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Test Formatif 1 Bhs.


1. The boy threw the ball to his dog, Wilson.Yang merupakan proper noun dalam kalimat di atas adalah ....

a. The Boy

b. His odg

c. The ball

d. Wilson

2. When the Titanic sank, the captain went down with the ship.Yang merupakan proper noun dalam kalimat di
atas adalah ....

a. Titanic

b. The ship

c. The captain

d. Went down

3. Dari kalimat berikut, kalimat manakah yang menggunakan kata kerja transitive?

a. Please take the document over Mrs. Samuel’s office

b. When they call from the charity, Mrs. Alpert always goves generously

c. The workmen have been painting for hours

d. That parfume smell nice

4. Dari kalimat berikut, kalimat manakah yang menggunakan kata kerja intransitive?

a. Are you sure want to paint the ceiling too?

b. The customer was tired waiting, so he got up and left

c. My new car cost me a small fortune

d. Jim owned his landlord $450

5. The driver stopped the bus ....

a. Financially

b. Now

c. Abruptly

d. Exactly

6. Dari kalimat berikut, kalimat manakah yang menggunakan adverb?

a. He answered every question that the teacher asked

b. He lay all his cards on the table

c. I found the lost book lying behind the sofa

d. He can answer all the question well

7. Dari kalimat berikut, kalimat manakah yang menggunakan adjectives?

a. The waiter brought the food and put in on the table

b. A customer ordered some coffee in a café.

c. There was an inportan job to be done in the office

d. .....

8. An young singer went to a small town to sing in a concert

Yang merupakan adjective dalam kalimat di atas adalah ....

a. Concert
b. Singer
c. Young
d. Sing

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