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okay folks welcome back this is going to

be a

really short weekend review uh we're


those weeks i told you that i would be

reserving commentary and trying not to

entice anyone in here to to do anything

so this week and this week here

we're focusing on just conceptual and


all right so i will give you very soft

commentary in this one

what i'll be looking for but please

just respect the measure of risk that's

entering the marketplace

and at any time something can happen and

completely blitz

the markets and if you're in a trade it

might not

it might be something you can't weather

even with your stop-loss

right so here is the

hourly dollar index now i'm going to go

through the hourly and 15 on each

of the dollar euro and cable right away

you can see the market structure here on

the dollar

we traded down into the levels i

commented on on wednesday so

i prompted you all on the community tab

of my youtube channel to go

and watch that wednesday review

from the 21st of october

all right so we traded up into a

imbalance here which you'll see that on

the daily chart

uh it's the fair value gap

small little fair value got within that

it trades up to it here

small trend line midpoint

attacks that it did here

and came back up the rebalance and i'm

gonna show you something about

this here when we drop down into the 15

minute time frame but i want you to zoom

in with me

all right so we're zoomed in on that


so the market had a gap here we came

down filled the gap

order block rally reached up into the

fair value gap


small little fair value above relative

equal highs so

by side liquidity has been taken here

then we came back up to mean threshold

of the last up closed candle on a 15

minute time frame that's what you're

going to see here

with this line then we broke

the midpoint of the trend line so you

have a trendline phantom

and the market breaks down i'm going to

cover in detail

the importance of this and why it needed

to do this all right

and the market traded down into the

imbalance we'll see on a 15 minute time

frame and revisited

the gap see that that blue line

reacts up into it here so

looking at the hourly chart i'd like to

see it trade

lower that's what i would expect to see

it trading

going into this week will it happen

i don't know and because of the economic


and the presidential election and

everybody is on

pins and needles waiting to see if biden

gets in

because that's going to cause all kinds

of problems for

the the markets i mean it really is you

you may be a democrat in this audience

and you may think that trump sucks and

this that the other thing

but the things that biden's talking

about just

from a macro standpoint is going to

remove any possibility of a sustained


and it's just going to cause companies

to say you know i'm out of here

and that means jobs going to go down and

if that happens

you know he'll have a perfect excuse to

say well he inherited something from


look i don't want to get into the

divisiveness of

pro-trump pro-biden all i'm saying is

regardless of who gets in office we have

a problem

and it's going to be seen in the

marketplace so

what we do over the next coming weeks

in terms of execution would be

asking to lose money okay if you were

ever considering trading live funds

and you're trying to do it over the next

two weeks you might as well just take

that money

and go to the casino and put it all on

some random number on the uh roulette

table and just let it go there because

you'll probably do a better job doing it


than doing it in the marketplace and

that's his

plane and this to the point because i

can get it

all right so let's drop into a 15 minute

time because i don't want this video to

be all that long

all right so here is that trendline


and the mean threshold of the last up

close candle

bearish order block after it trades up


small little fair value gap here in the

form of a city sell side and balance bot

side and efficiency

relative equal highs so by side


consequent encouragement of the fair

value gap

there breaks down

returns back to the order block and then

smashes now once it trades to this level


you'll have to go into the price data

right there

now i'm going to take this line off just

to keep things
clean but just know that that was the

catalyst for what i'm looking at and why

i'm covering what i'm covering

because it goes along with reversal

patterns so

we had a gap in here the market traded


down and through that trend line that we

used for trend line phantoms retail was

looking to buy it here

you can see it started to have that

little bit of a a tail

full flag and then it

crushed them and it traded through that

midpoint level

of the trend line so that liquidity is


but now that trend line's broken with an

idea that we're looking for what

in dollar what were we looking for

weaker prices

so here is a pd array here's a pd array

it trades up into optimal trade entry as

well and

breaks so this is one of those instances

where you can trade it

if you have the bias that's bearish or

you wait for it to give you that

