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Acta Psychologica 193 (2019) 73–79

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Cue frequency modulates cuing effect either in the presence or in the T

absence of distractors

Yosun Yoon, Shinyoung Jung, Kyengsun Jeoung, Se-Jin Ha, Dahye Kim, Suk Won Han
Department of Psychology, Chungnam National University, Daejeon, Republic of Korea


Keywords: A novel, salient stimulus, even though it is not related to a concurrent goal-directed behavior, powerfully
Involuntary attention captures people's attention. While this stimulus-driven attentional capture has long been presumed to take place
Attentional cuing in a purely bottom-up or automatic manner, growing evidence shows that a number of top-down factors
Top-down modulation modulate the stimulus-driven capture of attention. Recent studies pointed out the cue presentation frequency is
such a factor; the capture of attention by a salient, task-irrelevant cue increased as its presentation frequency
decreased. Expanding these studies, we investigated how the modulatory effect of the cue frequency differs
depending on the level of competition between multiple stimuli. As results, we found that an infrequently
presented cue exerted stronger capture effect than a frequently presented cue, either in the presence or in the
absence of distractors. Importantly, in the absence of distractors, performance difference elicited by the fre-
quently present cue was due to non-attentional sensory artifacts or decisional noise. However, the same frequent
cue evoked genuine attentional effect when multiple distractors accompanied the target, evoking stimulus-
driven competition. Taken together, these results demonstrate that the effect of attentional cue is modulated by
cue frequency, and this modulation is also affected by stimulus-driven competition.

1. Introduction is entirely irrelevant to the top-down task set (see Experiment 1 and 3 of
Folk & Remington, 2015). Based on these findings, Folk and Remington
Selective attention, by which a subset of sensory inputs is prioritized argued that the abrupt onset of a stimulus, when its frequency is low,
or processed in finer detail at the expense of others, plays a central role captures attention, regardless of participants' task strategy or top-down
in human information processing. Regarding how attention is deployed, attentional set.
two types of attention are distinguished: top-down and bottom-up at- Expanding the study by Folk and colleagues, we investigated whe-
tention (Corbetta & Shulman, 2002). While it is clear that top-down ther the effect of cue frequency on the attentional cuing effect differs,
attention is an effortful, voluntary, and strategic process, the specific depending on the presence/absence of distractors. A large body of
nature of bottom-up attention is debatable. Specifically, some re- studies showed that the attentional effect becomes more pronounced
searchers argue that bottom-up attention is a strictly automatic process, when multiple distractors accompanied the target stimulus, evoking
such that the capture of attention by salient stimuli is irresistible and stimulus-driven competition than when no distractors were presented
encapsulated from goal-directed processes. By contrast, other studies (Giordano, McElree, & Carrasco, 2009; Han & Marois, 2014a;
showed that only stimuli relevant to the concurrent goal-directed set- Herrmann, Montaser-Kouhsari, Carrasco, & Heeger, 2010; Liu, Pestilli,
tings capture attention. & Carrasco, 2005; Pestilli & Carrasco, 2005; Störmer, McDonald, &
While this debate is still raging, a recent study reported that a Hillyard, 2009; White, Lunau, & Carrasco, 2014). Furthermore, recent
certain class of stimuli evokes attentional orienting that is cognitively studies showed that, while the effect of bottom-up attentional cue in the
impenetrable (Folk & Remington, 2015, but see Schönhammer & absence of distractors is modulated by task demands or trial context,
Kerzel, 2018). In this study, the abrupt onset of a stimulus, which was a the attentional effect under distractor interference was insensitive to
rare event in the experimental session, strongly captured attention. By such factors (Bae, Jung, & Han, 2018; Han & Marois, 2014a). However,
contrast, when the onset of the stimulus became frequent, no capture it remains unknown whether attentional effect under distractor inter-
was found. Importantly, while the target stimulus was defined as a red ference is also immune to the cue frequency. Notably, in experiments by
letter, the infrequent cue stimulus was a white dot. In this case, the cue Folk and colleagues, several distractors were presented with the target.

