Design Domain
“green field” site. An existing road also values) for several design criteria may
represents a significant prior investment. produce an unsafe and/or unsatisfactory
Therefore, the focus when restoring existing result. For example, combining a minimum
roads should be to optimise the asset to radius horizontal curve with a minimum
maximise the investment already made and radius crest curve and a minimum
to be made while still providing adequate carriageway width may be a hazard to road
safety. users; even though individually they
“comply” in combination they may produce
The use of the Extended Design Domain
an undesirable result. Where a lower order
will also be applicable in the case of a
value is adopted for one geometric element
major re-alignment on a low volume road,
it is usually desirable to adopt a value that
as generally the Normal Design Domain for
is above the lower order value for other
many design parameters has to suit
elements (e.g. increase the pavement width
operation at moderate to high traffic levels.
to allow vehicles to manoeuvre on an
Section 2.9 and Chapter 4 discuss situations
absolute minimum radius vertical curve).
where the use of Normal Design Domain
This philosophy is particularly relevant
and the Extended Design Domain may be
when applying the Extended Design
Domain concept.
An example of using the Extended Design
Figure 2.9 is another conceptual diagram
Domain for a crest curve follows:
that shows the Design Domain, the Normal
• The Extended Design Domain upper Design Domain and the Extended Design
bound crest curve radius for a Domain, and how the risk of litigation may
restoration project is 9,500m from change for a given geometric parameter.
Chapter 12. This corresponds to the The risk of litigation needs to be considered
lower bound of the Normal Design when adopting particular values of a
Domain shown in Figure 2.8. geometric parameter for restoration of an
• The Extended Design Domain lower existing road.
bound crest curve radius for a
restoration project must be

December 2005
Department of Main Roads Chapter 2
Road Planning and Design Manual Design Philosophy

In Figure 2.9: The recommended process for using the

Extended Design Domain on a restoration
• “Area 1” represents the Normal Design
project is described in Chapter 4.
Pending the description of all design
• “Line A” represents the minimum value
parameters in terms of design domain
of a geometric parameter given in a
throughout this Manual, guides for the
road design manual for the design of a
current Extended Design Domain
new road.
parameters are contained within the

2 The vertical line denotes a geometric
parameter whose minimum value is not
influenced by traffic volume (e.g. crest
Appendices of Chapter 4.

2.7.1 Further information

curve size).
For further discussion on the Extended
• “Area 2” represents the Extended
Design Domain the reader should refer to
Design Domain. It still ensures
(Cox 2003a), (Cox 2003b), Cox and Foley
reasonable capability and safety for
(2003), Cox (2004) and Cox and Arndt
road users – capability that can be
(2005). For further information about the
identified, explained and defended
Extended Design Domain and unsignalised
when it is applied appropriately.
intersections readers should refer to Arndt
• “Area 3” represents design exceptions (2004).
(refer to Section 2.8).
2.8 Below the Design
The use of the Extended Design Domain
Domain – a design
requires documentation of the decisions
about, and/or analysis of:
• possible alternatives; Values in the range denoted by “Area 3” of
Figure 2.9 fall below the Extended Design
• design trade-offs (each one);
Domain because they are not likely to be
• any special needs (e.g. road vehicles, supported on the grounds of reasonable
road users, etc); design capability (e.g. can not provide
• the capabilities provided and why these reasonable stopping capability). It is not
are likely to be reasonable; the prerogative of road designers to decide
whether to retain a design exception.
• the extent to which the intents of design
criteria are achieved including: Existing roads can consist of geometry with
values that are below the design domain.
o how well they are achieved;
Strategic planners within road authorities
o how relevant the intents are; and allocate funding, determine investment
strategies, and describe the general intent or
o the acceptability of any
purpose for road projects based on an
economic assessment (e.g. using a
It should also include evidence that there benefit/cost analysis), competing network
are higher priority safety issues to be priorities and a range of other factors (e.g.
addressed elsewhere on the network. factors discussed in Section 2.3).