confirmation that it's attacking the

retail buyers

once it smashes down through here we

have a gap

and only sell side delivery you see that

so what i'm looking at here is the close

of this candle that's what i'm

highlighting not the bottom of this

candle it's

the close of that candle that's what i'm

anchored to

i'm drawing it out in time and i'm using

this small little

tick see it right there right there

i'm using that why that because it's the

last one before this candle formed

okay so there's your gap and

only sell side delivered here so how

does it rebalance

forget the fact that we we broke this

and it's potentially selling off

if it trades down through this we always

look for a potential area

to rebalance and it's a gap so it only

offered sell side here

so an efficient market would be what


buy side so the market needs to pass


these two levels on the upswing

that's how markets efficiently book

so every time there's a market delivery

on the downside

at some future time we want to see it

trade back up into it and it does so

and then it breaks again trades right

back to the bottom of the gap

another optimal trade entry so that's a

reversal pattern

and it trades lower into the close on

friday now friday i'm not trying to


going into the weekend i'm certainly not

trying to trade on fridays really any

day of the week right now it should be


paper trade that's it

i mean because if you do a demo account

it's going to give you

the impression that you're doing better

than you should view yourself

it's it's not going to be clear it's not


it's all blind luck if you do anything

it looks like it's a positive result

okay so that's how you differentiate

when you're practicing and moving


consistency and understanding versus

playing in the sandbox and gambling

because that's what you'd be doing over

the next two weeks

so i like the idea of that gap here

and we had this

valve cell side efficiency fair value

gap there

and it trades down to it here and then

we get the reaction back up into it


so this is a premium from range high to

range low

and we rebalanced all the cell side here

so that's a potential reversal if it

breaks down

same thing bearish order block hits it

and trades back to the bottom of the gap

trades off i believe

that we need to be watching here

that's our next short term draw on

liquidity so we have

cell side resting below here and then

below this low here and then ultimately

if it really starts to cascade lower

we're looking down here okay so that's

kind of an intermediate term perspective

but it's going to take a lot to

to get there unless something comes in

the marketplace and just

really causes the central banks to

reprice aggressively
all right so let's go over to your

dollar staying in

the 15 minute time frame and we'll build

back up to the hourly on that

all right so

oh my goodness ict is trading trend


yeah about that all right so we have

several things in here now

this is the time where listening to what

i say in the videos

and listening to the if or then

statements because that is algorithmic


i said i wanted to see if it'd be

willing to trade rate from here

and go higher that's what i wanted to


but if it doesn't and it trades below


go back and listen to the video i

believe it's around the 13 minute mark

to 14 minute mark

if it trades below here then it's going

to want to trace deeper and go into this

area right there

okay that's exactly what i said in the

video so

how do you use that information how do

you work with that

well if you are looking for

this level to be broken let's say you

were in alignment with

the near term as a short-term trader you

like the idea

that if this broke as i said it should

if it does any rally after that

would be a suspect rally and you can

sell short as a judas

you can also frame any other short-term


selling short and targeting anywhere in


area that's a rebalance or below this


or you stand on the sidelines

and you wait till it trades down here if

you're long or bullish

you take a long idea there and paper

trade that

if it would rally right from here that's

fine that's what i would have rather


but because it was wednesday going into

thursday if it took out this

low now listen this if it takes this low


the weekly range is probably capped

it's probably not going to keep going

it's going to need to retrace down to


and the likelihood of it running up to

higher highs probably not

going to happen on a friday so we have

two trend lines here

one if it breaks below here and it does

it takes that liquidity

then it's going to rally up and

sell-off notice that it's simply not a

retail idea of

trend line broken return and sell short

at the trend line it denies them

it doesn't let them have that trend line

phantom on the downside i'm gonna take

this off because we've already

used it and talked about it so we have

another trend line here

midpoint is here so what's it gonna

attack if it rallies

right above there so there's your trend

line phantom in reverse

in sync with the logic that was used if

it trades below this low here

then it's going to go here remember that