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (S.W. Han).
Received 28 May 2018; Received in revised form 8 December 2018; Accepted 14 December 2018
Available online 28 December 2018
0001-6918/ © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Y. Yoon et al. Acta Psychologica 193 (2019) 73–79

However, the level of competition might have been modest because the difference between the valid and invalid trials is due to attentional
target stimulus was associated with a specific, distinct color. Searching capture by the cue or non-attentional, decisional effect; if performance
for such a color-defined target is known to take place in a highly effi- is better for the valid trials than for the neutral trials, and the invalid
cient manner (Han, 2017; Huang, 2015). trials yield worse performance than the neutral trials, we can claim that
To predict how the cue frequency and the presence/absence of the observed cuing effect truly reflects attentional orienting by the cue.
distractors affect the cuing effect, one should consider that attention is Otherwise, one might suspect whether performance difference across
not homogenous, but rather a multi-faced mechanism. On one hand, cue types is associated with cue-driven attentional orienting or other
attention enhances processing of a single stimulus by allocating a lim- confounds, such as the decisional effect or sensory interactions between
ited amount of processing resources (Bae et al., 2018; Han & Marois, the cue and target stimulus. For example, if the valid trials yielded
2014a; Prinzmetal, McCool, & Park, 2005). On the other hand, atten- better performance than the invalid trials, but performance for the
tion affects the processing of a stimulus via resolution of stimulus- neutral trials was worse than the invalid trials, this might be because
driven competition. When multiple stimuli are presented, they compete the cue stimulus simply delayed the decisional process.
to be represented in the visual system (Desimone & Duncan, 1995). This
competition is often biased toward a stimulus capturing attention (Beck 2. Experiment 1
& Kastner, 2005). Importantly, such biasing of competition by attention
does not recruit allocation of processing resources (Bae et al., 2018). 2.1. Methods
Based upon the extant evidence, we predict that, in the absence of
distractors, the cuing effect should depend on the cue frequency, as 2.1.1. Participants
shown by Folk and Remington (2015). As discussed above, the cuing 37 adults (12 males, aged 18–25 years) with normal or corrected-to-
effect in a single-stimulus display reflects that processing resources are normal vision participated for course credits. The institutional review
allocated to the cued location (Bae et al., 2018; Han & Marois, 2014a; board of Chungnam National University approved the experimental
Prinzmetal et al., 2005). When a salient and rare cue is presented, at- protocol, and informed consent was obtained from each participant.
tention is likely to be captured by the cue and processing resources
should be recruited to handle the cue stimulus (Han & Marois, 2014a, 2.1.2. Stimuli and apparatus
2014b; Sokolov, 1963). This is so, even though the cue is irrelevant to The experiment was programmed and run using Psychopy (Peirce,
the concurrent task goal. However, when such a cue is frequently 2007). Stimuli were presented on a 20-in. LCD monitor with a gray
presented, the likelihood that the cue captures attention should dras- background. The monitor resolution was set to 1600 × 900 pixels. The
tically decrease as the orienting response to the salient cue habituates viewing distance was about 57 cm. The cue stimulus was a green-out-
with time (Han & Marois, 2014b; Sokolov, 1963). In this case, there is lined square (3° × 3°) and the target was a black letter F or H
no reason why processing resources are allocated to the cued location. (0.6° × 1°). The cue and target were presented in one of four locations
By contrast, under a high level of competition, attention primarily ex- evenly spaced on an imaginary circle, whose radius was 6.5°. All of
erts the effect of biasing the competition, which does not necessarily these parameters were adopted from one of our previous studies (Han &
need the allocation of limited processing resources (Bae et al., 2018; Marois, 2014a).
Han & Marois, 2014a). In this case, both frequently- and infrequently
presented cues might play roles in biasing competition, such that the 2.1.3. Design and procedure
cuing effect might not be so sensitive to the cue frequency. The task was to identify whether the presented target stimulus is F
To test these predictions, in Experiment 1, a salient green cue was or H by pressing keyboard buttons (Fig. 1). A fixation dot was displayed
followed by a target stimulus. For a group of participants (cue-frequent at the center of the screen for 500 ms, followed by the 120 ms pre-
group), the cue was presented in the majority of the trials, while in the sentation of an attentional cue, a green-outlined square. The green-
small number of remaining trials, no cue was presented. For the other outline cue remained until the target disappeared. This was to prevent
(cue-infrequent group), the cue appeared only in 25% of all trials. In the transient offset of the cue forward-mask of the target. Then, the
Experiment 2, the target stimulus was surrounded by multiple dis- target letter, F or H, was presented for 100 ms. There were three types
tractors, which were highly similar to the target stimulus. It is im- of cues; valid, neutral, and invalid cues. In the valid trials, the cue and
portant to note that we included four types of trials in each experiment: target location matched. In the invalid trials, the cue was presented at a
valid, neutral, invalid, and no-cue trials. In the valid trials, the cue and location where the target would not be present. In the neutral trials, all
target location matched, whereas in the invalid trials, the cue was the potential target locations were cued, and in the no-cue trials, no cue
presented at a location where the target would not be present. In the was presented.
neutral trials, all the potential target locations were cued. In the no-cue Participants were randomly assigned to two groups (cue-frequent
trials, no cue was presented. When the cue captures attention, task and cue-infrequent groups). For the cue-frequent group (N = 18), the
performance should be best for the valid trials and worst for the invalid attentional cues (valid, neutral, and invalid) were presented in 83% of
trials, with intermediate levels of performance for the neutral and no- all trials, while in the rest, no cue was presented. For the cue-infrequent
cue trials. group (N = 19), the probability of cue presentation was 25%. In both
It should be noted that while many cuing studies do not include the groups, there were 8 experimental blocks, each of which contained 96
neutral trials as baseline, we intended to include the neutral trials for trials. The ratio of valid and invalid trials was kept to 1:3, rendering the
the following reason. Previous studies have shown that performance attentional cue non-informative of the target location. Specifically, for
differences between the valid and invalid trials should not be solely the cue-frequent group, the proportions of the valid, neutral, invalid,
attributed to the fact that the cue captured attention (Prinzmetal et al., and no-cue trials were 16.7%, 16.7%, 50%, and 16.7%, respectively.
2005; Remington, Folk, & McLean, 2001). Given the stimulus setting of For the cue-infrequent group, the proportions of the valid, neutral, in-
the cuing paradigm, in the valid trials, the cue and target are presented valid, and no-cue trials were 4.17%, 8.33%, 12.5%, and 75%, respec-
at only a single location, such that it is as if there is only a single object tively.
in the display, whereas in the invalid trials, it is as if there are two Taken together, the experiment consisted of a 2 × 4 factorial de-
objects in the display. Hence, the cuing effect might arise in either case, sign, with cue frequency (cue-frequent group and cue-infrequent group)
because the attention was shifted to the cue, or because the process of as a between-subject factor and cue type (valid, neutral, invalid, and
deciding where to pay attention was simply delayed in the invalid trials no-cue) as a within-subject factor. To analyze data, a mixed two-way
(Remington et al., 2001). ANOVA was applied. When significant main effects and interactions
Including the neutral trials allows us to clarify whether performance were found, pairwise t-tests were run. Statistical thresholds for these t-