December 2005
Department of Main Roads Chapter 2
Road Planning and Design Manual Design Philosophy

A designer, whether from a consultancy or developed its Road Safety Risk

the road authority itself, does not take Manager software tool which may be
responsibility for deciding whether to retain suitable in some instances: Australian
a design exception. If a designer is Standards, 2004);
particularly concerned about the adoption
• evidence that there are higher priority
of a design exception (e.g. reasonable
safety issues to be addressed elsewhere
evidence exists that there is a major safety
on the network;
concern or the designer believes the design
exception can be eliminated), the designer • the use/installation of mitigating
must raise the issue with the Main Roads
District Director for further analysis and re-
devices, including the posting of
advisory speeds (where permitted),
approval. fencing to reduce potential hazards, etc;

Cases where designers are forced to retain • an investigation into, and review of, the
values outside the design domain constitute crash history relating to the use of the
design exceptions. Any decision to use substandard value at the particular
values in this range must be documented location; and
and it must be justified by: • approval by the Main Roads District
• the level of capability that still exists, if Director.
any (and the Extended Design Domain Details for each of above points must be
check and optional check cases may included in the documentation.
help in this);
Designers may become involved in some of
• any major constraints that apply (e.g. the above tasks (e.g. identifying appropriate
geotechnical issues or prohibitive costs traffic management devices for the
related to relocation of major public particular design exception).
utility plant);
• overriding circumstances (e.g. 2.9 Requirement for
environmental constraints, social geometric assessment
imperatives); and choice of Domain
• a risk assessment with output justifying Chapter 4 discusses when a geometric
the adoption of such a value (e.g. the assessment is warranted and what design
Project Managers Risk Management domain can be chosen for different types of
Guidelines – Main Roads, 2004: Main projects.
Roads officers can also refer to Main
Roads “onq” intranet site; the
Australian Road Research Board has

December 2005
Department of Main Roads Chapter 2
Road Planning and Design Manual Design Philosophy

Cost or Upper bound for a new
benefit road

Lower bound for a

restoration project

Lower bound for a

new road

Domain Normal design domain

# 9,500m Crest curve radius


# Value to be determined by the designer on a case-by-case basis.

Figure 2.8 Example of extended and normal design domains for crest curve radius for a
110km/h design speed.

December 2005
Department of Main Roads Chapter 2
Road Planning and Design Manual Design Philosophy

Lower limit of
Design Domain A Minimum value for
a new road

Domain –
Increased risk
Traffic volume

of liability
3 2 1 Normal level of
Design defence

scope for Extended
defence Design

Range of values
Figure 2.9 Conceptual diagram showing the Design Domain, the Extended Design
Domain and the how risk of liability increases (for a parameter where an increase in its
value produces a higher benefit)

December 2005
Department of Main Roads Chapter 2
Road Planning and Design Manual Design Philosophy

expectations for the driver, who then

2.10 Design consistency
operates the vehicle in accordance with
2.10.1 Background those expectations, which in turn are in tune
with the standard of road.
Safety on roads is closely related to the Fuller et al (2002) explores in detail the
driver’s ability to anticipate events and effect of human behaviour and limitations
react to them. Perception and reaction in approaching the driving task. Designers
times are critical to the development of should take note of the following:
sight distance criteria and the other
2 elements that rely on this parameter. In
this, the driver’s expectations play a major
• Drivers do not always operate at their
optimal level of competence - their
part. Perception and reaction times for performance may be degraded because
matters that accord with a driver’s of several factors (e.g. fatigue, stress,
expectations are less than those that are poor motivation, low level of attention
needed when the road ahead does not or arousal).
conform to the driver’s expectations. • Task performance can be considered on
Designers should account for this by three levels - skill based, rule based and
reducing or eliminating uncertainty or the knowledge based:
unexpected for drivers (or by allowing for o Skill based performance is so well
increased perception and reaction times). learned that a person performs the
An important component of reducing or task automatically.
eliminating uncertainty is design
o Rule based performance is guided
consistency. This consistency should be
by a set of rules such as the rules of
applied over long lengths of road links and
the road (e.g. a “Stop” sign ahead
as far as possible, over a wide geographic
invokes a learned behaviour of
area. The more consistent the designs are,
slowing down and stopping at the
the greater the contribution of the designer
to reducing crashes on the road system.
o Knowledge based performance has
Different road functions exist within the
no rules to guide the driver and
road system; the road function reflects the
actions are taken on the basis of
type of service provided by the road. In
experience of the situation
addition, there are significant variations in
confronting the driver.
topography from area to area and these
need to be accommodated in the designs. “Where events are such that there is no
There should be consistency of design for rule to guide behaviour, such as where
each road function in each terrain type there is a novel problem with which the
regardless of location (TAC, 1999). driver has to deal, reference must be made
to his or her broader representation of
This approach leads to the concept of the
knowledge of the vehicle, the highway or
“self explaining road” (Fuller et al, 2002).
traffic system, the behaviour of other road
That is, a road whose features tell the driver
users or even of basic principles, to enable
what type of road it is and therefore what
formulation of an appropriate solution as to
can be expected in terms of the elements of
what to do. This is known as knowledge-
the design. This provides a confidence in

