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3/29/2021 SQ07 Web Lesson: Evolution of Nation States and Early Empires; Study PHW Parts 4 - 5: Spring 2021

Spring 2021 - POLI 101 (54834 - online)

SQ07 Web Lesson: Evolution of Nation States and

Early Empires; Study PHW Parts 4 - 5
Due No due date Points 15 Questions 15 Time Limit None
Allowed Attempts Unlimited

Study Quiz & Exams Instructions

Study Quizzes, Midterm and Final Instructions: How to Take Tests for this Course

Web Lesson Study Quizzes, SQ's and Exams are a compilation of course study quizzes or 'SQ's' and
exams for this course drawn from your textbook and web lesson study assignment subject matter.

Each quiz or exam will be posted for access inside its related web lesson assignment and also will
be listed inside this exam folder throughout the duration of the course session until closed down per
the assigned due dates.
All SQ's and exams are timed exams and will be indicated in the exam session.
SQ questions are randomly drawn from a database of questions and are based on technical
definitions of terms and related concepts drawn from your assigned web lesson module and
assigned chapter content.
SQ's are open book, open notes composed of 15 random questions each drawn from your assigned
web lesson module content and chapter reading assignments listed inside the web lesson folder
along with web lesson topics, terms and concepts. It is recommended that you first study the
assigned chapter before taking the study quiz and then take the quiz when ready.
SQ's questions sets, to repeat, are randomly generated with each subsequent attempt listing a new
series of questions.
SQ's and Exams are left open for unlimited retakes in order for you to achieve the highest possible
score which is always retained regardless whether you got a lower score on the next try.
Recommendation: Practice retaking the tests in order to practice studying all possible
Midterm and Final exams. The midterm and final exams are basically longer versions of the SQ's
having 50 questions randomly generated on each retake, again, like the SQ's they are randomly
generated with each attempt and shall be compiled from a random selection of questions from your
prior series of SQ's and will be posted and announced in the course and remain available until the
posted assigned course session due date after which the exams will not be available.
So, relax, study the assigned web lesson module and text chapters and study in comfort. Good
Luck! 1/11
3/29/2021 SQ07 Web Lesson: Evolution of Nation States and Early Empires; Study PHW Parts 4 - 5: Spring 2021 - POLI 101 (54834 - online)

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Attempt History
Attempt Time Score
LATEST Attempt 1 42 minutes 12 out of 15

Score for this attempt: 12 out of 15

Submitted Mar 29 at 12:32pm
This attempt took 42 minutes.

Question 1 0 / 1 pts

According to PHW Part 4, chapter 1, Conquest of New Spain, Both the

___ and the ___ empires were based on tribute, backed by vicious
retribution against those who tried to rebel. Both held to the most inhuman
of religions, with the ____ being as prepared to burn heretics at the stake
as the _____ were to sacrifice people to appease the gods.

orrect Answer Aztec; Spanish; Spanish; Aztec

ou Answered none of these

Tainos; Aztec; Spanish; Incas

ncas; Spanish; Aztec; Tainos

Question 2 1 / 1 pts

According to PHW Part 4, chapter 1, Conquest of New Spain, despite his

crude methods, _________found very little gold. He was not any more
successful on the next voyage he made in 1493, with much greater
investment by the monarchs, a much larger fleet and 1,500 would-be 2/11
3/29/2021 SQ07 Web Lesson: Evolution of Nation States and Early Empires; Study PHW Parts 4 - 5: Spring 2021 - POLI 101 (54834 - online)

settlers–‘artisans of all kinds, labourers and peasants to work the land, the
caballeros [knights], hidalgos [gentlemen] and other men of worth drawn
by the fame of gold and the wonders of the land’12–as well as many
soldiers and three priests. After establishing seven settlements, each with
a fort and several gallows, across the island of Hispaniola (Haiti), he
decreed that every ‘Indian’ over the age of 14 had to supply a certain
amount of gold every three months. Those who did not were to be
punished by having their hands cut off and left to bleed to death. Yet
despite this barbarity, they could not meet the demand for gold, for the
simple reason that no one had discovered more than very small quantities
on the island.



Correct! Columbus

none of these

Question 3 1 / 1 pts

According to PHW Part 4, chapter 1, Conquest of New Spain, history

rarely repeats itself closely. But it did when a relative of______,
________, sailed south from _______down the Pacific coast of South
America in the early 1530s, a decade after the conquest of_____.