okay go back and listen to the video

from wednesday

if it trades below here then it's going

to go here

it won't go always a straight line to it

you have to trade with a pd array

matrix premium level high

to low

here's your high to low

boom okay optimal trade entry

suspect rally basically a judah swing we

have a target

of negative one down here that overlaps

with the run below here

and inside the fair value gap so 117 97

basically 1 18 big figure or if you want

to try

1 17 97

it has you know has the tree below that

with the spread to get that it does

and also trades down into the order

block so it gives you a lot of room to

get out of that

swing from here so what i just covered

is the objective

of using the commentaries i tell you

what i want to see

if it doesn't happen i give you the

criteria that would lead to a price


in an opposing direction it does not

mean i favor

selling short or going long it just

means that you need to study that

and see what it's doing and you'll find

quickly that we have

the ability to see what is likely to


and what sets the stage for the next

future price swing

if you're just listening to i hope he

tells me what i'm going to buy at

then or sell at and not

think about the things i'm telling you

that create these scenarios

then you're going to really be

frustrated in 2021 because it's going to

be a lot of that type of stuff

in the teachings and it's going to seem

really dry to you because

you want it to be spelled out for you

and it is but it's not in the way that

you probably came to this mentorship


give me an entry give me a stop give me

a target

because that's what every retail trader

wants i'm not

teaching retail i'm teaching you how to

think independently

so you have to listen and then you have

to think about the things i'm saying

in the commentaries because while it's

not a signal service

it's better than a signal service

because it's teaching you how to


price moves and where the market's going

to draw to next before it unfolds

okay so we're gonna you start

leaning into that type of delivery of


in a more i guess structured way

and bring out for charter members only

in 2021 their lessons will be specific


algorithmic theory so that way you can

start thinking about okay when these

instances occur in price then these are

the factors that should be

salient to that current market structure

and i'm showing you over the last two


these things okay these elements that i

haven't really been doing

up until recently because we're getting

towards the end of the real

content so when we end next year the

the majority of everything that would

have ever been taught

is done and then all we do from there is

act as a community
exchange ideas and i still do reviews

and such

but it'll be more more relaxed and i'll

be more

involved in the forum

so anyway the market trades up after

breaking the low here

and then creates a run institutional

order flow entry drill right

there there's a cell short fair value

gap bearish order block

right there there's a cell short

fair value gap optimal trade entry

there's a cell short

bearish order block optimal trade entry

there's a cell short

institutional order flow entry drill

right there that's a that's a short

and it trades down to there so how many

trades is in there

multiple and you could pay per trade

in hindsight back test all those how

much time did it take for the trade to


how much drawdown would have occurred

and how

fast it moved to the target all those


should be your point of study because

it's going to teach you without having

been in the trades yourself

it'll teach you the understanding of how

much time you have to put into a trade

and submit to it

how much drawdown can occur how long

does it

hang around before it starts moving in

your direction all those things are


they're important for you to log in your


and even not just this one or these that

i do in commentary

any other example you find important in

your pairs

that may be outside of your dollar and

pound dollar

if you're looking at like you know the

yen crosses which i can't stand and i

don't want to touch on

they may give you setups that you like

and you want to do the same thing

record how much time it takes for the

trade to form

when it forms how fast does it move in

your favor

how much drawdown how many candles or


interval is required before it trades to


take profit all those things are

important and you need to include those

in your

entries in your journal but ultimately

we get down here

we have the last down closed candle

which is a bullish order block it trades

down to mean threshold

hits that inside of the area told you

once it gets down here it's a rebalance

so rebalancing with a bullish

euro dollar that's your signature that

we would look for for

okay it needs to prove itself wanting to

go higher it does so here

and then it rallies retraces

smaller imbalance in there starts to

rally and i i would expect it to trade

above these highs that's what i would

like to see it happen

on the week to come and i would see it

trade up into these levels here in 1935.