Y. Yoon et al. Acta Psychologica 193 (2019) 73–79

Fig. 1. Trial design and procedure of Experiment 1.

tests were corrected for multiple comparisons, using FDR (false dis-
covery rate) procedure.

2.2. Results and discussion

The mean accuracy of the task was 92.4%. A mixed two-way

ANOVA with cue frequency (cue-frequent group vs. cue-infrequent
group) as a between-subject factor and cue type (valid, neutral, invalid,
vs. no-cue) as a within-subject factor was applied to RT and accuracy
data. While the RT analysis showed that there was a significant main
effect of cue type, F(3, 105) = 11.08, p < .0001, η2G = 0.044, the
analysis of accuracy data revealed no main effect of cue type, F
(3,105) = 1.83, p < .15, η2G = 0.011. For both the RT and accuracy
data, there was no main effect of cue frequency. While the analysis of
RT data revealed a significant interaction between cue type and cue Fig. 3. Adjusted Reaction time (ms) data from Experiment 1. Error bars re-
present standard errors of the mean.
frequency, F(3,105) = 6.16, p < .001, η2G = 0.025. the analysis of ac-
curacy data revealed a marginally significant interaction between the
two factors, F(3, 105) = 2.41, p = .07, η2G = 0.014 (Fig. 2). Given the adjusted RT on accuracy by dividing the former by the latter (Inverse
marginally significant interaction on accuracy, to assess behavioral Efficiency Score = RT / accuracy; Graham et al., 2006; Han & Marois,
performance in an integrative way for combining RT and accuracy, we 2013; Townsend & Ashby, 1983). When the same analysis was applied

Fig. 2. Reaction time (ms) and Accuracy (%) data from Experiment 1. Error bars represent standard errors of the mean.

