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PROF 2303

Week 5 Summary - Customer Service II

(12 marks)
Activity – Explain what each means in your own words. Provide an example
of where you have demonstrated this step in real-life.
1. Stay calm, let the This statement means that regardless of how the customer is
customer talk and feeling, let them say what they need to say before you start
interrupting them with your opinions or resolutions. This way
listen for the facts
you know all the facts before you come up with a valid
resolution. An example was a time I was dealing with a
customer complaint on how their whole order was wrong and
they were waiting 20 minutes for it. Instead of jumping in and
trying to defend the situation, I let them say everything they
wanted to say before giving them my feedback.
2. Watch body This statement means to ensure you keep a good posture, eye
language contact, smile, and avoid negative body language such as
crossing your arms, slouching, or dragging your feet when you
walk. When I am at work, I follow these examples because I
always want to give the customer a good impression. I want
them to believe that I am friendly and approachable.
3. Acknowledge This statement means to put yourself in your customers point
customer’s of view and understand how they feel in that situation, then
show them you understand, and you want to help. Going back
to my first example, after I have listened to the customers
complaint, I tell them I understand their frustration and they
should not have been waiting so long, and there is no excuse
for why the order is wrong. Once you acknowledge their
frustration, they usually will calm down since their voice is
being heard.
4. Find a resolution This statement means that once you have listened to the
customer say what they need to say and you have
acknowledged their frustration, then you come up with a
resolution in their favour, ensuring their experience improved.
When I am at work and customers come to me with a
complaint, I offer them different resolutions such as a
replacement or a credit for next time they order.
5. Know company This statement means that it is important to know what your
policy company’s policies are in regard to customer service. For
example, while working in a restaurant, I know that our policy is
to never let a customer leave unhappy. This means that we
must discuss different resolutions the fits the customers want,
PROF 2303

even it comes down to giving them their order for free.

6. Expect conflict, This statement means that you should always do your best to
but do not accept deal with customer conflicts, but to be alert for people ether
taking advantage of the system or yourself, or people who
demonstrate aggressive language or tone, or any type of
aggressive traits. One time I was dealing with a customer that
would complain every time they ordered so that they could get
a discount or free food. I told my manager before she
discounted the food that this person complains every single
time. We then start having management sign off on her meals
before sending the food out, slowly, the customer stopped
complaining because there was visual proof that everything
was double checked.

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