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Matheson 1

Maeve Matheson

Mrs. Cramer

College Comp 1

20 November 2020

Book Banning: Not for the Better

Books and novels are an evidently important part of history. They are also used to tell of

the past’s most remembered events. They have been around forever, and multiple classics have

become well known around the globe. However, especially in recent times, classic books have

been frowned upon, and even banned from public possession because of people’s conflicting

opinions about the material they contain. Although certain books do focus on touchy subjects,

they are ones that young readers especially should be knowledgeable about. Not to mention, the

creative thinking and life lessons that come from reading and learning about what is discussed in

these books is also incredibly valued. Book banning in the US has been a long-standing issue

that should not take place because of the need for students and individuals to understand the key

moments in history, controversial issues, and intellectual expansion that comes from classic


It is evident that our current way of life differs from the past. Books are an excellent way

of learning these differences and understanding what life used to be like. There are also

numerous that have written about incredibly important events that have shaped the world into the

way it is now. “Books open up stories to worlds that are not similar to our current society”

(Banning Books). This statement proves that people’s minds can be opened to enlightenment
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about the past through reading classic writing. Not only do books share details and events, but

classic books are a part of history themselves. Unfortunately, it is these classics books that are

the ones being challenged the most by the public (Walters). Conflicting opinions about them

have caused prime literature to be put to rest by several public areas and learning facilities. There

are numerous individuals that believe studying past documentation has a negative effect on

readers. Issues including American foreign policy and political views differ from the history in

the books, therefore upsetting the public (Reading Out). However, understanding our current

government and political systems includes knowing about how they got to this point, which

requires knowledge about previous times. Both parents and educators have pointed out the

importance of classic books, and how they can even connect with readers more than modern

pieces of literature, in addition to assisting them in learning about how the world came to be.

Another important part of history are the various controversial issues, and how the world

has dealt with and overcome them. There are also plenty of matters that are still receiving

attention and being addressed in current times. Certain people often get uncomfortable when

speaking about these subjects when comes to them being discussed in books. They also believe

younger individuals need to be sheltered from the facts and truths of these circumstances.

However, the more children are sheltered from the faults of the world, the less likely they will be

to make a difference as they grow older and wiser. Understanding topics including prejudice and

racism expressed certain books is one of the most essential learning experiences for students

(Banning Books). These types of books also give a voice to marginalized groups, and it would

not be fair to take that away from them. It is most important to these groups out of everyone that

these matters are voiced, especially if they have been directly impacted. These issues are going

to be spoken about no matter what, so it is better to be educated about them with the help of what
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has been written about it before. “If a book causes a serious discussion, then the author is doing

their job” (Walters). It would be nearly impossible to rid the world of these controversial issues,

when book banning is becoming one itself, and creating the opposite problem that the movement

was originally aimed for.

For centuries, books have always been known to teach readers about the world. The past

is revealed in original books, along with events that have been carried into the present.

Individuals are not only retaining that type of information when exploring these books, but they

are also gaining their own intellectual expansion. Banning books with delicate topics strips the

younger generation of forming their own opinions about them and opening their minds to new

thought processes (Walters). Some argue that this will only lead to the corruption of student’s

minds. However, it is critical that people now a days can think and speak up for themselves.

Reading key literature is an essential way for someone to explore their thoughts, and attempt to

understand others. Books are also proven to expand imagination and creativity, giving the author

the power to draw wisdom from different areas of the mind (Banning Books). Choosing what to

read as an individual can also shape a person into who they will ultimately become in life, and

where they will find themselves functioning at best based on what they found their passion was

when reading. Picking a book that means something to a reader is a type of satisfaction that

everyone should experience, and it is unfair to limit these choices by eliminating certain books

from the selection.

Looking at this information, it is clear that book banning in the US has been a long-

standing issue that should not take place because of the need for students and individuals to

understand the key moments in history, controversial issues, and intellectual expansion that

comes from classic novels. Despite what those with a negative outlook on these novels believe, it
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is more important that these books are available to the public and receive the recognition that

they deserve. There is a reason they have been studied in educational facilities, and it is because

the messages they give away are ones that need to be heard and understood. Being educated is

more vital than ever and gaining knowledge from classic literature is an excellent way to

accomplish that. All books deserve their place in the world, so certain ones should no longer be

taken out, especially when they share stories that need to be known.
Matheson 5

Works Cited

"Banning books robs students of education and entertainment." UWIRE Text, 24 Jan. 2019, p. 1.

Gale Academic OneFile,

b. Accessed 23 Oct. 2020.

"Reading Out Against Book Banning." UWIRE Text, 4 Oct. 2014, p. 1. Gale Academic OneFile,

5f. Accessed 23 Oct. 2020.

Walters, Madison. "Banned Books Week highlights importance of eliminating censorship."

UWIRE Text, 5 Oct. 2020, p. 1. Gale Academic OneFile,

00. Accessed 23 Oct. 2020.

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