Y. Yoon et al. Acta Psychologica 193 (2019) 73–79

to the adjusted RT data (Fig. 3), similar patterns of results were found; 3. Experiment 2
there was no main effect of cue frequency, p < .38. The main effect of
cue type was significant, F(3, 105) = 11.58, p < .0001, η2G = 0.054, Experiment 2 was conducted to investigate whether cue frequency
and the interaction between cue frequency and cue type was also sig- has influence on the effect of the involuntary attentional cue under
nificant, F(3, 105) = 7.31, p < .0001, η2G = 0.035, indicating that cue distractor interference.
frequency affected the effect of the salient, but task-irrelevant cue.
To further clarify how cue frequency modulated the effect of the 3.1. Methods
salient cue, we separately examined the adjusted RT data from the cue-
frequent and –infrequent groups. For the cue-frequent group, pairwise t- 3.1.1. Participants
tests revealed that mean RT for the valid trials was significantly shorter Forty five adults (21 males, aged 18–25 years) with normal or cor-
than for the invalid trials, t(17) = 2.52, p < .05. This indicates that rected-to-normal vision participated for course credits. They were
attention was allocated to the cued location. randomly assigned to the cue-frequent (N = 24) and cue-infrequent
Besides this basic cuing effect, there are several notable findings. (N = 21) groups. The institutional review board of Chungnam National
First, while a significant difference between the valid and invalid trial University approved the experimental protocol, and informed consent
was observed, we found no evidence that the cue facilitated behavioral was obtained from each participant.
performance, compared to when no cue was presented, p > .9.
Another notable finding is that the neutral trial yielded the longest RT; 3.1.2. Stimuli and apparatus
indeed, the mean RT for the neutral trial was significantly longer than All stimuli and apparatus were identical to those of Experiment 1,
that for the invalid trials, t(17) = 2.42, p < .05. If attention was cap- except that three distractor letters accompanied the target. Distractors
tured by the cue, why did the neutral trial yield longer RT than the were randomly selected letters among ‘B’, ‘K’, ‘S’, ‘R’, ‘T’, ‘G’, ‘V’, and ‘P’.
invalid trial? According to previous studies, attentional capture by the
cue is not solely responsible for performance differences between the 3.1.3. Design and procedure
valid and invalid trials. Specifically, in the valid trials, it is as if there is All the details of design and procedure were identical to those of
only a single stimulus in the display, whereas in the invalid trials, it is as Experiment 1, except that the target was presented with three distractor
if two stimuli are presented. In this case, responses for the invalid trials letters (Fig. 4).
are slowed, because the process of deciding where to pay attention is
delayed compared to the valid trials (Remington et al., 2001). This 3.2. Results and discussion
delayed decisional account can accommodate the present results that
the neutral trials yielded the longest RT; in the neutral trials of the The mean accuracy of the task was 92.9%. A mixed two-way
present experiment, it was as if there were four stimuli presented, de- ANOVA with cue frequency (cue-frequent group vs. cue-infrequent
laying the decisional process more severely than in other trials. Cer- group) as a between-subject factor and cue type (valid, neutral, invalid,
tainly, one might argue that this difference in stimulus setting (one and no-cue) as a within-subject factor was applied to RT and accuracy
thing vs. two things) is also driven by attentional factor, but this is data. The ANOVAs on the RT data showed a significant main effect of
clearly different from the account that the observed performance dif- cue type, F(3, 129) = 33.48, p < .0001, η2G = 0.104. The analysis of
ference was because attention was initially oriented toward the cued accuracy data also revealed a significant main effect of cue type, F(3,
location (Prinzmetal et al., 2005). 129) = 6.049, p < .005, η2G = 0.034. For both the RT and accuracy
