Past Simple Module 3

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1. Complete the sentences. Use the past simple form of this

regular verbs.
carry practise stop study travel work

a. The train worked at all the stations.

b. I studied the piano every day last week.
c. My family and I travelled to Italy last summer.
d. She practised very hard for her exams.
e. I carried my grandma’s shopping bags for her.
f. My grandad stopped as a bus driver when he
was young.

2. Look at the past simple forms. Write the base forms of

the irregular verbs.
a. met  ..........................MET
b. had  ..........................HAVE
c. left  ..........................LEAVE
d. made  ..........................MAKE
e. became  ..........................BECOME
f. won  ..........................WIN
g. found  ..........................FIND
h. went  ..........................GO, GOES
i. write  ..........................WROTE
j. was/were  ..........................AM,IS / ARE

3. Complete the text. Use the past simple affirmative os this

verbs. (Be careful! Some are regular; some are irregular).
chat do go have leave
meet sleep walk watch

Yesterday evening (1) ..went.. dinner at seven o’clock. Then

I (2) Did.. my homework and (3) watched.. TV. I (4) met
my friends ay eight o’clock at the disco. I (5) chatted with
my friends and danced. We (6) left the disco at eleven
o’clock. Unfortunately we missed the last bus so we (7)

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walked home. I (8) went to bed ay midnight. I was very
tired so I (9) slept very well.
4. Complete the sentences using the past simple negative of
these verbs.
eat go listen play se study
a. We did not play football this morning because the
weather was bal.
b. I did not eat that sandwich because I don’t like cheese.
c. We did not study Italian last year, but it’s my favourite
subject this year.
d. I did not see that programme. Was it good?
e. She did not go to school las Friday because she wa ill.
f. They did not listen to the teacher in class.

5. Make these sentences negative.

a. I bought a T-shirt yesterday.

I did not buy a T-shirt yesterday
b. She had pasta for lunch.
She did not have pasta for lunch
c. He met his friend in the park.
He did not meet his friend in the park
d. Cervantes wrote Hamlet.
Cervantes did not write Hamlet
e. England won the Football World Cup in 2002.
England did not win the Football World Cup in 2002.
f. I left home early this morning.
I did not leave home early this morning

6. Write questions and answers about Jack’s weekend. Use

the past simple.

Did Jack surf the Internet? Yes, he did

Did jack read magazines? No, he did not
Did jack play computers games? Yes, he did
Did jack listen to music? No, he did not
Did jack go shopping? No, he did not
Did jack play football? Yes, he did

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Jack’s weekend
1. surf the internet 
2. read magazines 
3. play computer games 
4. listen to music 
5. go shopping 
6. play football 

Material creado por MPD 3

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