Ibart: Exhibition

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Curatorial Rationale
I started off in the IB art program without much knowledge about the visual arts. I was
interested but inexperienced. In the class I got to explore and create with so many different
medias, anything from clay to charcoal to paint. They were all fun but I never thought I was
good at them. Eventually I began really being interested in photography. I never thought
that my Iphone could be used to create art. It became something I was really interested in
and I began taking pictures of any and everything and learning to edit in photoshop. I had
found my niche. In this exhibition I wanted to showcase that and the beautiful things my
iphone was able to capture over the past two years. I was inspired by travel photographers
that I follow on instagram such as Sebastian Wanzalla. The photos I have chosen are
beautiful and interesting things that I have gotten to witness both at home and
abroad.These pictures are taken in Atlanta, Ga, Austria, Puerto Rico, London
“The Movement”

This is a picture I took with my iphone 10XR

during the summer of 2020. It was a
interesting time as I witnessed large groups
of people come together and rally behind
one cause : Black Lives Matter. I am heavily
influenced by Gordon Parks who’s
photography focused on black issues in

Digital Photography

This is a photo I took on my iphone 12 in

San Juan Puerto Rico. In this beautiful
affluent neighborhood there was this
deserted graffitied apartment building. I
overheard a tour guide complain about
how it was an eyesore. However I
thought it completed the scenery very
well. The green on the road and palm
trees and the clear blue sky accent some
of the art on the building.

Digital Photography
“The Hills Are Alive 1 ”

The next 3 photos are photos also taken on

an iphone during my time in Austria. The
natural sharp symmetry of the mountains
and how the juxtapose the more rounded
and “fluffy” clouds really inspired me to
take a lot of photos. These next few photos
remind me of the Sound Of Music

Digital Photography
“City Center”

Another photo from my Austria series.

Much like the photo before the
mountains sharp symmetry and clouds
round symmetry contrast each other.
However now there is the added element
of the city below the mountains. It adds
warm colors such as orange and kind of
adds layers to the photo

Digital Photography
“The Hills are Alive 2”

This is the last photo from Austria. There is

a similar landscape in this photo as the
other two. Which contrast these photos are
the bright pastels from the bus and the
pink tower in the distance. All of the colors
complement each other very well.

Digital Photography

I took this photo from a boat in the Thames

River in London. The different hues of blues
in this photo complement each other very
well. The dark blue in the river, the sky blue
in the sky and the aqua blue in the bridge.

Digital Photography

This is a photo taken of me in a neighborhood that I

grew up in. It is a historically black neighborhood in
Atlanta. It is the home to MLK and Ebenezer Baptist
church, however in recent years it's been heavily
gentrifted and has forced out many of the residents
that has lived her for years. I stood proudly in one of
the most gentrified buildings in my city to represent
not only me but my community message that “ we
are not going anywhere”. I used birds as symbolism
of resilience and hope. I took inspiration from
Gordon Parks in terms of the urban landscape and
symmetry. I took inspiration from both artists in
terms of lighting and highlighting certain aspects of
of the background.

Digital Photography

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