In summation, we found significant cuing effect from the data of the data, there was no main effect of cue frequency, p > .16 (Fig. 5). To be
cue-frequent group. However, the observed cuing effect might arise consistent with Experiment 1, we also adjusted RT data on accuracy
because attention was captured by the cue or the cue stimulus delayed (Inverse Efficiency Score = RT / accuracy) and the same analysis was
the decision of where to pay attention. Certainly, there may be other run on this adjusted RT data. In line with the RT analysis, the main
explanations for the current pattern of results (i.e., low-level sensory effect of cue type was significant, F(3, 129) = 37.75, p < .0001,
interaction between the cue and target stimuli) and we do not draw any η2G = 0.118, with no main effect of cue frequency, p > .14. The in-
strong conclusion regarding this issue. However, what is clear is that teraction between cue frequency and cue type was significant, F(3,
even when the frequently-presented cue had captured attention, the 129) = 4.14, p < .05, η2G = 0.0145, indicating that cue frequency af-
magnitude of such capture was modest and other non-attentional fac- fected the cuing effect, as in Experiment 1.
tors seemed to contribute to the observed cuing effect. However, pairwise t-tests on the data from Experiment 2 revealed a
For the cue-infrequent group, pairwise t-tests revealed that RT for different pattern of results from that of Experiment 1 (shown in Fig. 6).
the valid trials were significantly shorter than for invalid trials, t For the cue-frequent group, adjusted RT difference between the valid
(18) = 4.48, p < .005. Importantly, this difference was significantly and neutral trials was significant, t(23) = 4.43, p < .05, with shorter
larger than that for the cue-frequent group, t(35) = 2.72, p < .05 RT for the valid than for the neutral trials. The invalid trials yielded a
(independent sample t-test), indicating that the infrequently presented significantly longer RT than the neutral trials, t(23) = 4.35, p < .005.
cue exerted a stronger attentional effect than the frequently presented Importantly, the responses for the valid trials were significantly faster
cue (see also Folk & Remington, 2015). Another important finding is than those for the no-cue trials, t(23) = 4.02, p < .005. This is a pat-
that, unlike the results from the cue-frequent group, the valid trials tern of classic cuing effect, driven by the fact that the cue captured and
yielded significantly faster RT than the no-cue trials, t(18) = 3.18, oriented attention toward the cued location (Egeth & Yantis, 1997; Han
p < .05. Finally, the invalid trials yielded the longest RT, p's < .01. & Marois, 2014a; Ignashchenkova, Dicke, Haarmeier, & Thier, 2004;
This is a classic pattern of results that indicate that attention was or- Leonard & Egeth, 2008; Yantis & Jonides, 1990).
iented toward the cued location. As in the cue-frequent group, the cue For the cue-infrequent group, there was a significant difference
stimulus might have delayed the decision process regarding where at- between the valid and neutral trials, t(20) = 4.35, p < .005. The dif-
tention should be shifted first. However, despite this, the infrequently ference between the valid and no-cue trials was also significant, t
presented cue powerfully captured attention, yielding shorter RT for the (20) = 2.99, p < .005. This is a consistent pattern with the result of
valid trials and longer RT for the invalid trials than the neutral trials. cue-infrequent group in Experiment 1 and the cue-frequent group data
Unlike the results of the cue-frequent group, the pattern of the cue- in Experiment 2. Importantly, while both the frequent and infrequent
infrequent group data unequivocally shows that the cue stimulus cap- group data showed a similar pattern of results that attention was or-
tured and oriented attention to the cued location. iented toward the cued location, the significant interaction between
cue-frequency and cue type indicates that the magnitude of the cuing