December 2005
Department of Main Roads Chapter 2
Road Planning and Design Manual Design Philosophy

based level of performance. This Actual crash history can provide insight
knowledge base grows with experience so into the design consistency of a road and
that experienced drivers have recourse to a this history should be used on existing
relatively extensive knowledge base roads as the basis of any review of
compared to novice drivers. Thus the latter consistency.
are likely to produce a higher proportion of
wrong ‘solutions’ when faced with a novel 2.10.2 Cross section consistency
situation” (Fuller et al, 2002).
For a given road function, in given terrain
These factors demonstrate the vulnerability
of drivers to the driving task and the
importance of providing an environment
conditions, cross section elements should
be similar everywhere. Ideally, they should 2
be the same on a specific road since the
where normal expectations are met and a operating speed can be affected by the cross
learned response will be appropriate. One section. For example, a narrow, confined
way of providing this type of environment cross section is likely to result in a slower
is to provide consistency in the design of speed of operation than one with similar
the road. geometric characteristics but a wide, open
“Therefore, other things being equal, the cross section.
more predictable the roadway and its A situation to be avoided is the creation of
characteristics, the easier the driving task incompatibilities between the road cross
and the easier it is to use safely. The section and its horizontal and vertical
implication for the highway engineer is that alignment. For example, improving the
the design of road features should take cross sectional elements on a road section
account of road-user expectations” (Fuller with a poor standard of alignment without a
et al, 2002). corresponding improvement in the
Consistency is a fundamental issue in the alignment can result in a driver having an
development of link strategies. Once the erroneous and potentially hazardous illusion
various dimensions have been established, of a road of higher standard than it really is.
they should be applied consistently (e.g. Drivers might then operate at speeds
lane and shoulder widths, clear zone excessive for the critical alignment
arrangements, road edge guide posts, conditions.
signing conventions, intersection There will be cases where the cross section
treatments). dimensions change suddenly (e.g. where a
Design consistency can be addressed in four lane divided road becomes a two lane,
three areas: two-way road). In these cases, the designer
should provide an appropriate transition
• cross section consistency;
between the two cross sections with
• operating speed consistency; and appropriate tapers and advance signing to
mitigate the impact of the change. Ideally a
• driver workload consistency.
transition from four lanes to two lanes
An example of providing consistency is to should occur in conjunction with another
use, where possible, a consistent obvious change. When the change is not
intersection layout/treatment on a link. obvious experience indicates that head on
accidents can increase significantly.

December 2005
Department of Main Roads Chapter 2
Road Planning and Design Manual Design Philosophy

2.10.3 Operating speed inconsistent speed of operation. Such

consistency circumstances may include:
• rural subdivisions accessing local
Multiple vehicle crash rates on roads are
services via a high speed arterial road;
closely related to the variations in speed
between vehicles on the road. These
variations can be caused by individual • changing local roads to high speed
drivers adjusting their speed to arterial roads rather than adding new
negotiate/accommodate property entrances, higher order roads into the network.