Columbus; Francisco Pizarro; Panama; Mexico

Pizarro ; Hernan Cortés; Panama; Peru

Correct! Cortés; Francisco Pizarro; Panama; Mexico

Pizarro ; Hernan Cortés; Panama; Peru 3/11
3/29/2021 SQ07 Web Lesson: Evolution of Nation States and Early Empires; Study PHW Parts 4 - 5: Spring 2021 - POLI 101 (54834 - online)

Question 4 1 / 1 pts

According to PHW Part 4, chapter 1, Conquest of New Spain, the harm

done by the conquest was made worse by the obsession of each of the
new rulers with gaining as much wealth as possible. This led to bitter civil
wars between rival Spanish commanders and to risings of the newly rich
settlers against representatives of the Spanish crown. As rival armies
burned and pillaged, the irrigation canals and hillside terraces which had
been essential to agriculture went to waste, the llama herds were
slaughtered, the food stocks kept in case of harvest failure were eaten.
The hungry were hit by the same European diseases which had caused
so much harm in the Caribbean. The effect was even greater than that of
the Black Death on 14th century Europe. In the valley of Lima only
_____out of a population of _____survived into the ______. The
indigenous population of the empire fell by between a half and three-

2,000 ; 15,000 ; 1530s

2,000 ; 15,000 ; 1540s

2,000 ; 25,000 ; 1540s

2,000 ; 25,000 ; 1520s

Question 5 0 / 1 pts

According to PHW Part 4, chapter 1, Conquest of New Spain, who said

the following and what was it in reference to? 'Any native who would not
accompany the Spaniards voluntarily was taken along bound in ropes and
chains. The Spaniards imprisoned them in very rough prisons every night,
and led them by day heavily loaded and dying of hunger. One Spaniard
on this expedition locked 12 Indians in a chain and boasted that all 12
died of it.' 4/11
3/29/2021 SQ07 Web Lesson: Evolution of Nation States and Early Empires; Study PHW Parts 4 - 5: Spring 2021 - POLI 101 (54834 - online)

orrect Answer
The treatment of ordinary Incas later described by a priest, Cristobal do
Molina, who accompanied a Spanish column south into Chile

The treatment of ordinary Aztecs later described by a priest, Cristobal do

Molina, who accompanied a Spanish column south into Mexico

The treatment of ordinary Tainos later described by a priest, Las Casas,

who accompanied a Spanish column south into Cuba

ou Answered
The treatment of ordinary Incas later described by a priest, Cristobal do
Molina, who accompanied a Spanish column south into Peru

Question 6 1 / 1 pts

Yet within the space of a few months, small military forces led by
Spaniards–who were little more than ruffians and adventurers–had
conquered both Aztec and Inca empires. Who were they?

Sebastian Cortés and Francisco Pizarro

Hernan Cortés and Francisco Pizarro

Christopher Columbus and Francisco Pizarro

Hernan Cortés and Christopher Columbus

Question 7 1 / 1 pts 5/11
3/29/2021 SQ07 Web Lesson: Evolution of Nation States and Early Empires; Study PHW Parts 4 - 5: Spring 2021 - POLI 101 (54834 - online)

According to PHW Part 4, chapter 1, Conquest of New Spain, more

recently, another cause has often been stated as more important–the
diseases brought by the Europeans to which the ‘Indians’ had no
immunity. Measles, influenza, typhus, pneumonia, tuberculosis, diphtheria
and, above all, smallpox would have done terrible damage to people who
had never encountered them before. Yet it is difficult to believe that
disease alone accounts for the virtual obliteration of the islands’ original
inhabitants. In most parts of the mainland Americas at least some of the
‘Indians’ survived. What is this referring to?

The scale of the deaths in the earliest Spanish colonies must owe
something to the barbarity of the methods of Columbus and his settlers.

The scale of the deaths in the earliest Spanish colonies must owe
something to the barbarity of the methods of natives.

The scale of the deaths in the earliest Spanish colonies must owe
something to the ignorance of the settlers.

The scale of the deaths in the earliest Spanish colonies must owe
something to lack of medical preparation by the settlers who sought to
bring democracy to the natives.

Question 8 1 / 1 pts

According to PHW Part 4, chapter 1, Conquest of New Spain, ___wrote to

his royal sponsors that the inhabitants were ‘such an affectionate and
generous people and so tractable that there are no better people or land
in the world. They love their neighbours as themselves and their speech is
the sweetest and gentlest in the world, and they always speak with a
smile’. Who wrote it and about whom is this in reference to? 6/11
3/29/2021 SQ07 Web Lesson: Evolution of Nation States and Early Empires; Study PHW Parts 4 - 5: Spring 2021 - POLI 101 (54834 - online)

Correct! Columbus writing about his encounter with the Tainos

Cortes writing about his encounter with the Aztecs

none of these

Pizarro writing about his encounter with the Incas

Question 9 0 / 1 pts

According to PHW Part 4, chapter 1, Conquest of New Spain, as a

consequence of Columbus's mischaracterization of the Caribs as
'cannibals', well into the 20th century, the myth of general ‘cannibalism’
among ‘savage’ peoples remained a potent justification for what?

