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Name: Karen Lorena Rodríguez Sepúlveda

Code: 201710905


In 2017, Juliana's parents forced her to study medicine at a very prestigious
university, but that wasn't the career she wanted. She loved the arts, loved being
able to express her feelings by painting, making theatre performance, singing and
dancing, but her parents did not support her dream of being an artist. On her first
day, Juliana was very sad and disappointed, she had her spirits on the ground, she
just wanted to run out of that university to take refuge in her room, writing theatre
performances, singing her favorite music or painting extraordinary sculptures.
Juliana knew no one, she saw that all her running mates were talking to each
other, getting to know each other and interacting. She was the only one who was
alone in a corner of the classroom.
Her first class was biology, the teacher entered the classroom and asked all
students to show up saying their name, age, the reason they had entered to study
that career and the expectations they had. Juliana was already desperate, because
she believed all her peers were going to make fun of her for studying a career she
didn't like.
Suddenly, a tall boy, with black hair, honey-colored eyes, had hearing aids on, a
very large jacket for his context, white sneakers, dressed very fresh and casual,
when Juliana first saw him, he found himself a very attractive man, but decided not
to pay attention to him. He sat near her, also in a chair alone in the classroom.
Laura and Sofia (two classmates of her career), approached Juliana because they
saw her very alone, she told them her story, however, they did not judge her or
laugh at her, they simply understood her and encouraged her to see the good side
of things and reminded her that from that moment on she could count on them as
her new friends. They spent all day together, Juliana thought that even though she
was going to study something she didn't like, the five years she was supposed to
be in college wouldn't be so bad in the company of her friends.
Juliana told Laura that the boy who entered the classroom had found him very
attractive and that she would like to meet him; to her surprise, Laura knew him as
they had studied at the same school and in the same city. Juliana was very happy,
because Laura was going to introduce him.
The next day they went to play volleyball at the university coliseum and there was
the boy, his name was Esteban, Laura introduced them and Esteban was shocked
when he saw Juliana, because she thought she was a very beautiful woman.
Esteban really liked sports, played very well volleyball, because at the school
where he study, towards part of the team. He also liked the arts, loved listening to
music and watching plays, was the perfect complement to Juliana. That day,
Juliana and Esteban spent the whole afternoon, talking about their tastes, their
family, what they wanted to do in life. He accompanied Juliana to her house, as
they coincidentally lived in the same sector. When she got home, Juliana was very
happy, because despite studying a career she didn't like, she had found two
amazing friends and a man who had stolen her heart.
Days passed and Juliana and Esteban became more and more in love, every day
they were together, they were going to eat an ice cream, they were in the same
classes, they went out to the house together and went to college together, the two
felt like they were soul mates.
Juliana decided to tell her parents that she was dating Esteban and that she was
very excited that she felt she had finally found the love of her life. However, they
disagreed with their love, so they thought about getting their daughter out of
college. Juliana didn't understand why her parents didn't want to see her happy, so
she decided to tell Esteban what was going on.
Esteban was very concerned because he felt he had found the love of his life and
would have to let him go, so he decided to surprise Juliana and declare all her love
in front of her parents. With Laura's help, he decided to buy a teddy bear, a
bouquet of roses and make her a sign that said "Do you want to be my girlfriend?"
and take her to Juliana's house on March 28 of that year. And so it was, that day
Esteban was very concerned, because he was afraid of the reaction that the
parents of her lover might have.
When Esteban arrived at Juliana's house, he was very nervous, his hands were up
and he couldn't sit still, he knock on the door and Juliana came out the window
when she suddenly saw the wonderful surprise that Esteban had in store for her.
Immediately, her parents came out to see what was going on and when they saw it
was Esteban, they were very happy because they understood that her daughter's
heart had him a detailed, gentlemanly and respectful man and decided to leave
Juliana at that university.
Finally, Juliana said YES to Esteban and from that day on they began their
relationship. Almost 4 years have passed and they are the happiest couple in the
world since in their relationship love, happiness, tenderness and respect are
maintained. They also understood that they must fight for those who love each
other and that despite the difficulties that maybe presented to them in their
relationship, fate will always unite them because it is a TRUE LOVE.

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