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Specific volume & pressure - Lecture 3

• Today’s Objectives:
Students will be able to:
In-Class Activities:
• Specific volume • Applications
• Specific gravity • Examples
• Density and mass
Time of study: 15 hours
• Pressure 2 hours classes
• Pressure measuring devices 2 hours tutorials
• Conversion factors in pressure 11 hours study time
Properties of fluids
• Property: Any characteristic of a
• Properties are considered to be
either intensive or extensive.
• Intensive properties: Those that
are independent of the mass of a
system, such as temperature,
pressure, and density.
• Extensive properties: Those
whose values depend on the
size—or extent—of the system.
Criterion to differentiate intensive
. and
extensive properties. 10
Density, mass & volume
Density is the ratio of mass and volume = mass/volume
Mass is not how larger or heavy a body is
Weight = (mass)(gravity)

Mass is the amount of inertia. Inertia is the resistance to change

Volume is just a space occupied. L x B x W
Density is a great thermodynamic property used to compare
Specific volume
The specific volume v is defined as the reciprocal of the density,
It is the volume per unit mass.

Like density, specific volume is an intensive property and may

vary from point to point.

SI units for density and specific volume are kg/m3 and m3/kg

However, they are also often expressed, respectively, as g/cm3

and cm3/g
Density and specific gravity
Density Specific gravity: The ratio of the
density of a substance to the density of
some standard substance at a specified
Specific temperature (usually water at 4°C).
Specific weight: The
weight of a unit volume of
a substance.

Density is mass per

unit volume; specific
volume is volume
per unit mass. 11 5
Example 1
A certain gas weighs 16.0 N/m at a certain temperature and
pressure. What are the values of its density, specific volume, and
specific gravity relative to air weighing 12.0 N/m3
Example 2
If the specific gravity of petrol is 0.70.Calculate its Density,
Specific Volume and Specific Weight.
Specific gravity = s = 0.70
1. Density of Liquid, ρ = s x density of water
= 0.70x1000
= 700 kg/m
2. Specific Volume = 1/ ρ
● = 1/700
● = 1.43 x 10-3
3. Specific Weight, = 700x9.81 = 6867 N/m 3
Mass and molar Mass
The amount of a substance can be given on a molar basis in
terms of the kilomole (kmol) or the pound mole (lbmol), as
In either case,

The number of kilomoles of a substance, n, is

obtained by dividing the mass, m, in kilograms
by the molecular weight, M, in kg/kmol.
Pressure I
The fluid on one side of the area exerts a compressive
force on it that is normal to the area, Fnormal. An equal
but oppositely directed force is exerted on the area by the
fluid on the other side. For a fluid at rest, no other forces
than these act on the area.
The pressure p at the specified point is defined as the limit

where A is the area at the “point”

in the same limiting sense as used
in the definition of density.
Pascal law
Pascal also knew that the force
applied by a fluid is proportional
to the surface area
Pressure units
The SI unit of pressure and stress is the pascal.

However, in this text it is convenient

to work with multiples of the pascal:
the kPa, the bar, and the MPa.
Although atmospheric pressure varies with location on the
earth, a standard reference value can be defined and used to
express other pressures.
Pressure units
Pressure units

The pressure units kgf/cm2 and lbf/in2 are also denoted

2 2
by kg/cm and lb/in , respectively,

and they are commonly used in tire gages.

Atmospheric pressure

It is the pressure in the surrounding atmosphere

The pressure exerted by air on the surrounding

If we examine the atmospheric pressure at sea level, on

average we see that the pressure is,

1.013 x 105 N/m2 = 101.3 kPa = 1 atm

Conversion factor for pressure
bar dye/cm2 Kgf/cm2 N/m2 or mmHg at mm H 2O at atm
or ata Pa 210C 210C
or torr
bar 1 106 1.01972 105 750.062 10197.2 0.986923

dyne/cm2 10-6 1 1.01972 x 10-6 0.1 750.062 x 10-6 10197.2 x 10-6 0.986923
x 10 -6

Kgf/cm 2 0.9806665 0.980665x 10 6 1 0.980665 735.559 10000 0.967838

N/m2 10-5 10 10.1972 x 10-6 1 750.062 x 10-5 10197.2 x 10-5 0.986923x 10 -5

mmHg 1.333233 1.333233x 10 3 1.3595 x 10-3 1.333233 1 13.5951 1.31578 x 10-3

at 21 0C x 10 -3
mm H 2O 98.0665 98.0665 10-4 9.80665 0.0773556 1 96.7838 x 10-6
at 21 0C x 10 -6
atm 1.0135 1.01325 x 106 1.03323 1.013323 760 103523 1
x 10 -6
Absolute, gage, and vacuum pressures
Actual pressure & absolute pressure
The actual pressure at a Most pressure-measuring
given position is called the devices, however, are
absolute pressure, and it is calibrated to read zero in the
measured relative to atmosphere
absolute vacuum (i.e., (Fig.), and so they indicate
absolute zero pressure). the difference between the
absolute pressure and the
local atmospheric pressure.