2 intersections and changes in geometry. The

greater and more frequent the speed
An appropriate mix of higher and lower
order roads in the network, access control
variations, the greater the probability of a
and appropriate integration of development
higher crash rate. The other source of
can help to resolve these issues.
speed differential is by drivers travelling
substantially slower or faster than the 2.10.4 Driver workload
average speed of the traffic, and this also consistency
results in a substantially higher risk of
crashes for these drivers. Figure 2.10 Some of the human factors affecting driver
illustrates the mean collision (i.e. crash) rate performance were discussed in Section
versus speed difference between successive 2.10.1. Driver workload also has a marked
geometric elements. effect on performance at both ends of the
spectrum. If the demand is too low, the
Designers can therefore enhance the safety
driver’s attention (i.e. level of arousal) will
of a road by producing a design that
be too low with probable loss of vigilance
encourages a consistent speed of operation.
and the driver may even fall asleep at the
Chapter 6 discusses in detail the methods wheel. At the other end of the spectrum, if
for designers to allow for the operating the arousal level is too high (e.g. stress,
speed of drivers on a road. By applying the information overload, emotional situations)
concepts of Chapter 6 (i.e. assessing the the driver may compensate by ignoring
operating speed on each element) and the some relevant information leading to unsafe
detailed design requirements of Chapter 11 operation of the vehicle.
(and Chapters 10 and 12 which all include a
In these circumstances, driver response to
description of detailed curve design),
unexpected situations may be too slow or
designers can produce a design that
inappropriate. It is important that the
encourages consistency of operation.
designer ensure that abrupt increases in
Road networks that do not provide an driver workload are avoided as these
appropriate road hierarchy, thereby forcing provide the potential for a higher crash rate.
short trip local traffic to mix with high
speed through traffic, may also result in an

December 2005
Department of Main Roads Chapter 2
Road Planning and Design Manual Design Philosophy

Figure 2.10 Mean collision rate versus mean speed difference between successive
geometric elements (TAC, 1999)

These increases can be caused by: or lane drop is more critical than a change
in shoulder width).
• limited sight distance to the feature;
Situations where most or all of these factors
• dissimilarity of the feature to the
are encountered simultaneously should be
previous feature (causing surprise to the
avoided (TAC, 1999).
Designers need to be aware of these factors
• large percentages of drivers unfamiliar
and provide the driver with a consistent
with the road (e.g. tourist road as
level of arousal (that is not too low and not
opposed to a local road);
too high) but with adequate variation to
• a high demand on the driver’s attention maintain the arousal level. There are
after a period of lesser demand (e.g. a implications for design where changes
sharp curve at the end of a long occur and designers should make allowance
straight) for additional reaction times where a
The criticality of the feature may also section of road with low arousal features
influence the crash rate (e.g. an intersection changes to a situation requiring a higher

December 2005
Department of Main Roads Chapter 2
Road Planning and Design Manual Design Philosophy

state of arousal. Some guidelines (based on • Employ practices of error management:

Fuller et al 2002) to assist are: prevention, tolerance and recovery (e.g.
provide a forgiving roadside
• Avoid low arousal inducing road
environment, refer to Chapter 8).
alignments (typically a straight
alignment, with unchanging • Aim for error prevention and error
landscaping). Medium complexity tolerance.
helps maintain activation. One device
• Provide good information.
to use is to provide specific “aiming

2 •
points” for drivers (refer to Chapter 10).
Consider the needs of fatigued and
Consider elements of the roadway such

drowsy drivers (e.g. provide rest areas, o lighting;

provide audible edge lines). o signing of hazards;
• Avoid stimulus driven high arousal o marking of hazards;
states (e.g. too much critical
o signing of routes;
information on a fast road section).
o road marking;
• Avoid things that compete for, or
distract, a driver’s attention when o control by signals;
critical information is being presented
o rumble strips or surfaces;
(e.g. other light sources near traffic
signals, advertising hoardings near o speed controls;
directional or hazard signing). o traffic calming elements;
• Avoid information overload (e.g. avoid o enforced restrictions;
excessive signing).
o roadway width;
• Avoid memory related errors by placing
o hard shoulders;
the necessary information “in the
world” rather than rely on it being o clear zone;
stored in the driver’s head - locate it
o breakaway (i.e. frangible) light
close to the vulnerable phases of the
standards and roadside furniture;
o roadside furniture;
• Design road features to take account of
driver expectations. o safety barriers;