if you look at an hourly chart

there is the structure that's in place

so i like the idea

of low resistance liquidity run

signature here

and above that we have this level there

so if we zoom out

there's the other low resistance

liquidity run signature that i've


before so we did trade above here

and we still have this one so we want to

see it trade up into the 119s and should

it do that

it could expand up into 1 1935's

keeping with the hourly we're going to

drop over to cable

and wrap this video up

so here is british pound and this one

here behaved in a manner that i did not

like and i still don't like

so i mentioned that it could trade down

to the 131s on the 15-minute timeframe

watch that level

and it showed no sensitivity whatsoever

it just went right through it

wilted and then came back up into it

again and then offered resistance there

so i still would not be

interested in trading this currency i

don't trust it and it's not behaving

like i would like to see it behave so

therefore there's a great deal of

manipulation in this

cross with a dollar so pound dollar

hands off don't touch it

i don't care if this thing goes up 500


you're asking to get hurt it's not

performing like it should

it's not delivering as it should so that


that there's a lot of manual

manipulation going on

if the things that we teach in this

mentorship aren't clearly and

easily seen and repeating that means

there's a lot of

hands-on they're manipulating it with a


okay in other words there's a human

involved that's causing these

additional fluctuations and raids and

when i see things like that and you'll

learn more about this as a charter

member in 2021

don't be discouraged if you're not a

charter member

if you just like month five or whatever

the lessons that i'm giving the charter

members they will be in there as an

archive and they're not

time sensitive it's it's

like a core content for charter member

so it's all things that you will have

access to once you become a charter


but please don't send me emails saying i

need to know this i need you don't need

to know that yet

you have so many other things to learn

at month five you just got

a huge influx of study work

i mean it's a lot of information but

this pair here does not have anything

that i would feel confident about and

because of the fact that it has a lot of

manual manipulation going on and i'm i'm

telling you this because i'm

seeing things in price that don't line


with how ipta usually delivers there's a

whole lot of

things in this price action it doesn't

make any sense

and i'm telling you to just basically

avoid it now everybody else

in chat rooms and on instagram and all


they're gonna be looking to trade

british pound because of whatever reason

i'm telling you stay off of it don't

touch it

there's nothing in this pair that need

to be worried about right now if there's

anything to do

it's going to be seen in your dollar and

finally i'm just going to toss this in

here for completeness sake

you're a pound

okay we have ran

aggressively up into this area here and

i wouldn't be surprised if this thing

keeps going higher

and take out this this high here it

doesn't need to just come up here

rebalance and then go lower

i think a lot of people are expecting

that type of thing and

with the climate that we have right now

going into the election

everything's possible and if

everything's possible that's not

high probability it's 50 50.

and 50 50 with a hyper

sensitive market in low liquidity

no one with real money is positioning

themselves ahead of

the election results on november 3rd

okay it's just

it's not happening so at midnight on

november 4th

watch your charts and you're going to

see crazy volatility

like it's going to be madness and you

hopefully will look

at that and say man i'm glad i listened

because it's going to be nuts

this pair is showing that basically

euro is stronger and i think that might


and remember there's things that

can happen anytime they're called black

swan events

and there are seasons when they are


likely to occur no one saw like

september 11th

in new york coming i mean nobody nobody

was thinking about that coming

and it happened and it changed the

entire world

we have a setting right now that could

lead to something

bigger than that and the reverberations

that go across

all countries through commerce

currency trade

war i mean that's on the table too

anything can pop off as a result of what

takes place

in our election so many policy changes

so many things that won't be

repaired or replaced or instituted

and there's big big money sitting on the

sidelines and they're waiting to see

what happens and once that happens and

the initial

shock wave hits the marketplace then we

will be able to go in

and feel confident that okay the nuclear

bomb just went off

proverbially and just now it's okay for

us to go and look for the opportunities

but if you're impatient right now and


making a close on this comment here if

you're impatient and you feel like

you've got to be trading or you feel


i'm steering you away from opportunity

or i'm holding you back

hold that thought until we get through

the week of

november 6th okay once we get through


then you critique me but right now my

number one goal is preserving myself

and my own wealth and you as my student

because you're under my wing and i don't

want any of you

making foolish mistakes thinking

well you know what happens if i'm right

it really goes crazy my favorite well

okay why don't you just trade non-farm

payroll every every friday

every month in because what this is

going to be is a

worst case scenario non-farm payroll

and no one knows so

again if you want to put if you want to

put money on something like that

you're better off going to the casino

and i mean that

this coming wednesday i'm going to be

doing a

price action lesson for you folks and

we're going to be

basically closing the uh reversal

pattern portion of this month and then

when we go into november

we'll have another theme but we'll come

back to the reversal patterns don't

don't think we're done with it but i'm

going to give you a little bit more

thought process

more things and more specific patterns

okay so it'll be

a focus on learning focus on patterns

and that way you can start going through

your old

chart data and looking for these

patterns and
see things that bridge between two

patterns overlapping patterns

and some logic that goes along with some

of them and it might be

for some of you that little bit of a

nudge that says that's the thing i want

to see because i keep seeing it

and i just wasn't sure i was seeing

something that was valid

and i may validate something that you

have been having a hunch

about something that you see in the

charts more times than anything else

and there you go you'll find that that's


that's your model that's the thing that

you look for and if you discover that

and let's just say for instance

and i'm already starting to wind up arno

i promise i'm going to end it in two

minutes or less

the the model or pattern that you frame


future trading on let's just say it's a

optimal trade entry fair value gap

okay if that's the case then you look

for instances when you're bearish

or when we're looking for bearish moves

for that bearish

pattern to form and you'd look for it

during the specific kill zones of the


on the highest probable days of the week

with an economic report

that would occur at or just before

that pattern formed and reverse it for

when you're long or bullish

and that's trading folks you just apply

money management to it and you just keep

doing that thing

you don't try to take everything i teach

you and dog pile on top of the model

and it creates a million different

filters that you have to satisfy

you don't need that but you need one

specific element

that you look for that makes sense that

repeats over and over again

and you work with that pattern inside of

a narrative

are you bullish or bearish until it gets

to what level

and then you frame that on specific days

of the week or with the economic

calendar with a medium impact or high


news event driver either at the time of

the patterns formation

or just before it formed that means it's

returning back to a level so it's going

to then spring in the direction you want

to see profit

that's it and you just wash rinse repeat

so enjoy your weekend be safe and i'll

talk to you guys

on youtube monday at 4 pm and then

obviously wednesday or

midweek review until i talk to you then

be safe

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