This difference is called

the gage pressure.
Pressure Definitions
Pressures below atmospheric pressure are called vacuum
pressures and are measured by vacuum gages that indicate
the difference between the atmospheric pressure and the
absolute pressure.

Absolute, gage, and vacuum pressures are all positive

quantities and are related to each other by
Pressure measurement - Manometer
The manometer shown in Fig. has one
end open to the atmosphere and the
other attached to a closed vessel
containing a gas at uniform pressure.
The difference between the gas
pressure and that of the atmosphere is
Manometers Simple Example:

P = γ x h + PO
Find the pressure at point A
in this open u-tube
monometer with an
atmospheric pressure Po

PD = g W x hE-D + Po
Pc = P D

PB = PC - g Hg x hC-B
PA = P B
Closed end manometer

• PC = PA + ρA gh1
• PD = PB + ρBgh2 + ρmgh
But PC = PD, hence,
• PA + ρAgh1 = PB + ρBgh2 + ρmgh

PA – PB = PBgh2 + ρmgh – ρ Agh1

Inverted U – tube manometer
• PA = ρ A gh1 + ρ mgh + PC
• PB = ρ Bgh2 + P D
• Since P C = PD
PA – PB = ρ Agh1 + ρ mgh – ρ Bgh2 (1)
• If the top of the tube is filled with air
PA – PB = ρ Agh1 – ρ Bgh2 (2)
• If fluids in A and B are the same
PA – PB = pg(h1 – h2) + ρmgh (3)
• Combining conditions for Eqs. (2) and (3):
PA – PB = pg(h1 – h2) (4)
Manometers - measure change in pressure
Rules of thumb:
▪ When evaluating, start from the known
pressure end and work towards the
unknown end
▪ At equal elevations, pressure is constant
in the SAME fluid
▪ When moving down monometer,
pressure increases
▪ When moving up a monometer, pressure
▪ Only include atmospheric pressure on
open ends
Example 5
The air pressure in a tank is measured by a oil manometer
with specific gravity of 850kg/m as shown. Determine the
absolute pressure in the tank.
The air pressure in a tank is
measured by an oil manometer.
For a given oil-level difference
between the two columns, the
absolute pressure in the tank is
to be determined.
Example 5..Solution continues
Properties The density of oil is given to be ρ = 850 kg/m3.
Analysis The absolute pressure in the tank is determined from
Example 6 The water in a tank is pressurized by air, and the
pressure is measured by a multifluid manometer as
shown in Fig. The tank is located on a mountain at an
altitude of 1400 m where the atmospheric pressure is
85.6 kPa.

Determine the air pressure in the tank ifh 0.1 m,h

1 2

0.2 m, andh 0.35 m.


Take the densities of water, oil, and mercury to be

1000 kg/m , 850 kg/m , and 13,600 kg/m , respectively.
3 3 3
SOLUTION The pressure in a pressurized water tank is
measured by a
multifluid manometer. The air pressure in the tank is to be
Assumption The air pressure in the tank is uniform (i.e., its
variation with elevation
is negligible due to its low density), and thus we can
determine the pressure
at the air–water interface.
Analysis Starting with the pressure at point 1 at the
air–water interface, and
moving along the tube by adding or subtracting the rgh terms
until we reach point 2, and setting the result equal toP since

the tube is open to the atmosphere

Discussion Note that jumping horizontally from one tube to the next and realizing
that pressure remains the same in the same fluid simplifies the analysis
Example 7
A hydraulic lift is used to lift a weight of 2500kg as shown in
Fig. Determine the diameter of the piston on which the
weight to be placed
Example 7…Solution I
A hydraulic lift is used to lift a
weight. The diameter of the
piston on which the weight to
be placed is to be determined .

Assumptions 1 The cylinders Analysis Noting that

of the lift are vertical. 2 There pressure is force per unit
are no leaks. 3 Atmospheric area, the pressure on the
pressure act on both sides, smaller piston is
and thus it can be disregarded. determined from
Example 7…Solution I
Example 8
The pressure in a compressed air storage tank is 1200 kPa.
What is the tank’s pressure in
(a) KN and m units (b) Kg, m and s units (c)Kg, km, and s units

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