• Avoid incorrect speed expectations by o error recovery areas;

using speed guidance at critical road o run out areas;
o vehicle design;
• Consider controlling the effects of
o road surface friction; and
speed adaptation (e.g. drivers will
approach the first off-motorway curves o batter slopes.
and intersections at a higher speed than
• Increase feedback to drivers regarding
they imagine).
the quality of their performance (which

December 2005
Department of Main Roads Chapter 2
Road Planning and Design Manual Design Philosophy

may only be feasible where variable

message signing is available).
An example of the application of these
principles is in the design of rural
intersections over an extended length of the
road system. It is necessary to provide
consistency of experience as the driver
traverses the route. Therefore, the
dimensions of the elements of the
intersection (e.g. tapers, length of auxiliary
lanes) should be consistent. Further, the
layout of the intersection should be the
same for similar circumstances. This might
mean that a higher level of treatment should
be applied at an isolated intersection to
ensure consistent behaviour of drivers.
For example, if most intersections on a road
link are of the CHannelised Right (CHR)
type then a driver might be caught unaware
by a vehicle turning right at an isolated
BAsic Right (BAR) type (possibly resulting
in a rear end collision or overtaking
accident). Similarly, if most intersections
on a link are of the AUxiliary Right (AUR)
type then an isolated “CHR” or roundabout
will be unexpected and greater perception
and reaction times could be required in this
case to ensure that drivers perceive the
additional objects on the roadway surface
and the additional complexity involved.

December 2005
Department of Main Roads Chapter 2
Road Planning and Design Manual Design Philosophy

Cox, R (2002): Two Sight Distance Models

for Road Design (But I don’t need to see
Armour M, Mclean, J (1983): The effect of that far! Do I?) - Main Roads Technology
shoulder width and type on rural traffic Transfer Forum.
safety and operations - Australian Road Cox, R (2003): Reduced sight distance on
Research, Volume 13, 4, 1983-12, pp 259- existing rural roads: how can we defend it?
70, Australian Road Research Board – 21st Australian Road Research Board
(ARRB). (ARRB) Transport Research Conference;

2 Armour M, (1984): The effect of shoulder

design on fatal accident rates on rural
11th Road Engineering Association of Asia
and Australasia (REAAA) Conference.
highways - Internal Report, AIR 404-1, Cox R (2004): Process for using Extended
1984-04, pp 29P, Australian Road Research Design Domain on a Restoration Project –
Board (ARRB). presentation at Main Roads Extended
Armour M, (1984): The relationship Design Domain Training course.
between shoulder design and accident rates Cox R (2005): Fitness for Purpose and
on rural highways - Australian Road Extended Design Domain Training – Cross
Research, Volume 12, 5, 1984, pp 49-62, Sections - presentation at Main Roads
Australian Road Research Board (ARRB). Extended Design Domain Training course.
Arndt, O (2004): Relationship between Cox R and Foley A-M (2003): Fit for
unsignalised intersection geometry and Purpose – What are the legal liability
accident rates - Doctoral thesis submitted implications? - paper presented at the
to the School of Civil Engineering, Queensland Department of Main Roads
Queensland University of Technology 2003 Planning and Design Symposium.
Cox R and Arndt, O (2005): Using an
Arndt, O (2005): Report on 3rd Extended Design Domain Concept for Road
International Symposium on Highway Restoration Projects - paper prepared for
Geometric Design - Internal Queensland the 3rd International Symposium on
Department of Main Roads Report. Highway Geometric Design in Chicago,
Australian Road Research Board (ARRB) USA.
Road Safety Risk Manager: (Current URL Fambro D, Fitzpatrick K and Koppa R (1997): Determination of Stopping Sight
content&task=view&id=76&Itemid=96.) Distances - Report 400, National
Australian Standards (2004): AS/NZS Cooperative Highway Research Program,
4360:2004 Risk management. Transportation Research Board,
Washington DC, USA.
Australian Standards (2004): HB 436:2004
(Guidelines to AS/NZS 4360:2004) Risk
Management Guidelines Companion to
AS/NZS 4360:2004.

