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Existential Threat to Humanity # 1


UN Report: Increased Warming Closing in on Agreed-Upon Limit.
According to a UN report published on September 9th, a limit was set by global leaders five
years ago, but we are close to reaching or passing it in the next decade or so. Compared with the
19th century, the world is on a path to have 5.4 warmer temperatures.
A new science update released by the UN World Meteorological Organization and other global
science groups, the world has a 1 in 4 probability to experience in the next five years, which
would be so hot that would put the global temperature above the pre-industrial times.
The weekend, when it was published, was considered weather gone wild, with record heat
wildfires and two Atlantic storms. Climate scientist Noah Diffenbaugh stated; that the warming
that has already occurred has "increased the odds of extreme vents that are unprecedented in our
historical perspective.
United Nations Secretary Antonio Guterres wrote in a foreword:
" Record heat, ice loss, wildfires, floods, and droughts continue to worsen, affecting
communities, nations, and economics around the world."
China, the United States, and India by 2050 need to become carbon neutral also stops adding
heat-trapping gas to the atmosphere. The risks are considerable if no actions are taken. This year
alone is the second hottest on record and has a 37 % chance of surpassing the 2016 record.
This topic was selected because it is a matter that concerns me, I have two grandchildren, and I
am genuinely concerned about the challenges that they will be facing. They will have many
challenges for which they will have no control whatsoever; what tolls are we giving them to
New IPCC Report Warns of Vicious Cycle Between Soil Degradation and Climate Change
Many of the crops that are being harvested in the world are contributing to deforestation and soil
degradation, many of the crops that are being harvested are not intended for human consumption.
Crops are used to raise cattle, and industrial usage. As an example, Palm Oil harvesting is
devastating Indonesia.
The reports present to us the reality that our consumption patterns are driving an agricultural
business that is destroying wetlands, carbon- rich peatlands and causing deforestation. The
organic matter keeps the soil heathy and contributes to the carbon cycle. In this cycle the starting
point are the plants that thru the photosynthesis process take carbon dioxide from the atmosphere
and combine it with water. Plants make sugars and oxygen molecules using the sun’s energy.
When the soils ability is reduced climate is affected, the land is then degraded in many ways.
A vast surface of land is used to feed cattle, and other livestock than in other time was grass feed.
In the past the agriculture and raising cattle wero done by farmers, but as the food manufacturing
grew those activities were separated and cattle was now being feed with corn and soy. Causing a
problem with the methane emissions from cattle. The way that the seeds are planted also hurts
the soil along with the use of harsh chemicals and pesticides When soils are degraded this in turn
causes migration, because people are looking for a source of food.
While the article makes an emphasis on the harm of methane emissions, that issue could be
solved by returning to traditional ways of raising cattle in the grasslands and allowing the earth
to be nourished by the cow’s manure.
The name itself is quite easy to understand carbon cycle, is repeatedly explained in grade school
with a diagram that lists the sequence of events in a circle, where every step in interconnected to
the next. Like a boomerang all actions against the earth will eventually come back and hit us all,
as the desperate search for profits above everything else. That is why Capitalism is a system that
leads to political, social and environmental alienation, leading to distributional outcomes which
does not consider the social needs separating wage earners from their work and denying their
I chose this topic because I love earth, when I was growing up, I wanted to become an
agricultural engineer, I have always been fascinated with crops, and the marvel of harvesting the
earth. Soil Degradation is one of the contributing factors of climate change.

Existential Threat to Humanity # 2


Intervention and Exploitation: US and UK Government International

Actions Since 1945
Since I am a Mexican native, I would like to comment on the effects of the US pressure on the
economy of the Mexican people.
I grew up watching how transnational companies came to Mexico and made big profits by
bribing government official, and paid little or no taxes, the jobs that they created were very low
paying jobs. And workers' rights violations were ignored by government officials. Most of the
goods that were sold were US made, and Mexican manufacturers had a very difficult time
competing under such unfavorable conditions. Farm worker also struggled to try to compete and
export their goods. Since they did not have the same subsidies that US farmers had. Under many
presidents the minimum wage managed to stay like its name sake at minimum, only increasing
Native Mexicans have ripped of their lands and given other homestead where the crops are not
harvested as easily as in the lands that they owned. Perhaps the greatest injustice in a day like
today is to see how they were robbed of their ancestral lands.
One can summarize the Mexican president's participation as servants of the United States,
promoting business for the wealthy, repressing organized labor and keeping wages at their lowest
possible rates.
During the second World War the US government created the bracero program, and many men
came to the United States, the ones on this program paid taxes, that were going to be returned to
them once they return to Mexico. To this day there are still hundreds of braceros or their
surviving relatives that have yet to see any money. There was even a time were all the presidents
had master's degrees from Harvard. Governments took many loans to help build infrastructure
projects that had inflated cost, the people of Mexico suffered the burden of paying foreign debt,
even being an oil producer with exceptionally good reserves did not help at all. We went from
the nationalization of the utilities to selling them years later at a loss. The banks were also sold
and privatized. As if this was not enough, we must deal with corruption at all levels of
government. Cartels have protection at the highest levels. And we are a country with more deaths
than countries that are at a civil war. Women are being murdered and disappeared at alarming
rates. Yet nothing is done. With so many things going wrong and many Mexicans living in
poverty why doesn't our neighbor do anything.? Because financially US companies are making a
huge profit with maquiladoras and many transnational companies.