none of these

it was justified

orrect Answer

ou Answered that white westerns were morally a far superior race

Question 10 1 / 1 pts

According to PHW Part 4, chapter 1, Conquest of New Spain, _________

tried to supplement his hunt for wealth from gold with another source–
slavery. In February 1495 he rounded up 1,600 Tainos–the ‘gentle’,
‘peaceful’ and helpful people of two and a half years before–and sent 550
of them in chains on a ship to Seville with the aim of selling them as
slaves. Two hundred died on the passage across the Atlantic. He followed 7/11
3/29/2021 SQ07 Web Lesson: Evolution of Nation States and Early Empires; Study PHW Parts 4 - 5: Spring 2021 - POLI 101 (54834 - online)

this by establishing an encomienda system, which enabled appointed

colonists to use the forced labour of Indians.


none of these



Question 11 1 / 1 pts

According to PHW Part 4, chapter 1, Conquest of New Spain, how many

ways did the Spanish conquerors aim to enrich themselves and resort to
slavery as well as the looting of gold?

all of these

They divided the country into encomiendo districts over which chosen
colonists had the power to extract forced labour.

Relied on the Laws of Burgos of 1512-13, which ruled that Indian men
were compelled to work for Spaniards for nine months of the year. The
decree was meant to be read out to the Indians, who were told their wives
and children would be enslaved and their possessions confiscated if they
did not obey.

There was also tribute to be paid to the priests who, in some cases,
‘maintained private stocks, prisons, chains and ships to punish religious
offenders’. 8/11
3/29/2021 SQ07 Web Lesson: Evolution of Nation States and Early Empires; Study PHW Parts 4 - 5: Spring 2021 - POLI 101 (54834 - online)

Question 12 1 / 1 pts

According to PHW Part 4, chapter 1, Conquest of New Spain, who said

the following with the following consequences? ‘Do you not see that while
we stand here wasting our breath or talking with this dog, the field is filling
with Indians. Set on them at once. I absolve you’. He waved a white scarf,
the hidden Spanish troops opened fire and, as the noise and smoke
created panic among the assembled Incas, the cavalry charged at them.
There was nowhere for the Incas to flee. According to Spanish estimates,
2,000 Incas died, according to Inca estimates 10,000.

none of these

A Spanish commander Cortes

Spanish King to Columbus

A Dominican monk to Pizarro

Question 13 1 / 1 pts

According to PHW Part 4, chapter 1, Conquest of New Spain, the islands

were inhabited by people who Columbus encountered had

states and private property and were remarkably unfriendly to the

mysterious newcomers.

neither states nor private property and were remarkably friendly to the
mysterious newcomers. 9/11
3/29/2021 SQ07 Web Lesson: Evolution of Nation States and Early Empires; Study PHW Parts 4 - 5: Spring 2021 - POLI 101 (54834 - online)

states and private property and were remarkably friendly to the mysterious

none of these

Question 14 1 / 1 pts

According to PHW Part 4, chapter 1, Conquest of New Spain, who said

the following in reference to what? ' I will be no man’s tributary... As to the
pope of which you speak, he must be crazy to talk of giving away
countries that do not belong to him. As for my faith, I will not change it.
Your own god, you say, was put to death by the very men whom he
created. But my god still lives in heaven and looks down on his children.'

none of these

Taino leader, Atahualpa,to a Dominican monk with the Spaniards who was
trying to persuade him to convert to the Christian religion and pay tribute to
the Spanish king–on the grounds that the pope had allocated this part of
Latin America to Spain.

Inca leader, Atahualpa, to a Dominican monk with the Spaniards who was
trying to persuade him to convert to the Christian religion and pay tribute to
the Spanish king–on the grounds that the pope had allocated this part of
Latin America to Spain.

Aztec leader, Atahualpa, to a Dominican monk with the Spaniards who was
trying to persuade him to convert to the Christian religion and pay tribute to
the Spanish king–on the grounds that the pope had allocated this part of
Latin America to Spain. 10/11
3/29/2021 SQ07 Web Lesson: Evolution of Nation States and Early Empires; Study PHW Parts 4 - 5: Spring 2021 - POLI 101 (54834 - online)

Question 15 1 / 1 pts

According to PHW Part 4, chapter 1, Conquest of New Spain, his aim was
to capture and enslave these people. His son tells, ‘He ordered that some
of the people of the island be made captives... So the Christians seized
12 persons, men, women and children’. He planned to build a fortress
from which ‘with 50 men they [the inhabitants] could be subjected and
made to do all that one might wish’...Who is this in reference to?

Pizarro's conquest of the Incas

none of these

Cortes's conquest of the Aztecs

Columbus's conquest of the Tainos

Quiz Score: 12 out of 15 11/11

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