December 2005
Department of Main Roads Chapter 2
Road Planning and Design Manual Design Philosophy

Federal HighWay Administration (FHWA, Olsen P, Cleveland D, Fancher P,

United States Department of Kostyniuk L and Schneider L (1984):
Transportation): Context Sensitive Design Parameters Affecting Stopping Sight
(CSD)/Context Sensitive Solutions (CSS) Distance - Report 270, National
URL: Cooperative Research Program, Transportation Research Board,
ms/environment/env_1cs.pdf, accessed Washington DC, USA.
Pickering M, Cox R and Arndt O (2003):
Fuller, Ray & Jorge A. Santos (2002):
Human Factors for Highway Engineers -
Pergamon (Elsevier Science Ltd, Oxford,
Fitness for purpose and the extended design
domain – paper included in Queensland
Department of Main Roads 2004 Extended
UK). Design Domain Training course.
Hauer, E (1998): Literature Review and Queensland Department of Main Roads
Analysis on Collision Rates on Vertical (2002): Roads Connecting Queenslanders.
Alignment - University of Toronto (reported
Queensland Department of Main Roads
in Geometric Design Guide for Canadian
(2003): Strategic Framework for Road
Roads, TAC, 1999).
System Asset Management.
Juran J, and Gryna F (1988): Juran’s
Queensland Department of Main Roads
Quality Control Handbook, 4th Edition,
(2004): Project Manager's Risk
McGraw-Hill, New York, USA.
Management Guidelines. (The current link
Juran, J. (1989): Juran on Leadership for to the document is
Quality: An Executive Handbook - Free
Press, New York, USA. /Prod/Content.nsf/b495dab138a6b17a4a256
Louis, L (2002): Design standards and
approach to “Fit for Purpose”.
Queensland Department of Main Roads
McLean, J (1977): The interrelationship
(2005): onq - Queensland Transport and
between accidents and road alignment -
Main Roads project management (intranet)
Internal Report, AIR 000-68, 1977-04, pp
website, URL: http://intranet/onq
18P, Australian Road Research Board
(ARRB). Queensland Department of Main Roads
(2005): Preconstruction Processes
McLean, J (2000): Effects of Sealed
Shoulders on Road User Costs - report for
Austroads. Richmond, A (2002). “Fitness for
Purpose” in Engineering Design - Paper
McLean, J (2000): Study on Cross Sections
presented at the Queensland Department of
for National Highways - report for the
Main Roads 2003 Planning and Design
Commonwealth Department of Transport
and Regional Services.
Transportation Association of Canada
New Zealand Ministry of Consumer Affairs
(TAC) (1999): Geometric Design Guide for
(2002): Web Page Glossary of Terms.
Canadian Roads.

December 2005
Department of Main Roads Chapter 2
Road Planning and Design Manual Design Philosophy

United Kingdom Department of the

Environment, Transport and the Regions
(1999): Achieving Best Value Through
Quality Management.
Veith G, Bennet B and Armistead A
(2005): Austroads Road Design Series Part
2: Design Considerations – Austroads
report on Project Number TP1046.

December 2005
Department of Main Roads Chapter 2
Road Planning and Design Manual Design Philosophy

Relationship to other
This Chapter sets out the overall philosophy
adopted by the Main Roads for the design
of roads in Queensland. It therefore relates
to all of the other Chapters of this Manual,
which have to be read in conjunction with,
and applied in light of, the philosophy
espoused here. 2
Chapter 4 in particular provides extra detail
regarding the design domain, the Normal
Design Domain and the Extended Design
Domain. It includes requirements for
geometric assessment and choice of domain
and guidelines for the use of the Extended
Design Domain.

December 2005

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