The End of Poverty

I learn about the effects of globalization and how it has taken land, and resources away from
communities with the false pretense of ending poverty. Both the IMF and the World bank make
loans to poor countries to support projects that are intended to help people get out of poverty.
The result is that ancestral lands are appropriated by the would-be investors, who just profit from
the land all the available resources and their contributions to the local economy are close to zero.
Powerful people manage to corrupt local officials who grant them permission to rip off their
countrymen. It's actually a form of colonialism where the governing north, imposes friendly
governments and gets rid of anyone who actually want to defend the rights of their people. We
have seen this happen all around the world; I have seen this happen in my lifetime. Example
Salvador Allende who was the first Socialist government that came into power by popular vote,
his government was overthrown. Among his actions was the nationalization of Copper, without
payment to the American companies. expropriation and redistribution of land. He also promoted
the nationalization of water and electricity services. His replacement was one of Latin America
worst dictators, but he had full US support even when they were thousands of violations to
human rights. The seventeen years he stayed in power are considered Chile´s darkest years. The
victims of his government surpass 40,000 but he was never tried. Giving free range to foreign
investors, promoting neoliberalism and being a puppet for all that the United Stated asked, did
pay off at the end.
I chose these topics because they represent the struggle that I have witnessed in my lifetime. And
the many injustices that we have suffered, so rich investors can have more money.
Existential Threat to Humanity #3
The Uncooling of America -The History of Corporations in the United States
While under Britain control the US experience the pressure of dealing with big corporations,
even before the US revolt that lead to Independence. In its early year's corporations were mere
financial tools "artificial, invisible, intangible". Magnates understood that efficiency must never
become endangered by growth. By the year 1800 the Us had about 200 corporations, that were
being closely monitored, and the corporations were subordinate to the people.
The change came as a result of a US Supreme Court ruling on the case over a railbed route Santa
Clara County vs Southern Pacific Railroad were the magistrates ruled that a private corporation
was a "natural person " with protection and rights like ordinary citizens. This ruling eventually
changes the way this corporations operated and made them more powerful that many countries.
The 42 % of the world's wealth is controlled by the top 500 corporations.

Caitlin Johnstone: Tens of millions of people displaced by the ‘War on Terror’; the
greatest scam ever invented.
Since September 11thirty seven million people have been displaced resulting from America's
war on terror, war is a pretext for intervention, and it end up having the opposite effect since it
creates more terrorism.
The real purpose underneath his actions is to disperse people from resource rich nations, by
labeling them as supporters of terrorist, the have justification to use even more resources and
move soldiers and heavy machinery. Truly positioning themselves as rulers.
The missions are created in such a way that makes locals hate the Us lead forces, as they hope to
have them retaliate, just to add a justification for their invasion. Basically, if they don't obey,
they will be removed from power.

Existential Threat to Humanity # 1

I did not know about the Anthropocene ad how it is a crisis of the Earths systems, unless actions
are taken this century will experience the deterioration of all aspects of our environment. Ian
Angus in his book "Facing the Anthropocene" presents the scientific findings regarding the
physical sources as well as the consequences of this transition. He discusses how the pursuit for
growth paired with the use of fossil fuels have driven the world into a crisis, that could be
avoided by making a radical change to an Eco socialist civilization.
Existential Threat to Humanity # 2
Defining and Describing Global Political Economic Power Distribution: Cold War Legacy
of Biased History Behind It and What It Means from Whose Perspective
I was not aware of how these terms were created, and the way in which they resemble the way
that empires divided up the world to conquer new territories. The principal commodity fossil
fuels. The terms First World includes nations that have advanced industrial economies. The
former communist industrial societies of the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe. The societies in
which industrial production is only developed to a certain extent are the former colonies of
industrial states. The make up the Third and Fourth World

Existential Threat to Humanity # 3

The Seven Sisters
Describes the creation a group formed to control oil prices, forming Royal Dutch Shell, later 4
other companies joined and the became the 5 largest oil companies in the world. Thru the region
they continue to plot and come up with plots to control the oil industry. By 1985 the seven sisters
controlled 85 % of the world's oil reserves, but today they only control 10 %

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