Y. Yoon et al. Acta Psychologica 193 (2019) 73–79

Fig. 4. Trial design and procedure of Experiment 2.

effect was more pronounced when the cue was infrequently presented
than it was frequently presented.
Having found that the cue presentation frequency affected the
magnitude of cuing effect not only when only the target was presented,
but also when the target was accompanied by distractors, we examined
whether the modulatory effect of the cue presentation frequency differs
depending on the presence/absence of distractors. To do so, we ran
three-way interaction analyses in two different ways. First, we ran a
three-way mixed ANOVA with Experiment (Exp. 1 vs. Exp. 2) and cue
frequency as between subject factors, with cue type (only valid and
invalid trials) as a within subject factor. This analysis revealed that
there was no significant three-way interaction, F = 0.34, p = .56, in-
dicating that the modulatory effect of cue frequency on cuing effect was
not affected by distractor interference.
Fig. 6. Adjusted Reaction time (ms) data from Experiment 2. Error bars re-
In the second three-way interaction analysis, data from all the trial
present standard errors of the mean.
types, including the no-cue and neutral trials, were used. As emphasized
in the introduction, the neutral trials were added since the typical
cueing effect alone, which is defined as differences in RTs between valid 234) = 4.02, p < .05, suggesting that the modulatory effect of the cue
and invalid trials, would not be enough to investigate whether the presentation frequency on cuing effect is affected by the presence/ab-
observed cuing effect truly reflects attentional orienting by the cue or it sence of stimulus-driven competition. Specifically, the effect size of the
contains other confounds, such as decisional effect or sensory artifacts. interaction between cue type and cue frequency was found to be greater
This analysis revealed a significant three-way interaction, F (3, for Experiment 1 (η2G = 0.036) than for Experiment 2 (η2G = 0.014).

Fig. 5. Reaction time (ms) and Accuracy (%) data from Experiment 2. Error bars represent standard errors of the mean.

Y. Yoon et al. Acta Psychologica 193 (2019) 73–79

These results suggest that cue frequency plays greater role in mod- distractor-absent and -present experiments. This is because in our pre-
ulating cuing effect when distractors accompanies the target than when vious study, when the distractor-absent and -present trials were ran-
only the target is presented. domly intermixed within an experimental block, the attentional effect
in the absence of distractors tended to decrease (Han & Marois, 2014a).
4. General discussion Hence, it is possible that the modulatory effect of cue frequency in such
cases might not be so strong as in the present experiment.
The present study investigated how cue frequency modulates cuing To conclude, we found that the cue presentation frequency sig-
effect either in the presence or in the absence of distractors. Under nificantly modulated the cuing effect either in the presence or in the
distractor interference, the typical patterns of cuing effect were driven absence of distractors. Importantly, while the magnitude of modulatory
by both frequently- and infrequently-presented cue, such that the cues effect of cue frequency on cuing effect seems to be similar between
elicited shorter RTs for the valid trials and longer RTs for the invalid when distractors were presented and when only the target is presented,
trials than the neutral trials. By contrast, when the target was presented the underlying mechanisms seem to differ. Further research should be
by itself, the different cuing patterns were observed between frequent fruitful to clarify how.
and infrequent group. Specifically, in the frequently-presented cue
condition, the cue elicited the typical cuing effect, where participant's Acknowledgements
performances are faster on valid trials than invalid trials; indeed, the
valid trials yielded better performance than the invalid trials. However, We thank Dr. Yuhwa Han for advices on statistical analyses.
the neutral trials, in which all possible target locations were cued, This work was supported by National Research Foundation grant
yielded the worst level of performance. We interpreted these results supported by the Korean government (NRF-2017S1A5A8018781) and
that the frequently presented cue only modestly captured attention. At the Chungnam National University research grant.
the same time, the cue stimuli seemed to delay the decisional process of
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